On the fifth instant complainant, Albert L. Ide, filed his bill in this court against the Ball Engine Company and others, alleging, among other things,- that on the* eighth day of July, A. D. 1884, a patent was issued to him as inventor of a certain new and useful improvement in steam-engine governors, not known or used by others before his said invention; and that on the twenty-fifth of November, A. D. 1884, he was awarded a patent for another new and useful improvement in steam-engine governors; that these two several improvements, described in said respective letters patent, are capable of being employed, embodied, and used in each and every steam-engine governor manufactured. The bill alleges that the defendants are making and constructing, using, and selling large numbers of steam-engine governors, embodying the inventions and devices, and substantially like and upon the plan and principle, and in imitation of the said improvements contained, in said letters patent so issued to complainant; and prays for an account; and that defendants be decreed to pay over to complainant all gains and profits realized by them; and also all other damages suffered by complainant from the infringement of rights intended to be secured by his said letters patent; and for an injunction perpetually restraining defendants from making, using, or vending any steam-engine governors containing the improvements and inventions secured to complainant by said several letters patent.
The Ball Engine Company, one of the defendants, on the sixth in■stant, entered its appearance in said cause, and on the same day presented a petition for a temporary restraining order. The petition is sworn to by F. H. Ball, and alleges, in substance, that it will in due season file a sufficient and complete answer to complainant’s bill, and will make known the fact that the petitioner is the licensee of F. H. Ball under letters patent issued to the said Ball No. 858,829, on March 8, 1887, for improvement in steam-engine governor, and under such authority is engaged in the manufacture of steam-engines at Erie, Pennsylvania; that it is also the owner of a number of other patents on steam-engines; and that the engines which it manufactures and sells are made under some or all of the patents it owns or is licensed under. The petition further states that the answer will expressly deny that any of the engines it has made or sold embody any of the inventions described and claimed in the patents named in said bill of complaint. The said answer will also allege, according to the petition, that letters patent No. 301,720,
The petition is supplemented by affidavits from a number of able and distinguished mechanical and civil engineers, stating, in substance, that the affiants arc familiar with the loiters patent issued to Ide in 1884, as wTell as the patent, issued to F. II. Ball, No. 358,829, in 1887, and fully understand the inventions respectively set forth; that the Ball invention is an entirely different thing irom the Ide invention, and is for a different purpose; and that the devices shown in the Ball patent do not and could not perform the functions of the devices shown in the Ide patent, and vice versa.
Complainant has not thought proper, upon the pending motion, to introduce any evidence, in the form of affidavits or otherwise, tending to show that the Ball patent infringes upon what was covered or secured to him by his letters patent of the eighth of July and tire twenty-fifth of November, 1884, hut insists that there is no power authorizing the court to restrain him from bringing suits on his patent against any one, and as many as he chooses at the same time, before that patent is adjudged to be invalid; that the granting of the letters patent cover the right to sue all or any, whether manufacturers, their vendees or users, who infringe.
With the prima facie case established on complainant’s behalf by his several letters patent issued in 1884, alone and unaided, it is insisted that, notwithstanding this prima facie case has been successfully met and overcome by the evidence supplementing the petition, yet the court is powerless from temporarily restraining the bringing a multiplicity of suits, which might result in irreparable injury to the petitioner, pending the suit involving the validity of the Ide patent. I cannot assent to this view. If the Ide patent is valid, and the Bail patent infringes upon the rights secured to complainant, that fact can he determined at an early