The decree of the Chancellor does not proceed on that ground.
The fact, that there are no prior judgment creditors, ought expressly and affirmatively to appear from the plaintiff’s own showing. But the goods of Davis, having been assigned and turned into cash, before the respondents obtained judgment, the executions were no lien, at law, on the surplus cash, or resulting interest of the assignor, in the hands of the appellant. It had become a mere chose in action; and choses in action, or stock, not being liable to creditors, cannot be levied on, or reached by execution, in law or equity. (2 Johns. Ch. Rep. 312. Dundas v. Dutens, 1 Vesey, jr. 196. Nantes v. Corrock, 9 Vesey, 189. Caillaud v. Estwick, 2 Anst. Rep. 381. 4 Johns. Ch. Rep. 692. Wilks v. Ferris, 5 Johns. Rep. 335. Bogert v. Perry, 17 Johns. Rep. 351.) In Angel v. Draper, (1 Vernon, 399.) the case rests on, the ground of fraud. The cases cited by the Chancellor, in Brinckerhoff v. Brown, from 1 P. Wms. 445. 3 Atk. 192. 739. and 8 East, 467., are clearly distinguishable from the present. They merely show, that an execution creditor was allowed to redeem a chattel. The cases in 6 Vesey, 788. 1 Equ. Cases Abr. 232. 2 Dick. 575. decide only, that a judgment creditor
We shall not intend there is any elder judgment; as that has not been alleged in the answers.
said, it would not be denied, that according to the plainest principles of justice and equity, every person ought to pay his honest debts; and if he is unwilling, the law ought to compel him to do so ; but if Courts of law, from any defect of power, are unable to afford an adequate remedy for that purpose, relief must be found in the Court of Chancery. That equity will give relief in such a case, was fully established by the authorities. (2 Johns. Ch. Rep. 283. 296. 1 Vernon, 399. 1 P. Wms. 445. 2 Atk. 477. 3 Atk. 192. 739. 2 Vesey, 51. 4 Vesey, jr. 651. Mitf. Pl. 101, 102. Coop. Equ. Pl. 148, 149.) It is, therefore, necessary merely to answer the objections which have been raised by the counsel on the other side.
It is said, that there has been no levy. The respondents filed their bill- on the very ground, that they could not
The respondents admit, that they cannot touch the money by. an execution at law; and it is on that ground that they filed their bill in chancery.
The remedy afforded by that section of the statute, though it appears powerful on paper, has been found wholly ineffectual in practice.
Again, the appellant paid over the money to Davis four
Is there not a sufficient remedy under the ninth section of the insolvent act; or, if the person of the debtor cannot be reached, under the absent and absconding debtor act ?
in reply, said, it was certainly a principle of strict morality, that a man should pay his honest debts $ but this was, in some degree, a duty of imperfect obligation. The positions, however, of the counsel for the respondents, that the law would compel the unwilling debtor; and if the remedy at law was defective, a Court of equity would afford an adequate remedy for that purpose, were neither of them wholly true, nor wholly false. The law does afford a remedy to a certain extent 5 and if defective, it is for the legislature, not a Court of Chancery, to supply the defect. In. England, the legislature have interposed, and passed bankrupt laws, which reach merchants and traders. Our legislature has gone further, and extended its aid against debtors of every description, who, after being arrested on a ca. sa., do not, within sixty days, pay the demands against them ; and. subjects all their property, real and personal, including choses in action, to the payment of their debts. There appears, therefore, to be no urgent necessity for Courts to stretch the law, to meet a supposed evil in a particular case.
Did Lord Thurlow, in 1790, say, that he was making a new law, or that he declared the old law ? We contend, that the cases cited for the respondents never were the law of England, or of this state. The money received by the appellant, in this ease, was, in no sense, a trust. Madden held as a debtor of Davis. The assignment to him became absolutely void, in consequence of the creditors not complying with conditions on which it was made.
There are two classes of cases in which Courts of equity have interfered in aid of a creditor; 1. In order to compel a discovery of assets, tangible by execution at law; 2. To remove an impediment created by equity $ and all that is allowed in this class of cases, was to let in the judgment creditor to redeem the equitable incumbrance, and thereby remove the impediment. The case of Brinckerhoff v. Brown, belongs to the first class ; that of M‘Dermutt v. Strong, to
It would be matter of surprise, as well as regret, if, in a system of jurisprudence, that has been matured by the wisdom of ages, adequate remedies were not provided for the violation of every important civil right. Although this consideration will have no influence in deciding on a case, where the power of the Court to redress an alleged wrong is drawn in question, it may, nevertheless, be useful in calling for the most careful and strict examination, before the point is conceded, that there is no efficient remedy. The rules and maxims, of a Court of Chancery are as fixed as those which govern inferior jurisdictions. To break in upon these rules, because the Court may deésrí
A Court of equity is the only tribunal, whose proceedings can reach the property of a debtor in the hands of his trustee; for I shall subsequently endeavour to show, that the remedy, under the act giving relief in cases of insolvency, is ineffectual and illusory, and may be evaded by every fraudulent debtor.
It is laid down as an undeniable proposition, that the jurisdiction of a Court of equity will be exercised, when the principles of. law, by which the ordinary Courts are guided, give a right; but the powers of those Courts are not sufficient to afford a complete remedy, or their modes of proceeding are inadequate to the purpose. (Mitf. Pl. 103.) Hence, a system of jurisprudence has grown up, adapted to afford a remedy for injuries not cognizable in other Courts. These principles are fixed and certain; but, as Lord Redesdale observes, in Bond v. Hopkins, (1 Sch. & Lef. 420.) “ they decide new cases as they arise, by the principles on which former cases have been decided, and may thus illustrate or enlarge the operation of those principles.” And, again; “ nothing is better settled in Courts of equity, than that, where a title exists at law, and in conscience, and the effectual assertion of it at law is unconscientiously obstructed, relief should be given in equity; and
In cases of trust and fraud, Mr. Maddock observes, ( 1 Madd. Ch. 8.) Courts of equity seem unwilling to set bounds to their jurisdiction, and say how far they will go; evidently, because fraud and trusts are peculiarly of chancery jurisdiction, and consequently its powers ought to be so exercised, that no subtilty or cunning shall be able to prevent the detection of fraud, or cause the failure of justice ; that a trustee, while acting fairly and honestly, shall be sure of the protection of the Court, but never be permitted to become the instrument of wrong.
The case now before the Court, raises this question; whether a debtor, who has placed his funds in the hands of a trustee, where they cannot be reached by an execution at law, can put his creditor at defiance, and enjoy the benefit of those funds, which ought to be appropriated to the payment of his debts ? The injustice and immorality of such a course will not be doubted; but it is urged, that the powers of the Court cannot rightfully be carried so far as to correct the mischief; and if they could, the application of the rule would be attended with great and serious inconvenience. If, in truth, no case could be found, where relief had been applied for, or granted, on facts similar to those before us, that result would, by no means, establish the doctrine contended for; the inquiry would still be, do not the great and comprehensive powers of the Court of Chancery, in relation to fraud and trusts, necessarily confer the right to come in aid of a Court of law, by compelling the trustee to pay over to the creditor, the funds on which he has no claim, nor any right to withhold ? It will be recollected, that Hadden, the trustee, admits the amount of money in his hands belonging to Davis, at the time the bill was filed, and when his appearance was entered. His honour, the Chancellor, has decreed the payment of that £um, to be distributed rateably among the respondents, in proportion to the amount due on their respective judgments. If Courts of equity, in England, have acted upon this principle, it will greatly fortify and support the inference I have drawn
In Balch v. Wastall, (1 P. Wms. 445.) decided in 1718, Vernon, of counsel for plaintiff, cited a case where Lord Nottingham held, that one who had a judgment, and had lodged a. fieri facias in the hands of the Sheriff, to which nulla bona was returned, might, afterwards, bring a bill '
The case of Taylor v. Jones, 2 Atk. 600. (1743) decides, that property not tangible by a fi. fa. will be reached by a. Court of equity. The bill was filed by simple contract creditors, to compel the payment of their debts out of stock vested in trustees, for the benefit of the defendant for life, of his wife, for life, and afterwards for the benefit of his children. The settlement was held fraudulent and void, and the Master of the Rolls decreed the stock to be sold and applied to the creditors. If rightly decided, this case disposes of the objection, that money in the hands of a trustee, cannot be subjected to the respondents’ demand; for if stock could be sold, and the money applied, it follows, that goods converted into money can claim no exemption. This case is important to show that the nature of the property sought to be recovered, interposes no formidable barrier; and for this purpose it is an authority. The counsel for the appellant contended, that the principle of this decision had been overruled in all the cases, and cited 3 Atk. 192. and 4 Johns. Ch. Rep. 671. So far as it sanctions the right of a simple contract creditor to file his hill, at once, without showing an execution, to give him a legal preference, which he has pursued to every available extent at law, the objection may be well founded ; for I do not find in the report, that any execution bad been issued, or even a judgment entered. It is silent on this point. The Master of the Rolls speaks of an agreement, “ that if the plaintiffs would allow the defendant two years to pay his debts, he would give a warrant of attorney to confess ajudgment; and then observes, that whether the creditors had any specific lien is not material; for as soon as the judgment was entered, it would have been a specific lien.” Now, whether any judgment was entered on the warrant of attorney, is not asserted ; but if there had been a judgment, the Master of the Rolls observes, that would have been a specific lien. This position, it is admitted, cannot be supported; for a judgment is no lien on stock in the name of a trastee. But it is mot necessary to sanction
The case of Partridge v. Gopp, in 1758, (Ambler, 596.) is also much in point 5 it decided, that money in the hands of a donee might be reached. The gift was declared fraudulent within the 18th Elizabeth. The doctrine laid down was, “ that no man has such a power over his own property, to dispose of it so as to defeat his creditors, unless for consideration.” Neither in the argument of counsel, or the opinion of the Lord Keeper, is there a difficulty suggested, that equity could not reach property of this description; the objections to the relief were on other grounds. In Scott v. Scholy, (8 East, 435.) it was held, that a mere equitable interest could not be taken on a fi. fa. But Lord Ettenborough observed, there was a remedy to be applied in another Court, upon a bill to be filed by the judgment creditor.
In Dundas v. Dutens, (1 Vesey, jr. 196.) the bill prayed, that certain stock might be sold, and the proceeds applied' to satisfy creditors. Lord Thurlow does not profess to discuss tiie subject, but puts a question, “ is there any case where a man, having stock in his own name, has been sued for the purpose of having it applied to satisfy creditors
In Caillaud v. Estwick, (1 Anst. 381.) a bill was filed to assist a judgment creditor of Lord Abingdon, who had assigned his life estate in a lease, in trust, to receive the rents and profits, and pay a moiety to certain creditors, and the other moiety to Lord A. The Court of Exchequer refused to assist the creditor, to reach the share reserved to Lord A. The ground of that decision seems to be, that as stock in the funds, or in the hands of a trustee, cannot be taken on a fi. fa. so neither could they be taken by any process out of equity. It is evident, the Court proceeded on the ground taken by Lord Thurlow, to which I have referred. So, also, in 9 Vesey, 189. and 10 Vesey, 368. there are dicta of Lord Eldon, that Chancery does not give execution against stock, eo nomine, upon which there is no lien, and that it has no jurisdiction in aid of the infirmity of the law 5 Lord Thurlow, in Dundas v. Dutens, is referred to. As to all these late adjudications, differing from Lord Hardwicke, there is no examination of the old cases, no reasoning to show that the old rule was inconvenient or mischievous, no authorities cited in opposition. Lord Thurlow first questions the doctrine ; and if a dictum can overthrow it, I admit it has been done. The subsequent cases have followed the same rule, and however correct those decisions may have been, we are not favoured with any reasoning or authority in their support.
The result of this examination is, that the decree of his honour the Chancellor is warranted by the established principles which govern in a Court of equity. In the course of the argument something was said as to the inconvenience of this rule in practice. If property not tangible by an execution, is placed in the hands of a trustee, is there any
If the transaction is a fair one, and not fraudulent, the Court will protect the rights of the trustee, so that he sustain no loss. If he is liable, by the terms of his trust, to pay the money in' his hands on demand, no injustice is done, if the same is enforced by the decree of a Court. If he holds the trust property, and is to restore it in a given time, the Court will not disregard the terms of his liability, but protect him in all his just rights: while they cause justice to be done to the creditor, they will not impose on the trustee any additional responsibility. If he is necessarily subjected to costs, the fund in his hands will be applied for his indemnity ; if he is sued at law by the debtor, while the creditor calls on him in Chancery, and he thereby becomes exposed to a double recovery, he may protect himself by bill of inter-pleader. Whatever expenses are necessarily incurred in his defence would form a proper item for allowance, out of the fund committed to his charge. If the property consists of chases in action, the principle here decided, will equally reach them, by compelling the debtors to pay to the creditors suing for relief. If the property sought to be reached consists of stock, cannot the Court direct a transfer and sale, for the benefit of creditors ? The principle now to be settled goes to that extent, and may be executed without oppression or material inconvenience. The doctrine is calculated to lessen the temptation to fraud, when it is seen that a Court of equity is armed with legitimate power, not only to detect fraud in its most secret rece.sses, but to wrest from the dishonest debtor his property, not liable to execution, in whosoever hands it may be placed. But it has been urged, that it is not necessary for a Court of Chancery to exercise this power, as the creditor may obtain relief by proceeding under the insolvent act. If an effectual remedy could be had under that act, it does not affect the present question; it proves that there is a concurrent remedy; but that remedy is not effectual, as I shall briefly endeavour to show.
By the act to amend the act for giving relief in cases of insolvency, (sess. 40. ch. 55.,) if a debtor has been imprisoned
The gravamen of the bill is, that Davis and
Hadden conspired to defraud the creditors of Davis, by
The appellant, in his answer, expressly “ denies, that there ever was any fraudulent combination between him and Davis, to delay or defraud the respondents in any wise whatsoever.” But, in the same answer, he admits a series of facts, from which both law and equity impute fraud. He admits, that he consented to take an assignment from an insolvent debtor, not only in payment of his own debt, (which he had a right to do,) but of all the residue of his goods ; that he agreed to convert them into money, and to hold it for the benefit, and subject to the control of the debtor, after offering to the creditors a composition of five shillings in the pound, which they rejected; that he sold those goods at auction for 1,486 dollars and 17 cents; that he had paid part of that money to the debtor, and held the residue subject to his order.
Now, after detailing these facts, it is in vain for the appellant to swear that there was no fraud in the transaction. There is no ground to charge him with peijury; but he judged incorrectly, in drawing the conclusion from his own premises. It is like an answer, admitting that the defendant exacted ten per cent, per annum, for the loan of money, but denying that the contract was corrupt or usurious. It
The Supreme Court of this state gave an exposition of the statute of frauds, in the case of Hyslop & Campbell v. Clarke, (14 Johns. Rep. 458.) upon a state of facts very similar to the case now before us. It was an action of trespass, for taking goods in possession of the plaintiff; and the defendant justified under a fi. fa. in his favour against Wilbur 8f Barnet. The plaintiffs gave in evidence an assignment to them by Wilbur &f Barnet, of the goods in question, in trust, to convert them into money; and, out of the avails, first, to satisfy a debt due to Hyslop fy Co.; second, to pay all the other creditors proportionally, on condition of their executing releases of their Respective demands; and in case the creditors, or any of them, should refuse to give such releases, then the trustees were directed not to execute that trust; third, in case of such refusal of the creditors, or any of them, to give such discharge, then in trust, (after paying the debt to Hyslop &f Co.) to pay the whole of the avails of the property to such of the creditors as the debtors (the assignors) should appoint; fourth, to pay the overplus, in any event, to the debtors themselves; and the Court held, that although a debtor may lawfully prefer one of his creditors to another, yet that this was an attempt to keep the property in the power of the debtors, to enable them to give such preference at a future period, and to compel their creditors to acquiesce in the terms offered them; that the assignment, as regarded the other creditors, was void by the statute of frauds; and that part being illegal and void, the whole must be void; and that the assignment could not be used by Hyslop 8f Co. to protect the property in their hands, against the executions of other creditors ; and there was judgment accordingly for the defendant.
The case now before us, is still stronger against the appellant, because this assignment is not coupled with any valid trust, such as the payment of his own debt out of that fund ; the confidential debt due to him having been satisfied, independent of the assignment of the residue of the goods. His being a general creditor for 500 dollars, was
If the assignment is to be deemed fraudulent, the creditors are, in my judgment, as much entitled to the avails of the goods, if sold, as they would be to levy on them by execution in the hands of the assignee. If the simple act of converting them into money, would afford protection to all who were concerned in the fraud,- an immediate sale would always follow such an assignment, and justice would be eluded. The jurisdiction of chancery is suppletory, and in aid of the common law process; and, if confined to cases of fraudulent assignments, I perceive nothing dangerous or alarming, in the exercise of such a power ; on the contra
On examining the cases and authorities cited on the argument, there appears such a contrariety of decisions and dicta, in the English Courts, on the point before us, that I feel at liberty to decide it upon sound principles of justice and public policy, as a case of first impression. The reason, probably, why this point has remained unsettled, and has, indeed, received so little attention in the English Courts, is, that they have a bankrupt law, which affords an easier and more summary remedy, than by bill in Chancery; and the fact, that we are destitute of such a law, renders it essential to the due administration of justice, that we should sustain the jurisdiction exercised by the Chancellor in this case. But I am not prepared to extend this doctrine to any other cases than those, wherein the trustee received goods liable in themselves to execution, under circumstances which imply fraud, in fact, or in law, as against creditors. In an abstract view, it may appear proper to extend the remedy in favour of creditors, to every chose in action of the debtor. But, in my judgment, such power has not yet been conferred on our Courts of justice ; and it will be the appropriate office of a bankrupt law, or some other legislative provision, to afford such a remedy. I feel that we are treading on new ground, and I am unwilling to commit myself beyond the case now before us.
My opinion is, that this decretal order ought to be affirmed.
Spencer, Ch. J. said, that he was of opinion that the decree ought to be affirmed, on the principles and authorities stated in the opinion delivered by Mr. Justice Wood-worth, in which he fully concurred.
This being the opinion of a majority of the Court,* the following decree was thereupon entered : “ Counsel having been heard in this cause, and deliberation being thereupon had, and a majority of the Court concurring in the opinion delivered by Mr. Justice Woodworth, It is ordered, adjudged, and decreed, that the decree of the Court of
Decree of affirmance.
Nov. 12th. For affirming 20. For reversing 8.