” 94 eeo-03 (_) CATHERlNF. E\_/ANS ]uDG£, 180rH DlsrRlcr CouRr 1201 FRANKL\N HOusTON, TExAs 77002 (713) 755-6344 October 8, 2015 ‘ The Honorable Abel Acosta l Cl:ii" 1\ \Ji cll~':: 'C(Jurt Court of Criminal Appeals PO Box 12308 ' Austin, Texas 7871 1 Re: No. WR-29,870.03 Cause No. 1282632-A; Ex Parte Bobby Henry; ln the 180"' Judicial District, Harris County, Texas Dear Mr. Acosta, ' Regarding the above-referenced matter, 1 am requesting an extension of time. The attorney’ s affidavit was filed yesterday, October 7, 2015 I have been informed by the State that the prosecutor expects to file proposed findings of facts and conclusions of law next week Therefore I am requesting an extension until November 9, 2015. Copies of this letter have been forwarded to Mr. Henry and the Harris County District Attomey’s Offlce. . Thank you for your kind attention to thi_s matter. Very truly yours, Catherine Evans Presiding Judge 180th Judicial District cc: Bobby Henry #1719613 Wayne Scott Unit 6999 Retrieve _ Angleton, Texas 77515 Sharon.Y. Chu. _ » ` y . RECE|V£:D IN Harris County District Attomey’s Offlce 1201 Franklin, 6th Floor CGURT CF CP“"MW)@. L A .DPEALS Houston, Texas 77002 GCT 14 2935 Abemcesta,€l@n
Henry, Bobby
Combined Opinion