MANDATE THE STATE OF TEXAS TO THE COUNTY COURT AT LAW NO 2 OF WEBB COUNTY, GREETINGS: Before our Court of Appeals for the Fourth District of Texas on June 3, 2015, the cause upon appeal to revise or reverse your judgment between In the Interest of J.A.E. Jr., Appellant V. No. 04-14-00660-CV and Tr. Ct. No. 2011CVQ002377-C3 was determined, and therein our said Court of Appeals made its order in these words: In accordance with this court’s opinion of this date, the judgment of the trial court is AFFIRMED. It is ORDERED that appellees recover their costs of this appeal from appellant. WHEREFORE, WE COMMAND YOU to observe the order of our said Court of Appeals for the Fourth District of Texas, in this behalf and in all things have the order duly recognized, obeyed, and executed. WITNESS the Hon. Sandee Bryan Marion, Chief Justice of the Court of Appeals for the Fourth District of Texas, with the seal of the Court affixed and the City of San Antonio on August 13, 2015. KEITH E. HOTTLE, CLERK Cynthia A. Martinez Deputy Clerk, Ext. 53853 BILL OF COSTS TEXAS COURT OF APPEALS, FOURTH DISTRICT, AT SAN ANTONIO No. 04-14-00660-CV In the Interest of J.A.E. Jr. v. (NO. 2011CVQ002377-C3 IN COUNTY COURT AT LAW NO 2 OF WEBB COUNTY) TYPE OF FEE CHARGES PAID BY REPORTER'S RECORD $241.50 PAID JORGE GARCIA CLERK'S RECORD $232.00 E-PAID INDIGENT $25.00 PAID JOSE ARCE SUPREME COURT CHAPTER 51 FEE $50.00 PAID JOSE ARCE FILING $100.00 PAID JOSE ARCE STATEWIDE EFILING FEE $20.00 PAID JOSE ARCE Balance of costs owing to the Fourth Court of Appeals, San Antonio, Texas: 0.00 Court costs in this cause shall be paid as per the Judgment issued by this Court. I, KEITH E. HOTTLE, CLERK OF THE FOURTH COURT OF APPEALS OF THE STATE OF TEXAS, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the cost bill of THE COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE FOURTH DISTRICT OF TEXAS, showing the charges and payments, in the above numbered and styled cause, as the same appears of record in this office. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, witness my hand and the Seal of the COURT OF APPEALS for the Fourth District of Texas, this August 13, 2015. KEITH E. HOTTLE, CLERK Cynthia A. Martinez Deputy Clerk, Ext. 53853
in the Interest of J.A.E. Jr.
Combined Opinion