The question now before the court is upon the confirmation of the master’s report. No exception has been taken to the facts and detailed statements in the master’s report; and, therefore, the point is narrowed down to the inquiry, whether the conclusion drawn from these facts by the master is correct. I am of opinion, that it is, and that the report ought to be confirmed; and, as consequent thereon, that a perpetual injunction ought to be granted, prohibiting the sale of the edition of Cleveland’s Adam’s Latin Grammar in the pleadings mentioned by the defendant
The argument proceeds mainly upon this ground, that there is nothing substantially new in Mr. Gould’s notes to his edition of Adam’s Latin Grammar; and that all his notes in substance, and many of them in form, may be found in other works ante-cedently printed. That is not the true question before the court The true question is, whether these notes are to be found collected and embodied in any former single work. It is admitted, that they are not so to be found. The most, that is contended for, is, that Mr. Gould has selected his notes from very various authors, who have written at different periods, and that any other person might, by a diligent examination of the same works, have made a similar selection. It is not pretended, that Mr. Cleveland undertook or accomplished such a task by such a selection from the original authors. Indeed, it is too plain for doubt, that he has borrowed the whole of his notes directly from Mr. Gould’s work; and so literal has been his transcription, that he has incorporated the very errors thereof.
Now, certainly, the preparation and collection of these notes from these various sources, must have been a work of no small labor, and intellectual exertion. The plan, the arrangement, and the combination of these notes in the form, in which they are collectively exhibited in Gould’s Grammar, belong exclusively to this gentleman. He is, then, justly to be deemed the author of them in their actual form and combination,
There is no foundation in law for the argument, that because the same sources of information are open to all persons, and by the exercise of their own industry and talents and skill, they could, from all these sources, have produced a similar work, one party may at second hand, without any exercise of industry, talents, or skill, borrow from another all the materials, which have been accumulated and combined together by him. Take the case of a map of a county, or of a state, or an empire; it is plain, that in proportion to the accuracy of every such map, must be its similarity to, or even its identity with, every other. Now, suppose a person has bestowed his time and skill and attention, and made a large series of topographical surveys in order to perfect such a map, and has thereby produced one far excelling every existing map of the same sort. It is clear, that notwithstanding this production, he cannot supersede the right of any other person to use the same means by similar surveys and labors to accomplish the same end. But it is just as clear, that he has no right, without any such surveys and labors, to sit down and copy the whole of the map already produced by the skill and labors of the first party, and thus to rob him of all the fruit of his industry, skill, and expenditures. See Wilkins v. Aikin, 17 Ves. 424, 425; Eden, Inj. pp. 282, 283, c. 13; 2 Story, Eq. Jur. §§ 939-942. It would be a downright piracy. Neither is it of any consequence in what form the works of another author are used; whether it be by a simple re-print or by incorporating the whole or a large portion thereof in some larger work. Thus, for example, if in one of the large encyclo-paedias of the present day, the whole or a’ large portion of a scientific treatise of another author, as, for example, one of Dr. Lardner’s, or Sir John Hersehell’s, or Mrs. Somerville’s treatises, should be incorporated, it would be just as much a piracy up-' on the copyright, as if it were published in a single volume.
In some cases, indeed, it may be á very nice question, what amounts to a piracy of a work, or not. Thus, if large extracts are made therefrom in a review, it might be a question, whether those extracts were designed bonS. fide for the mere purpose of criticism, or were designed to_auRersede the' original work under the pretence of a review, by giving its substance in a fugitive form. The same difficulty may arise in relation to an abridgment of an original work. The question, in such a case, must be compounded of various considerations; whether it be a bona fide abridgment, or only an evasion by” the omission of some unimportant parts; whether it will, in its present form, prejudice or., supersede the joriginal work; whether it will be adapted to the same class of readers; and many other considerations of the same sort, which may enter as elements, in ascertaining, whether there has been a piracy, or not. Although the doctrine is often laid down in the books, that an abridgment is not a piracy of the original copyright; yet this proposition must be received with many qualifications. See 2 Story, Eq. Jur. §§ 939-942; Sweet v. Shaw (before the vice chancellor, in 1839) Eng. Jur. 1839, p. 217. In many cases, the question may naturally turn upon the point, not so much of the quantity, as of the value of the selected materials. As was significantly said on another occasion, — “Non numerantur, ponderantur.” The quintessence of a work may be piratically extract
But we are spared from any nice inquiries of this sort in the present case. The master’s report finds that the substance of all Mr. Gould’s notes are used in Mr. Cleveland’s book, and for the most part literally copied. It is, therefore, a clear infringement of Mr. Gould’s copyright, not, indeed, in Adam’s Latin Grammar, (for he has none in that,) but in his own notes, first collected together by him in their present form, and in the plan arid arrangements, (also his own,) in which they are actually embodied. Under these circumstances, I shall decree a perpetual injunction. In consideration, that the defendants have already struck out of their editions of Mr. Cleveland’s book now sold by them, all the notes of Mr. Gould, and that the defendants are insolvent, the plaintiffs have waived any decree for an account. I shall, therefore, pass that over, and only decree costs for the plaintiffs. Decree accordingly.