ACCEPTED 04-15-00622-CV FOURTH COURT OF APPEALS SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS 10/26/2015 10:29:42 AM KEITH HOTTLE CLERK FILED IN 4th COURT OF APPEALS SAN ANTONIO, Direct: TEXAS (210) 775-0881 Email: 10/26/2015 10:29:42 AM Board Certified, Civil Appellate Law TexasKEITH BoardE. ofHOTTLE Legal Specialization Clerk October 26, 2015 Via E-Filing Keith E. Hottle, Clerk Fourth Court of Appeals 300 Dolorosa, Suite 3200 San Antonio, Texas 78205 Re: No. 04-15-00622-CV, In re IPSecure, Inc. Dear Mr. Hottle, Relator IPSecure, Inc. has received a copy of the Real Party in Interest’s Response to Petition for Mandamus, filed on October 22, 2015. Please inform the Court that Relator intends to file a reply in support of its Petition for Writ of Mandamus no later than Monday, November 9, 2015. Respectfully submitted, /s/ Nissa M. Dunn Nissa M. Dunn cc via e-service: Mary J. Ibarra-Myers Beth Watkins Shannon K. Dunn HOUSTON DUNN, PLLC, 4040 BROADWAY, SUITE 440, SAN ANTONIO, TX 78209 | 210.775.0880 | HDAPPEALS.COM
in Re IPSecure, Inc.
Combined Opinion