The libellant and his wife are natives of England, where they were married in 1874, and where several children were born to them. The libellant, being a skilful mechanic, came to America “ to better his condition in life ” in 1891, and he has remained here ever since. His wife refused to accompany him, and he has not seen her since their separation. Some of their children have joined him here. He testified that, on two occasions after his arrival in America, he sent her sums of money sufficient to defray the expense of bringing her and the children who were then with her to America, in a comfortable and respectable manner. Once she kept the money but refused to come, and on the other occasion she refused to come, and re tur lied a portion of the money. There is an averment in the libel that the libellant has continuously resided in this Commonwealth for the last five years, and we infer from the report that there is no question on this part of the case. On these facts the libellant asked for a decree of divorce nisi for desertion; but the judge declined to order a decree, and ruled that the libellee, in thus refusing to follow her husband to this country, was not guilty of desertion, and reported the case to this court. If the ruling was wrong and the evidence warrants it a decree nisi for desertion is to be entered.
If the libellee was guilty of desertion, there is no question as to the jurisdiction of the court. Jurisdiction depends upon the situs of the libellant, and not upon the place of the marriage, or of the commission of the offence against the marital relation. Under our statute, “ If the libellant has lived in the Commonwealth for five years last preceding the filing of the libel, . . . a divorce may be decreed for any cause allowed by law, whether it occurred in this Commonwealth or elsewhere, unless it appears that the libellant has removed into this Commonwealth for the purpose of obtaining a divorce.” R. L. c. 152, § 5. If, therefore, the evidence warrants a finding of utter desertion by the libellee, whether it occurred in England or in America, and if it continued for three consecutive years next prior to the filing of the libel, a divorce should be granted. R. L. c. 152, § 1.
There is nothing in the present case to show a legal excuse for the wife’s refusal. There was nothing very difficult in the distance, or in the time required for the journey, or in the discomfort attending it. The removal from the old home to the new one would have involved no change of race or language in
In our opinion the evidence would warrant a finding that, without other excuse than her disinclination to leave her native land, she wilfully refused to accompany her husband to America when his interests and those of his family required such a change of domicil, and that she persisted in this refusal. This would justify a finding of utter desertion on her part.
The alleged desertion referred to in Bishop v. Bishop, 30 Penn. St. 412, occurred nearly fifty years ago, when conditions were very different from those at present, and the decision was made to depend upon a question of jurisdiction under the statutes of Pennsylvania.
Decree for the libellant,