The opinion of the court was delivered fay'
plaintiff is riot compelled to elect between actions that are consistent with each other. Separate actions against a number who are severally liable for the. same thing, or against the same defendant on 'distinct securities for the same debt or duty, are consistent, being*concurrent remedies. Trespass' is,'in its na-"-, ture, joint and several; and in separate actions against joint tres- ] passers, being consistent with' each other, nothing :bút actual satis- I faction hy one will discharge the rest. So far the law is clear. / Here, then, the plaintiff had impleaded six jointly, and obtained -judgment, but without actual satisfaction, against two; and he now brings indebitatus assumpsit against a seventh for the price obtained for the goods which were the subject of the trespass.- The'. point.of defence mainly relied on, is that the plaintiff’s property in '< the goods, was divested by the former recovery; and consequently, ) that he cannot maintain an action founded exclusively on- property ^ in the goods, or the. price of them. It is not easy to see how this 4 is to be answered. It will not do to say that the present, though differing in form, is in substance an action to recover satisfaction for a trespass, and consequently,-that the form is immaterial.. There-, is, in fact, a- substantial difference. The cause .of action in trespass and in assumpsit,-is as distinct in substance, as the actions are different in form. Trespass lies only for an injury to the possession; and y damages are recoverable for the talcing, which is the gist of the action, separately from the value of the goods, the asportation béing a circumstance merely of aggravation. Assumpsit lies for money received as the price of the goods, to the plaintiff’s use, the detention of which, is the gist of the action, the trespass being waived, and not entering at all into the estimate of the damages; it being well settled, that nothing is recoverable beyond what was actually received. If thereowere no difference as to substance, and the form
Judgment affirmed, '