"(~~ HIWill'li!~tkA"vl. ~- . ·•'liM¥ o · - II -1/IJR£: IlEA~AI/%· \ ~ ~' l . .· .. L.· ... ' ._.,. j . . . ....... - '•' ... ::.... ..;:. ...... ':..;..·., ~- : ;_..,,. ....... •: • • • ••· ' ·~1. ' . . . :.~---·.... • ·' ... ',_,. ··,·· ., . . ': _.. _ . . ~.. ' : .. ·. ' .... . - -:.:_;. ;~J: ~ ".: ·~ r-=-:. ····-· . ~· ~ . w ··.,;·'"·: .. . ·. .: ' . ' . ~ ·. . . ·.. · . . ·' ' •.. . .. - ; .. ' . \ ' l . . . . .. ,• r , I ' .r. s'~trri~Y;l!iic£r.18iRi:1~~of:47f ;;~~~~;i~~?, D.. ' . . ~~~t~;~~)f&i~i . . EDITOR'S' NOTE'Several online"',;:·· •... ·>eaq~~~:ptllii;¥pQ)tbc~~X~;·~~;:;:.~": ·· .·: ·F,C!~¢,,Bq9~PM%9f.!rJ€J[!.t~,q;qp ,.~ . · Joe:~M~\;lHowaridl·'>.lvf! ~\Ji.:k ·.. C!JJ?urstjay ~~QIY r~g~fpi~g tQ,e,;;~, '. EEE~;so¥Rv,·.FOR TRtGo~}~~t ·:disrnissa(tp_st 'i(lq~thof driiing;,;·;· ~rflft.f,o.1,FfRE~tEo~:8 ~R:!t~fi1:~}~)1 ,, wn(t~:rritqxic~t~ft..charge~/i{~~(if~;.' WAS BER':8RIVER~LICENSE'..~:~· ,, ··iri)uly. again?t:Y.3(h·f;ourt;Qf ~;, ·, ;,·: .ves~enia.'!VIorodayri~~·,q~ •.. .s.~t~~~;~,e~~~~f~1~k~~:i~~c:;ri ;· ·: ,' 1· • ,:, \ :-~··:...;' :._.•'i • -1 :. - :-~·:.' / : • : • ,J!;ilti.J .HAVE·:GOT:·TOBEi'iJOKING!!!!;::.'; ~1;;~::~:::~::,::: . !·: ...average •')seconcj: class1:r0i.:r:!,i'{. • ...·~ ,:citiz~D .'ari~rere'from "::1i\;;,5f!f. . '1~~·years:to plea~bargair:l :GrtC [I• ' l ' ·,- ' t.• I ' '. [, • . · , ~. , r '1'·' ,or.,even.have a.tnal.whethert-~1 :r;: 'gJjjty. or:;innoceht:t.¢orruptiori; \. ' : .~~'~,S;i_, ~~~'J~g1r,ill,:,~~t. ~::l, ·voTEiher:oufof'office '!r.z~~.' :~: ".iif .i~;~liyeJr~~8i ~ell: J~~vo'ritism)~r: ii~lllt:: _:· { .. ~has'mad!'!.tts\way mto.· P.e>lit[cs' 1 · !i)·:and,·:rn?nei,sure, dcie~)a,:~frr!,b'/ . ·',J1• q~lvott.·f:l.~!,?.t~f:tal,kingj\11 ·ctf:irt:·: I : · • .wl'll~h\J)n;J~~u~e 1 ,has;alway?~1:·r: , .._.·, beerii?fM~d,~s;:fa[;b"· '8qN.~$~~~~~~(~J~~·R ~t~Jf~t 1 . h~pf?en~d lf.slle·woy.ld ()f.:;·... . :'·::,, :\·' .> ,· .·., .,.' Jose.Guzmam T~ils g1ves .. 1ssueto hrt close to horne ·. JUSTICEik(,''''"'.,.,.,.,W:}~"'''f' ~~:Gi&H~~~~';t: is to conduct it fairly across ;,~i~;~::e~~~t:rer~~r~~\'~~~~~,;~~"~!!~~' .;'llti~f/~~~ttr~Jl~\)' 'tJb%":!.'',~ ''e~ou~ the board. What a disgrace. Tl'le worst part of all of this ~ eay is is the "honomble " Longoria won't llave tile integrity to _.,,, ·' step down, Just another day ·.<~ in Hidalgo County.... ~--. \. '•ty;_;:) -~~.: . :1 ' ' . ·:l .- ' ' ... :'.. . 6A The Monitor, www.themonitor.com .1 WEDNESDAY;:;DJ;C~IVIBE~t10,';2«l1f& · a , .. . · ·· · ~ . .: : ·. ·. ·I _: •• • • • --:: ~··,_ ~r-~-.::_..... : ; -:// ;· .. _.,: .., _. .~--.- -and media coverage ofthe said he assumed the initial But Rodriguez said the hundreds of ~-- . lot ofy6ting folks and pfbf~s~ : LONGORIA c~se. And he. said the ~is~ file McAllen police. sent his · sruneprocessl~slllts''iri ~l1n~;~\ D~s ;; ~- _t~ii~}i!~'~ ' 1 1 ~::~~~~on~~:~a~;~~-;~of.tli~:&fili.e,::, From Page. IA. tnct attorney was throwmg prosecutors· contamed all •· dr~ds of other. DWI pros~.·.r. The·:· ·i·,unfair". . .. . . . .. . ;,(;,.\~onsideration;:>I:ye'tlad hw;H I Hidalgo County District blame at his department to the evidence. ' ' ecutions every year, and part of this is li;:dtl§ti6~i~1~~~:~;J. :. areds;ofpeople 'on pre-trial Attorney Rene Guerra said distract fr_om Guerra's o~ · "Wl1a~ · ~e heU ·good_.is jt:, · ·911err~·~~, ~~i~~fof.te}?,_~~-~~? that • the; sys"Al'£8'6g~'d~}j!~1N . diversioh.i\;~·~·!;:,t';j· :1(_:~/:>.:; •;:~r · the prosecution of 13th transgr7ss10n.- affordmg to ha':e It at,the PD,~w,h~n! ;i,Jnv~stigatiqn~~er,e,}n~<~~Wlo tem-.• ~worked·,~if'~M:•sq~'f/If~i ·. D;yelecq ~c~dOni,Rod~I~:: J 1 Court of Ap- Longona special treatment. ,need ~t at th. e: C04rth. 01.1~e?. o. bsc;ure ,th.e .truth.'.'::_~_-.~··:i~J:f.}~;.:;i; .to pr. osecute: ~~~ty\'t~_.··gt_. :~il··.,?~~l~-.;l gu. e.z; .who Will. ·be :-swo_ rn_ I.n · r. peals Justice "It's somebody th~t kno~s :he said. ·~o~d ;:r ·.· a~~st the- : · · ..,11~:~-~ tiymg ';:t.9 ~_jiu~t{~Y9~ them · so_me- · ~~itf~;g~~~~;~ )Jan,,-J,::·s!Ud: W.hile_.,I\e;:\V~uld .· Nora Longo- so_mebody," the police ~l~Ief lady? _TJ;l~n·•:~t's:~n()~··my re,-::;._.::.d~~; ~-._pathw~_r't.h~!}~;_:il how·-· ... did~'t ,{!§11;;';.,,"<.'1\i_·.~l ;have:han.dled,;the ca~~diffe!~_; .' ria would've said. "He made a decision sponsi~ility.J assufiled_,t}iat:i•,•·Stl;!Pl~·p~th\Vay,;:·:~?-~P~ez work, for,.this ~1- .,:\.. ~~~ ~~ntly,.~e~~o)volll~'vepro?"' j crumbled based ?n that. ~d _when ·the p_olice departm~nts w~re · sai?: The_q~_es~oH'~s~,~~~;~Jf .case. ' , · ! ... , .:.~f~~~.- . Arr~ ~a?ly: n;~oiJI!ll~I;J-g~~ ;p~~~.tn~ · without the . c~ught m the public ~Iscus- ,.sending us all ~7,';Ideo. And . w~,_have lip~9,r~~~;., perl]~P,~. ·. ; .If ;P,r9s~cu; · [hft:~!f*:!;~-t~I~ff~l . rQiveJ;~Ic;>Ik !l;·,:~:·: .. ;f.!;t~ ,i:J:'·'·; l~ / police:. dash- swn of that, he's trymg to T find out' that ll1'1\1cAllen, . th9usand~~·:ofpeople·sery].I:lg· tors :·ha~ ~P-J~B~cFtfli'r~tt~ :,~·::Jjl;;would· pave ,Lm(ld~ ~'!Ire · board camera shift the bla~e." ~ec(}.use ··it takesJinfopna- Dvyi':¥~,~~eiic:.~s ~in ·.1-Pq,fi:I~o · · ces~:,. to ·that' ~~P:~tm:~~~fSJ~l ;~at regardle,s~sWh\lh(ltl:m. not),,;}las; wor.~~~!;:fgrtrr~fl}.};~? likely .. ?ave :¥il1'' . ,,~ _,.~%~-· ,.J~thi_I}ki(~_llmR?~t~t that:~e forward to his . the police statiOn. tha~ _did !o · go~ng do ,that. <,: •?i .' i .• , ·t·):'~,:>!lotfQ.f,JA:i~ f~~~l~Jt~J}~T:?~!'l · be,;n Similar. Ui'i_ /'~\·! ·;i~~ . have :cornl)lumc~tiO?L:~th. office. He rec- pot ~how Longor~a. VISI?ly .· ...J h~ye:;it,~tr~n.~,f'I.~~g;;_~~;:·;,~·.'.'.c~o.\1,~;~Bf,t~}t?f!~&\t%P:~~}p ..:.., Haq. ··~ 1 ;'!:&~~";: · ,.; ./;~) .. Ja~·· eilfpr<;:em(;!nt -i~Q,iiJ:lake · ommended mtmacated, and did notln- mentWith Rodnguez;":Guer~; :Aiont ofyou~mthetpress;•,an(l. ;.~een; :-:,.the ~~~Jl~f~riij~ sure;,,that,:,prose~utors ·have./ Countv Comt elude in the case file the ra continued. "Rodriguez , you guys can't seem to figure .· othe(·. 'videpf ,:;~;,·1·::~:».) :{if, ;.~the e\jd~flc;:·e,:',he'said.':~:\.?.' · at· Law No. more incriminating dash thinks that it is my job to go . it out. , · · · .:r'"": ,.,, · and,,a~sessed·:~e.·ivj,deotiltid .:\r,WhiJe ,-,:,yde<;iding ~-!, 1 ·.\.\TpO'· 8! Judge Ro- cam video that showed her through his police depart- "The suggestion by going where.the vid~()~ was';t~~n; ;sllo\IJdjec;:eiv~JPre~trial:.~di~ .. lando Cantu stumbling during a field so- ment looking for evidence of . down this path,is that soniec · in. the· bigger sche¢(;!iiJh~~ ;VersiQriJ)S!ilsubjective, •. ;:R.i~ · dismiss the case. briety test While accepting recrimination of any defen- · thing was· different this time.. I would've,.Pl1t her,:(i,n;~(;pi~~ ·· ,__qaido:Rq~rigue~;and Guerra ·· McAllen .Police Chief Vic- his office had oversight over dant he arrests. I'm sorry, but There's no ,change ·in pro- trial diversion, ~~prQ~aJ1l;~'. .. -)!) ..'!. 'r. •\-:Hw :, ;.-·''--ni }r\~b! .' · tor Rodriguez blasted Guerra the prosecution, Guerra that's not my job." ce~ses," he added. :;we do Gu~rra sai-g~~s·t-~,.- ~ ~ 'll• aJ c :E::'-B ..Q -- ~~: Cl) :. ~;'!\ ;. :}J!~ c:,~ ~ "'~- aJ aJ> 1--':.C: .aJ " .;3. ;a ....: ··,:· "' o ·- u' '' 'ro ·'en]"C;·Ji •... , .-,,i- ~E] ~ "f~ £ ~ -~~ .!:> ~ 5 :S• ~'.§ *~ [ .·~s1j'" §:.5 · ~--g,,s ~- ~ o :! .C': •''ll >- • 'o 8 ""-~ ~ il- c: -~- ro"':::i··.::·o-s "8] ~ ~" •.~ ~~ ~ ~ 11 ~,aS h..S -a::~:!!> ia';IL~~ 'ii hE.1f~~·~til~'· --- , ro· ._ -.- •· ...... o o o ;::1 ..Q ;;:> 'til u '·'·''"' ..... -<;::; > · "" ; : aJ ro--o B·' -,£1 ''1';1!'' '0:! " "' • ~ , • • • , 1;; •,_, 1;; C .j;; ,;o '0 .E · -" 1;1 lJ JJ <:- ~ S ·., _. ll "'1;1 " ~ ·• ·o ;i'! ;: Ji> 1f. ~ "'- -~.:; ~ ~-:., ·~ :<' ~ l'!'.~ :;:• ''E." -iii .g_ >(.gt&,,._~J·.~ ~ g; "§] 0 B § :-> 'ij ~ ~ :a-~ ·ci'f ~• ~ ~ -i'l."' 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'"I ~t~1{? i~~:~_~>:~:.::\~.:}';~:~H\\';l,:!·~:'';;,-;~·· I/ :-~:,_ 14-50061 Reynaldo Flores v. San Antonio Police Department, et al General Docket United States Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals Docket#: 14-50061 Docketed: 01/23/2014 Nature of Suit: 3550 Prisoner- Civil Rights Termed: I 0/29/2014 Reynaldo Flores v. San Antonio Police Department, et al Appeal From: Western District of Texas, San Antonio Fee Status: IFP pending 5CCA Case Type Information: 1) Prisoner w/ out Counsel 2) State 3) Civil Rights Originating Court Information: District: 0542-5 : 5·13-CY-2 Origin~lting Judge: Samuel Fred Biery, Jr., Chief Judge Date Filed: 01/02/2013 Date NOA Filed: Date Rec'd COA: 01/17/2014 01/17/2014 Prior Cases: None Current Cases: None Panel Assignment: Not available Docket as of 02/20/15 14:33:25 page 1 of 5 14-50061 Reynaldo Flores v. San Antonio Police Department, et al REYNALDo'FLORES (State Prisoner: #1912036, #961543, Reynaldo Flores W-02T) [NTC ProSe] Plaintiff- Appellant CID Cotulla Transfer Facility 610 FM 624 Cotulla, TX 78014-0000 V. SAN ANTONIO POLICE DEPARTMENT Defendant - Appellee BEXAR COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S OFFICE Defendant - Appellee BEXAR COUNTY ADULT DETENTION CENTER Defendant- Appellee Docket as of 02/20/15 14:33:25 page 2 of 5 14-50061 Reynaldo Flores v. San Antonio Police Department, et al 01/23/2014 i) PRISONER CASE WITHOUT COUNSEL docketed. NOA filed by Appellant Mr. Reynaldo Flores [14-50061] (NFD) 01/29/2014 ~ INITIAL CASE CHECK by Attorney Advisor complete, Action: Review after Fee Issue is Resolved (PLRA case). [7555830-2] Initial AA Check Due satisfied .. Awaiting District Court Action deadline due on 02/28/2014. (Motion for IFP pending in d ct) [14-50061] (NFD) 02/06/2014 ~ DOCUMENT RECEIVED- NO ACTION TAKEN. No action will be taken at this time on the motion for preparation and designation of the record because it is premature as the appeal is under initial jurisdicational review. [ 14-50061] (TMR) 03/15/2014 DISTRICT COURT NOTICE- IFP pending for Appellant Mr. Reynaldo Flores. Awaiting District Court Action deadline updated to 03/28/2014 [14-50061] (MCS) 04/21/2014 DISTRICT COURT NOTICE- IFP pending for Appellant Mr. Reynaldo Flores. Awaiting District Court Action deadline updated to 04/28/2014 [14-50061] (MCS) 05/06/2014 00 DISTRICT COURT ORDER of05/0l/2014 denying IFP for Appellant Mr. Reynaldo Flores because appeal is not taken in good faith- fee assessment required- BAUGH case. Awaiting District Court Action deadline satisfied. Fee due on 06/05/2014 for Appellant Reynaldo Flores [ 14-50061] (MCS) 05/13/2014 00 DISTRICT COURT ORDER of05/12/2014 denying IFP for Appellant Mr. Reynaldo Flores because appeal is not taken in good faith- fee assessed- BAUGH case. [14-50061] (MCS) 05/23/2014 ~ - MOTION filed by Appellant Mr. Reynaldo Flores to proceed in forma pauperis in accordance with the Prison Litigation Reform Act (PLRA) [7643319-2] Fee deadline canceled, [14-50061] (TMR) 05/23/2014 BRIEF IN SUPPORT filed by Appellant Mr. Reynaldo Flores in support of motion to proceed IFP in accordance with PLRA [7643319-2]. [7643321-1] [14-50061] (Incorporated in IFP motion) (TMR) 06/04/2014 00 DOCUMENT RECEIVED- NO ACTION TAKEN. No action will be taken at this time on the letter regarding the IFP motion received from Appellant Mr. Reynaldo Flores because the court is still undergoing initial jurisdictional review. [14-50061] (TMR) 06/06/2014 ~ DOCUMENT RECEIVED- NO ACTION TAKEN. No action will be taken at this time on the Jetter of 6/3/14 received from Appellant Mr. Reynaldo Flores because the appeal is undergoing initial jurisdictional review. [14-50061] (TMR) 06118/2014 ~ DOCUMENT RECEIVED -NO ACTION TAKEN. No action will be taken at this time on the letter of 6/13/14 received from Appellant Mr. Reynaldo Flores because we are unable to determine the relief appellant is seeking. All correspondence to the court should be in English. [14-50061] (MRW) 07/21/2014. 00 DOCUMENT RECEIVED- NO ACTION TAKEN. No action will be taken at this time on the emergency motion received from Appellant Mr. Reynaldo Flores because the appeal is undergoing initial jurisdictional review. [14-50061] (TMR) 10/13/2014 AFFIDAVIT OF FINANCIAL STATUS filed by Appellant Mr. Reynaldo Flores in support of the motion to proceed IFP in accordance with PLRA filed by Appellant Mr. Reynaldo Flores in 14-50061 [7643319-2]. [14-50061] (ADB) 10/29/2014 ~ COURT ORDER dismissing appeal for lack of jurisdiction [7763850-2]; denying as moot the motion to proceed IFP in accordance with PLRA filed by Appellant Mr. Reynaldo Flores. (IN DETAIL) [7643319-2]. Judge: CH, Judge: JEG, Judge: SAH [14-50061] (NFD) 11/12/2014 ~ "Objection to Mandate,etc" Treated as a MOTION filed by Appellant Mr. Reynaldo Flores for reconsideration of the 10/29/2014 court order to dismiss appeal for lack of jurisdiction [7763850-2], denying motion to proceed IFP in accordance with PLRA filed by Appellant Mr. Reynaldo Flores in 14-50061 [7643319-2] [7784830-2]. Date of service: 11/07/2014 [14-50061] (NFD) Docket as of 02/20/15 14:33:25 page 4 of 5 14-50061 Reynaldo Flores v. San Antonio Police Department, et al 11/28/2014 00 Motion to Amend Judgment TREATED as a MEMO IN SUPPORT of motion for reconsideration [7784830-2] filed by Appellant Mr. Reynaldo Flores. [ 14-50061] (SEP) 11/28/2014 ~ DOCUMENT RECEIVED- NO ACTION TAKEN. No action will be taken at this time on the "manifesto" received from Appellant Mr. Reynaldo Flores because the case is dismissed. A motion for reconsideration is currently pending with the court. Additionally, the motion to amend judgment has been filed as a memo in support of the motion for reconsideration and forwarded to the panel. [14-50061] (SEP) 12/10/2014 ~ COURT ORDER denying motion for reconsideration filed by Appellant Mr. Reynaldo Flores. (IN DETAIL) [7784830-2] Judge(s): CH, JEG and SAH. [14-50061] (NFD) Docket as of 02/20/15 14:33:25 page 5 of 5 .. ·, ~:f 10 dead;after .. ] :nonitor.com 1THUR$DAY, JANUARY ;15, 2o;s_. r)iiSoir buS' skidS tiff ·•. l ·.·.:·~-to rest-~n it~slde, .I1ext to ;tl~e. .-: 'j h high,\4iay/ i&:.tratil! ··,.1 sus::··- . . ·•. . ·_ •. railro~4 tracks, trumplepWiih·: From-Page_JA·· ··' )--~ :, ", · · . ·h~rydamage to its front and: ; j ~y· sdsv .:B~ANEY~-ANti DAVID W~~·REN•(::·· .·:- · J t'~~-~~-~P~.'t~~~: p~~.~,J:!r .{:;~~~I~, -.:;;;i~~F 1:: :,. :..-::;] h~t~.e cuffed . _wfiod~~~~ ~:-~~~~rc~~~~il~~~:.~r-~~; .; I . offi~.. . The· Unjc;u}:Pa~ifi'¢. fre_ight.· ·,. :'I ODESSA~ Apri,sori bu~. sldpctictoff:·: .. ;,1 Some Qfth~ip were: trai.U. _With' _f~~t IOCQmotiv~~~ .•.._, · the'bus.;lfter it 'and 58 c~~ c!ime~ to a stop.: cu1iry texas highw~y; '51~9 .?o~\~;e¥\.·~ ~:: . j banKinent -and colhded>. w1th a- p~ssmg : .·· . \ · ·s'aid Tro_6p_er soo~ ~fter: No~~ .?f-:1~~. cars., ~rei~ht[ iy~~~}-r~~ij~~?~r;~':ki\ling~·e_i_~~r·; ·.. : · of the Texas · derruled, bll:t two contaJP.-ers, · .at the' rear. Of th'e'train-were·, ·. l 1 -· · ·' ·-1 ihl·;,_·,; ... t<>hr-. mmates and two correctiOns officerS/ill:'.· clu~i'ig the b. us 'driyer,-~uth~riti~s silld~ ;: . damaged,· s~!:f)~v1ark p~0s):·a· · ·! railroad SpOkesman:·'' .· .._· ..• ·:· . ·' overpass. oii ;~Ii,~ersta~e 29 \was I j . iCeWeqhesd.ay· . · . . . .Tne~co'ntainers ~e:r~ carry- ·. I ing hundreds · ·~· 'of parcels R. . 6k.a . . .g_ ·-·t ! ·.l . ,j ., . I . l ., . I I ... . I .! I II \C. ' ~- I ·'' .. .... ~· -~·.: ~ -· ...... · .\ ....... .
Flores, Reynaldo
Combined Opinion