On May 29, 1931, Hon. Samuel Seabury, the referee theretofore appointed by this court to investigate the Magistrates’ Courts of the First Judicial Department, the magistrates thereof and the attorneys at law.practicing in said courts,
On June 22 and July 3, 1931, the Association of the Bar of the City of New York and the New York County Lawyers’ Association jointly presented to this court separate petitions charging each of the above-named attorneys with professional misconduct substantially as set forth in' the report of said referee and asking this court to take appropriate action thereon. On June 24 and July 6, 1931, separate orders were entered by this court appointing Hon. Clarence J. Shearn as referee to take proof of the charges set forth in said petitions and to report the same with his opinion thereon.
While the hearings were pending before the referee it was urged that, with the exception of the Kurtz case, the proceedings be consolidated and that the evidence taken may be used for or against any of the respondents.
On December 15, 1931, Hon. Clarence J. Shearn filed his report as referee herein, in which he recommended that the respondent William J. McAuliffe be disbarred, the respondent Mark Alter censured, and that the proceedings against the remaining respondents be dismissed.
In April, 1932, pursuant to an order of this court, made upon the application of the respondent McAuliffe, the referee took additional evidence in that case and on September 1, 1932, filed a supplemental report affirming his original findings and recommendation.
The respondent Henry O. Kahan has died since the filing of‘the report of the referee.
The undertaking by Hon. Clarence J. Shearn of this unpleasant, difficult and laborious task does much credit to his community and professional sense of duty. The hearings were conducted with great patience and painstaking care, the testimony covering more than 3,800 pages. The report of the learned referee presents outstanding evidence of his careful consideration.
Upon this motion the petitioners state that they do not question the conclusion in any case where they think it may be said the evidence leaves room for a difference of opinion. In consequence, petitioners do not oppose the confirmation of the report in so far as it recommends the dismissal of the petitions against Philip Rusgo, Joseph Aronstein, Joseph A. Butler, James J. Mayer, Robert J. Fitzsimmons, Samuel Goldstein, Joseph Weber, Kevie Frankel and Albert B. Kurtz. This also clears the name of Henry 0. Kahan.
As to the respondent George Hirsch, the question has become academic for the reason that since the filing of the referee’s report said respondent has pleaded guilty to a charge of grand larceny in the Court of General Sessions, New York county, and his name has been stricken from the roll of attorneys. (See 238 App. Div. 570.)
In reference to the respondent William J. McAuliffe, the referee finds that certain of the charges are sustained by the evidence and recommends his disbarment, and as to this the petitioners ask confirmation.
We, therefore, proceed to take up the charges against Karp, Busch, Alter and McAuliffe.
The basis of the charge against the respondent Karp was the payment of money in specific cases to one John C. Weston (who, between 1921 and 1929, acted as assistant district attorney in that part of the Magistrates’ Court generally known as the Women’s Court) pursuant to a corrupt bargain whereby Weston refrained from presenting a case in the best interests of the People when the respondent represented the defendant and, following the trial, would receive from the respondent sums of money, generally twenty-five dollars, for each defendant acquitted. In addition to the charge of bribery in specific cases, it is charged generally that the respondent made a practice of giving money to Weston as above. Additional charges of misconduct, not relating to the bribery charge involving Weston, are made against respondent Karp, but in view of the finding herein with reference to such respondent it is unnecessary to consider them.
In order not to lengthen this opinion unduly, suffice it to say that the referee concluded that the charges against this respondent should be dismissed because the testimony of Weston has not been convincingly corroborated so as to pin the source of the moneys on the respondents. It appears from the report of the referee that he was convinced that Weston was in possession of a corruption fund produced from'bribes from persons interested in the outcome of cases in the Women’s Court; that Weston was guilty of corrupt conduct while acting as a public prosecutor in that court and that he did not press the cases and remained passive while police officers swore the cases out of court, and that Weston aided the respondent in securing acquittals. In his report the referee says: “ The
The cases of Karp and Busch differ markedly from the cases of the other respondents. Under this charge the distinction between the cases of Karp and Busch and that of the other respondents is that, as to the latter, the records disclose occasional instances where the facts justified suspicion of corruption. In his report the referee states: “ It suffices to state here that, except in the cases of the respondents Karp and Busch, the records disclose only occasional instances * * * where it may be fairly inferred that Weston’s conduct of the trial was corrupt. * * * But in cases of the respondents Karp and Busch a somewhat different situation is presented. Here, particularly in the case of the respondent Karp, the instances of Weston’s lax conduct of trials are numerous. * * * In an occasional case it may be readily inferred that Weston was paid by the police or bondsmen or by the defendants or others, as has been stated. But where, as in the case of respondent Karp, co-operation with the defense is inferable in several cases, the defendants all being different and the officers frequently being different, but the attorney being the same, one is led to infer that the management of the scheme lay in the hands of the attorney. The subtle ways in which Weston could lend successful cooperation in bringing about the breakdown of prosecutions would be best known, if not exclusively known, to a lawyer specializing in this practice, as did the respondents Karp and Busch. * * * Of a group of the respondent Busch’s cases, several not only involve co-operation by Weston but also tampering with the police.”
As to the respondent Karp, the evidence clearly establishes, and the referee has found, that in case after case in which this respondent represented the defendants Weston was bribed and “ threw ” the case. In seventy-five to ninety cases Weston has sworn that the bribe came from respondent, and many of the records corroborate perfectly Weston’s testimony that the bribe came from respondent. Weston testified to the time, the place and the circumstance of the bribery by respondent. The idea that the bribe might have come from a defendant without the medium of her own attorney, not only does not have the ring of probability but in
We are of the opinion that in the cases of respondents Karp and Busch this record warrants the conclusion that the respondents were the bribers. While it is true that Weston is a confessed bribe taker, yet as against a conjecture that some person or persons other than the respondents did the bribing, of which there is no evidence in the record, there is the positive testimony of Weston that these respondents were the bribers. The quaere naturally suggests itself why Weston, who was friendly with these respondents, should falsely accuse them of being the bribers. If the bribes were paid by other persons, why should Weston seek to save them and throw the blame on members of his own profession, with whom he maintained friendly relations for years, and did not appear unfriendly at the time of giving testimony herein? By testifying to the bribing, Weston gained nothing for himself. Why should he have concocted and sworn to a plot against his friends when he could have testified that the money came from policemen, bondsmen and others to him unknown and unidentified? In the latter case Weston would have avoided all danger to himself and could have ended the matter with resignation and disbarment. It would appear, as already noted, that the referee believed that Weston had been bribed at least by some of the respondents, but felt that Weston was corroborated insufficiently by the records of the cases to warrant a finding adverse
The respondents Karp and Busch should be disbarred.
Taking up the case of the respondent Alter, it has already been noted, as found by the referee, that this respondent fell within the class of occasional instances where it might be fairly inferred that Weston’s conduct of the trial was corrupt, but where we give the benefit of the doubt to the respondent as the source of the bribe. As to the finding on this charge, we concur with the referee.
The learned referee has further found, however, that the respondent Alter was guilty of professional misconduct in demanding of one Nina Artska an additional fee of $100 after the respondent had agreed to defend her upon a charge of vagrancy for the sum of $250, which amount she paid him. The demand for $100 additional was made half an hour before the case was reached on the calendar. The defendant was unable to make this payment at that time, and the respondent told her she had to promise to bring
The respondent William J. McAuliffe, in addition to the charge of bribing Weston, which charge because of the occasional instance we find not to be sustained, was charged also with having agreed with one Lillian Greiner, whom the respondent represented as attorney in a prosecution in the Women’s Court on a charge of vagrancy, that if she would give him $200 the respondent would pay same to the arresting officer for the purpose of inducing him to absent himself from court on the day of the trial, to the end that the case might be dismissed by the magistrate. It is also charged that pursuant to such agreement the defendant paid the respondent $200 on November 20, 1928, and the respondent either entered into and carried out such corrupt bargain with the arresting officer or was guilty of obtaining money from his client under false pretenses. The learned referee reports that there was no evidence that the respondent had anything to do with the absence of the arresting officer, who was in another court at the time of the Greiner dismissal. The referee does find, however, that the respondent was guilty of obtaining money from his client by false pretenses. Concededly, the respondent received from his client Mrs. Greiner a payment of $200 in addition to a previous payment of $100. The respondent claimed that $300 was agreed upon as his fee for defending Mrs. Greiner, the latter stating, however, she could only afford to pay $100 at that time and would pay the balance later. The fact that Mrs. Greiner then had over $2,500 on deposit in her account, of which her bank book was deposited with the witness Arlotta as security for bail furnished by the latter, tends to discredit said claim. Arlotta, a bondsman, had his office in that of the respondent across the way from Jefferson Market Court. The corroborative testimony of Arlotta given upon a reopening of the case at the request of the respondent, does not ring true. On the other hand, the testimony of Mrs. Greiner, that the respondent had requested an additional $200 for paying the arresting officer to keep away from the trial, is corrobora bed not only by that of her son, but also by the testimony of the disinterested witness Hommel, to the extent that he testified that the fee agreed upon for
O’Malley, J., dissents as to the respondents Karp and Busch.