NOTE: This order is nonprecedential United States Court of AppeaIs for the FederaI Circuit WILLIAM GRONER, Claimo;n,t~AppeZlant, vl ERIC K. SHINSEKI, SECRETARY OF VETERANS AFFAIRS, Resp0ndent-Appellee. 2012-7072 Appea1 from the United States C0urt of Appeals for Veterans C1aims in 10-128O, Judge Robert N. Davis. ON MOTION ORDER Wi11iam Groner moves without opposition to withdraw his informal brief and to permit counsel to file a formal brief on his beha1f. The Secretary of Veterans Affairs moves without opposition to adjust and extend the brief- ing schedule GRONER V. SHINSEK.I 2 Upon consideration thereof, I’l` IS ORDERED THAT2 (1) Groner’s motion is granted Groner’s brief is due within 40 days from the date of filing of this order. (2) The Secretary’s motion is granted to the extent that his response brief is due within 40 days of service of Groner’s formal brief. FoR THE Co,URT APR 25 2B12 /s/ J an Horbaly Date J an Horba1y C1erk " ccc Kenneth M. Carpenter, Esq. She11ey D. Weger, Esq. " FILED 825 u.s. count oFAPPms ron msFEnsw.c1ncu:r APR 25 2012 .lAN HOBBA\.¥ CLERK
Groner v. Dept. Of Veterans Affairs
Combined Opinion