ACCEPTED 01-15-00567-CV FIRST COURT OF APPEALS HOUSTON, TEXAS 12/14/2015 12:39:08 PM CHRISTOPHER PRINE CLERK No. 01-15-00567-CV FILED IN 1st COURT OF APPEALS IN THE COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE FIRST DISTRICT HOUSTON, TEXAS HOUSTON, TEXAS 12/14/2015 12:39:08 PM CHRISTOPHER A. PRINE Clerk MACKEY GLEN PETERSON, TONYA PETERSON, DON LESLIE PETERSON AND LONNY PETERSON, APPELLANTS v. SILVERADO SENIOR LIVING, INC., D/B/A SILVERADO SENIOR LIVING SUGAR LAND, APPELLEE Appendix Tab 58 - 68 P. Alan Sanders Tx. State Bar No: 17602100 Joshua Davis Tx. State Bar No. 24031993 Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith, LLP Weslayan Tower, Suite 1400 24 Greenway Plaza Houston, Texas, 77046 (713) 659-6767 (713) 759-6830 – Fax TAB 58 FILED 1 DATA-ENTRY DATE PICK UP THIS DATE 12/16/2014 4:03:16 PM St n rt Stan Stanart County Clerk Harris County PROBATE 1 COURT PROBATE COURT 1 ;LI NO. 427,208 NO.427,208 0 O MACKEY MACKEY (("MACK") "MACK") GLEN PETERSON, §§ GLEN PETERSON, INPROBATE IN COURT PROBATE COURT N O.1 NO. 1 PETERSON; TONYA PETERS PETERSON; TONYA PETERSON, ON, § Individuallyand asNext andas of RUBY §§ Next FriendofRUBY DON LESLIEPETERSON; PETERSON; DONLESLIE PETERSON; PETERSON; §§ CAROL PETERSON, CAROL PETERSON, Individually and and § asNext as ofRUBY NextFriend, of PETERSON; § RUBY PETERSON; LONNYPETERSON, andLONNY and PETERSON, § ti Plaintiffs, § V. § SILVERADO SILVERADO SENIOR SENIOR LIVING, INC., §§ LIVING, INC., Senior L iving—SugarLLand, d/b/aSilverado Senior Living — d/b/a Sugar and,§§ § Defendants. Defendants. § HARRIS HARRIS COUNTY, COUNTY, TEXAS TEXAS OBJECTION OBJECTION TOAPPLICATION TO APPLICATION FOR ATTORNEY'S FORATTORNEY'S FEES FEES TO RULE 91(a) ENTERED ON PURSUANT TORULE91(a)ENTERED PURSUANT NOVEMBER 10,2014 ON NOVEMBER 10, 2014 TO:THE TO: HONORABLE THE HONORABLE LLOYD JUDGE LLOYD WRIGHT: WRIGHT: NOWCOME, MACKEY NOW COME, MACKEY GLEN GLEN PETERSON; PETERSON; TONYA TONYA PETERSON, PETERSON, Individuallyand Individually and as as Next Friend ofofRUBY NextFriend RUBY PETERSON; PETERSON; DONLESLIE DON LESLIE PETERSON; PETERSON; CAROL P CAROL ETERSON, PETERSON, Individually Individuallyand as Next and as ofRUBY Next Friend of RUBY PETERSON; PETERSON; andLONNY PETERSON (("Plaintiffs"), and LONNY PETERSON "Plaintiffs"), file theirobjection their objection tto the o the application application forattorney's feesincluding for attorney's fees including the supplemental andsupplemental theoriginal and applications applications filed by DEFENDANT by DEFENDANT SILVERADO SENIOR LIVING,INC., SILVERADOSENIOR LIVING, INC., d/b/a Silverado d/b/aSilverado 1 Silverado Appx. 0478 No. 1-15-586-CV 3768 SeniorLiving Living— and("SILVERADO"), ("SILVERADO"),andin support would the show Senior —Sugar Sugar L Land and in support would show the Court asfollows: Court as follows: RULE RULE 91a MOTION TODISMISS: 9laMOTION BACKGROUND TO DISMISS: BACKGROUND Silverado Silverado filed Rule9la filed a Rule motionto 91a motion dismiss todismiss September onSeptember on 25,2014. 25, 2014. Plaintiffs Mack, Plaintiffs Mack, Don andLonny Don and Lonny Fourth filed aaFourth Amended Amended Petition Petition October onOctober on 6, 6, 2014and 2014 Response and aa Response inOpposition in thepending to the Opposition to pending R ule91 Rule motionon 91 motion October27, onOctober 27, 2014.Silverado 2014. withdrawal Silverado filed aapartial withdrawal andreply and reply on November 6, on November 6, 2014.The 2014. The motionto motion dismisswas to dismiss heardon washeard November on November 7, 2014,andtheCourtgranted 7, 2014, the and the Court granted the motionin motion becausethe errorbecause in error theallegations, takenas allegations, taken togetherwith true,together astrue, withinferences inferences reasonably reasonably drawnfrom drawn from thementitlethe Plaintiffstto them entitle the Plaintiffs o the reliefsought,and the relief sought, and additionally additionally alternatively, Plaintiffs' andalternatively, and cause ofaction Plaintiffs' cause of action has a basisinfactbecause has a basis in fact because reasonable aa reasonable person could person believe thefactspleaded. could believe TheOrder the facts pleaded. The Order was and notfinal and wasnot appealable appealable becauseititdid because disposeof notdispose did not ofallparties andclaims. all parties and claims. OnDecember On 3,2014, December 3, Silverado 2014, Silverado filed 91aMotion filedaa 91a Dismiss toDismiss Motion to Plaintiffs' Plaintiffs' Sole Remaining C SoleRemaining Breach of laimBreach Claim Trust and/or Breach of of Trustand/orBreach of Fiduciary Fiduciary Duty. On Duty. On December December 4, 2014,Plaintiffs 4, 2014, Plaintiffs timely theirFifthAmended timelyfiled their Fifth Amended Petition, which Petition,which addedtwo added twonew newplaintiffs individually plaintiffsindividually aand nd as ofRuby nextfriends of as next RubyPeterson. Peterson. Silverado Silverado did objectto notobject did not ofthe thefiling of to the amended p the fifth amended etition. petition. 2 Silverado Appx. 0479 No. 1-15-586-CV 3769 OnDecember the 9,2014, held butdidnotconsider ahearing the On December 9, 2014, the Court held a hearing but did not consider the supplement supplement to Silverado's to Silverado's application for for an awardof an award of attorney's feesalleging attomey'sfees alleging aa request dismissan request ttoo dismiss additional anadditional claimthat claim thatwas included notincluded wasnot initsprevious in motion its previous motion fordismissal, for whichwas dismissal, which wasfiled on the filed on same d the same ay.The day. ruledthat The Court ruled thePlaintiffs thatthe would would have have until until December December 16,2014 16, 2014 their tofile their to objections objections Silverado's toSilverado's to motion motion 9laaward forRule fees. ofattorney's for Rule 91a award of attorney's fees. Therefore, Therefore, Plaintiffsrespectfully Plaintiffs respectfullysubmit submit tthat hatSilverado Silverado waived objection waivedobjection to to thefilingoftheir the amended filing of their fifth amended petition;that petition; Silverado h thatSilverado asnot has filedan not filed ananswer to answer to their fifth amended p theirfifthamended etitionor petition motionto oraa motion dismissthe todismiss amended thefifth amended petition; petition; and and Silverado's motion thatSilverado's that motion forRule91adismissal of the for Rule 91a dismissal of thefourthamended petitionis fourth amended petition is moot.Additionally moot. alternatively, Plaintiffs andalternatively, Additionally and Plaintiffs respectfully submitthat respectfully submit Silverado's thatSilverado's motionfor motion for dismissal dismissaland application ffor andapplication or an awardof an award of attorney's feesshould attomey'sfees be should be deniedbecause denied becausethe thePlaintiffs' allegations, Plaintiffs' allegations, taken taken as togetherwith true,together as true, withinferences inferences drawn from them entitlethe reasonablydrawnfromthem reasonably Plaintiffstto entitle the Plaintiffs o the reliefsought,and the relief sought, and additionally additionally alternatively, Plaintiffs' andalternatively, and cause ofaction Plaintiffs' cause of action has basisinfactbecause has aa basis in fact because reasonable aa reasonable couldbelievethe personcould person factspleaded. believe the facts Furthermore, pleaded. Furthermore, Plaintiffs' Plaintiffs' pleadings, pleadings, taken togetherwith true,together taken as true, withreasonable inferencesdo reasonable inferences do not support notsupport 33 Silverado Appx. 0480 No. 1-15-586-CV 3770 Silverado'sthattheP1aintiffs' claimsaregroundless and Silverado's claim that the Plaintiffs' claims are groundless and frivolous or or groundless groundless andbrought and foran brought for improper animproper purposeor purpose forharassment. orfor harassment. Plaintiffs Plaintiffs respectfully respectfully submit submit tthat hattheirclaims their claims are grounded are grounded iinnfactandlaw fact and law andthatthey and werebrought that they were in good broughtin goodfaithand forany notfor faith and not dilatoryor anydilatory improper orimproper purpose according purpose according tto thePlaintiffs' o the knowledge Plaintiffs' knowledge and information and at thetimesthe information at the times the claimswere claims alleged.Additionally werealleged. andalternatively, Additionally and Plaintiffssubmit alternatively, Plaintiffs submitthat thatthey they havealleged have theclaims alleged the contained claims contained intheir in amended their fifth amended petition ingood petitionin faith,that good faith, that theyare they supported aresupported bygood by thatthey cause,that good cause, byexisting aresupported by they are lawor existing law good orgood faithargument faith for meritorious argumentfor changein meritorious change the law,andthattheyshould in the be not be law, and that they should not dismissed.Therefore, dismissed. Plaintiffsobject Therefore, Plaintiffs Silverado's toSilverado's object to application application and supplement andsupplement application application foraward ofattomey's for award of feespursuant attorney's fees pursuant TRCPRule91a to TRCP to Rule 91a on thegrounds on the grounds that Plaintiffs' allegations, thatPlaintiffs' takenas allegations, taken astrue, together true, together withinferences with reasonably inferences reasonably drawn drawn fromthemdo from them do not showthattheirclaims notshow groundless aregroundless that their claims are andfrivolous or and or groundless groundless andbrought and foran brought for improper animproper purpose orforharassment. purposeor for harassment. Additionally Additionally alternatively, andalternatively, and Plaintiffs respectfully Plaintiffs submitthat respectfully submit thatSilverado's Silverado's proffered proffered " evidence" "evidence" consists o consists off no no evidence insufficient evidenceoorr insufficient to it‘sclaim supportit's to support claim for an for awardof anaward of $117,183.40 attorney's fees pursuant attomey'sfees pursuantto TRCPRule to TRCP 91a. Rule 91a. 4 Silverado Appx. 0481 No. 1-15-586-CV 3771 alternatively, Plaintiffs andalternatively, Additionally and submitthat Plaintiffs respectfully submit thatSilverado's claim Silverado's claim foran for ofattomey's anaward of feespursuant attorney's fees pursuanttoTRCP to TRCP Rule9la Rule 91a isexcessive. is excessive. Towit, To theaffidavit wit, the ofJosh affidavit of Davis, Josh Davis, Esq.dated Esq. December datedDecember 1,2014 1, contains 2014 contains award anaward claims for an ofof $44,489.50 $44,489.50 forfor "CaseAssessment, "Case Development, Assessment, Development, Administratn, Administratn, buttheredacted billingstatements but the redacted billing statementsforthetimeperiod beginning for the time period beginning on on July18, July 18,2014through August330, 2014 through August 0, 2014 2014do provideany notprovide do not anyevidence the of the evidenceof reasonableness reasonableness or necessity or necessity ofthetime of the time spent for"fact spentfor investigation/development" "fact investigation/development" and"analysis/strategy", and "analysis/strategy", whichcomprise the majority which comprisethe majorityof of the 161.5hoursand the 161.5 hours and $28,262billedby $28,262 billed by JoshDavisand91.4hoursand $14,624billed Josh Davis and 91.4 hours and $14,624 billedby JacobM. by Jacob M. accordingttoo the Stephensaccording Stephens thestatement statementofCNA of CNASpecialty Specialty Claims 50013-1476 Claimsfile 50013-1476 dated 9/30/14 dated 9/30/14 attached attached to affidavit theaffidavit tothe ofJJosh of oshDavis dated Davis dated December 1,22014. December 1, 014. Similarly, Similarly, the statementof the statement CNASpecialty of CNA Specialty Claims 50013-1476 Claimsfile 50013-1476 dated dated 10/15/14 10/15/14 attached theaffidavit ofJoshDavis attachedttoo the datedDecember of Josh Davis dated 1,2014shows December 1, 2014 shows aa totalamount total claimedfor amountclaimed "factinvestigation/development" for"fact $32,052.39 investigation/development" = $32,052.39 to date to date "analysis/strategy" and"analysis/strategy" and == $17,315.47 o date,but $17,315.47tto thereis date, but there reliableevidence noreliable is no evidence offeredto offered suchclaimsbecause supportsuch to support theredacted claims because the billingstatements redactedbilling do not statementsdo not reveal whetherthe reveal whether theactivities reasonable werereasonable activities were or necessary. or necessary. Likewise, Likewise, thereis no there is no way forthePlaintiffs wayfor determine todetermine the Plaintiffs to whetherthe whether theinformation thatwas information that redacted ffrom was redacted rom Silverado's Silverado's billing statements billing statements was privileged was privileged o discoverable. orr discoverable. Therefore, Therefore, it it is not is not 5 Silverado Appx. 0482 No. 1-15-586-CV 3772 possible determine possible ttoo determine whetherthe whether the79.4hours 79.4 hours and $15,086.00 and$15,086.00 billed byJoshDavis, billed by Josh Davis, 43hours and 43 and$7,665.00 billedby $7,665.00 billed byChristian Johnson, Christian Johnson, and19.9 and hoursand 19.9 hours and$3,482.50 $3,482.50 billedby billed byJulianne C. C.Lomax reasonable werereasonable Lomax were andnecessary and necessary chargesfor currentcharges current forthe the period period ending 10/15/14. on10/15/14. ending on Similarly, Similarly, the statementof the statement CNASpecialty of CNA Specialty Claims 50013-1476 Claimsfile 50013-1476 dated dated ll/17/14,invoice 11/17/14, invoice No. 1408065,attached No. 1408065, attached to the affidavit of to the JoshDavisdated of Josh Davis dated December11,, 2014 December 2014shows totalcurrent shows aa total chargesin currentcharges theamount inthe amountof $18,214.03 of$18,214.03 including including entriesfor multipleentries multiple for"settlement/non—binding ADR", iinn which "settlement/non-binding ADR", Silverado whichSilverado didnot did participate. notparticipate. Plaintiffs Plaintiffs submit thatthereis submitthat noreliable there is no evidence reliableevidence to offered to claimsbecause suchclaims supportsuch support becausethe theredacted billingstatements redacted billing statementsdo notreveal do not whether revealwhether theactivities the activities were reasonable werereasonable ornecessary. or necessary. Additionally Plaintiffs ssubmit and alternatively, Plaintiffs Additionally andaltematively, ubmittthat hatSilverado is claiming Silverado is claiming $117,183.40 $117,183.40 withregard with regard to defendingaagainst to defending gainsttthe he causes of action causes of actionwhich were which were dismissed butthedocuments 10,2014, onNovember attached of totheaffidavit dismissed on November 10, 2014, but the documents attached to the affidavit of JoshDavis Josh donot Davis do showthat notshow thatSilverado incurred Silverado incurred obligation anyobligation any topay to $117,183.40 pay$117,183.40 reasonableaand in reasonable in nd necessary necessaryfees related fees related to the causes to the ofaction causesof actionwhich were which were dismissed dismissed November onNovember on 10,2014.Towit,thebilling 10, statements 2014. To wit, the billing statements indicatethat indicate thatthey they submitted weresubmitted were CNASpecialty to CNA to Specialty Claims 50013-1476, Claimsfile 50013-1476, notto not Silverado, to Silverado, and2 and thereis there evidence noevidence is no asto as whatamount, towhat amount, ifany, if Silverado any,Silverado withregard incurred with to regard to 6 Silverado Appx. 0483 No. 1-15-586-CV 3773 defending thecauses ofaction which dismissed were 10, onNovember defending against the causes of action which were dismissed on November 10, 0 2014. 2014. Additionally and alternatively, Plaintiffs submit Additionally andaltematively, submit tthat hatSilverado is claiming Silverado is claiming $117,183.40 $117,183.40 withregard with regard to defendingaagainst to defending gainsttthe he causes actionwhich of action causes of were which were dismissed 10,2014, onNovember that$18,830.00 butit appears ofthatamount dismissed on November 10, 2014, but it appears that $18,830.00 of that amount was forfeesrelated was for toitsitsdefense fees related to defenseagainst against federal aafederal lawsuit lawsuit filed filed with contemporaneously contemporaneously withthis state courtproceeding.However, thisstate proceeding. However, tthere hereis no is no evidencettoo show evidence showwhich feeswere whichfees relatedto wererelated thestate tothe statecourt proceeding court proceeding andwhich and which feesrelated fees thefederal to the related to courtcase federal court casebecause theactivity becausethe too weretoo activity descriptions were heavilyredacted heavily redacted and and the feeswere the fees segregated notsegregated werenot betweenthe between twocases. the two cases. Plaintiffs Plaintiffs ssubmit ubmittthat hatit it was improper wasimproper forSilverado for claimreimbursement toclaim Silverado to for reimbursement for feesthat chargeable werechargeable fees that were to anotherccase to another aseanddid relatedto notrelated and did not claimsthat to claims thatwere were dismissed dismissed November onNovember on 10,2014 10, pursuant 2014 pursuant to TRCPRule91a. toTRCP Rule 91a. Silverado Additionally Additionally and altematively, and alternatively, claims prospective ffees Silverado claimsprospective ees in the in the of an eventof event appeal.However, anappeal. Plaintiffs However, Plaintiffs submitthat submit thatthe statements the statements ofJoshDavis of Josh Davis regardinghhis regarding opinionas to is opinion theamounts to the ofreasonable amountsof reasonableandnecessary and feesfor necessaryfees for handlingappeals handling ofthis appealsof matterare this matter supported notsupported arenot byevidence by andare evidence and conclusory. areconclusory. To wit, To wit,Mr.Davis' doesnot Mr. Davis' affidavit does provideany notprovide methodfor anymethod calculating forcalculating the the ofreasonable amountsof amounts andnecessary reasonable and necessaryfeesthatwould beincurred; it fees that would be doesnot it does notstate state 7 Silverado Appx. 0484 No. 1-15-586-CV 3774 how many how many hours hours would would berequired be required to bespent; tobe spent; itdoes it notstate does not state reasonable aareasonable rate rate per hour;ititdoes per hour; notstate does not state what activities whatactivities wouldbbeerequired; would anditdoes required; and notstate it does not state thatthe that amounts the amounts offeesrequested of areusual fees requested are andcustomary usualand customaryinthelocality. in the locality. CONCLUSION & PRAYER FOR RELIEF Fortthe For hereasons reasonsstated stated herein, herein, Plaintiffs pray thattthis pray that hisCourt deny Silverado's denySilverado's application application supplemental application andsupplemental and application for for an awardof an award ofattorney's feespursuant attorney's fees pursuant toTRCP to TRCP Rule91a.Plaintiffs Rule 91a. Plaintiffs respectfully request thatthisCourt respectfully request allrequested grantall that this Court grant requested reliefandallotherandfurther reliefto relief and all other and further relief whichthey to which maybejustlyentitled theymay lawor at law be justly entitled at or inequity.Respectfully in equity. submitted Respectfully submitted PhilipM.Ross Philip M. Ross 1006Holbrook 1006 Holbrook Road Road SanAntonio, San Antonio, T TXX78218 78218 Phone: 210/326-2100 Phone: 210/326-2100 Email: Email: By: /s/ M.Ross By: /s/ Philip M. Ross Philip Philip M.Ross M. Ross StateBar State BarNo.17304200 No. 17304200 THESCHWAGER THE SCHWAGER LAW LAWFIRM FIRM Candice Candice L L..Schwager Schwager 1417Ramada 1417 Ramada Dr. Dr. Houston, Houston, Texas 77062 Texas77062 Tel: ( 832)3 15-8489 Tel: (832) 315-8489 Fax:(713) Fax: 583-0355 (713) 583-0355 8 Silverado Appx. 0485 No. 1-15-586-CV 3775 ATTORNEYS ATTORNEYS FOR FOR MACK MACK GLEN GLEN PETERSON, TONYA P ETERS ON, PETERSON, TONYA PETERSON, PETERSON, DoN LESLIE LONNY PETERSON, DON LESLIE PETERSON, ANDCAROL PETERSON, AND CAROL PETERSON PETERSON CERTIFICATE OFSERVICE CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE II hereby herebycertify that thatthisdocument andserved on wase-filed and this document was JoshDavis, onJosh Davis, counselof counsel ofrecord forSilverado, record for the16th onthe Silverado, on dayofDecember, 16th day of December, 2014. 2014. /s/ M. /s/ Philip M. Ross Ross PhilipM.Ross Philip M. Ross 9 Silverado Appx. 0486 No. 1-15-586-CV 3776 427,208 NO. 427,208 MACKEY MACKEY (("MACK") "MACK") GLEN GLENPETERSON,§ § ININPROBATE PETERSON, COURT PROBATE COURT NO.1 NO. 1 PETERSON; TONYA PETERSON; TONYA PPETERSON, ETERSON, § Individuallyand asNext andas NextFriend FriendofRUBY§ of RUBY § PETERSON; PETERSON;DONLESLIE DON LESLIEPETERSON; PETERSON; §§ CAROL CAROL P ETERSON, PETERSON, Individually Individually and §§ and NextFriend, of asNext as ofRUBY PETERSON; §§ RUBY PETERSON; andLONNY and LONNY PETERSON, PETERSON, § Plaintiffs, § V. SILVERADO SILVERADO SENIOR SENIOR LIVING, LIVING, INC., §§ d/b/a Silverado Living d/b/a Silverado Senior Living ·- L Sugar and,§ — Sugar Land, § Defendants. Defendants. §§ HARRISCOUNTY, TEXAS HARRIS TEXAS ORDER ORDER ONTHIS ON DAYCAME THIS DAY ON TO BE CONSIDERED theDefendant's CAME ONTOBECONSIDERED application the Defendant's application andsupplemental and application supplemental application foran for awardof anaward attorney's feesfiledbySilverado ofattorney’s Senior fees filed by Silverado Senior Living,Inc. Living, thepleadings Afterconsidering the Inc.After fileandhearing onfile pleadings on argument and hearing argument ofcounsel of counsel forthe for theCourtfindsthatthemotion the parties, the lacksmeritandshould Court finds that the motion lacks merit and should be Denied. beDenied. Therefore, Therefore, themotion the isDENIED motion is follows. asfollows. DENIED as ITISORDERED, IT ADJUDGED IS ORDERED, ADJUDGED andDECREED and thatthe DECREED that Defendant's the Defendant's application application and and supplemental supplemental application ffor application or an awardof an award of attorney's feesfiledby attomey'sfees Silverado filed by Silverado Senior Senior Living, Living, Inc.ishereby DENIED. Inc. is hereby DENIED. 1 Silverado Appx. 0487 No. 1-15-586-CV 3777 SIGNED: SIGNED: . 0 0 Hon. Lloyd Hon. Lloyd Wright Wright Judge, No.1 Judge, Probate Court No. 1 Silverado Appx. 0488 No. 1-15-586-CV 3778 Respectfully Respectfully submitted, submitted, Philip M. M. R oss,SBN 17304200 210/326-21 Phone: Philip Ross, SBN 17304200 1006 1006 Holbrook Holbrook Road Road SanAntonio, San Antonio, T exas78218 Texas 78218 Phone: 210/326-2100 Email: Email: By: By: /s/ Phili M. /s/ Philip M.Ross Ross Philip M.Ross Philip M. Ross CandiceSchwager Candice Schwager 1417 1417 Ramada Ramada Drive Houston, TX 77062 Houston, TX 77062 Phone: 832—315—8489 Phone: 832-315-8489 FAX: 713-583-0355 FAX: 713-583-0355 Attorneys Attorneys forDonPeterson, for Don Peterson, Lonny Peterson andMack Lonny Peterson and Mack Peterson Peterson ofService Certificate of Service herebycertify that II hereby andcorrect thataa true and correctcopy oftheabove copyof document the above document e-filed wase-filed was December 16,2014 and sent byemail onDecember 16, 2014 and sent by email or on electronic delivery b yagreement to: orelectronic delivery by agreement to: Josh Davis Josh Davis Weslayan Weslayan Tower,Suite Tower, Suite1400 1400 24Greenway 24 Greenway Plaza Houston,T Houston, X 77046 TX 77046/s/ M.Ross /s/ Philip M. Ross Philip M.Ross Philip M. Ross 33 Silverado Appx. 0489 No. 1-15-586-CV 3779 TAB 59 FILED FILED 12/18/2014 PM 12/18/2014 4:44:26 PM n Stan Stanart DATA-ENTRY County Clerk County Harris County · PICK UP THIS DATE CAUSENO.427,208 CAUSE NO. 427,208 PROBATE COURT 1 PROBATE COURT 1 MACKEY MACKEY (“MACK") GLEN ("MACK") GLEN PETERSON § PETERSON INPROBATE IN COURT PROBATE COURT NO.l1 NO. PETERSON; TONYAPETERSON PETERSON; TONYA PETERSON § Individually and as NextFriend and as of Next Friend of § RUBYPETERSON; RUBY PETERSON;DONLESLIE DON LESLIEPETERSON;§ PETERSON; § CAROL CAROL PETERSON, PETERSON, andas Individually and asNext Next §§ Friend Friend ofRUBY of RUBY PETERSON; PETERSON; and LONNY and LONNY § PETERSON, PETERSON, § VS. VS. § § SILVERADO SILVERADO SENIOR SENIOR LIVING, INC. LIVING, INC. § SILVERADO d/b/a SILVERADO SENIOR SENIOR LIVING LIVING —— § SUGAR SUGAR LAND LAND § HARRIS COUNTY, HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS TEXAS SILVERADO’S SILVERADO'S RESPONSE RESPONSE TO TO PLAINTIFFS’ PLAINTIFFS' OBJECTION OBJECTION TO APPLICATION FORATTORNEY’S TOAPPLICATION FEES FOR ATTORNEY'S FEES PURSUANT PURSUANT TORULE TO ENTERED RULE 91(a) ENTERED ONNOVEMBER2014 ON NOVEMBER 10, 2014 Defendant,Silverado Defendant, Silverado SeniorLiving,Inc. d/b/aSilverado Senior Living, Inc. d/b/a SeniorLivingSugarLand Silverado Senior Living Sugar Land (Silverado)files thisResponse (Silverado) to Plaintiffs’ this Response to Objection Plaintiffs' Objection ttooApplication Application forAttorney’s FeesPursuant for Attorney's Fees Pursuant to Rule91(a) to Rule 9l(a)Entered Entered On November OnNovember (Plaintiffs’ I0,20141 (Plaintiffs' 10, Objection) Objection) Ordered asOrdered as bytheCourt by and the Court and expressly agreedby expresslyagreed bytheparties December onDecember the parties on 9,2014.I 9, 2014. PROCEDURAL PROCEDURAL POSTURE POSTURE OnNovember On 10,2014, November 10, 2014,the Court entered theCourt itsOrder entered its granting Silverado’s Order granting Rule91a Silverado's Rule 9laMotion Motion to to Dismiss Dismiss thefollowing causes the following causes ofaction of whichwere action which theonly werethe causes only causes ripeforinclusion ripe intheinitial for inclusion in the initial falseimprisonment, 91afiling: false 91a imprisonment, assault assault andbattery, and battery, andconspiracy. Silverado and conspiracy. Silverado timelyfiled its timely its Application Application forAttomey for FeesPursuant Attorney Fees Pursuant Rule91a toRule to 9laOrder Entered Order Entered onNovember on 10,20142 and November 10, and First First Supplement Supplement (hereinafter thereto3 (hereinafter globally globally referred referred to as "Silverado’s to as "Silverado's Fee Application") FeeApplication") required asrequired as 1 Onfile with On withthe theCourt andincorporated Court and byreference incorporated by asififset reference as setout fullyherein. out fully herein. 2 Id. 3 id 4844-7770-7809.1 Silverado Appx. 0490 No. 1-15-586-CV 3780 bytheCourt by andpursuant the Court and to Rule pursuant to Rule 91a.The onlyother 91a. The only otherpending pending motion motion issuerelated atissue at related theRule ttoothe Rule entered 91aOrder onNovember Motion isPlaintiffs 10,2014 toReconsider, Brief inSupport and 91a Order entered on November 10, 2014 is Plaintiffs Motion to Reconsider, Brief in Support and Silverado’s Silverado's Response Response thesame.4 tothe to II RULE 11 OnDecember On December 9,2014, during tthe 9, 2014, during hehearing onSilverado’s hearingon FeeApplication, Silverado's Fee Application, theCourt the Court afforded Plaintiffs Plaintiffs opportunity anopportunity an totochoose choose themethod the bywhich method by thefeeapplication which the fee application and evidence andevidence in in support support ofthe of samew the same ouldbbeeadmitted. would admitted. The TheCourt to permit Court offered to a full permit a full e videntiary evidentiary hearing hearing proceed toproceed to in in which leadcounsel which lead forSilverado counsel for would Silverado would takethestand, take besubject the stand, be cross-examination tocross-examination subject to the onthe on itemized itemized invoices invoices andhis and Plaintiffs hisaffidavits, Plaintiffs could could preserve preserve objections objections andthe and theevidence evidence would would tthen hen be admitted for be consideration incamera consideration for final in andruling. Thealtemative and ruling. The offeredbbyytheCourt alternative offered the Court required required agreement agreement bytheparties by the parties o on the recordtthat ntherecord hattthe heApplication forAttomey Application for FeesPursuant Attorney Fees Pursuantto to Rule91a Rule 91aOrder Entered Order Entered November onNovember on 10,2014 10, andFirst 2014and Supplement First Supplement constituted theretos constituted prima prima facieevidence facie evidenceofthe reasonablenessand of the reasonableness necessityofSilverado’s andnecessity attorneys' fees of Silverado'sattomeys’ ubjecttotoPlaintiff’ feesssubject Plaintiff'ss evidentiary evidentiary objections, objections, ififany, filed any,filed no later nolater than5:00 than 5:00PM PMon Tuesday, onTuesday, December December 16,22014 16, at which 014at which time allpending time all briefing pending briefing andevidence and evidence would would beconsidered be by submission. Plaintiffs considered bysubmission. elected Plaintiffs elected nnototttoo proceed proceed w ithaa formal with formal hearing, hearing, agreedto agreed theCourt’s tothe terms Court's terms andchose and takeadvantage totake chose to advantage ofthe of the additional additional timeto time submit tosubmit written written evidentiary evidentiary objections. objections. Once Once Silverado’s Silverado's Response Response deadline deadline was was dictated dictated intothe into therecord bytheCourt record by as5:00 the Court as PM, T 5:00 PM, hursday Thursday December December 18,22014, 18, Silverado deferred 014,Silverado deferred andalso and agreed. also agreed. 4 See Silverado’s See Silverado's Response Response totoPlaintiffs’ Motion Plaintiffs' Motion Reconsider toReconsider to Rulings, Counter Motion Rulings, Counter Motion for for Sanctions Sanctions and and Brief Brief iinnSupport Support ofMotion of Motion to Reconsider toReconsider and Rescindwhich andRescind which iisson on file file with with theCourt the Court andincorporated and incorporated byreference by reference asas if set out fully if setout herein. fully herein. Bothon 5 Both filewith onfile thecourt with the court andincorporated and byreference incorporated by as if reference as set out fully if setout herein. fully herein. 4844-7770-7809.1 Silverado Appx. 0491 No. 1-15-586-CV 3781 <4J III III Cli OBJECTION Silverado objects toallarguments andissues inPlaintiffs’ which raised arebeyond Silverado objects to all arguments and issues raised in Plaintiffs' Objection which are beyond and/or and/or outside outside thescope the ofSilverado’s scopeof Silverado's Fee Application, FeeApplication, moves moves to enforce toenforce theOrder the Courtand Order of the Court and Rule11 Rule 11Agreement entered Agreement entered December onDecember on 9,201 9, 1,and 2011, moves and moves to strike to strike p wothrough agesttwo pages through four four ((2-4) 2-4) ofPlaintiffs’ of Objection Plaintiffs' Objection beginning beginning withthe with thefirst complete first complete paragraph paragraph atpage at pagetwo through twothrough thelast the last complete complete paragraph page four.Pages atpage paragraph at through twothrough four. Pages two fourooffPlaintiffs’ four Objection Plaintiffs' Objection simply simply hhighlight ighlight thetime, skill the time, skill and briefing andbriefing required required inthis in matter this matter due Plaintiffs duetotoPlaintiffs repeated repeated refusal refusal follow tofollow to the the Cd e- Court's Ordersand Court’sOrders andagreements agreementsoftheparties.Plaintiffs’ argument of the parties. Plaintiffs' argument insupport in ofits supportof itsconclusory conclusory assertion assertion thattheCourt granted that the Court granted tthe heRule 9lain Rule 91a errorisiscumulative in error cumulative in part,isisincomplete inpart, incomplete as to asto background, background, mischaracterizes mischaracterizes theprocedural the history procedural history andlaw and goveming lawgoverning theRule the Rule 91(a) Order entered 91(a)Order entered onNovember on 10,2014 November 10, 2014and pending andpending FeeApplication, Fee andimproperly Application, and inserts improperly inserts aa novel argument novel argument that that theFifth the Amended Fifth Amended Petition Petition iiss somehow somehow rrelevant elevant to the pending iissues. to thepending ssues.Theparties not werenot The parties were authorized authorized to submit tosubmit further further briefing briefing related related toPlaintiffs’ to Motion Plaintiffs' Motion to Reconsider toReconsider themerits orthe or ofthe merits of the underlying underlying Rule91a Rule 91aMotion Motion to Dismiss which to Dismiss which ssupports upports Silverado’s mandatory Silverado's mandatory attomey attorney feeaward. fee award. Silverado Silverado objects objects a ndmoves and theimproper strikethe tostrike movesto additional improper additional argument argument sectionrelated section relatedto the tothe substantive substantive Rule91a Rule 9laMotion Dismiss Motion ttooDismiss which violates whichviolates theRule the 11Agreement Rule 11 andOrder Agreement and ofthe Order of the Court.In Court. addition In addition tothe to foregoing theforegoing objection, objection, Silverado Silverado specifically specifically objectsto objects Plaintiffs’ toPlaintiffs' mischaracterization mischaracterization andobfuscation oftherecord: and obfuscation of the record: OnDecember On 2014, theCourt 9,2014, December 9, heldaa hearing the Court held hearing butdid not c but did not onsider consider thesupplement the supplement Silverado’s toSilverado's to application application for for an an award ofattomey’s awardof feesalleging attorney's fees requestto alleging aa request to dismissaann additional dismiss additional claim claim that that was included notincluded was not inits in itsprevious previous motion for motionfor dismissal, dismissal, which filedon wasfiled which was onthe 4844-7770-7809.1 4844-7770-7809.1 Silverado Appx. 0492 No. 1-15-586-CV 3782 See (Plaintiffs’ See (Plaintiffs' Objection Objection TheCourt 3).The atat3). Courtmade made ititclear during clear during thehearing the December onDecember hearing on 9, 2014 tthat 9,2014 hat theApplication for the forAttorney FeesPursuant Attorney Fees Pursuant Rule91 toRule to a Order 91a Order Entered on November Entered on 10,22014 November 10, 014and and FirstSupplement First theretowere Supplement thereto properly wereproperly beforethe before theCourt andconstituted Court and constituted prima evidence primafacie evidence ofthe of the reasonableness reasonableness andnecessary and necessaryattorney attorney fees incurred fees incurred bySilverado by Silverado subject to Plaintiffs’ subject to evidentiary Plaintiffs' evidentiary objections, objections, if any, aand if any, ndSilverado’s Silverado's response. Allparties response. All expressly agreed parties expressly othe agreed tto same. S the same. ilverado’s Silverado's First Supplement First Supplement toApplication to forAttomey Application for FeesP Attorney Fees ursuant Pursuant to Rule to Rule 91a Order 91a Order Entered on November Entered on November 10, 2014 ,, which 10,2014 which was the date of hearing, does on thedateofhearing, was filed on not request d does notrequest ismissal dismissal of an additional of an additional claim claim andwas and forthelimited wasfiled for the limited purpose ofsupplementing purpose of itsreasonable supplementing its andnecessary reasonable and necessary costs andfees costsand fees incurred between between December December 1 1,, 2014 2014andDecember 9, 2014.6 Silverado and December 9, furtherobjects Silveradofurther the on the objects on grounds grounds thatPlaintiffs’ recitation that Plaintiffs' recitation andcharacterization and ofthebackground characterization of andprocedural the background and history procedural history relatedto related to Silverado’s FeeApplication Silverado's Fee as incomplete, Application as inaccurate and/or incomplete, inaccurate and/or m isleading. misleading. TEX. TEX.R. P. R. M. P. 106,4403. 106, 03.IVISSUES IV PENDINGFORTHECOURT’S ISSUES PENDING RULING FOR THE COURT'S RULING Plaintiffs Plaintiffs c ontinuedoobfuscation continued bfuscation ooff thefactsandissuesbeforetheCourtnecessitate this the facts and issues before the Court necessitate this simple simple issuestatement issue statementfor the benefit oftheCourt forthebenefit and clarity o of the Court andclarity offtherecord. Thereare the record. There issues twoissues aretwo pending before pending before tthe heCourt related Court related theRule tothe to 9laOrder Rule 91a entered Order entered onNovember on 10,2014.7 November 10, Whether l. Whether 1. Plaintiffs’ motion Plaintiffs' motion reconsider toreconsider to and briefin andbrief insupport supportshould should bedenied. be denied. 6 SeeFirst See Supplement. First Supplement. Despite 7 Despite Plaintiffs Plaintiffs efforts efforts to obtain toobtain a ruling onnSilverado’s ruling o 91aa Motion Silverado's 9l Motion to to Dismiss Dismiss Plaintiffs’ Plaintiffs' SoleRemaining Sole Remaining Claim Claim ofBreach of Breach ofofTrust and/or Trust and/or Breach Breach ofFiduciary Duty, of Duty,ititis notbbefore is not efore the the Court forruling for untilJanuary 8, ruling until 8,2015.The datethat 2015. 7 The date thatcontrols controls Silverado’s Silverado's deadlines deadlines related related ttooPlaintiffs’ Plaintiffs' FifthAmended Fifth Amended Petition Petition theextent, tothe to extent,ififany, it impacts tthat any,itimpacts hat91amotion o dismiss 91a motion tto dismiss aand/or nd/ornnecessitates ecessitates objection, objection, reply, p reply, artialwithdrawal partial withdrawal and/or a and/or mendment amendment related relatedtto same is o same is thedateofhearing: the date of hearing: January 8,2015. January 8, TEX.R.CIV. 2015. TEX. R. Civ. P.91a. P. 91a. 4844-7770-7809.1 Silverado Appx. 0493 No. 1-15-586-CV 3783 2. Upondenialof 2. Upon themotion denial of the motion reconsider, totoreconsider, theCourt the Courtwill will then determine thendetermine Silverado’s Silverado's reasonable attorney ffees reasonable attorney eeswith with regard o the regard tto challenged the challenged ofaction causesof causes pursuant action pursuant the tothe to lodestar lodestar method. method. IfIfthemotion reconsider the motion totoreconsider isisgranted andthe granted and the9laisovertumed, thisissue 91a is overturned, this issue will bereached notbe will not reached V SUBSTANTIVE SUBSTANTIVE SUBJECT TOOBJECTION RESPONSE SUBJECT RESPONSE ABOVE TO OBJECTION ABOVE A)PLAINTIFFS' OBJECTIONS A) OBJECTIONS FEEAPPLICATION TOSILVERADO'S FEE TO APPLICATION Plaintiffs Plaintiffs assert thefollowing the following objections to Silverado’s objections to FeeApplication: Silverado's Fee Application: 1) Silverado’s 1) proffered Silverado's proffered ‘evidence’ 'evidence' consists consists ofno of evidence noevidence or to support it’s[sic] orinsufficient tosupport it's [sic] claimfor claim foran award o an award off$1l7,l83.40 $117,183.40 a ttomey’s attorney's feespursuant fees pursuantto TRCP to TRCP Rule Rule 9la.(Plaintiffs’ 91a. (Plaintiffs' Objection Objection 4). at 4). at 2) Silverado's 2) Silverado’s claim foran claimfor ofattomey’s awardof anaward feespursuant attorney's fees TRCPRule toTRCP pursuantto Rule9la isexcessive. 91a is excessive. (Plaintiffs’ (Plaintiffs' Objection Objection 5). at 5). at 3) Generally, 3) Generally, Plaintiffs Plaintiffs object object that theredacted thatthe invoices redacted invoices insupport in supportof fees "do offees notpprovide "do not rovide any any evidence evidence ofthereasonableness of the reasonableness or necessity or necessity ofthetimespent" and/ordo of the time spent" and/or donot constitute notconstitute "reliable "reliable evidence" evidence" and/or and/or "noevidence" are"no are withregard evidence" with regard segregation tosegregation to between between Stateand State and Federalcclaims. Federal laims.((Plaintiffs' Plaintiffs’ Objection Objection at 5-7). at 5-7). 4) 4) Plaintiffs object Plaintiffs object that S that ilverado’s Silverado's insurer insurer assumed assumed thecost the ofdefense. costof defense. (Plaintiffs’ Objection (Plaintiffs' Objection at at 6). 6). 5) 5) Plaintiffs submit Plaintiffs submit it was it improper wasimproper forSilverado for claimreimbursement toclaim Silverado to reimbursement forfees for thatwere fees that were chargeable chargeable to another to case anddid another case related[sic] notrelated and did not [sic]to claimsthat toclaims thatwere dismissed weredismissed on on November November 10,10,2014 2014pursuant pursuant to TRCP R to TRCP ule9la.(Plaintiffs’ Rule Objection 91a. (Plaintiffs' Objection 7). at7). at 6) Plaintiffs’ 6) objectto Plaintiffs' object Silverado’s toSilverado's request request forappellate for appellate costs: Thestatements costs:The statementsofJosh of Davis Josh Davis regarding regarding hisopinion his opinion aass to theamounts tothe amounts ofreasonable of andnecessary reasonable and necessaryfeesforhandling fees for handling appealsooffthis appeals matterare this matter arenotnotsupported bybyevidence andare evidence and conclusory. areconclusory. (Plaintiffs’ (Plaintiffs' Objection Objection 7-8). at7-8). at 4844-7770.7809.1 Silverado Appx. 0494 No. 1-15-586-CV 3784 B) To RESPONSE To APPLICATION B) SILVERADO'S RESPONSE To PLAINTIFFS' OBJECTIONS TO FEE APPLICATION Subject Subject to itsobjections to its andconsistent objections and consistent withtheCourt’s andRulell with the Court's Order and Agreement Rule 11 Agreement intotherecord dictated into December the record December 9,2014, 9, Silverado 2014, Silverado files thefollowing limited the following limited response response to redress to redress theissues the issuesand/or and/orobjections objectionsraised by Plaintiffs byPlaintiffs thatspecifically pertain that pertain to Silverado’s to Silverado's Fee Fee Application. Application. l) I) EVIDENCE REDACTED EVIDENCE Silverado Silverado andserved filed and served one hundred onehundred thirty-six thirty-six pages pages (SSL00000l-SSL000l36) (SSL000001-SSL000136) of of properly redacted properly redacted itemized itemized billing billing entries entries insupport in supportofits of attomey its attorney feesand fees costs a andcosts ndconcurrently and concurrently tendered tendered unredacted unredacted copies copies theCourt tothe to forits Court for incamera its in camerainspection inspection and and lodestar lodestar analysis. Plaintiffs analysis. Plaintiffs generically generically object to allevidence object to all evidence proffered "no evidence," and/or as "insufficient," "noevidence," proffered as "not rreliable" and/or “not eliable" largely largely onthebasis on the basis tthat hatportions portionsofthe of the filed billing billing rrecords ecords were rredacted; were edacted; however, however, Plaintiffs Plaintiffs failttoo fail pincite single pin cite aasingle batesnumber, bates number, lineitembilling line and/or entryand/or item billing entry lodge lodge substantive aasubstantive evidentiary evidentiary objection objection to afford to afford S ilverado Silverado an opportunity an to meaningfully opportunity to meaningfully respond. Additionally, respond. Additionally, ititis is important tonote to thatSilverado note that Silverado timely itsfeeapplication timelyfiled its andPlaintiffs fee application and failedto Plaintiffs failed timelyfile aa motion totimely motionto to compel compel and/or and/or anyother any substantive othersubstantive response response to thesame tothe priorttoothe sameprior thehearing dateto hearing date seekaa ruling to seek theissues onthe on forwhich issues for theynow which they generically nowgenerically complain complain andwholly failto and wholly fail citeany tocite authority. anyauthority. Plaintiffs Plaintiffs waived waived tthis hiscomplaint andexpressly complaint and expressly agreed agreed o therecord onnthe thattheFeeApplication record that and the Fee Application and First Supplement First Supplement constitute constitute prima acieevidence prima ffacie evidence ofthereasonable of the reasonable and necessary and necessary feesand fees costs and costs incurred incurred dduring uringthehearing the hearing o onn December December 9,2014.Inaddition, numerous 9, 2014. In addition, numerous entries entries wholly arewholly are unredacted andthose unredacted and thatare thosethat redacted areredacted onlyredacted areonly are redacted thelimited tothe to limited extent to protect the necessary toprotect extent necessary the thatare portions that subject aresubject work towork to product, product, attomey-client attorney-client and/orjoint and/or jointdefense privileges. defense privileges. See See 4844-7770-7809.1 Silverado Appx. 0495 No. 1-15-586-CV 3785 Thelegal (SSL000001-SSL000136).8 The sufficiency legal sufficiency oftheevidence of isfortheCourt’s the evidence is review for the Court's review and and —notcounsels. determination—not SeeLong counsels. See v.Griffin, 442S.W.3d Long v. 442 S.W.3d 2 53,2255 253, (Tex. 2 55(Tex. 014)cciting 2014) iting(El (ElApple Apple Ltdv. I, Ltd Olivas,370 v.Olivas, 370S.W.3d 757,763(Tex. S.W.3d 757, 2012)(attorneys 763(Tex. 2012) (attomeys providetthe mustprovide must trial court withthe hetrial with the information)); seealso, information)); see also, B org- Warner Borg-Warner Servs. Protective Servs. Corp.v.v.Flores, Corp. 955S.W.2d Flores, 955 S.W.2d861,870 861, 870(Tex. (Tex. App.— App. —Corpus CorpusCChristi hristi11997, 997,nno pet.h.)(attorney opet. h.) (attorney ffees eesand and costs are determined costs are determined bythe by the trial judge); judge); Boyaki v. JohnM Boyaki v. John M 0O’Quinn &Assocs., 'Quinn & Assocs., PLLC, No.01-12-00984-CV, PLLC, No. 2014Tex. 01-12-00984-CV, 2014 Tex.App. LEXIS10862 App.LEXIS 10862 (Tex.App. (Tex. App. -—Houston[1st Houston Dist.]Sept. [lst Dist.] 30,2014, Sept. 30, pet.)(theCourt nopet.) 2014, no determines (the Court determines whatconstitutes what constitutes reasonable andnecessary reasonable and attorneys necessary attorneys feesand fees sufficient evidence andsufficient underthelodestar evidence under the lodestar method). Fortthe method). For he foregoing foregoing reasons, Plaintiffs reasons, Plaintiffs generic generic a boilerplate objections ndboilerplate and objections related related tto insufficiency o insufficiency ofthe of the evidencebased evidence basedupon redaction uponredaction shouldbe should beoverruled. overruled. 2)SEGREGATION OF FEES 2) Plaintiffs Plaintiffs complain complain thatSilverado improperly that Silverado improperly seek feesfordefense seek ofthecorresponding fees for defense of the corresponding federal federal lawsuit lawsuit andfailing segregate the to segregate and failing to the same. Forthe same. For reasons the reasons outlined outlined inSilverado’s in Fee Silverado's Fee Application, thecosts Application, the ofdefending costsof thefederal defending the lawsuit federal lawsuit incurred wereincurred were with respect with respect tothechallenged to the challenged ofaction. causesof causes See Application forAttorney action. SeeApplication for Attorney FeesPursuant Fees Pursuant to Rule91aOrder to Rule Entered 91a Order Entered On On November November 10,22014 10, 014at However, at 6-8.9 However, Silverado Silverado segregated segregated itsfederal its feesin federal fees abundance anabundance in an of of cautionforthebenefit caution of the for the benefit of theCourt andhighlighted Court and eachentry highlighted each entryon the in onthe incamera records. camerarecords. Plaintiffs’ Furthermore, Plaintiffs' admit admit thatSilverado that Silverado segregated segregated thefederal the feesfor federal fees forthebenefit ofthe the benefit of Court the Court andsolely and inan solelyin anabundance ofcaution abundance of byciting caution by thedollar citing the amount dollar amount offees of fees attributable saiddefense tosaid attributable to defense ofNovember asof as 30,2014: November 30, $18,830.00. 2014: $18,830.00. SeePlaintiffs’ See Objection Plaintiffs' Objection at page77citing atpage (Exhibit citing (Exhibit "A" to "A" to Application Application forFees for Fees at butssee at¶8); but (Exhibit ee(Exhibit "A"to "A" toFirst Supplement FirstSupplement at¶7 reflecting at amount reflecting amount offees of fees 8 Onfilewith On theCourt file with the andincorporated Court and byreference incorporated by reference as ifset as if setout fullyherein. out fully herein. 9 Incorporated Incorporated byreference by asififset reference as setout verbatim out verbatim herein. herein. 4844-7770-7809.1 4944-7770-7809.1 Silverado Appx. 0496 No. 1-15-586-CV 3786 incurred incurred with regard with regard ttoocontemporaneous federal contemporaneous federal filingequals filing equals$19,223.00 $19,223.00 ofDecember asof as 9,2014). December 9, 2014). C thereasons For enumerated Application, inSilverado’s Fee should Silverado itsfederal beawarded For the reasons enumerated in Silverado's Fee Application, Silverado should be awarded its federal feespursuant fees toRule pursuant to and Plaintiffs 9la.7and Rule 91a.7 objections regarding Plaintiffs objections segregation regarding segregation beoverruled mustbe must asthe overruled as the fees infact werein fees were segregated fact segregated inan in abundance anabundance ofcaution. of caution. 3) 3) APPELLATE FEES FEES obj Plaintiffs donot Plaintiffs do not a ttack attack tthe hequalifications ofMr. qualifications of Mr. D avis; Davis; however, theyobject however, they thattthe ectthat heaffidavit 0 supporting supporting feesisisconclusory fees asto conclusory as appellate toappellate fees forthefollowing feesfor reasons: the following reasons: ititdoes notpprovide does not rovideany any 01 method method for calculating the forcalculating amounts the amounts ofreasonable of andnecessary reasonable and necessaryfeeswhich fees which w ouldbe would beincurred; it incurred; it not indicate doesnot does indicate tthe amount o heamount offhours hours required; required; thereasonable the reasonable rate per hour;activities rate per required;or hour; activities required; or the amounts the amounts offees of usualand fees usual andcustomary inthelocality. in the locality. To thecontrary, Tothe contrary, thecurrent the current contractual contractual defenserrates defense atesare included areincluded whichaffords which method affordsaamethod bywhich by Plaintiffs which Plaintiffs could extrapolate couldextrapolate and and calculate calculate thehours required the hours required andfeeswhich and wouldbe fees which would bereasonably incurred. reasonably incurred. See Exhibit See Exhibit "A," "A," to to Silverado’s Silverado's FirstSupplement First Supplement Additionally, at¶6. Additionally, at Mr. Davis Mr.Davis testifies testifies thatthe that theamounts amounts offees of are fees are usual andcustomary usual and customaryinthelocality. in the locality. Id at¶10. Mr. Id at Davis’ Mr.Davis' qualifications qualifications notat arenot are issueand at issue andhis his opinions opinions are basedupon are based hiseducation, uponhis knowledge, education, knowledge, skill, e skill, xperience experience andtraining. Plaintiffs and training. Plaintiffs objections objections are misplaced are as theunderlying misplaced as data complainedofissufficiently the underlying datacomplained of is sufficientlypresent. Forthe present. For the foregoing foregoing reasons, Plaintiffs reasons, objections should Plaintiffs objections should b overruled andSilverado beeoverruled shouldbbeegranted and Silverado should its granted its appellate appellate andfees costsand costs inthe fees in Plaintiffs eventPlaintiffs the event choose choose to appeal. to appeal. 4) 4) EXCESSIVENESS & ASSUMPTION & INSURER'S ASSUMPTION OF DEFENSE Rule91a Rule includes 9la includes feeaward aa mandatory fee award ttoothe prevailing party. TEX. theprevailing TEX. R. P.91a.7. R. Civ. P. 91a.7. Plaintiffs that Silverado did objectthatSilverado Plaintiffs object actually notactually did not incurtthe incur hecost ofdefense. cost of However, defense. However, itisirrelevant it is irrelevant who ultimately whoultimately incurs incurs the costofofdefense thecost —theprevailing defense — party, inthis the prevailing party, case Defendant, in this case Defendant, isentitled is entitled to to recover itsfees. recover its fees. Id. 4844-7770-7809.1 Silverado Appx. 0497 No. 1-15-586-CV 3787 With With regard regard ttooPlaintiffs’ generic Plaintiffs' generic objection objection excessiveness, astotoexcessiveness, as theCourt isisthesole the the sole jjudge udgeaass to thereasonableness and to the necessity andnecessity ofthe of amount the amount offees of andmay fees and adjustthe mayadjust theamount amount upor up down. or down. Boyaki, 2014Tex. Boyaki, 2014 Tex.App. App.LEXIS LEXIS10862 10862 FN3citing atFN3 at (Dillard citing(Dillard D ep’tStores, Dep't Gonzales, Inc.v.v.Gonzales, Stores, Inc. 72 72 S.W.3d S.W.3d 398,412 398, 412(Tex. App.— (Tex. App. —ElPaso El Paso2002,pet.denied)). 2002,pet. TheDillard denied)). The Dillard trial applied courtapplied trial court the the lodestarm lodestar ethodof method ofdetermining fees. SeeGonzales, determining fees. 72S.W.3d See Gonzales, 72 S.W.3d at 412. Applying 412. Applying thetwo the twoprong prong lodestar lodestar analysis, the analysis, the Dillard adjusted courtadjusted Dillard court theamount the amount up, doubled up, doubled the the hourly rateand hourly rate then awarded and then awarded fees.Id. The fees. appellate Theappellate Court Court found found theaward the award was notan wasnot anabuse ofdiscretion abuseof andtheTexas discretion and the Texas S upreme Supreme Courtdenied Court deniedthe thepetition forreview. petition for Id. Plaintiffs’ review. Id generalobjection Plaintiffs' general objectionthatSilverado’s feesare that Silverado's fees are excessive shouldbe excessive should bedenied. Furthermore, denied. Furthermore, thetimeandlabor the required; time and labor required; levelof level skill required; effect ofskillrequired; effect onother on other e mployment employment due to Plaintiffs due to latenight Plaintiffs late night ffilings, ilings, refusal to follow refusal to follow theCourt’s ordersand/or the Court's orders and/or agreements agreements ofthe of parties, the parties, ethical ethical rules and/or rulesand/or basicttenants basic enants of law which oflaw which m andated mandated pulling pulling numerous numerous associates associates andresources and resourcesto devote todevote thismatter tothis to matter asopposed as opposed to time limitations others; time to others; imposed limitations imposed due due to thecircumstances; to the involved amountinvolved circumstances; amount andissues and stake;and atstake; issues at andtheoverall the overall u ndesirability undesirability ofthe of the case case supportan support increase an increase iinntheaward ofattomeys’ the award of feesifadjustment attorneys' fees iswarranted if adjustment is pursuant warranted pursuant the tothe to Johnson factors. Johnson factors. Id Id. VI VI PRAYER PRAYER Silverado Silverado Senior Senior Living, Living, d/b/aSilverado Inc.d/b/a Inc. Silverado Senior Senior Living Living SugarLand Sugar Landrequests requests theCourt the Court itsobjections, grantits grant objections, deny Plaintiffs’ deny Plaintiffs' objections, objections, awardititits award itscosts andreasonable costsand andnecessary reasonable and necessary feesincurred inan not lessthan $120,552.90.TEX. R. also, attomey attorney fees incurred in amount anamount not less than $120,552.90. TEX. R. Civ. P.9la.7; P. 91a.7; s eealso, see Drake, 2014Tex.App.Lexis12572 Drake, 2014 (Tex.App. Tex. App. Lexis 12572 (Tex. App.— Fort WorthNov.20,2014).Silverado —FortWorth further Nov. 20, 2014). Silverado further requests itsfeesforhandling requests theappellee’s its fees for handling the case appellee's case ininthe court the court ofappeals of inthe appeals in amount the amount of$10,000, of $10,000, and $7,500 and$7,500 ifplaintiff if WritooffError plaintiff files aa Writ orrPetition Error o Petition forReview for Review w iththeSupreme with the Supreme Court ofTexas, Court of Texas, and$7,500 and iftheWrit $7,500 if ofError the Writ of Petition orPetition Error or forReview for isGranted Review is bytheSupreme Granted by the Supreme Court ofTexas. Courtof Texas. 4844-7770-7809.1 Silverado Appx. 0498 No. 1-15-586-CV 3788 Respectfully submitted, Respectfully submitted, C.rJ 0 LEWIS LEWIS BRISBOIS BISGAARD BRISBOIS BISGAARD &SMITH, & LLP SMITH, LLP /S/Christian R. /S/ Christian R. Johnson pJ DAVIS JOSH K. DAVIS State BarNo.24031993 State Bar No. 24031993 CHRISTIAN R.JOHNSON CHRISTIAN R. JOHNSON StateBar State Bar N o.24062345 No. 24062345 Weslayan Weslayan Tower, Suite1400 Tower, Suite 1400 24Greenway 24 Plaza Greenway Plaza Houston, Texas 77046 Houston, Texas 77046 (713)659-6767 (713) Telephone 659-6767 Telephone (713)759-6830 (713) Facsimile 759-6830 Facsimile ATTORNEYS FOR DEFENDANTS,DEFENDANTS, SILVERADO SILVERADO SENIOR SENIOR LIVING, INC.D/B/A LIVING, INC. D/B/A SILVERADO SILVERADO SENIOR SENIOR LIVING LIVING SUGAR SUGAR LAND LAND CERTIFICATE OFSERVICE CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE IIhereby hereby c ertify certify tthat hataa true true and and correct copy ofthe correct copy of the foregoing foregoing instrument instrument was served was served all uponall upon counsel counsel ofrecord of record v iae-file, facsimile, via facsimile,handdelivery hand deliveryand/or and/or mail,return certified mail, retum receipt receipt requested requested on on Philip M. Ross this ofDecember, this 18th of 2014. December, 2014. Philip M. Ross 1006 Holbrook Road 1006 Holbrook Road SanAntonio, San Texas78218 Antonio, Texas 78218 Attorney for Attorney for Plaintiffs Candice LSchwager Candice L Schwager 1417 Ramada Dr. TheSchwager LawFirm The Schwager Law Firm Houston, Texas 77062 1417 Ramada Dr. Houston, Texas 77062 Attorney for Attorney for Plaintiffs Sarah Patel Pacheco Sarah Patel Pacheco Crain,Caton Crain, Caton& &James, PC James, PC 1401 McKinney Street 1401 McKinney Street 1700 Five Houston Center 1700 Five Houston Center Texas Houston, 77010 Houston, Texas 77010 Attorneys for Attorneys for Carol Manley andDavid Manley and David P eterson Peterson JillW.Young Jill W. Young 4844-7770-7809.1 Silverado Appx. 0499 No. 1-15-586-CV 3789 · Maclntyre, Maclntyre, McCulloch, McCulloch, &Young, Stanfield & LLP Young, LLP 2900Weslayan, 2900 Suite150 Weslayan, Suite 150 Houston,Texas Houston, Texas77027 77027 W.Russ Jones W. Russ Jones JonesScherrer & Underwood, Jones &Malouf, PLLC Malouf, PLLC 5177Richmond 5177 Richmond Ave,Suite Ave, Suite505 505 Houston, Houston, Texas Texas 77056 77056 /S/ R.J0hns0n /S/ Christian R. Johnson CHRISTIAN CHRISTIAN R. JOHNSON 4844-7770-7809 I Silverado Appx. 0500 No. 1-15-586-CV 3790 CAUSENO.427,208 CAUSE NO. 427,208 MACKEY MACKEY ("MACK”) GLENPETERSON ("MACK") GLEN PETERSON § INPROBATE COURTNO. IN PROBATE COURT NO.1 1 C PETERSON; PETERSON; PETERSON TONYAPETERSON TONYA § Individually and as Next and as Next F riend Friend ooff § RUBYPETERSON; RUBY PETERSON; DONLESLIE PETERSON;§ DON LESLIE PETERSON; CAROL CAROL PETERSON, PETERSON, Individually Individually andas and asNext Next § FriendofRUBY Friend PETERSON; and of RUBY PETERSON; LONNY and LONNY § PETERSON, PETERSON, § VS. VS. § SILVERADO SILVERADO SENIOR SENIOR LIVING, LIVING, INC. § d/b/aSILVERADO d/b/a SENIOR SILVERADO SENIOR LIVING—- LIVING § SUGARLAND SUGAR LAND § HARRISCOUNTY, HARRIS COUNTY,TEXAS TEXAS 1n ORDER ORDER DENYING PLAINTIFFS’ DENYING PLAINTIFFS' OBJECTIONS OBJECTIONS TOAPPLICATION TO APPLICATION FOR FOR ATTORNEY’S ATTORNEY'S FEESPURSUANT FEES PURSUANT T O RULE TO RULE91(A) 91(A) ENTERED ENTERED ONNOVEMBER2014 ON NOVEMBER 10, 2014 BEITREMEMBERED BE IT REMEMBERED that onthisday that on this day came to beconsidered onnto came o be considered Plaintiffs’ Objections Plaintiffs' Objections to to Application Application forAttomey’s FeesPursuant for Attorney's Fees Pursuant to Rule91(a) to Rule 9l(a)Entered OnNovember Entered On November 10, 10,2014 2014and andthe the Courtafter reviewing Court reviewing Plaintiffs’ Objections Plaintiffs' Objections should should beDENIED. be DENIED. It istherefore It is ORDERED therefore ORDERED thatPlaintiffs’ Objections that Plaintiffs' Objections to Application to Application forAttomey’s Fees for Attorney's Fees Pursuantto Pursuant Rule9l(a)Entered to Rule OnNovember 91(a) Entered On 10,2014isHEREBY November 10, DENIED 2014 is HEREBY DENIED initsentirety. in its entirety. Allrelief All relief not expressly notexpressly granted granted hereinisisdenied. herein denied. SIGNED SIGNED this this dayof day of 2014. 2014. JUDGE JUDGE P RESIDING PRESIDING 4840-2426-4225.1 4840-2426-4225.1 Silverado Appx. 0501 No. 1-15-586-CV 3791 TAB 60 FILED 12/18/2014 5:01:13 PM DATA-ENTRY DATA-ENTRY Stan Stanart County Clerk Harris County PICK UP THIS DATE COURT PROBATE 1 PROBATE COURT 1 CAUSE CAUSE NO. 427,208 NO. 427,208 MACKEY MACKEY (“MACK") ("MACK") GLENPETERSON GLEN PETERSON § INPROBATE IN COURTNO.1 PROBATE COURT NO. 1 TONYA PETERSON; PETERSON PETERSON; TONYA PETERSON § Friend andasNext of Individually and as Next Friend of § RUBY PETERSON; RUBYPETERSON; DONLESLIE DON LESLIE PETERSON;§ PETERSON; CAROL CAROL PETERSON, PETERSON, Individually Individually andas and asNext Next § FriendofRUBY Friend of RUBY PETERSON; PETERSON; and LONNY and LONNY § PETERSON, PETERSON, § VS. SILVERADO SILVERADO SENIOR SENIOR LIVING, LIVING, INC. INC. § d/b/aSILVERADO d/b/a SILVERADO SENIOR SENIOR LIVING LIVING —— § N SUGAR SUGAR LAND LAND § HARRIS HARRIS COUNTY, COUNTY, TEXAS TEXAS SILVERADO’S SILVERADO'S MOTION MOTION TOSTRIKE TO PLAINTIFFS’ STRIKE PLAINTIFFS' OBJECTION OBJECTION TORULE 9lA TO RULE 91A DISMISSAL DISMISSAL OFCLAIMS OF AGAINST CLAIMS AGAINST FEEAPPLICATION SILVERADO, FEE APPLICATION AND AND MOTIONS FOR SANCTIONS FOR SANCTIONS Defendant, Silverado S Defendant, Silverado eniorL Senior iving,Inc.d/b/aSilverado Living, Inc. d/b/a Silverado Senior LivingSugar SeniorLiving Land SugarLand ("Silverado") ("Silverado") filesthisMotion files Strikethe to Strike this Motion to theObjection ToRule9la Objection To Dismissal Rule 91a Dismissal OfClaims Of Against Claims Against Silverado, Silverado, FeeApplication Fee Application AndMotions And Motions ForSanctions byPlaintiffs' For Sanctions filed by Plaintiffs’ counsel counsel Candice Candice Schwager, Schwager, on December on Second Objection"). 16, 2014 ("Plaintiffs' Second December 16,2014("Plaintiffs’ Thismotion Objection"). This doesnot motion does not address address Plaintiffs’ Objection Plaintiffs' Objection to Application to Application forAttomey’s Fees Pursuant for Attorney's Fees Pursuant to Rule91(a) to Rule 9l(a)Entered Entered OnNovember On 10,2014filedby November 10, Plaintiffs’ 2014 filed by Plaintiffs' counsel,Phillip counsel, PhillipRoss, Ross, on thesame on the day("Plaintiffs’ sameday ("Plaintiffs' FeeObjection). Fee Objection). OnDecember On thisCourt December 9th, this heldaa hearing Court held hearing Silverado’s onSilverado's on Application Application to PayAttomey toPay Attorney Feespursuant Fees to the pursuant to grant of the grant of a Rule9la a Rule Motionttoo Dismiss. 91a Motion Plaintiffs Dismiss.Plaintiffs didnot did objectto notobject to Silverado’s Silverado's attomey attorney fees,but fees, butclaimed haveobjections. tohave claimed to objections. TheCourt The magnanimously Court magnanimously granted granted Plaintiffs Plaintiffs additional additional time properly rrespond to properly time to espondaand ndobject object tto Silverado’s o Silverado's attorney attorney ffees, ees,on the onthe condition condition thattheystipulate that they stipulate thatthefees admissible. wereadmissible. that the fees were Plaintiffs Plaintiffs agreed agreed thisstipulation tothis to stipulation andwere and required wererequired tofile their to objections theirobjections byDecember by Silverado December 16th. Silverado agreed agreed to thisprocedure tothis procedure 4851-0770-3329.1 Silverado Appx. 0502 No. 1-15-586-CV 3792 well,and as well, as givenuntilDecember wasgiven and was until December 18th to respond torespond anyofofPlaintiff's toany to Plaintiffs fee attorney fee objections. OnDecember 16, boththeirFeeObjection aswellasPlaintiffs’ objections. On December 16, Plaintiffs filed both their Fee Objection as well as Plaintiffs' SecondObjection. Second Objection.Plaintiffs’ Plaintiffs' SecondObjection Second Objectioniin n no addresses no way addresses Silverado’s Silverado's Fee Fee Application. such, the extentthatPlaintiffs’ Objectionis objector Application.As As such, to SecondObjection to the extent that Plaintiffs' Second meantttoo object is meant or respond respond to theamount, to the reasonableness, amount,reasonableness, necessityof or necessity or of Silverado's Silverado’s fees,Silverado attomeyfees, attorney Silverado requests requests that theCourt that the disregard Court disregard thismotion this initsentirety. motion in its entirety. Alternatively, Alternatively, to the to thatPlaintiffs’ extentthat the extent Second Plaintiffs' Second Objection Objection isaasupplement is supplementand/or and/or additional additional briefing to Plaintiffs’ to Plaintiffs' Motion Motion Reconsider toReconsider to theRule9la the Order, Rule 91a Order, Silverado Silverado hereby hereby incorporates incorporates byreference the objections and by reference theobjections responses contained and responses contained initsResponse in its Response to Plaintiffs to Plaintiff's Motion Motion Reconsider ttooReconsider Rulings, Rulings, filed December onDecember filed on Plaintiffs’ 9th. Plaintiffs' Second Second Objection Objection contains contains no no new factsor new facts lawbut orlaw merely but merely regurgitates regurgitates Plaintiffs’ Plaintiffs' Briefin Brief in Support of their Supportof theirMotion to Motion to Reconsider. Reconsider. Moreover, it Moreover, contains it contains thesame, the inapplicable same,inapplicable arguments arguments regarding regarding thesanctions the sanctions awarded awarded aagainst gainstMs.Schwager. Sanctions Ms. Schwager. Sanctions are notpart are oftheRule9la not part of Order,and the Rule 91a Order, andhave no have no bearingon bearing on reconsideration reconsideration of the Rule 91a Order.Plaintiffs’ of theRule9la Second Order. Plaintiffs' Second Objection Objection isissuperfluous superfluous andwholly and irrelevant wholly irrelevant toany to proceeding anyproceeding currently currently beforetthis before hisCourt, anditshould Court, and bedisregarded. it should be disregarded. PRAYER PRAYER WHEREFORE, PREMISES C WHEREFORE, PREMISES ONSIDERED, CONSIDERED, Defendant, Silverado SeniorLiving, Defendant, Silverado Inc. Senior Living, Inc. d/b/aSilverado d/b/a Senior L Silverado Senior ivingSugar Living Sugar L prays thatthisCourt andprays Land itsMotion grantits that this Court grant Motionto Strike toStrike Plaintiffs’ Objection Plaintiffs' Objection ToRule To 9laDismissal Rule 91a OfClaims Dismissal Of Against Claims Against Silverado, Silverado, FeeApplication Fee And Application And Sanctions Motions For andthat beawarded Defendant of and taxable costs that the Court Motions For Sanctions and that Defendant be awarded taxable costs of Court and that the Court otherand suchother grantsuch grant andfurther reliefttoowhich further relief Defendant which Defendant isjustly is justly entitled. entitled. 4851-0770-3329.1 Silverado Appx. 0503 No. 1-15-586-CV 3793 Respectfully submitted, Respectfully submitted, LEWIS BRISBOIS LEWIS BRISBOIS BISGAARD BISGAARD &SMITH, & SMITH, LLP LLP /s/Josh Davis /s/ Josh K. Davis JOSH K.DAVIS JOSH K. DAVIS State State Bar Bar No. 24031993 No. 24031993 CHRISTIAN CHRISTIAN R R..JOHNSON JOHNSON State Bar Bar N o.24062345 No. 24062345 Weslayan Weslayan T Suite1400 ower,Suite Tower, 1400 24Greenway Plaza 24 Greenway Plaza Houston, Houston, Texas 77046 Texas 77046 (713) (713) 659-6767 659-6767 Telephone Telephone (713) (713) 759-6830 759-6830 Facsimile Facsimile ATTORNEYS FOR DEFENDANT, SILVERADO SILVERADO SENIORLIVING, SENIOR LIVING,INC. INC.D/B/A D/B/A SENIOR SILVERADO LIVING SUGAR LAND SILVERADO SENIOR LIVING SUGAR LAND 4851-0770-3329.1 Silverado Appx. 0504 No. 1-15-586-CV 3794 . OFSERVICE CERTIFICATE CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE herebycertify that II hereby that aa true andcorrect trueand correct oftheforegoing copyof copy instrument the foregoing instrument served wasserved was upon upon all counsel all counselofofrecord recordvia e-file,facsimile, via e-file, handdelivery facsimile, hand and/orcertified delivery and/or mail,return certified mail, receipt retumreceipt requested onthis18thDecember, requested on this 18th December, 2014. 2014. PhilipM. Philip M.Ross Ross Holbrook 1006 Road 1006 Holbrook Road SanAntonio, San Antonio, Texas 78218 Texas 78218 Attorney Attorney for for Plaintiffs Candice Candice LSchwager L Schwager TheSchwager The Firm LawFirm Schwager Law 1417 1417 R amada Ramada Dr. Dr. Houston, Houston, Texas77062 Texas 77062 Attorney Attorney for for Plaintiffs SarahPatel Sarah PatelP acheco Pacheco Crain,Caton Crain, Caton&&James, James,PC PC 1401McKinney 1401 Street McKinney Street 1700 Five Center Houston 1700 Five Houston Center Houston, Texas Houston, 77010 Texas 77010 Attorneys for Attorneys andDavid for Carol Manley and David Peterson Jill w.Young Jill W. Young Maclntyre, McCulloch, Stanfield &Young, Young,LLP LLP Maclntyre, McCulloch, Stanfield & 2900Weslayan, 2900 Weslayan,Suite150 Suite 150 Houston,Texas Houston, Texas77027 77027 W.Russ W. Russ J ones Jones Underwood, JonesScherrer Underwood, Jones &Malouf, Scherrer & PLLC Malouf, PLLC Richmond 5177Richmond 5177 Ave,Suite Ave, 505 Suite505 Houston,Texas77056/S/ Houston, Texas 77056 JoshK. /S/ Josh KDavis Davis DAVIS1 JOSH K. DAVIS 4851-0770-3329.1 Silverado Appx. 0505 No. 1-15-586-CV 3795 CAUSE NO.427,208 CAUSE NO. 427,208 MACKEY MACKEY (“MACK") ("MACK") GLENPETERSON GLEN PETERSON § INPROBATE IN NO.l1 COURTNO. PROBATE COURT PETERSON; PETERSON; TONYA PETERSON TONYA PETERSON § andas Individually and Next Friend of as NextFriend of § RUBYPETERSON; RUBY PETERSON; DONLESLIE DON LESLIE PETERSON;§ PETERSON; CAROL CAROL PETERSON, PETERSON, Individually andandas asNext Next § Friend ofRUBY andLONNY § PETERSON; Friend of RUBY PETERSON; and LONNY PETERSON, PETERSON, VS. VS. § SILVERADO SILVERADO LIVING,INC. SENIORLIVING, SENIOR INC. § d/b/a d/b/a SILVERADO SILVERADO SENIOR SENIOR LIVING LIVING —— § SUGAR SUGAR LAND LAND § HARRIS HARRIS COUNTY, COUNTY, TEXAS TEXAS ORDER TO GRANTING STRIKE MOTION PLAINTIFFS’TO OBJECTION RULE 9lA ORDER GRANTING MOTION TO STRIKE PLAINTIFFS' OBJECTION TO RULE 91A DISMISSAL DISMISSAL OFCLAIMS OF AGAINSTSILVERADO, CLAIMS AGAINST SILVERADO,FEEAPPLICATION FEE AND APPLICATION AND MOTIONS MOTIONS FORSANCTIONS FOR SANCTIONS BE IT REMEMBERED that BEITREMEMBERED onnthisday that o this day came to beconsidered on to came on Silverado’s be considered Silverado's Motion Motion to to StrikeP Strike laintiffs’ Plaintiffs' Objection Objection ToRule To 9laDismissal Rule 91a OfClaims Dismissal Of Against Claims Against Silverado, Silverado, FeeApplication Fee Application AndMotions And ForSanctions Motions For andthe Sanctions and the Court after reviewing afterreviewing thePlaintiffs’ the Motion Plaintiffs' Motion andDefendant and Defendant Silverado’s Silverado's Motion Motion to Strike toStrike Silverado’s finds Silverado's Motion Motion should should beGRANTED. be GRANTED. Itistherefore ORDERED It is therefore ORDERED that Plaintiffs’ that Plaintiffs' Objection Objection ToRule To Rule9laDismissal 91a OfClaims Dismissal Of Claims Against Against Silverado, Silverado, FeeApplication Fee Application AndMotions ForSanctions And Motions For isHEREBY Sanctions is STRICKEN HEREBY STRICKEN inits in its entirety.All entirety. All relief expressly notexpressly relief not granted granted hereinisisdenied. herein denied. SIGNED SIGNED this this dayof day of 2014. 2014. JUDGE JUDGE PRESIDING PRESIDING 4840-2426-4225 1 Silverado Appx. 0506 No. 1-15-586-CV 3796 TAB 61 . PM 1/7/201 ILED 1/7/201 rt LED PM art DATA-ENTRY THIS DATE PICK UP PICK UP THIS DATE PROBATECOURT PROBATECOURT11 427,208' CAUSE NO. 427,205 401 MACKEY MACKEY ("MACK") GLEN PETERSON ("MACK") GLEN PETERSON § IN PROBATECOURT INPROBATE COURTNO.l NO. 1 PETERSON; TONYA PETERSON PETERSON; TONYA PETERSON § Individually and NextF asNext and as riendooff Friend § RUBY PETERSON; DON LESLIE P RUBY PETERSON; DON LESLIE PETERSON; § ETERSON; CAROL P CAROL ETERSON, PETERSON, Individuallyand asNext andas Next § FriendofRUBY Friendof RUBYPETERSON; and LONNY PETERSON;and LONNY § PETERSON, PETERSON, § vs. VS. § H SILVERADO SENIOR LIVING,INC. SENIOR LIVING, INC. § d/b/aSILVERADO SENIOR d/b/a SILVERADO SENIOR LIVING LIVING — — § IN SUGAR SUGAR LAND LAND § HARRISCOUNTY,TEXAS HARRISCOUNTY, TEXAS ANDSUPPLEMENT WITHDRAWAL PARTIAL TO PARTIAL WITHDRAWAL AND SUPPLEMENT TO SILVERADO'S 91a SlLVERADO’S TO DISMISS PLAINTIFFS’ MOTIONTODISMISS 91a MOTION SOLE REMAINING CLAIM PLAINTIFFS' SOLE REMAINING CLAIM BREACH OF TRUSTAND/OR BREACH OFTRUST BREACHOFFIDUCIARY AND/ORBREACH DUTY OF FIDUCIARY DUTY SeniorLLiving, Defendant, SilveradoSenior Defendant, iving,Inc. d/b/aSilverado SeniorLivingSugarLand Inc. d/b/a Silverado Senior Living Sugar Land Withdrawal filesthisPartial toitspending andSupplement toDismiss Rule9l Motion a Motion to Dismiss (S ilverad o) files this Partial Withdrawal and Supplement to its pending Rule 91a Plaintiffs’ Plaintiffs' Sole Remaining Claim Sole Remaining nd/orBreach Breach Trustaand/or Claim Breach ooffTrust ofFiduciary Duty. Breach of Fiduciary Duty. TRCP PARTIAL WITHDRAWAL TRCP 91a5 PARTIAL WITHDRAWAL l.1. Petition December FifthAmended co-defendants 4,2014whichnon-suited Plaintiffs filed aa Fifth Amended Petitionoon n December 4, 2014 which non-suited co-defendants David David Peterson andCarolManley and Plaintiffs’ Peterson and Carol Manley and joined Plaintiffs' spouses CarolandTonyaPeterson spouses Carol and Tonya Peterson individuallyandasnext individually andas friends ofRuby next friends of Ruby Peterson.' 2. InPlaintiffs latestpleading, CarolPeterson andTonyaPeterson nowattempt to assertthe 2. In Plaintiffs latest pleading, Carol Peterson and Tonya Peterson now attempt to assert the following causesofactionasnextfriendsofRubyPeterson: false assaultand following causes of action as next friends of Ruby Peterson: false imprisonment; assault and duty;and breachoftrustandbreachoffiduciary Carol Additionally, battery; breach of trust and breach of fiduciary duty; and conspiracy.2 Additionally, Carol On withtheCourtandincorporated byreference asifsetoutfullyherein. On file with the Court and incorporated by reference as if set out fully herein. 2 SeePlaintiffs’ Fifth Amended Petition. See Plaintiffs' Fifth Amended Petition. 4841-3975-3249.1 Silverado Appx. 0507 No. 1-15-567-CV 1525 Peterson and Peterson and Tonya Tonya P eterson Peterson all claimsindividually assertallclaims againstSilverado individuallyagainst withtheexception Silveradowith the exception of assault andbattery. ofassault and battery. 3. Don 3. Peterson, Mack Don Peterson, Mack P eterson Peterson andLonny andLonnyPPeterson eterson assertthefollowing assert the followingcauses of actionaagainst causesofaction gainst Silverado in their iindividual Silverado intheir ndividual capacities despitethefact capacities hattthat the facttthat hatthese theseccauses auses weredismissed were dismissedon on November November 1 2014: false imprisonment and 0,2014:falseimprisonment 10, Notably,Don and conspiracy.3 Notably, Peterson, M DonPeterson, ack Mack Peterson aand Peterson ndLonny Peterson cchose Lonny Peterson hoseto non-suittheir voluntarilynon-suit tovoluntarily theirsoleindividually survivingclaim sole individuallysurviving claim breach o -- breach offtrust breachooff fiduciaryduty. nd/orbreach trust aand/or duty. 4. Silverado 4. hereby w Silverado hereby ithdraws withdraws the pendingRule thepending Rule91a Motion 91a Motionto Dismisssolely toDismiss stotoDon solelyaas DonPeterson, Peterson, Mack Peterson, Mack Peterson's individual and LonnyPeterson’s Peterson,andLonny individualclaims.SeeTEX. R. Civ.P.91a5(b)(c). claims. See TEX.R. P. 91a5(b)(c). SUPPLEMENT SUPPLEMENT PETITION AMENDED FIFTH AMENDED PETITION As ratified bby 5. Asratified 5. the Courtand ytheCourt expressly agreed bytheparties,theonlypersonswith standingto with standingto and expressly agreed by the parties, the onlypersons bring claims bring claims oonnbehalf behalf o offRuby Ruby Peterson Petersonare CarolManley and/orDavid Newly are Carol Manley and/or David Peterson.4 Newly joinedPlaintiffs joined Plaintiffsttake aketheposition thattheyhavestandingtobringclaims the position that they have standingto bring claimson RubyPeterson’s on Ruby Peterson's behalf s they behalf aas are not they are in agreement not in agreement withthesettlement andbelievethatall ofRuby with the settlement and believe that all five of Ruby Peterson’s children (includingtheirhusbands)andtwoadlitems Peterson's children (including their husbands) and "havefailedrrefused ad !items "have failedoor refusedto to assert validclaims nher Tosupport thisallegation, Plaintiffs globally allegethatCarol valid claims oon her behalf."5 To support this allegation, Plaintiffs globally allege that Carol Manley andDavidPeterson "exceeded theirauthority and/orabusedtheirpowers" as Ruby Manley and David Peterson "exceeded their authority and/or abused their powers" as Ruby Peterson’s "theywantedher to beforced agents, "they wanted her to Peterson's agents, to takemedication thatshe mayotherwise be forced to take medication that shemayotherwise SeeNovember 10,2014Orderdismissing claimson withtheCourtand 3 See November 10, 2014 Order dismissing claims on file with the Court and incorporated byreference as if setoutfullyherein. See also,Plaintiffs’ Amended Petition. incorporated by reference as if set out fully herein. See also, Plaintiffs' Fifth Amended Petition. OrderGranting Authority forGuardian AdLitem&Attomey AdLitemtoExecute 4 See Order Granting Authority for Guardian Ad Litem & Attorney Ad Litem to Execute Peterson Rulel 1Agreement at ExhibitA, Peterson Rule 11 Agreement at Exhibit A, ¶2. SeePlaintiffs’ FifthAmended Petitionat 5 See Plaintiffs' Fifth Amended Petition at ¶25. 4841-3975-3249.1 4841-3975-3249.1 Silverado Appx. 0508 No. 1-15-567-CV 1526 refuse take, aand o take, refusetto ndthey exercise completecontrol to exercise they wantedto overRuby controlover Peterson's placeof RubyPeterson’s of Interestingly, residence."6 Interestingly, all Plaintiffs allPlaintiffs joinin theseallegations join in these yet thethreebrothers allegations yet the three brothers acknowledged that the 1993POA acknowledgedthatthe1993 waseffective, POAwas effective,chose leaveititinplace chosetotoleave partofthe aspart in placeas of the settlement, and leftttheir settlement, andleft heirm other motherunder undertthe careofCarol hecare Manelyaand of CarolManely ndDavid eterson.lfthere DavidPPeterson. If there nymerit were aany were tothese meritto theseh ollow hollowaallegations, llegations, onewould one wouldthink thinktthe brothersand hebrothers theirwives andtheir wiveswould would have been have more interested beenmore inobtaining interested inobtainingcontroloverMrs. controlover Peterson'smedical Mrs.Peterson’s carethan medicalcare accessto thanaccess to her her estate.' 6. Because 6. Because itisclear romPlaintiffs’ it is clear ffrom Plaintiffs' pleadings pleadingsthatnewly oinedPPlaintiffs that newlyjjoined laintiffs also lackstanding alsolack standingto to bring any claims bring any nbehalf claims oon behalf o offRuby the Courtddoes Peterson,theCourt Ruby Peterson, oesnot havejurisdiction nothave tohear jurisdictionto hear Plaintiffs’ Plaintiffs' claim, claim, a ndtheCourt and the Courtm ismissPPlaintiffs' ustddismiss must laintiffs’ breach breachof duty and/orbbreach of fiduciarydutyand/or reachoof f breach breach of of trust cause ofaction trust cause matteroof as amatter of actionasa flaw. law.H Heckmanvv.. Williamson eckman 369 S.W.3d137, Williamson Cty.,369S.W.3d 137, 150(Tex.2012); ee also,Scanlan 150 (Tex. 2012); ssee Tex. A v. Tex. also, Scanlan v. A&M Univ., 3343 &MUniv., F.3d 533, 536 (5th Cir.2003) 43F.3d533,536(5thCir. 2003) (Dismissal (Dismissal isappropriate as Plaintiffs is appropriate as Plaintiffscanprove setoffacts oset can provenno of factstto osupport standing). support standing). 7. Thepleadings andevidence permitted byRule59requiredismissal ofPlaintiffs’ breachof 7. The pleadings and evidence permitted by Rule 59 require dismissal of Plaintiffs' breach of duty and/or fiduciary duty breach of and/or breach of trust ofaction as a matter cause of action asa trust cause oflaw.TEX. R.CIV. P.91 a. matter of law. TEX. R. Civ. P. 91a. APPLICATION APPLICATION FOR ATTORNEYS' FEES 8. As theCourt 8. As the Court is aware, itmust isaware, wardrreasonable it mustaaward easonable andattomeys’ feestotheprevailing costs and attorneys' feesto costs party the prevailing party with with respect respect to thechallenged to the challenged causes ofaction. TEX. R. P.9la.7; 2014Tex.App. causes of action. TEx. R. Civ. P. 91a.7; Drake, 2014 Tex. App. Lexis 12572 (Tex.App.-FortWorth Nov.20,2014,nopet. Lexis 12572 (Tex. App. — Fort Worth Nov. 20, 2014,no h.);Longv. Griffin,No.11-1021, pet. h.); Longv. No. 11-1021, 2014Tex.LEXIS 304(Tex.April25,2014)(percuriam).Inlightofthe narrowscope ofthis 2014 Tex. LEXIS 304 (Tex. April 25, 2014) (per curiam). In light of thenarrowscope of this 6 at Id at 1126. SeeOrderGranting Authority forGuardian AdLitem&Attomey AdLitemtoExecute 7 See Order Granting Authority for Guardian Ad Litem & Attorney Ad Litem to Execute PetersonRule 11Agreement at Exhibit A. Plaintiffs’ Fourth A mendedOriginalPetition Plaintiffs' Fourth Amended Original Petition atat Peterson Rule 11 Agreement at Exhibit A. Compare Breach ofTrustandBreach ofFiduciary Duty(related toCarolManley andDavidPeterson) toFifth Breach of Trust and Breach of Fiduciary Duty (related to Carol Manley and David Peterson) to Fifth Amended PetitionatBreach ofTrustandBreach ofFiduciary Duty. Amended Petition at Breach of Trust and Breach of Fiduciary Duty. 4841-39753249.1 Silverado Appx. 0509 No. 1-15-567-CV 1527 9laMotion oDismiss, 91a Motion tto Dismiss,Silveradoherebyffiles Silveradohereby ilesiits ts applicationofattomeys’ feesconsistent of attorneys'fees consistentwith with theCourt’ the Court'ss local Thetotal local rules. The feesincurred defending totalfees defending against against thechallenged causesofaction the challengedcauses of action as ofJanuary as of January 7,2015 are $2,692.50. 7, 2015 are See Exhibit $2,692.50. See Exhibit"A," (AffidavitofJosh "A,"(Affidavit K..Davis)attached of JoshK attached hereto hereto and by reference and incorporatedby asiiffset referenceas outfully setoutfullyherein. herein. 9. 9. ItItisiswithin theCourt’s within the sound Court's sound discretion discretion the legal sufficiency oftheevidence todetermine thelegal to of the evidence presented regarding presented regardingthe amountoffees the amountof feeswhicharereasonable whichare reasonableand necessary.Ridge andnecessary. RidgeO il Co.v.v. Oil Guinn Guinn hays., Inc., Inc., 148 148 S.W.3d. S.W.3d. 143 (Tex.2004) 143(Tex. 2004)(court-ordered (court-orderedaward of attorneys'fees awardofattomeys’ feesis is reviewed reviewed under under the abuse ofdiscretion the abuse of discretionstandard). standard).The Courtreinforces The DrakeCourt thatR reinforcesthat ule Rule 991a.7 1a.7 requires an"award requires an "awardooffall costsaand allcosts reasonableand ndreasonable attorneyfees necessaryattorney andnecessary feesincurred incurredwith withrespect respect to thechallenged to causeooffaction." the challengedcause action."2014 2014Tex. Tex.A pp.LLexis App. exis112572 2572 aatt *6.Silverado *6. Silveradoisentitled is entitledto to recover itsreasonable recover its reasonable and attorneyfees necessaryattorney andnecessary feesand costsiin andcosts nthe theevent Plaintiffsappeal eventPlaintiffs appealand/or and/or engage iin engage nsubsequent subsequentmotion practice relatedtothechallenged motion practice relatedto causesoof the challengedcauses faction actionaand nd Court's Worth findings. findings.Drake, Drake, 22014 Tex. App. L 014Tex.App. exis12572 Lexis 12572 (Tex. (Tex. A —Fort pp.— App. Fort WorthNov.20,2014, opet. Nov. 20, 2014,nno pet. h.). Plaintiffs IfPlaintiffs h.). If findit necessary find it necessary to Motion fileaa Motion tofile Reconsider toReconsider to and/orRescind, Silverado and/or Rescind, Silverado requests$750.00 requests $750.00 as thereasonable andnecessaryfees as the reasonable andnecessary forhandling theresponsive briefing and fees for handling the responsive briefing and hearingrelated hearing related to thesame. SeeExhibit"A,"Affidavit ofJoshK.Davis.lfthematterisis See Exhibit "A," Affidavit of Josh K. Davis. If thematter to the same. appealed,Silverado appealed, Silverado requests $10,000.00 foritsreasonable and feesforhandling the requests $10,000.00 for its reasonable and necessary fees for handling the appellee’s inthe casein appellee's case the court ofappeals, $7,500.00 ifplaintiff files WritofError rPetition court of appeals, $7,500.00 if plaintiff filesaa Writ of Erroroor for Petition for Review withtheSupreme CourtofTexas,and$7,500.00 iftheWritofError rPetition Review with the Supreme Court of Texas, and $7,500.00 if the Writ of Erroroor for Petition for ReviewisGranted bytheSupreme CourtofTexas.See Inaddition to itsfees,Silverado Review is Granted by the Supreme Court of Texas. See id. In addition to its fees, Silverado requestsitscosts.Drake,2014Tex.App.Lexis12572(Tex.App. FortWorthNov.20,2014, requests its costs. Drake, 2014 Tex. App. Lexis 12572 (Tex. App. — — Fort Worth Nov. 20, 2014, nopet.h.). no pet. h.). 4841-3975-3249.1 Silverado Appx. 0510 No. 1-15-567-CV 1528 PRAYER PRAYER 0 Plaintiffs’ Plaintiffs' breach breach of trust and/or of trust breach offiduciary and/or breach of fiduciaryduty dutyccause auseofaction of actionhas obasis hasnno basisinlaw in law or factand must bedismissed. fact and must be dismissed.TEX. P.9la. TEX.R.CIV. R. CDT. P. 91a.Thechallenged causeofaction, The challengedcause of action,taken astrue, takenas true, together with together with inferences inferences reasonably drawn ffrom reasonably drawn romit,does oteentitle it, doesnnot ntitlePPlaintiffs laintiffs totherelief to the reliefssought oughtfor for thefollowing reasons: l)Plaintiffs the following reasons: lack standing; 1) Plaintiffs lack standing;2)Silverado cannotbeheld 2) Silveradocannotbe heldliable liableffor orrelying relyingoon naa durable durable and/ormedical owerof and/or medicalppower ofattorney matterof asaamatter attorneyas oflaw;and,3) law; and, 3)Silverado Silveradoddoes oesnot notowea owe a • 0 fiduciary fiduciary dduty utyand/or and/or dduty utyof trust toPlaintiffs. oftrustto Plaintiffs. Furthermore, Furthermore,the causeofaction thecause mustbbe of actionmust edismissed dismissed N as no reasonable as no personcouldbelieve reasonableperson could believethefactspleaded. the facts pleaded. As result,PPlaintiffs' As aa result, laintiffs’breach breachof oftrust trust and/or and/or breach breach o off fiduciarydutycauseooffaction dutycause mustbedismissed action must andSilverado be dismissedand mustbbe Silveradomust eawarded awardedits its feesand costs. TEX.R. fees and costs. R. Civ. P.9la; P. 91a; FED. FED.R. P.l2(b)(6); R. Civ.P. ee also, Scanlan,343F.3d 12(b)(6);ssee 343 F.3datat536. 536. Respectfully Respectfullysubmitted, submitted, LEWIS LEWISBRISBOISBISGAARD& BRISBOIS BISGAARD &SMITH,LLP SMITH, LLP /s/ Josh /s/ Josh K Davis JOSH K. DAVIS State StateBar BarN o.224031993 No. 4031993 CHRISTIAN CHRISTIANR. R.JJOHNSON OHNSON State StateBar BarN o.224062345 No. 4062345 Weslayan WeslayanTower, Tower,Suite Suite1400 1400 24Greenway 24 GreenwayPlaza Plaza Houston, Houston,Texas77046 Texas 77046 (713)659-6767 Telephone (713) 659-6767 Telephone (713) 759-6830 Facsimile (713) 759-6830 Facsimile ATTORNEYS FORDEFENDANTS, ATTORNEYS FOR DEFENDANTS, SILVERADOSENIOR LIVING,INC.D/B/A SILVERADO SENIOR LIVING, INC. D/B/A SILVERADO SENIORLIVING SUGAR LAND SILVERADO SENIOR LIVING SUGAR LAND CERTIFICATEOFSERVICE CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE certify Ihereby thatatrueandcorrect copyoftheforegoing instrument uponall wasserved counselIofrecord hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing instrument was served upon all viae-file,facsimile, handdeliveryand/orcertifiedmail,retumreceiptrequested on counsel of record via e-file, facsimile, hand delivery and/or certified mail, return receipt requested on this7thJanuary, 2015. this 7th January, 2015. 4841-3975-3249.1 Silverado Appx. 0511 No. 1-15-567-CV 1529 M.Ross Philip M. Ross 1006 1006 Holbrook Holbrook Road Road San Texas 778218 San Antonio, Texas 8218 Attorney Jbr Plaintiffs Candice Candice LSchwager L Schwager TheSchwager The Schwager LawFirm Law Firm 1417 R 1417 amada Ramada Dr. Dr. Houston, Houston, Texas77062 Texas 77062 Attorney for Plaintiffs Sarah Patel Patel Pacheco Pacheco Crain, Crain, Caton Caton & James, PC & James, PC 1401 1401McKinney McKinney S treet Street 1700 F 1700 iveH Five ouston Houston Center Center Houston, Houston, Texas Texas 77010 77010 Attorneys for Carol ManleyandDavid and David Peterson Jill Jill w. W. Young Young Maclntyre, McCulloch, Maclntyre, McCulloch, Stanfield Stanfield& &Young, Young,LLP LLP 2900 Weslayan, Suite150 2900Weslayan, Suite 150 Houston, Texas77027 Houston, Texas77027 Russ W. Jones W. Russ Jones Underwood, Underwood,Jones Scherrer &Malouf, PLLC Jones Scherrer & Malouf, PLLC 5177R ichmond Ave, Suite505 5177 Richmond Ave, Suite 505 Houston,Texas 77056 Houston, Texas 77056 Josh s/ Davis s/ Josh K. Davis JOSH K. DAVIS 4841-3975-3249. 1 Silverado Appx. 0512 No. 1-15-567-CV 1530 TAB 62 CAUSE NO. 427,208-401 MACKEY MACKEY ("MACK") ("MACK") GLEN PETERSON GLENPETERSON § INPROBATE IN COURTNO. PROBATE COURT NO.l1 PETERSON; PETERSON; TONYA PETERSON TONYA PETERSON § Individually and as Next and as Next F riend Friend ooff § RUBYPETERSON; RUBY PETERSON; DON DONLESLIE PETERSON;§ LESLIE PETERSON; CAROL CAROL PETERSON, PETERSON, andas Individually and Next § asNext Friend Friend ofRUBY of RUBY P ETERSON; PETERSON; and LONNY § and LONNY PETERSON, § § PETERSON, § PP q VS. VS. § SILVERADO SILVERADO SENIOR SENIOR LIVING, LIVING, INC. INC. § d/b/a SILVERADO SENIOR LIVING — d/b/a SILVERADO SENIOR LIVING — § SUGARLAND SUGAR LAND § HARRIS HARRIS C OUNTY, COUNTY, TEXAS TEXAS ORDER GRANTING SILVERADO’S FIRST AMENDED PLEA THE TO ORDER JURISDICTION GRANTING SILVERADO'S FIRST AMENDED PLEA TO THE JURISDICTION BEITREMEMBERED BE IT REMEMBERED that thisday onthis that on cameon day came on to beconsidered tobe Defendant, considered Defendant, Silverado Silverado SeniorLiving, Senior Living,Inc. Inc.d/b/aSilverado SeniorLiving d/b/a Silverado Senior Living— SugarL —Sugar and’sFFirst Land's irstA mended Amended Plea Plea to the to the Jurisdiction and the Court after reviewing Jurisdiction andtheCourt reviewing such such motion motion iissoftheopinion of the opinion tthat hattthis hisMotion iswell Motion is well takenshould taken should beinallthings GRANTED. be in all things GRANTED. ItisHEREBY ORDERED, It is HEREBY ORDERED, ADJUDGED and ADJUDGED and DECREED DECREED that CAUSE thatCAUSE NO.427,208 NO. 427,208is is DISMISSED DISMISSED W ITHPREJUDICE WITH PREJUDICE to as to to refiling as Silverado to Silverado SeniorLiving, Senior Living,Inc. Inc.d/b/aSilverado d/b/a Silverado Senior Senior Living Living —Sugar — Sugar L and. Land. Allrelief expressly notexpressly All relief not granted granted herein isdenied. herein is denied. SIGNED SIGNED this this dayof '44 day of C-72.4 u 20 5-• . GEP SIDING GE P '1 SIDING 4816-7740-7520.] 4816-7740-7520.1 Silverado Appx. 0513 No. 1-15-567-CV 1513 TAB 63 010BATE COURT 1 CAUSENO. CAUSE NO. 427,208— 4o MACKEY ("MACK") GLEN PETERSONPETERSON § PROBATE COURT INPROBATE IN COURT NO. 11 PETERSON; PETERSON; TONYA TONYA PETERSON PETERSON § Individually Individually and asNext and as Friendooff NextFriend § on RUBY PETERSON; DON LESLIE PETERSON; CAROL PETERSON, CAROL PETERSON, Individually and as Next § 31. "T1 FriendofRUBY Friend of RUBY PETERSON; PETERSON; and LONNY and LONNY § PETERSON, PETERSON, tv 7-7 rn vs. VS. twa SILVERADO SENIORLIVING, INC. "wa SILVERADO SENIOR LIVING, INC. § d/b/aSILVERADO d/b/a SENIOR SILVERADO SENIOR LIVING LIVING —— § SUGARLAND SUGAR LAND § HARRISC HARRIS OUNTY, COUNTY, TEXAS TEXAS ORDER GRANTING APPLICATION FORATTORNEY FEES PURSUANT TO ORDER GRANTING APPLICATION FOR ATTORNEY FEES PURSUANT TO RULE91a ORDER RULE ORDER ENTERED ONNOVEMBER ENTERED ON 2014 NOVEMBER 10, 2014 BEITREMEMBERED thaton BE IT REMEMBERED that thisday onthis day came beconsidered ontotobe cameon Defendant, considered Defendant, Silverado Silverado SeniorLiving, Senior Inc.d/b/aSilverado Living, Inc. SeniorLiving d/b/a Silverado Senior Living — —— SilveradoSeniorLiving, Sugar Silverado Inc.d/b/a Senior Living, Inc. d/b/a SilveradoSenior Silverado SeniorLivingSugar LandA Living Sugar Land PP licationforAttorney Application for Attorney FeesPursuant Rule91aOrder Fees Pursuant ttoo Rule 91a Order Entered OnNovember Entered On 10,2014 November 10, andtheCourt 2014 and after the Court after reviewin reviewing suchmotion, such motion, supplement, supplement, any any response response thereto, objections thereto, objections andresponse, and response,andoral and argument oral argument isoftheopinion is of the opinion tthat hatthisMotion this Motion iiss welltaken well takenshould should beinallthings be GRANTED. in all things GRANTED. ITISTHEREFORE IT ORDERED, IS THEREFORE ORDERED, thatSilverado that SeniorL Silverado Senior iving,IInc. Living, nc.d/b/aSilverado Senior d/b/a Silverado Senior Living s.•••9 Living —Sugar — SugarLand Landbbe eawarded awardedits costsaand itscosts ndattorneys’ attorneys' fees fees iinnthe amount of$ the amount of $ 13 • ITISFURTHER IT ORDERED, IS FURTHER ORDERED, that Silverado thatSilverado Senior Senior Living, Living, d/b/aSilverado Inc.d/b/a Inc. Silverado Senior Senior Living Living —Sugar — SugarLLand andbeawarded be awardedits costsaand itscosts ndattorneys’ attorneys' fees fees inthe amount of$ in the amount of $ r) not, --in an theevent the event of appeal, $$ 7S0 0 — ifplaintiff of appeal, filesaa WritofError if plaintiff files or Petition Writ of Error or Petition forReview for Review with with tr) theSupreme the SupremeCourt Court ofTexas, of and$ Texas, and ZSCIO =if the Writ ofError the Writ or Petition of Error or Petition for for R eview Review isGranted is Granted bytheSupreme CourtofTexas. by the Supreme Court of Texas. 4811-0648·8097.1 4811-0648-8097.1 Silverado Appx. 0514 No. 1-15-567-CV 1514 Allrelief All notexpressly relief not granted expressly granted hereinisisdenied. herein denied. SIGNEDthis SIGNED 7 144 dayof day of 2015. GPR1I G Approved andEntry Approved and Requested Entry Requested By: By: /S/Christian IS/ Christian R.J0hns0n R. Johnson JOSH DAVIS JOSH K. DAVIS StateBarNo. 24031993 State Bar No. 24031993 CHRISTIAN R.JOHNSON CHRISTIAN R. JOHNSON StateBarNo.24062345 State Bar No. 24062345 LEWISBRISBOIS LEWIS BRISBOISBISGAARD BISGAARD &SMITH, & LLP SMITH, LLP WeslayanTower, Weslayan Tower,Suite Suite1400 1400 24Greenway 24 Plaza Greenway Plaza Houston, Houston, Texas77046 Texas 77046 (713)659-6767 (713) 659-6767Telephone Telephone (713)759-6830 (713) 759-6830 Facsimile Facsimile ATTORNEYS FOR FORDEFENDANTS, DEFENDANTS, SILVERADO SILVERADO SENIOR SENIOR LIVING, LIVING, INC. D INC. /B/A D/B/A SILVERADO SILVERADO SENIOR SENIOR LIVING LIVING SUGAR SUGAR LAND LAND 481 4811-0648-8097.1 Silverado Appx. 0515 No. 1-15-567-CV 1515
in the Guardianship of Ruby Peterson
Combined Opinion