ACCEPTED 14-15-00464-CV FOURTEENTH COURT OF APPEALS HOUSTON, TEXAS 5126120156/10/2015 3:41:46 PM 10:46:54 AM Chris Daniel - District ClerkCHRISTOPHER Harris County PRINE Envelope No. 5412449 CLERK By: Phyllis Washington Filed: 512612015 10:46:54 AM cAr..tsE N0. 20I.1-07393 FILED IN 14th COURT OF APPEALS t\ r ltE IIA-t]'1,-lL $ IN I.Ht' DTST.TTTCTHOUSTON, COUITT TEXAS s 6/10/2015 3:41:46 PM $ CHRISTOPHER A. PRINE $ H,.\I{RIS CO tINl'Y, TIIXAS Clerk $ D0N,\ Lt) ROtt lil(1's0N $ ,\ppc llaut $ 2l5r 'r ,It.jt)ICtAL t)tsTtucT IIE I'ITINDANILAPPE L L E['S NOII'I C] E OF A PP EAL 'l'() TI ll-: IlONOIlAlll-i: J[;DGt: OF SAII) COtiltT: l'ursuant to Rulc 25.1 o1'the'l-cxas ItLrles of Appellate I'rocedure. notice is hercbl' siven that Ds:l'entlant/Appcllce Llarris Counlr Shcrift"s C-it'il Scn'icc Cotllnission desire ro appcal liom thc Ortler ren)arldinq l)onald l{obertson's Appeal to the l-larris Countr, 6l Slrcrilf s Clivil Scn'icc L--ommission tbr lirrther proceedings signecl on .,\pril 27.2015. o 'l'his arl appeal is tal,cn to the First or Fourteenth Courrt ol'Appeals at Houston.'fexas. al r- r I{espcct lir ll1 5ubnrittcd. r- VLrc'I Rl',rx ;J Il rRtts c()r \r\ Ar lOrxr:r' -c , /s/ Ciraylon I). Wclls GITAYLON D. WL,I-L,S ;\ss istirnt Countl' Attornel State Bar No. 24081201 l019 Congress" I 5'l' Floor' 'l I kruston. exas 77002 'l'e a lcphone: (71 i) 174-5 194 Z Facsinrilc: (713) 755-lt9?4 [:nrliI : sra] kr n.ri c I Is,ti' = A1"t0lt\ E \' [:OR DE FI:N D.\NT/.,\PPELLEE a) a HARRIS COIJN]'Y S}IIJi{IFII'S C I VI L SIiRV lC tl C 0lv1l\11 SSION a t c I a , ;! Locll ll.ulc Notice of and z\ssignment of Relatecl C:rse in Appcals As rcquired b1. thc Local ltulcs l{elating to Assignment ol'Reiated Cases to and lransl'crs ol'Rclated Cases bcnvcen the Filst and l'ourteenth Court ol'Appeals. I cerlit,v that thc lbllori,ing related appeal Lrr original proceeding has been previousll"filed in either lhc [:irst or l::ourteettth C]ourt ot';\ppeals: A Nonc isl Grtvlorr D. \Yells ( iR,,\Y'I-(IN D. \\1EI,I,S ('oLtrttr :\tttlrncr '\ssistlrrrt \'la1' 2{r. 201 5 ( lt.R'I t l.t(...r1'u ()t.' St.. nvlr-t: I certil.r that on lvlal-' 26. 20 t5 a tt'ue and 0ol'rcct cop,,- ol' tlrc firrcgoirtg lrereby- c.l Dt.l u:u-rr"l'lArrtlLut"'s Nol'lc[ ol. APPEAI. was se rvccl b]' l]csirnilc: CI U cr.) 5 Natlian N. Ileedle Attrtrnel'at [-a$ N F- I I Watcrrva;'. Suite 30t) ar \c 'l'hc Woodlancls. -l'exas 77380 r \c 2tt l-94lt-66;14 .J 2ti l-292-222i Fax = I /s/ Gravlon D. lVells GRAYT-ON D. \\'Et-I-S a Assistant Count;- Atlorney' - = O .2 o a Z a = :a = ! o l ,,2 ,* ot Iro I, Chris Daniel, District Clerk of Harris County, Texas certify that this is a true and correct copy ofthe original record filed and or recorded in my office, electronically or hard copy, as it appears on this date. Witness my official hand and seal of office this June 10. 2015 Certified Documcnt Number: 6557 6712 Total Pases: 2 OrLArz Chris Daniel, DISTRICT CLERK HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS In accordance with Texas Government Code 406.013 electronically transmitted authenticated documents are valid. If there is a question regarding the validity of this document and or seal please e-mail
Harris County Sheriff's Civil Service Commission v. Donald Robertson
Combined Opinion