4 * uq,@…_~\v Mr. Jerry Hannah #1565362 Nov. 27, 2015 The Huqhes Unit .'Rt;.Z_Box 4400 v Gatesville, TX 76597 The Clerk Of Court Texas Court of Criminal Appeals P.O. BOX 12308 Capitol Station Austin, TX 78711 Dear Clerk: _ _ I recently filed an ll.O7 habeas corpus in the l74th District Court of Harris County, and on Oct. 20, 2015, the judge ordered the Clerk of that court to forward the findinqs and records to you for review by the CCA. I have had no notification from you that you ever received those records, and would ask 'that you notify me whether you have or not so}that l may take appropriate action if you have not received them. vThank You for your help; 1545.5¢9~ 'Jerry Hannahd¢ J#:MM k PECEIVED lN g ' CQURT OF CRIM|NAL APPEALS DEC 02 2015 Ab@| Acosta, C|Qrk
Hannah, Jerry Ricky AKA Hannah, Jerry
Combined Opinion