After advisement, the following opinion was delivered :—
The principle involved in this case is of great importance to the community, inasmuch as it involves the rights and privileges of counsel and of parties in the investigation of suits and other proceedings before our judicial tribunals ; and as I believe it is the first cause of the kind which has been brought before this court of dernier resort, and has been very fully and most ably argued here by the counsel upon both sides, I have considered it my duty to examine the law on the subject more fully than would be necessary or proper in an ordinary case of mere verbal slander; for it is not only right and proper that parties and their counsel should know what their privileges are, but also that the law should be deliberately and correctly settled. In applying the principles of law to the case under consideration we must, therefore, be careful on the one hand that we do not restrict counsel within such narrow limits that they will not dare to openly and fearlessly discharge their whole duty to their clients, or to themselves when they manage their own cases; and on the other hand we must not furnish them with the shield of Zeus, and thereby enable them with impunity to destroy the characters of whomsoever they please.
There are two classes of privileged communications recognized in the law in reference to actions of slander, and the privileges of counsel may sometimes fall within the one class and sometimes within the other. In one class of cases, the law protects the defendant so far as not to impute malice to him from the mere fact of his having spoken words of the plaintiff which are in themselves actionable, though he may not be able to prove the truth of his allegations. But the plaintiff will be able to sustain his action for slander, if he can satisfy the jury, by other proof, that there was actual malice on the part of the defendant, and that he uttered the words for the mere purpose of defaming the plaintiff. In
One of the earliest cases of the first class is Parson Prit’s case, reported by Rolle, 1 Roll. Abr. 87, pl. 5. Although the report of this case is very short, it will be perfectly understood by a reference to Fox’s Martyrology, where the author, in giving ah account of the severe punishments inflicted by the vengeance of heaven upon some of the persecutors of the protestants during the reign of the bloody Mary, states that Grimwood, or Greenwood as he is called by Rolle, one of the perjured witnesses who was hired to swear away the life of John Cooper, an innocent person, who was convicted and hanged, was soon after destroyed by the terrible judgment of God ; being suddenly seized while in perfect health, so violently that his bowels gushed out. From the report it appears the defendant, Parson Frit, having been recently settled in the parish, and not knowing all his parishioners, in preaching against the heinous sin of perjury cited this case, from the Book of Martyrs : and no doubt commented severely upon Greenwood, and upon White, his forsworn companion, who by their perjury had caused an innocent man to be drawn in quarters and his wife and children to be left desolate. It turned out, however, that Greenwood was not dead, and that being a resident of that parish, he was present in the church and heard the sermon, and afterwards brought a suit against the parson for charging him with perjury. But the court held that it was a privileged communication, and the circumstances under which the words were spoken showed there was no actual malice towards the plaintiff. See also Cro. Jac. 91. This case has been followed by a numerous class depending upon the same principle ; jn which the speaking of the words is held to be á privileged communication, the occasion of the speaking being such, that prima facie there could have been no malicious intent to defame the person of whom they were spoken, and the interests of society requiring that the defendant should be permitted to speak freely in the situation
As the plaintiff has a right to prove express malice in such cases, to sustain his action notwithstanding the privilege, it follows of course, that if the defendant attempt to set up his privilege as a defence by a special plea, he must not only plead the fact which rendered it a privileged communication, but he must deny the allegation in the declaration, that the words were maliciously spoken, to enable the plaintiff to go to the jury upon the question of actual malice, if he thinks proper to do so. Smith v. Thomas, 1 Hodges' R. 353. 2. Bing. R. N. S. 372, S. C. It follows, of course, upon a motion in arrest of judgment, if the charge of malice was denied in the plea, and issue taken thereon, or if the general issue only was pleaded, so that the plaintiff would be bound to prove express malice to entitled him to a verdict in this class of cases, the court must presume it was proved apon the trial; although it should appear from the declara
The second class of priviliges embraces words spoken by members of parliament, or of congress, or of the state legislature, in the discharge of their official duties in the house, for which no action of slander will lie, however false and malicious may be the charge against the private reputation of an individual. To this class, also, belong complaints made to grand juries and magistrates, charging persons with crimes for which no action of slander will lie, although express malice as well as the absolute falsity of the charge can be established by proof. But the law has provided a different remedy in cases of that kind, where, in addition to .what has before been stated, it can be proved that the party who made the complaint had no probable cause for believing that the charge was true. Upon a full consideration of all the authorities on the subject, I think that the privilege of counsel in advocating the causes of their clients, and of parties who are conducting their own causes, belongs to the same class where they have confined themselves to what was relevant and pertinent to the question before the court, and that the motives with which they have spoken what was relevant and pertinent to the cause they were advocating, cannot be questioned in an action of slander. Thus far, it appears to be necessary to extend the privilege for the protection of the rights of parties; as those rights might sometimes be jeoparded if counsel were restrained from commenting freely upon the characters of witnesses, and the conduct of parties, when such comments were relevant, for fear of being harrassed with slander suits, and attempts to prove they were actuated by malicious motives in the discharge of their duty. Such I understand also to be the conclusion at which the court of king’s bench arrived in the case of the present lord chief baron of the court of exchequer. Hodgson v. Scarlett, 1 Barn. & Ald. 232. Holt's N. P. 621. Although Mr. Holt has attempted to give a statement of what occurred in banc, as well as a report of the case at nisi prius, to understand the decision correctly it is necessary to examine the case in Barnwell & Alderson,
I do not understand from this, however, that every thing that in any state of facts would be relevant and pertinent to the matter in question before the court, comes within this rule of protection, where those facts which would have rendered it relevant and pertinent do not exist. Thus, if counsel, in the argument of his client’s cause should avail himself of that opportunity to say of a party, or of a witness, against whom there was nothing in the evidence to justify a suspicion of the kind, that he was a thief or a murderer, it might beoa proper case for a jury to say wheth
J do not, however, consider the case of Moulton v. Clapham as an authority for holding that every thing which may be said to the court or jury, by a party or his counsel, in -the progress of a -cause, as absolutely protected, although it was not relevant or pertinent to the matter in question, so as to preclude the party injured thereby from showing to a jury that the language was used maliciously, and for the mere purpose of defaming him. Many of these old cases are very imperfectly reported, and are therefore apt to mislead us, unless they are examined with care. This case, although it is to be found in D’Anvers, Sir William Jones, March, and in Rolle’s Abridgment, is not stated by either two of them in precisely the same vyay. As reported by Sir William Jones, it would lead us to the conclusion that the court meant to decide that any thing said in court by a party in disaffirmance of what was sworn against¡him was absolutely protected, although found by the jury to have been said maliciously ; but by referring to Rolle, it will be seen that the language used by the defendant was addressed to the court, and was a mere statement that the affidavit was untrue, and that he would prove to them by forty wit
There may be cases which properly belong to the first class of privileged communications^ arising in the course- of judicial proceedings. Parties and even counsel sometimes misjudge as to what is relevant and pertinent to the question before the court, and especially parties who are not much acquainted with judicial proceedings; and it may be very proper in such cases to leave it as a matter of fact for the jury to determine, whether the words were spoken in good faith, under a belief that they were relevant or proper, or whether the party using them was actuated by malice and intended to slander the plaintiff. The case of Allen v. Crofoot, 2 Wendell, 516, appears to be a case of this kind, for it is evident that the words spoken were not relevant in the judicial proceeding, or pertinent to any question then before the court. But as circumstances showed that the defendant either supposed he was bound to answer the question, or that it was relevant and pertinent to the proceedings, I think the court very properly decided that it should have been left to the jury to determine whether the defend- and acted in good faith supposing it was relevant and proper to answer the question put to him by the plaintiff, although he had not yet been sworn as a witness on the examination of the complaint which he had previously made on oath, or whether he was actuated by malice. In cases belonging to that class of privileged communications, malice in fact may be inferred from the language of the communication itself, as well as from extrinsic evidence. Wright v. Woodgate, 1 Gale’s R. 329.
Each of the counts in the plaintiff’s declaration in this case contains more or less slanderous expressions, imputing the crime of perjury, in language which prima facie could •not have been pertinent to any question before the court, for it does not appear to have been addressed to the court but to the plaintiff himself, who was a witness there: and if the defendant used all the abusive language towards or in reference to the witness which is stated in either of those counts, although some of it might have been relevant to the matter in question, no jury could hesitate in coming to a correct conclusion whether that which was not pertinent was uttered in good faith or with a malicious intent to defame the plaintiff; although the defendant must have proved that he had great provocation to excuse all this harsh language, or no honest jury could have given a verdict of only six cents against him.
The defence in this case is set up by several special pleas in addition to the general issue; and the objection urged by the third point of the plaintiff in error is, that although the declaration may have been prima facie sufficient, the replications are bad, and sufficient is admitted upon the whole
For these reasons I think the supreme court were right in refusing to arrest the judgment, and that their decision should be affirmed.
The court being unanimously of the same opinion, the judgment of the supreme court was accordingly affirmed.