Howe v. Scottsdale Insurance Co.


                            FOR THE FIFTH CIRCUIT

                                          No. 99-30040

                            JOHNNY WADE HOWE,
                    Individually and on behalf of Courtney Howe,

                                                            Plaintiff-Intervenor Defendant-


                   SCOTTSDALE INSURANCE CO.; ET AL.



                                                            Intervenor Plaintiff-Appellee

                        Appeal from the United States District Court
                           for the Western District of Louisiana

                                     March 2, 2000

Before HIGGINBOTHAM and SMITH,                           Judge.*
   Circuit Judges, and FALLON, District

ELDON E. FALLON, District Judge:                          On September 22, 1998, LSUMC moved
                                                      to intervene in Howe's suit because it
    Johnny Wade Howe, on behalf of himself            claimed an interest in the proceeds. The
and his daughter Courtney Howe (hereinafter           district court granted the motion, and
collectively referred to as "Howe"), sued the         LSUMC filed a complaint of intervention on
Louisiana State University Medical Center             September 29, 1998 asserting its medical lien
("LSUMC") for a portion of their legal fees           privilege over the deposited funds for the
and costs of recovering damages from the              amount of Howe's medical bills.
defendants, Scottsdale Insurance Company                  On October 8, 1998, LSUMC filed a
("Scottsdale"), General Motors Corporation,           motion for summary judgment seeking
and Gordon Ira Schlafman. LSUMC, which                $22,035.49, the full amount of its medical
treated Howe for injuries suffered in an              lien, without any pro-rata reduction for the
automobile accident with Mr. Schlafman,               attorney's fees and costs incurred by the
argues that it is entitled to a full                  plaintiff. Howe opposed the motion arguing
reimbursement from any damage award for               that LSUMC, as partial subrogee and/or co-
the services it rendered without any                  owner, is responsible for its share of the
reduction for a proportionate share of                expenses incurred in securing damages from
Howe's legal fees and costs. Because the              the defendants.
district court correctly granted summary                  On December 7, 1998, the district court
judgment for LSUMC, we affirm.                        granted LSUMC's motion for summary
                                                      judgment finding that LSUMC did not owe
                        I.                            any portion of attorney's fees or costs to the
    Johnny Wade Howe and his young                    plaintiff and was entitled to recover the
daughter Courtney Howe were injured in an             amount of its medical lien. Plaintiff
automobile accident with Gordon Ira                   subsequently appealed.
Schlafman on October 27, 1995. Following
the accident, they were taken to LSUMC in                                    II.
Shreveport, Louisiana for treatment. The                   Louisiana provides two statutory
cost of treatment totaled $22,035.49.                 vehicles for its charity hospitals to recover
    On February 26, 1996, Howe filed suit             the costs of treating patients injured by third
against the defendants in the First Judicial          parties.
District Court in Caddo Parish, Louisiana to              First, the Louisiana legislature created a
recover damages suffered from the accident.           medical lien privilege which provides:
The defendants removed the case on the
basis of diversity jurisdiction to the Western            A health care provider, hospital, or
District of Louisiana on March 4, 1996.                   ambulance service that furnishes
    On June 12, 1998, Scottsdale,                         services or supplies to any injured
Schlafman's insurer, deposited $100,000, the              person shall have a privilege for the
limit of its insurance policy, into the Court's           reasonable charges or fees of such
registry.                                                 health care provider, hospital, or
                                                          ambulance service on the net amount
                                                          payable to the injured person, his
           District Judge of the Eastern                  heirs, or legal representatives, out of
District of Louisiana, sitting by designation.            the total amount of any recovery or

       sum had, collected, or to be                  share of Howe's legal costs.
       collected, whether by judgment                    LSUMC insists that it did not exercise its
       or by settlement or compromise,               subrogation rights in this case. Rather,
       from another person on account                LSUMC asserted its medical lien privilege
       of such injuries . . . . The                  pursuant to La. R.S. § 9:4752 and therefore
       privilege of any attorney shall               does not owe Howe for his legal costs.
       have precedence over the
       privilege created by this Section.                                   III.
                                                          The substantive law of this case is the
La. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 9:4752 (West 1999).            law of Louisiana. See Erie R. Co. v.
                                                     Tompkins, 304 U.S. 64 (1938). The issue is
     A charity hospital such as the LSUMC            whether Louisiana law requires an
may also intervene in suits brought by the           apportionment of recovery costs between
patient/plaintiff it treats.                         LSUMC and the appellants. We review this
                                                     issue de novo. See Labiche v. Legal Sec.
   Where a patient in any state                      Life Ins. Co., 31 F.3d 350, 351 (5th Cir.
   supported or veterans administration              1994). To determine Louisiana law on the
   hospital in the state has been injured            apportionment of recovery costs, this Court
   by the negligence of another person               should first look to final decisions of the
   other than his employer . . . and has a           Louisiana Supreme Court. Id.
   right of action for the recovery of                    If the Louisiana Supreme Court has not
   compensatory damages against that                 ruled on this issue, then this Court must
   person, the department . . . shall be             make an "Erie guess" and "determine as best
   subrogated to the right of action to              it can" what the Louisiana Supreme Court
   the extent of reasonable charges for              would decide. Krieser v. Hobbs, 166 F.3d
   services rendered to the patient, in              736, 738 (5th Cir. 1999); id. (quoting
   accordance with like charges in other             Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corp. v.
   first class hospitals, including                  Transportation Ins. Co., 953 F.2d 985, 988
   physicians' and surgeons' fees.                   (5th Cir. 1992)).
                                                          In making an Erie guess in the absence of
Id. § 46:7. The statute further explains that        a ruling from the state's highest court, this
"[a]ll proceedings for the recovery of any           Court may look to the decisions of
charges or fees due any charity hospital of          intermediate appellate state courts for
this state . . . may be presented in any court       guidance. See Matheny v. Glen Falls Ins.
of this state . . . in a direct action or by         Co., 152 F.3d 348, 354 (5th Cir. 1998).
intervention, or by third opposition." Id. §         Intermediate appellate courts of Louisiana
46:11.                                               are "a datum for ascertaining state law which
    Howe contends that this statutory                is not to be disregarded by a federal court
framework makes LSUMC a legal subrogee               unless it is convinced by other persuasive
or co-owner of the cause of action. Because          data that the highest court of the state would
LSUMC could have acted directly or                   decide otherwise." Labiche, 31 F.3d at 351
indirectly as co-owner of a cause of action          (quoting Commissioner v. Estate of Bosch,
under La. R.S. § 46:6, et seq., Howe argues          387 U.S. 456, 465 (1967)).
that LSUMC should be responsible for its

                        A.                           explains that this Court should extend the
    With these principles in mind, we turn to        co-ownership principles of Moody beyond
Louisiana jurisprudence. The Louisiana               the worker's compensation arena because the
Supreme Court has not ruled on the issue of          Louisiana Supreme Court has already applied
whether charity hospitals are required to            Moody to the case of an insurer. See
contribute toward its patients' costs of             Barreca v. Cobb, 668 So. 2d 1129 (La.
recovering damages from tortfeasors. The             1996) (holding health insurer responsible for
Court most closely addressed this issue of           legal costs of plaintiff's recovery). Appellant
cost-sharing in Moody v. Arabie when it              further contends that the principles of equity
considered the apportionment of legal costs          and unjust enrichment require LSUMC to
in a workers' compensation suit. See 498             share in the costs of obtaining a recovery
So. 2d 1081 (La. 1986).                              because La. R.S. § 9:4752 provides LSUMC
    In Moody, an injured worker who had              with a right to claim a portion of Howe's
received worker's compensation benefits              recovery.
brought suit against a third party tortfeasor.            Appellee responds that Moody and its
See id. at 1083. The worker's compensation           progeny are not applicable to LSUMC
carrier for the employer intervened to               because it is not a co-owner of a cause of
recover the amount of compensation paid to           action against a tortfeasor. Therefore, the
the worker. See id. The Court granted the            co-ownership responsibilities of Moody
recoupment by the worker's compensation              should not be applied to it.
carrier, but held that the carrier was                    Howe's reliance on Barreca is misplaced.
obligated to pay a portion of the injured            In Barreca, the Louisiana Supreme Court
worker's recovery costs. See id.                     applied the rationale of Moody to a health
    The Court concluded that the employer            insurer because the insurer had a provision in
and worker held co-ownership over a                  its policy granting it "the right to assert the
property right to recover damages from a             actions and rights of the plaintiff against the
third party. See id. at 1085. According to a         tortfeasor." Id. at 1131. Because the Court
theory of co-ownership, "each co-owner is            found that the insurer was contractually
responsible for his proportionate part of            subrogated to the plaintiff and therefore a
reasonable and necessary expenses and legal          co-owner of the cause of action, it held the
services that accrue to his benefit." Id. The        insurer responsible for a proportionate share
costs of recovering from the third party             of the recovery costs. See id. at 1132. In
tortfeasor, therefore, "are to apportioned           the present case, however, no explicit
between the worker and the employer                  agreement or statute makes LSUMC the
according to their interests in the recovery."       subrogee and/or co-owner of Howe's cause
Id. at 1086.                                         of action.
    Appellant argues that the cost-sharing                Because the Louisiana Supreme Court
rationale of Moody should apply to the               has not spoken directly on whether Moody
present case because La. R.S. 46-6, et seq.          should be extended to require charity
makes LSUMC the co-owner of appellant's              hospitals seeking compensation for medical
cause of action against a tortfeasor. As a co-       services to pay a share of a plaintiff's
owner of a cause of action, LSUMC should             attorney fees and costs, we must make our
be responsible under Moody for a portion of          best Erie guess as to how the Louisiana
the appellant's costs of recovery. Howe              Supreme Court would decide this issue. The

role of this court is not "to create or modify        charity hospital which has no independent
state law, rather only to predict it." St. Paul       right to seeks medical expenses from a
Fire & Marine v. Convalescent Services,               tortfeasor), writ denied, Charity Hosp. of
193 F.3d 340, 345 (5th Cir. 1999). Because            Louisiana v. Band, 600 So. 2d 645 (La.
there is no Louisiana Supreme Court                   1992).
precedent on point, we seek guidance by                   We cannot disregard a plethora of
looking to the precedents established by              precedent provided by the intermediate
intermediate state appellate courts. See              appellate courts of Louisiana when the
Labiche, 31 F.3d at 351.                              appellant offers nothing to suggest why the
                                                      Louisiana Supreme Court would decide this
                        B.                            case differently. Accordingly, we make an
    Four of the five intermediate appellate           Erie guess that the charity hospitals of
courts in Louisiana have refused to extend            Louisiana would not be required to
Moody to charity hospitals and have held              contribute to the costs of recovering from a
that charity hospitals are not responsible for        tortfeasor by the Louisiana Supreme Court.
the costs of recovering damages from third                Therefore, we find that the district court
party tortfeasors. See Mena v. Muhleisen              correctly granted summary judgment for
Properties, 652 So. 2d 65, 69 (La. Ct. App.           LSUMC and affirm the judgement.
5 Cir. 1995) (holding that a charity hospital
seeking to enforce its medical lien privilege            AFFIRMED.
pursuant to La. R.S. § 9:4752 is not required
to contribute to the costs of an injured
person's recovery), writ denied, Mena v.
Muhleisen Properties, 653 So. 2d 592 (La.
1995); Nicholes v. St. Helena Parish Police
Jury, 604 So. 2d 1023, 1034, (La. Ct. App.
1 Cir. 1992) (refusing to apply Moody
because specific statutes and not the general
law of co-ownership govern the relations of
a plaintiff and a charity hospital), writ
denied, Nicholes v. St. Helena Parish Police
Jury, 605 So. 2d 1378 (La. 1992); Moore v.
State for Louisiana State Univ. Medical
Ctr., 596 So. 2d 293, 296 (La. Ct. App. 3
Cir. 1992) (holding that LSUMC does not
co-own a cause of action against a tortfeasor
when it exercises its privilege under La. R.S.
§ 9:4752 and therefore is not obligated to
pay a portion of recovery costs), writ denied,
Moore v. State for Louisiana State Univ.
Medical Ctr., 600 So. 2d 667 (La. 1992);
Charity Hosp. of Louisiana v. Band 593 So.
2d 1392, 1394 (La. Ct. App. 4 Cir. 1992)
(distinguishing Moody from the case of a
