No. RECEe\/_;z\;) m Thernw;urAnp@aE blxm district AUb 1 U LUm Texaz“§<,az'~..if;:g T:jjj?~,i;a Debra AL…,;}, mark di ~ /¢_$"' 00/9//- C/€ IN THE SIXTH COURT OF APPEALS FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF TEXAS - "~v-`eas SDthNenhg WUG ‘d 0 2035 1 ":Téxa_rkana, Texas Debra K. Autrey, C!erk IN RE QUINN MCGARY Relatof from 5th District Court of Cass County, Texas Seeking Writ of Mandamus Directed to the Presiding Judge of the Sth District Court, Cass County, Téxas, Cause No. 93F204 RELATOR'E§¢SRIGINAL PETITION FOR WRIT OF MANDAMUS Jerrard McGary c/o Allred Unit 790608 2101 FM 369 Nbrth Iowa Park, Texas [76367] NO. IN THE SIXTH COURT OF APPEALS FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF TEXAS IN RE QUINN McGARY, Relator from 5th District Court of Cass County, Texas Seeking writ of Mandamus Directed to the Presiding Judge of 5th District Court, Cass County, Texas, Cause Nb. 93F204 RELATOR'S ORIGINAL PETITION FOR WRIT 0F MANDAMUS TO THE HONORABLE SIXTH COURT OF APPEALS: NOW COMES, QUINN MCGARY, Relator, and respectfully sutndt his Original Petition For writ of Mandamus, directed to the presiding judge of the 5th District Court, to compel the Court to rule on his Mbtion For Speedy, Revocation Hearing, pursuant to Texas Code of Criminal Proc., Art. 42.12. Mr. McGary is indigent. With this petition he has filed a Mbtion to proceed in forma pauperis and attached his affidavit of indigence. He ask leave to proceed without payment of costs. ii IDENTITY OF KLL PARTIES AND COUNSEL .The parties in this case are: ;1. Petitioner Jerrard McGary c/o Allred Unit 790608 2101 FM 369 North Iowa Park, Texas [76367] 2. Relator: QUINN MCGARY (forward all related correspondence/ mail to Petitioner above) 3. The State of Texas: Randal J. Lee District Attorney Cass County, Texas P.O. Box 510 Linden, Texas 75563 4. Respondent: Honorable Becky Wilbanks 5th District Court P.O. Box 510 Linden, Texas 75563 iii 'LABLE oF cumunntns IDENTTTY or ALL PARTIES AND couNsEL ................................ iii TABLEOFOONIWI'S iv INDEX»OF AUI'PDRI'I‘II-S v APPENDIX To THE PETTTION ............................................ 1 srATEMENT oF JuRIsDIcTIoN ........................................... 1 sTATEMENT oF THE cAsE AND FAcTs ..................................... 1 ARGUMEN'I‘ANDAUI'FDRITIPS 4 TheOourt,oprpealsSl'nuldIssueabhndamlstothe Presiding Juage or the sen nistrict court Directing the court to Rule on the Mocion For speedy Revocation neuring, pursuant to chapter 42;12 ......................... 4 This Petition Satisfies the Requirements For Issuance ofamit ofmdms .............I”.;..I....I.'...I..I... 4 1. TheRelator HasaJusticiable Interest .................. 4 2. 'I‘tleRelator I-bsaClear RighttoRelief ................. 5 3. TheRelator ihs bhde DaxandandBeenRefused ............ 5 4. The Relator can Show that the District Court Clearly mits mmim ....I....I’...I..Il...’ 5 5. Relator has No Adequate Remedy at law ................... 5 mosIU onc¢¢no¢¢¢¢o¢-¢¢¢o¢o¢¢¢¢¢¢00¢¢0000.¢0¢0¢.¢~¢¢ioaooo¢¢¢¢tt. 6 PRAYER ceci¢¢¢oooo¢o0oso¢¢o¢_¢o¢¢oc¢¢~oo.¢no¢code000».¢00¢¢00¢.¢¢¢¢~¢¢ 6 URI.IFICA'I'E oFSDVICE 00o¢¢.¢¢opens000.¢¢00¢0¢¢¢.¢¢¢¢0¢condooooeoo¢¢ 7 iv INDEX OF AUTHDRITIES Case Federal Barker V¢ Wingol 92 S¢Cto 2182 (1972)¢¢.00¢¢¢-oi¢¢¢c¢¢oo¢¢to¢o¢¢¢¢¢ 4, 5 Gagnon v. Scarpelli, 411 U.S. 778 (1973) .......................... 4, 5 State Bmtionv¢ State| 827Sw2d at 947 005¢’¢0¢n¢¢o¢¢nI¢¢¢¢ln¢o~¢¢¢.l¢o 6 Burns v. Kelly, 658 SW 2d 731, 733 (Tex. App. Fort Wbrth 1983, orig. proceeding).............. 6 carney v. state, 573 sw 2d 24 (Tex. crim. App. _1978) 4, 5 In re Perri\'-,t, 992 sw 2d 444, 446 5 Padilla v. McDanie1, 122 sw 3d 805 ('rex. crim. App. 2003).......... 1 Terrazas v. Ramirez, 829 SW 2d 712, 713 (Tex. 1991)................ 4 Tilton v. Marshall, 925 SW 2d 672, 682 (Tex. 1996)................. 5 Statutes TX Code of Crim. Proc. Article 42;12 .............................. 5 'I'X Code of Crim. Proc. Article 142-12 § 21(b) ..................I"° 3' 5 TX Government Code § 22.221(b)(2007).................,............. 1 APP§§pIX To TH§ PETrTIow The following supporting evidence is attached: A. MOTION TO REVOKE PROBATION dated September 27, 1996/filed October 31 1996 B. ALIAS CAPIAS Filed December 12, 1996 C. TRIAL TRANSCRIPT OF REVOCATION OF PROBATION Conducted May 22, 1997 (p.240- 242) D. MOTION TO DISMISS PROBATION & RELEASE DEFENDANT FROM PROBATION Filed July 8, 1997 E. oFFICIAL NoTIcE FRoM coURT oF cRIMINAL APPEALS dated-February 2, 2011 F. INMATE coRREsPoNDENcE REPLY/sTATE oF TEXAS vs. QUINN MCGARY dated Ju1y 3, 2015 snxmaggu!oF JuRIsDIcTIoN This court possess jurisdiction pursuant to Texas Constitution, article v, section 6 and Texas Government Code § 22.221 (b) ("Each Court of Appeals... May issue all writs of Mandamus... against a... judge of'a district or county court in the court of appeals district"). Tex. Gov't Code § 22.221 (b)(2007). Padilla v. McDaniel, 122 S.W. 3d 805 (Tex. Crim. App. 2003), explains that Courts of Appeals possess mandamus authority in situations such ~ as this. In Padilla, the Court of Criminal Appeals explained that mandamus actions in criminal cases must be filed in the Courts of Appeals, not directly in the Court of Criminal Appeals. sTATEM§wT oF THE cAsE Awp FAcrs Quinn McGary was convicted of delivery of a Controlled Substance and placed on a ten year probation (Community Supervision) November,.1993. Unsure of the date the first writ of habeas corpus was filed, whether in 2010 or 2011, the Court of Criminal Appeals dismissed the writ on February 2, 2011 (See Attachment "E") stating, "Community Supervision had not been revoked." McGary filed a writ of habeas corpus on July 9, 2012, with Memorandum In Support; On August 9, 2012, McGary wrotez a letter to Becky Wilbanks onfthe status of 11.07. . On the date of August 16, 2012, the Court of Criminal Appeals, on August 17, 2012, gave McGary Notice that the writ was received and presentedi to the Court. McGary received a card on the date of September 25, 2012 from the Court of Criminal Appeals stating, "The writ was dismissed the Community Supervision has not been revoked.“ This was the second time for the writs to be dismissed for same reason. On the date of October 1, 2012, McGary filed a Motion To Vacate Judgment- writ no; wR-36,290-07 - Cause #93F204 and it's attachments establishing that Probation was suppose to have been Revoked and Sentence imposed. The Motion was denied by the Court of Criminal Appeals and McGary was notified of the denial November 7, 2012. On April 2, 2015, McGary filed a writ of habeas corpus for out-of- time appeal to the 5th District Court of Cass County, Texas. The writ was received in the Court of Criminal Appeals on May 11, 2015. The Court of Criminal Appeals Dismissed Writ for out-of-time appeal stating, "Community Supervision had not been revoked"- WR-36,290-08 on June 3, 2015; McGary filed a Motion For Speedy Revocation Hearing in Cause Number 93F204 on June 9, 2015, pursuant to Article 42.12, § 21 (b) of the Texas ’Code of Criminal Procedure, in which provided the Court of Cass County, Texas, at the 5th Judicial District Court. 20 days of the filing of the Motion to bench warrant McGary to the Court and held a Revocation Hearing.` McGary has provided this Court with the Attachments A, B, C, D, in which is an unresolved issue the Court of Appeals and the Cass County Court needs to resolve. Judge Jack Carter, on the date of May 22, 1997, claimed to have revoked the said Community Supervision to cause no. 93F204, in the 5th Judicial District Court of Bowie County, Texas and supposely imposed sentence of ten years in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice to run concurrent ' with his seventy-five year sentence. (See Attachment "C" Trial Transcript of Revocation of Probation - p.240-241). Cass County, Texas district Attorney filed a Mbtion To Revoke Probation dated September 27, 1996/filed October 3, 1996 (See attachment "A") ordering McGary to appear in Court. On October 3, 1996 a "Alias Capias" was filed for the Sheriff to arrest McGary and deliver him to the revocation hearing at Cass County, Texas Courthouse (See Attachment "B"). At the bottom of same document, it states the order was released and signed by judge Jack Carter on December 12, 1996. (See Attachment "B"). On the date of July 8, 1997, the District Attorney of Cass County, Texas, Randal J. Lee filed a Mbtion To Dismiss Probation & Release The Defendant From Probation, signed by Judge Jack Carter. (See Attachment "D"). _ The Mbtion For Speedy Revocation Hearing must be Granted and a hearing 1 held in the present of McGary, due to the fact the matter at hand is not clear. The Computer/Record do no show a sentence of ten years being imposed, nor does it show that Community Supervision being dismissed and McGary being released from probation. This was established throughby Attachment "E" and other Rulings from the Court of Criminal Appeals. The Sixth Court of Appeals must intervene by ordering the 5th District Court Judge to make a ruling on the Mbtion For Speedy Revocation Hearing. McGary can not proceed towards any appeals and have no?other adequate remedies at law. Y_IEFM@ The Relator respectfully asks the court to issue an order or a writ of mandamus directing the lower court to rule on his pending Mbtion For Speedy Revocation Hearing of Chapter 42¢12, § 21 (b), ideally resolving the issues of the Motion due to the fact three different rulings have been made and neither is factual or have been certified as the`final judgment: (1) Judge Jack Carter claims to have revoked the probation and imposed a ten year sentence on May 22, 1997 (See Attachment "C") (2) Randal J. Lee, the Cass County, Texas, District Attorney, claimed to have Dismissed the Probation & Released the Defendant from probation July 8, 1997 (See Attachment "D"); (3) The Court of Criminal Appeals comes back several years later, three different times, February 2, 2011 (See Attachment "E"), September 25, 2012, May 11, 2015, and claim the Community Supervision have not been revoke and neither is final. Relator k request the Court order the 5th District Court Judge to hold a hearing on the Mbtion For Speedy Revocation Hearing and make a ruling or Dismiss Cause Number 93-F-204. ARGUMENT.AND AUTHURITIES The Court of Appeals should issue a Mandamus to the Presiding Judge of the 5th District Court Directing the Court to Rule on the Relator's Motion. _ McGary respectfully asks the Court to issue a Mandamus to the presiding judge of the 5th District Court, instructing h;mrto rule on the pending Motion. ‘ A. The Mbtion For Speedy Revocation Hearing is Pending. McGary understands that the District Court is busy with Civil and' Criminal proceedings. His case is one of many, and he apologizes for any inconvience caused. It gay be that the Court plans to rule on his Mbtion, or has an internal procedure for doing so. He simply asks the lower court to make a decision on the Mbtion For Speedy Revocation Hearing so that he may proceed, or appeal the denial of his Motion. He has tried by letter to prompt the District Court into holding a hearing on the Motion, but has not been successful. ` B. This Petition satisfies the Requirements for Issuance of a Writ of Mandamus. McGary has satisfied the requirements for issuance by this court for a writ of mandamus. J. The Relator Has a Justiciable Interest. McGary must show that he has a justiciable interest in the dispute§ See Terrazas v. Ramirez, 829 SW 2d 712, 713 (Tex. 1991); Gagnon v. Scarpelli, 411 U.S. 778 (1973); Carney v. State, 573 SW 2d 24 (Tex. Crim. App. ,1978); Barker v. Wingo, 92 S.Ct. 2182 (1972). He is currently being held detained under an unresolved Community Supervision in which only the Hearing on the Mbtion For Speedy Revocation Hearing can resolve. 4. His liberty under cause no. 93F204 constitutes a justiciable interest. 2. The Relator Has a Clear Right to Relief. McGary must show that he has a clear legal right to the performance of a certain act. Tilton v. Marshall, 925 SW 2d 672, 682 (Tex. 1996); Gagnon'v. scarpeni, 411 U.s. 778 '(1973); carney v. state, 573 sw 2d 24 (Tex. crim. App. 1978); Barker v. wingo, 92 s.ct. 2182 (1972). He is entitled to relief according to the authority of Article 42.12, § 21 (b) of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, on Motion by the Relator. Until the Court make a ruling, one way or the other, McGary cannot proceed until a ruling have been made. 3. The Relator Has Made Demand and Been Refused. McGary must show that he asked the District Court for relief and that the Court refused to act. In re Perritt, 992 SW 2d 444, 446 (Tex :1999). McGary has done so. (See Attachment "F“). Second, a proper Mbtion Fo!$ Speedy Revocation Hearing as required by Chapter 42;12 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure has been filed, yet no ruling has been made. There unfortunately been no response. ` 4. The Relator can show that the District-Court;Clearly Abused it's Discretion. ' Originally, according to O'Connor's Texas Civil Appeals, a writ of mandamus was issued only to compel the performance of a ministerial duty. Since the 1950s, however, the Supreme Court has expended the writ power to include a "clear abuse of discretion." Walker v. Packer, 827 SW 2d 833, 839 (Tex. 1992). Here, we have botht Given events, the only act which is required is for the district court to enter an order granting or denying McGary's Motion For Speedy Revocation Hearing. Tex. Code of Crim. Proc. Art. 42.12 § 21 (b). lt cannot ignore the Mbtion For Speedy Revocation Hearing. 5. Relator has no Adequate Remedy at Law. When a party who is subject to an improper judicial decision has no adequate remedy by appeal, mandamus will issue to correct a clear 5. abuse of discretion or the violation of a duty imposed by law. Walker v. Packer, 827 SW 2d 833, 839 (Tex..1992); Buntion, 827 SW 2d at 947. Generally, where there is a dispute issue of material fact, mandamus relief win not be granted. see Burns v. Ke11y, 658 sw 2d'731, 733 (Tex. App. Fort worth 1983, orig. proceeding). McGary cannot obtain a ruling on his Motion For Speedy Revocation Hearing without the district Court's Order granting or denying permission. He can not appeal the denial of the Mbtion For Speedy Revocation Hearing withou the District Court's order. OONCLUSION McGary understands the difficulty of operating a district court which has many other pending civil and criminal cases. He does not wish to cause the court an inconvenence. Yet his original Motion For Speedy Revocation Hearing-has been pending now for almost two (2) Months. He respectfully asks the Court of Appeals to instruct the district court to make a fact-findings on his Motion For Speedy Revocation Hearing so that the case may proceed. ér WHEREFORE, PREMISES CONSIDERED, Mr. McGary respectfully asks this court to issue a writ of mandamus to the presiding judge of the 5th District Court, directing a decision on McGary's pending Mbtion For Speedy Revocation Hearing. McGary also prays for all other relief required by Justice. Respectfully submitted this 30th day of Ju y, 2015. ‘. 6 Jer ar McGary c/o Allred Unit 790608 2101 FM 369 North Iowa Park, Texas' [76367] CERTIFICHTE OF SERVICE I, Jerrard McGary, hereby certify that a true and correct copy of this pleading has been mailed by U.S. Mail; postage prepaid, on this l 30th day of July , 2015 to: Randal J. Lee District Attorney Cass County, Texas P.O. Box 510 Linden, Texas 75563 Honorable ’Becky wilbam< sr ;2 on sr TO THE HONORABLB JUDGE OF SAID COURT: NOW COMES the State of Texas, represented herein by her Criminal District Attorney and would respectfully make this report concerning the above named defendant. ‘ That on the 24th day of March, 1996, the above entitled and numbered cause was reached and called for trial and the defendant, appearing in person by his attorney, pleaded to the charge of DELIVERY OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE as alleged; that this court in a proper proceeding after hearing the evidence; so ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED. that the imposition of the sentence in this cause be suspended during good behavior of the defendant; and that he be placed on probation for said term of months and the specific provision that he; l. Commit no offense against the laws of this State or of any other State or of the United States; 2. Avoid injurious or vicious habits; 3. Avoid persons or places of disreputable or harmful character; 4. Report to the supervision officer as directed by the judge or supervision officer and obey all rules and regulations of the community supervision and corrections depertment; 5. Permit the supervision officer to visit you at your home or elsewhere; 6. Work faithfully at suitable employment as far as possible; 'H 7. Remain within the limits of Cass County, Texas unless given permission to leave therefrom; and notify the Community Supervision Officer if his address or employment is changed, within five days from the date change; B. Special conditions; a. To report weekly to the Community Supervision Office six (6) months. n d . ..»'- .:.-.“- 'MNGSU SSV 803 03'1|:| SV`J(B.L 080338 ¢} That subsequent to the defendant's being placed on probation he violated the provisions of his probation in that, l. Commit no offense against the laws of this State or of any other State or of the United States; on or about the lst day of September, 1996, in the County of Bowie, State of Texas, QUINN MCGARY did then and there intentionally and knowingly cause the death of an individual, Kendolyn Shenaye Hamilton, by stabbing her in the neck. ' Defendant is Ordered to perform 200 community service; QUINN MCGARY failed to perform 116 hours of community service. HHEREFORE, the State prays that said Motion to Revoke Probation be set at a time and place specified by this Honorable Court and the defendant herein be cited to appear at such time and place to show cause, if any he may have. why the probation heretofore granted in this cause should not be revoked and sentence imposed; and the District Attorney further prays that a WARRANT shall issue for the arrest of the defendant herein. RMMM Randal Lee September;Z?, 1996 Criminal District Attorney “ ON THIS the day of , 19 came to be heard the application of the State for setting and notice herein; and it appearing that the State is entitled to the relief sought; IT IS THEREFORE, Ordered that the Clerk of this Court issue notice to the defendant commanding him to appear in this Court to show cause why the probation in this cause should not be revoked and sentence imposed: and it is further ordered that a Warrant be issued for the arrest of the defendant herein. - ifth Judicial District Cass County, Texas ATTACHMENT "B" (ALIAS cAPIAS) December 12, 1996 ATTACHMENT " B " ______~-_-____________ ___________-___________ ¢-___-______~___-__________-________ _____-__~_¢----________-______ IN` a nlsTRIcT'EBG§? """ c TEXAS ' ==:=:==========:=====:=::===:=:============:=:=========FR_£ `{r'£‘ggg§o&:=:=: _ ______________________ /_~_1_1_¢_\_§ _____ C-_/_*_E_L 6 S _ §A§‘~*F“_”‘;‘___ THE sTATE oF TEXAS 969¢1:\21111\01"* _ ' , ~vtr,sanh$ To: MCGARY, QUINN B_YMgaFuT¥ TO ANY SHERIFF OF THE STATE OF TEXAS -- GREETINGS: YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED TO ARREST: MCGARY. QUINN .r ~ond h1m/her safely keenl so that you hove him/her before the Honoroble District Court of Coss CountyJ Texos, ot the Courtnouse of sold County, ln Linden, INSTANTER then ond there to answer The Stdte of Texos unon on indictment pending in Sald COUFt CnUFanQ nlm/heP Wltn DELIVERY OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE (REVOCATION) HEREIN FAIL NOT, but make due Feturh hereof to this COuPt INSTANTER. H§gg§$$ MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE Gt Linden, this 03Fd day Of October . r\"~ - size *"" ' ’ Becky w11banks, c1erk gin District Clerk Coss County §§;},/ BY llDenuty a$zf§§§_ - _ SHERIFF'S RETURN Come to hand the day of A.D. 19 , ot o'clock ___mr, dnd executed by arresting the following named person and toklno _______________bond to oooeor t of Coss County, os within directed, conveying to DGFOF€ the DiStPlCt COUF the DlStFlCt COUFt Of COSS COUntV, QS Wltnln Ot the following times and placesly to-wlt: NAME :DATE/TIME : PLACE & COURSE _ :MILEAGE ' `.-- `~ NOT SERVED 08 tO the fOllOWan DePSOn for FeOSOnS Set ODDOSIte name I actually and necessarily traveled ___________mlles in the service of mlleooe I moy have traveled in the this wrlt, ln addition to ony other Servlce of other writs in the some case during the some trln. FEES: Moklnq Arrest $ Mileooe $ Tdklnc Bond $___________ Sherlff ______________County, Texos TOTAL $ BY Denuty aarunuao Daua_/"’°`€?‘ ...~2;°£/ fw ATTACHMENT "C" (TRIAL TRANSCRIPT OF REVOCATION OF PROBATION) May 22, 1997 p.240_242 ATTACHMENT "C" 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 240 COURT IS ADJOURNED.- JURY RELEASED. MR. HOOPER: Your Honor, the Court is aware there is a pending revocation in the Fifth District Court of Cass County, Texas, where you preside in the other county, and we would ask the Court based on discussed it and conferred with Attorney in that'county, and it- objection to this, and we would considered at this time so when won't have to come back to Cass JUDGE CARTER; Do you understand that, Mr. this sentence, and we have Mr. Randy Lee, the District is my understanding he has no ask that this sentencing be his sentence is served, he County. ' McGary? You are on probation obviously in Cass County, and basically what theyire asking me to do is revoke the probation and run concurrent with this sentence, that’s what it is. You are on a ten year sentence there, l'm sure MR. SHEPHERD: YeS. JUDGE CARTER: Q. _Do you understand that and agree with that? A.(Mr. McGary) Yes. Q. v It will all basically run at the same time. JUDGE cARTER,-` MR. HooPER= No, JUDGE cARTER= I have of course heard all Is there anything further? sir. of the evidence in this case, Genny Day Cennwd Shonhand Reponer 23 Pau| Dnve,`Texarkana,`Texas 75503 (903\ 792-0077 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 241 and take judicial notice of that evidence in this case for the motion to revoke the matter in Cass County, and found that he has violated probation. His probation is revoked} The sentence will be a ten (lO) year sentence, and it will run concurrent with his seventy-five (75) years he has in Bowie County. MR. HOOPER: Judge, he was also in jail for three months. JUDGE CARTER: I will give him credit for that jail time. That's all. Genny Day Cennwd Shonhand Reponer 23 Pau| Drive, Texarkana, Texas 75503 l903) 792-0077 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 242 THE sTATE oF TEXAS ) ' COUNTY oF Bowie . } I, Genny Day, Retired Official Court Reporter in and for the Fifth District Court of Bowie County; State of Texas, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing contains a true and correct transcription of all portions of evidence and other proceedings requested in writing by counsel for the Defendant to be included in this volume of the Reporter's RecordL in the above-styled and numbered cause, all of which occurred in open court or in chambers and were reported by me. wITNESS MY oFFIcIAL HAND this the 22nd day of November, 2004. Genny Day, Texas CSR 1291 Expiration Date: 12-31-04 Retired Official Court Reporter Fifth District Court, Bowie County, Texas 23 Paul Drive, Texarkana, TX. 75503 PhOne: 903-792-0077 Genny Day Cenmed Shonhand Reponer 23 Pam Dnve,Texmkana,Texas 75503 (903\ 792-0077 ATTACHMENT "D" (MoTIoN To DISMISS PRoBATIoN a RELEASE THE DEFENDANT FRoM PRoBATIoN) Juiy 8, 1997 ATTACHMENT " D ". CAUSE NO. 93~F~20j THE s'rA'rE or 'rsxAs § IN 'rm=.' nIs'rRIc'r coun'r vs. § or cass couNTy, TEXAS m ,. QuINN McGARY § FIFTH Junrc:c nm'rn§m§m ' Err'~>‘ <-~ $" ¢.Dj; C: m ~r. F“ CTCJ norton 'ro insures PnonA'rIoN =v’< . gm s RELEAsB THE oeFENoAN'r FRoM PnoBATIoN S;;~; °° z§.,’ Or_ > -‘m CJ :;§3 :! :
in Re Quinn McGary
Combined Opinion