The order appealed from has determined that the respondent is entitled to an aw'ard made to the appellant, by commissioners of appraisal appointed pursuant to chapter 490 of the Laws of 1883, for land taken for the purposes of the aqueduct constructed to supply the city of New York with water. The award was made in a report dated August 18, 1891, and was confirmed by an order of the supreme court dated October 24, 1891. The land taken, was a part of a farm owned, at the time of the appointment of the commissioners, by Nathan L. Culver, and upon which the petitioner held a mortgage. The statute referred to vested the title to the land proposed to be acquired for the aqueduct in the city, upon the filing of the oath of the commissioners of appraisal. The oath was filed in October, 1884, and shortly thereafter Culver conveyed the farm to the petitioner. Both parties filed claims before the commission, and appeared before them by counsel. In 1884 Culver died. The commission assessed the value of the land taken and all damages sustained at the sum of $1,444, and awarded $100 to Culver, and the balance to the petitioner.
The petition states that the city of New York, having been forbidden paying said award to the petitioner, paid it to the Mercantile Trust Company. The petitioner thereupon moved at special term for an order directing the trust company to pay said award to him. This motion was opposed by the respondent, who is Culver’s administratrix, and the court determined that she was entitled to have the whole award paid to her. Without expressing any opinion upon the merits of the controversy, we are of the opinion that the order confirming the commissioners’ report is conclusive upon the rights of the parties, and that the remedy of the respondent, if she felt aggrieved by the report of the commissioners, was to appeal from the order confirming it, and that while such order stands unreversed no inquiry can be made collaterally into the respective rights of the parties. The statute referred to requires the commissioners of appraisal to make a report containing a description of the real estate taken, and a statement of the sum determined upon by them as compensation to be made by the city to the owner or persons entitled to or interested in each parcel taken, and a statement of the respective owners or persons entitled thereto. Section 12. The counsel for the city, or any person interested in the proceeding, was authorized to move for the confirmation of said report, and to give notice therefor. Section 14. Upon confirming the report, the court was required to direct to whom the