Goodnight, Donald Wayne

                                       C.. A-USE
                                      8'1-03--DO~ 8lo-C..R~ ~

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                                                                              C.o\A..f'.+ o .Q f'J\Q;;~e.r~
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ItuRE: boul.\-\!_lJ~y·u~ ~d6U13~+

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                   5s:e1eN 3~~ ( E)<.~\·brt \'/J.."(5EN.J*: +- Q.c_Pr)

       To \ot. .\; \~ wl\~ c__\£,~ Bp.,c\n~u-P. (b~J\~~C\1 ~&~lie__\<.

         ~ ·~Q.\ ~-;)~\c:.~~\ ~t:s~,e:\ e_ov.-~ o~ \\J\D~~\Me{'y C!.n~
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         P.Dt Box \~3'0'2) ~~-( io\ S+A-\ioN, J\-u..s"''M ~&:NS, -??r:f\\s
                      'G~ ' \EXf\'5 , f.\~\1 f\.\ T ~x~S- \)\0,-so N.
 Do~~~w~~~ e:,~~\t&-
*s.3\~ \o:S \:t\A\-~r .

L\~r\<, B~~fr\{'P\ C:::,\~~1\( ~Ml~
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   LN c~~-\r-~ to ru:.\~115 ~.wo\l+sJ ~5~~~ ~p,-s W~o\\\J ~A\\~ +-o
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    f~.r4\~~\\3 ~e. Pru ~s\01\-tr-:Y\ !+N..&_ CnP'Mo~ ·c.JJu.r\-c:sv o-\1 AN.\.J Wf't~U\1
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    ~-}~'8l~ ~\Lti Dd-30~~olL\ f\N~(c_c_A t\\oUAoltt),              r

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     \'Pr~t\\JJ!'<\ D-Q ~w.
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    slE_~otU (3 lc..J ~ &(E:-s~~~ ts t\M \J~o~r+~o~ o4-t~i5 ~roe~
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  R!:l~-\-E~\~(PcA~ ~\' ~) ~ ~0-~(E.~· ;~\{'~l\U&::' ~~~~~

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   t-~30'2,\ ~.Jnof\t_s ~~~hl TEXt+Sy ft~'ll \ ~clErk>
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