NOTE: ThiS order is nonprecedential United States Court of AppeaIs for the Federal Circuit IN RE MORGAN STANLEY, MORGAN STANLEY & CO. INCORPORATED, J.P. MORGAN CHASE & CO., J.P. MORGAN SECURITIES, INC., J.P. MORGAN CLEARING CORP., THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON CORPORATION, CREDIT SU"ISSE HOLDINGS (USA), INC., CREDIT SUISSE SECURITIES (USA) LLC, THE GOLDMAN SACHS GROUP, INC., GOLDMAN SACHS & CO., GOLDMAN SACHS EXECUTION & CLEARING LP, SWS GROUP, INC., AND SOUTHWEST SECURITIES, INC., Petiti0n,ers. Misce11ane0us D0cket N0. 962 On Petiti0n for Writ of Mandamus to the United States District C0urt for the Eastern DiStrict of TexaS in case n0. 09-CV-0326, Judge Le0nard DaViS. 1N RE BATs TRAD1NG, 1Nc. (ALso mem As BATS ExcHANe.E,1Nc.), THE NASDAQ 0MX GROUP, _1Nc., NAsDAQ 0MX PHLX, INC., 1NTERNATIONAL SEcUR1T1Es EXcHANGE, LLC, cH1cAG0 BOAR1) 0PT10NS ExcHANGE,1Nc0RP0RA'rED, NYSE IN RE MORGAN STANLEY 2 EURONEXT, NYSE ARCA, INC., NYSE AMEX, LLC, SECURITIES INDUSTRY AUTOMATION CORPORATION, OPTIONS PRICE REPORTING AUTHORITY, BOSTON OPTIONS EXCHANGE GROUP, LLC, CME GROUP, INC., BOARD OF TRADE OF THE CITY OF CHICAGO, INC., AND NEW YORK MERCANTILE EXCHANGE, INC., Petitioners. Misce1laneous Docket No. 964 .,'~_ ' On Petiti0n for Writ of Mandan1us to the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Texas in case nos. 09-CV-0327, Judge Leonard DaVis. IN RE THOMSON REUTERS CORPORATION, FACTSET RESEARCH SYSTEMS INC., BLOOMBERG L.P. AND INTERACTIVE DATA CORPORATION, Petiti0n.ers. Misce11aneous Docket No. 967 On Petiti0n for Writ of Mandamus to the United States District Court for the EaStern District of Texas in case no. 6:09-CV-0()333, Judge Leonard DaviS. ORDER 3 IN RE MORGAN STANLEY Realtime Data, LLC moves without opposition to con- solidate the above-captioned petitions for writ of manda- mus and for an extension of time, until Novernber 24, 2010, to file its consolidated response. Realtime also moves on behalf of the petitioners for an extension of time, until December 1O, 2010, to file a consolidated reply and for leave to file a consolidated reply of up to 20 pages If the petitioners seek leave to file a reply that ex- ceeds the permitted page limitation, they should file a motion on their own behalf with arguments in support thereof That motion is denied without prejudice. Upon consideration thereof, "‘ - IT ls ORDERED THA'r: (1) The motions to consolidate and for extensions of time are granted The motion for leave to file a reply brief not to exceed 20 pages is denied without prejudice (2) The revised official caption is reflected above. F0R THE CoUR'r DEC 0 1 2015 /s/ J an Horbaly Date J an Horbaly Clerk cc: Daniel A. DeVito, Esq. Robert A. Cote, Jr., Esq. R_H)leED Ke1vhJ.G1~ady,ESq. "'S+&2‘éE»ER.fP
In Re Stanley
Combined Opinion