It appears by the evidence' taken before the referee appointed by the court in this proceeding that, on July 1, 1896, Louis F. Mayle presented to the county treasurer of Niagara county an application in the form and manner required by section 17 of the Excise.Law, for a liquor tax certificate, to carry on business at the premises known as the State .Park Hotel, in the city of Niagara Falls. He filed simultaneously with this statement ’ certain consents of owners of occupied property, under, subdivision 8 of that section. The liquor tax certificate was there
The statute provides with respect to the power and duty of the •court on such an application, and after the evidence has been taken before the court or a referee, as follows:
“If the justice or court is satisfied that material statements in the application of the holder of such certificate were false or that the holder of such certificate is not entitled to hold such certificate, an order shall be granted- revoking and canceling such certificate.
The evidence fails to show that any material fact, stated in the application was untrue. The law 'does 3iot require the. applicant to state in his application that he has obtained the necessary consents of property owners; but merely requires that such consents shall be filed simultaneously with the statement or application. It has been seen that the only other ground on which the certificate can be canceled is “that the holder of such certificate is not entitled to hold” the same. It is evident that the legislature intended that the certificate should be canceled if any material statements in the application were false. If all such material statements were true, however, and the applicant, through mistake or excusable neglect, has failed to comply with the provision requiring the filing simultaneously with his application of the consents of property owners, but has subsequently obtained and filéd such -consents, the court is authorized to exercise its equitable discretion, and decline to cancel the liquor tax certificate.
At the -time the petitioner applied to the court the licensee had no right to hold the certificate, and the court subsequently saw fit to order a inference to determine whether the respondent had a right to hold the certificate at the time it was issued, or afterward perfected such right.
The expense of this reference has been borne by the petitioner, and it was rendered necessary through the neglect of the licensee; equity, therefore, requires that he .should pay the costs, The petitioner is awarded the sum of $125 for her costs and disbursements herein, against the respondent Louis F. Mayle, and an order may be entered accordingly, and dismissing the petition.
Ordered accordingly.