ACCEPTED 01-04-00933-CV FIRST COURT OF APPEALS HOUSTON, TEXAS 2/10/2015 5:14:56 PM CHRISTOPHER PRINE CLERK FILED IN 1st COURT OF APPEALS HOUSTON, TEXAS 2/10/2015 5:14:56 PM 01-14-00933-CV CHRISTOPHER A. PRINE Clerk IN THE FIRST COURT OF APPEALS at Houston, Texas J & J CONTAINER MANUFACTURING, INC. Appellant v. CINTAS - R. U.S., L.P. Appellee Appealed from County Civil Court at Law No.3 Harris County, Texas 1044425 APPELLANT'S BRIEF in support of RESTRICTED APPEAL 01-14-00933-CV IN THE FIRST COURT OF APPEALS at Houston, Texas J & J CONTAINER MANUFACTURING, INC. Appellant v. CINTAS - R. U.S., L.P. Appellee Appealed from the County Civil Court at Law No.3 ,Harris County, Texas 1044425 J & J Container Manufacturing, Inc. Appellant 1526 DeSoto Houston, TX 77081 M . Robert Garcia Attorney for Appellant SBN:07639150 405 Main Street, Suite 300 Houston, TX 77002 Cintas-R. U.S., L.P. Appellee Houston, TX Allen D. Russell Trial Counsel for Appellee Taylor Taylor & Russell 815 Walker, Suite 250 Houston, TX 77002-5764 I TABLE OF CONTENTS Page PARTY INFORMATION SHEET ............................................................. i INDEX OF AUTHORITIES ....................................................................... iii,iv EXmBITS..................................................................................................... v CAUSE OF ACTIONIISSUE....................................................................... 2 PROCEDURAL mSTORY & BACKGROUND ..................................... 3 ARGUMENTS AND AUTHORITIES....................................................... 4 POINTS OF ERROR .................................................................................. 6,8 CONCLUSION ............................................................................................ 10 PRAyER...................................................................................................... 11 11 INDEX OF AUTHORITIES CASES PAGE 1. Questor Invs. v. State ofChiapas, 997 S.W. 2d, 226, 227 (Tex. 1999).......................... ................................. ......... 5 2. Norman Comms. v. Texas Eastman Co., 955 S.W. 2d 269,270 (Tex. 1997) ................................................................... 5 3. Fidelity & Guaranty Ins. v. Drewery Constr. Co., 186 S.W.3d 571,573 (Tex. 2006). ...................................................... 7 4. Primate Constr. v. Silver, 884 S.W. 2d 151,152 (Tex. 1994) ............................ ......................... ..................... .. ...... 7 5. Uvalde Country Club v. Martin Linen Supply Co., 690 S.W. 2d 884,885 (Tex. 1985) ........................ ............................... 7 6. Wright Bros. Energy, Inc. v. Krough, 67 S.W. 3d 271, 273 (Tex. App. - Houston [1 st Dist.] 2001, no writ ............................ . 7,8 7. McKanna v. Edgar, 388 S.W. 2d 927,929 (Tex. 1965) ................ 7 8. Maddison Dual Fuels, Inc. v. Southern Un. Co., 944 S.W. 2d 735 , 738 (Tex. App. - Corpus Christi 1997) .................... 7 9. Ingram Industries, Inc. v. Us. Bolt Mfg. , Inc. , 121 S.W. 3d 31, 34 (Tex. App. - Houston [151 Dist.] 2003 , no pet.) ............................... 10 8. Wilson v. Dunn, 800 S.W. 2d, 833 , 837 (Tex. 1990) ...................... 10 III 10. Midstate Envt. Services v. Peterson, 435 S.W. 3d 287,290 (Tex. App. - Waco 2014, no pet.) ................... ................................. 12 11. Westcliffe, Inc. v. Bear Creek Constr., Ltd., 105 S.W. 3d 286, 290 (Tex. App. - Dallas 2003, no pet.) ............................................ ....... 15 12 . Lozano v. Hayes Wheels Int'!, Inc., 933 S.W. 2d 245, 247 (Tex. App. - Corpus Christi 1996, no writ) .................................... 16 STATUTES PAGE 1. Tex. R. App. P 26.1( c), 30 ............................................. ........... 1,5 2. Bus. Orgs. Code §§ 5.521(1)(B), 5.255(1) .... .......... .................... 2,3,8,12 3. Tex.R.CivI5 ................................................................................ 11 ,15,16 4. Tex.R.Civ. P.99 .................................... .................................... 11 ,15,16 5. Civ. Prac. & Rem. Code, §17.045(a) ........................................... 11 ,15, 16 6. Bus. Orgs. Code, §5.253(b)(I)..... ......................... ......................... 12 7. Tex. R. Civ. P. 106(b) .. ........ ...... ... ............................................. 14 8. Tex. R. Civ. P. 107(a)............ ........................................................ 14 IV EXHIBITS LETTER A Clerk's Record of Civil Court at Law No.3, Harris County Texas for Case No. 1044425; Cintas-R. Us., L.P. v. J & J Container Manufacturing, Inc . ............................. ................. .. 1 B Clerk's First Supplemental Record of Civil Court at Law No.3, Harris County Texas for Case No. 1044425; Cintas-R. Us., L.P. v. J & J Container Manufacturing, Inc. .......... ................ 2 v. o1-14-00933-CV IN THE FIRST COURT OF APPEALS at Houston, Texas J & J CONTAINER MANUFACTURING, INC. Appellant v. CINTAS - R. U.S., L.P. Appellee Appealed from the County Civil Court at Law No.3 Harris County, Texas 1044425 TO THE HONORABLE FIRST COURT OF APPEALS: Comes now I & I Container Manufacturing, Inc., Appellant, Movant here (hereinafter called "J& I") by and through its attorney of record, M. Robert Garcia, and pursuant to Rule 26.1 (c) and Rule 30 of the Texas Rules of Appellant 1 Procedure respectfully requests that the First Court of Appeals set aside a Default Judgment rendered against Appellant and grant a New Trial and in support would show unto the Court the following: I. Cause of Action 1.1 This cause of action is an appeal from the granting of a default judgment against "J & J" and in favor of appellee Cintas - R. U.S., L.P. The Final Default Judgment was signed by the Honorable Linda Storey, presiding judge of County Civil Court at Law No. 3 of Harris County, Texas under the trial court' s cause number 1044425 and styled Cintas - R. Us., L.P. v. J & J Container Manufacturing, Inc. The order being appealed was signed by the trial court on June 3, 2014. 1.2 The sole issue on appeal is whether a lack of jurisdiction as to Defendant "J&J" is apparent on the face of the trial court's record, thus invalidating the trial court' s default judgment. l.3 Appellant filed its Notice ofIntent to File a Restricted Appeal on November 18, 2014. 1.4 The issues on appeal are: (1) Whether the court lacked jurisdiction over Defendant "J & J" because Plaintifffailed to strictly comply with the service requirements of Bus. Orgs. Code §§5.251(1)(B), 5.255(1) under the original citation, 2 that is Plaintiff did not use reasonable diligence in serving Defendant's president, vice president, or registered agent at its registered office, before resorting to substitute service on the Secretary of State, thus rendering the default judgment invalid. (2) Whether the court lacked jurisdiction over Defendant "J & J" because Plaintifffailed to strictly comply with the service requirement of Bus. Orgs. Code §§ 5.251 (1 )(B), 5.255(1) under the original citation, that is, ascertaining that the citation requesting service of process through the Secretary of State, met all statutory requirements under Tex. R.Civ. P, 15,99, Civ. Prac. & Rem. Code § 17.045(a) and Bus. Orgs. Code §5.521, and thus rendering the default judgment invalid. (3) Whether the court lackjurisdiciton over Defendant "J & J" because Plaintiff failed to strictly comply with the substitute service requirements of Tex. R. Civ. Pro. 106(b)(1) and 106(b)(2) by failing to file a Motion for Substituted Service, specifically requesting the court's authority to serve the Texas Secretary of State as allowed by the Bus. Orgs. Code §5.253(b)(I), and thus rendering the default judgment invalid. II. Procedural History & Background 2.1 Plaintiff initially filed this lawsuit on February 27, 2014. 2.2 On that same date, Plaintiff requested an "Original Petition Citation" to be issued. The Original Petition Citation is addressed to: "J & J Container Manufacturing, Inc., a corporation by Serving the Secretary of State" (emphasis added) and adds "Defendants Address: registered agent, Anthony Lewis Cook, 6124 W. Little York, Houston, TX 7709l." 3 2.3 Presumably, Plaintiff then forwarded the Original Petition and Citation to the Texas Secretary of State for service of process. 2.4 The Secretary of State received the request for service on April 2, 2014 and forwarded a copy on April 7, 2014 to: J & J Container Manufacturing, Inc., Registered Agent, Anthony Lewis Cook, 6124 W. Little York, Houston, Texas 7709l. 2.5 The Process was returned to the Secretary of State ... "on April 23, 1014, Bearing the notation Return to Sender, Not Deliverable As Addressed, Unable to Forward." 2.6 Plaintiffthen presumably requested, received and filed the Whitney certificate provided by the Secretary of State. 2.7 On May 21 , 2014, Plaintiff filed a Motion for Default Judgment. 2.8 On June 3, the trial court held a hearing, granted Final Default Judgment in favor of Plaintiff and signed the order. There was no reporter's record made of the hearing. 2.9 Plaintiff filed an Abstract ofJudgment on July 7, 2014. 2.l0 Plaintiff requested a Writ of Execution on July 7, 2014. 2.11 Appellant, J & J filed its Notice of Intent to File Restricted Appeal on November 18, 2014. 4 III. ARGUMENT AND AUTHORITIES 3.1 To prevail on its restricted appeal, J & J must establish that (\) it filed notice of the restricted appeal within six months after the judgment was signed; (2) that it was a party to the underlying lawsuit; (3) that it did not participate in the hearing that resulted in the judgment complained of and did not timely file any postjudgment motions or requests for findings of fact and conclusions of law; and (4) that error is apparent on the face of the record. Tex. R. Civ. P. 26.1 ( c ), 30; Questor Invs. v. State ojChiapas, 997 S.W. 2d 226,227 & n.l (tex. \999); Norman Comms. v. Texas Eastman Co., 955 S.W. 2d 269, 270 (Tex. 1997) 3.2 Plaintiff files its Motion for Default Judgment according to the Clerk's Record on May 2, 2014. (See Exhibit A, Clerk's Record, Bates Numbers 000017-000031) 3.3 A hearing for Final Default Judgment was held on June 3, 2014 and the order granting Final Default Judgment was signed the same day by the Honorable Linda Storey. (See Exhibit A, Clerk's Record, Bates Numbers 000032-000033) 5 IV. ERRORS APPARENT ON THE FACE OF THE RECORD 4.1 When a default judgment is attacked by restricted appeal, there is no presumption in favor of valid issuance, service and return of service. Fidelity & Guaranty Inc. v. Drewery Constr. Co. , 186 S.W. 3d 571 , 573; see Primate Constr. v. Silver, 884 S.W. 2d 151,152 (Tex. 1994) Failure to show strict compliance with the rules relating to proper service renders any attempted service invalid and requires the court to set aside the default judgment. Uvalde Country Club v. Martin Linen Supply Co. , 690 S.W. 2d 884,885 (Tex. 1985) Jurisdiction over a defendant must be established in the record by an affirmative showing of service of citation independent of recitals in the default judgment. Wright Bros. Energy, Inc. v. Krough, 67 S.W. 3d 271, 273 (Tex. App. -Houston [1 sl Dist.] 2001, no writ) Additionally, strict compliance must be affirmatively shown in the record unless the defendant voluntarily appears before judgment. McKanna v. Edgar, 388 S.W. 2d 927,929 (Tex. 1965) 4.1 "[A] default judgment obtained after an attempted substitute service will not stand without a showing by the plaintiff that, before it resorted to service on the Secretary of State, it first used reasonable diligence in seeking service on the registered agent of the corporation 7 at the registered office." Maddison Dual Fuels, Inc. v. Southern Un. Co. , 944 S.W. 2d 735,738 (Tex. App. - Corpus Christi 1997) Additionally, the record must show on its face that the plaiIitiffused reasonable diligence to serve the corporation' s president, vice- president or registered agent at its registered office. See Bus. Orgs. Code §§5.521(1)(B), 5.255(1); Wright Bros. Energy, Inc. v. Krough, 67 S. W. 3d 271,274 (Tex. App. - Houston, [1 Sl Dist.] 200 I, no. pet.) To establish reasonable diligence, the record must establish more than just some problem with the address. Wright Bros. 67 S.W. 3d at 275 (return citation must explain why service was not accepted) See also Bus. Orgs. Code §§5.521(1)(B), 5.255(1) FIRST .POINT OF ERROR: Whether Plaintiff failed to demonstrate reasonable diligence in seeking service on Defendant's registered agent. 4.2 Upon the filing of Plaintiff's Original Petition, Plaintiff also requested issuance of an Original Citation directed to Defendant, J & J, naming Defendant's registered agent and providing the address of the registered agent where process should be served. However, the 8 Original Citation also requested that Defendant be served "by Serving the Secretary of State". (See Exhibit A-Clerk's Record, Bates Number 000044) 4.3 Furthermore, Plaintiff states in its Original Petition that" J & J Container Manufacturing, Inc. failed to appoint or maintain a registered agent in this State and its registered agent, Anthony Lewis Cook, cannot with reasonable diligence be found at the registered office at 6124 W. Little York, Houston, Texas 77091. Therefore, the Secretary of State shall be an agent of J & J Container Manufacturing, Inc. upon whom process may be served." (See Exhibit A - Clerk's Record Bates Numbers 000004-000005) 4.4 There is no evidence in the Clerk's Record (See Exhibit A- Clerk 's Record, Bates Numbers 000001 -000040) nor in the First Supplemental Clerk' s Record, (See Exhibit B - First Supplemental Clerk 's Record, Bates Numbers 000041 -00005 7) that Plaintiff ever made any attempts to serve Defendant's registered agent. There is no return citation on file with the clerk which indicates why the registered agent could not be served or at least indicates the number of attempts that were made to serve Defendant's registered agent. Therefore, there is no evidence on the face of the record which 9 demonstrates that any reasonable diligent efforts that were made to serve Defendant. Plaintiff must establish, before resorting to substitute service on the Secretary of State, that it used reasonable diligence in seeking service on the registered agent of a corporation. Ingram Industries, Inc. v. Us. Bolt Mfg. Inc. 121 S.W. 3d 31,34 (Tex. App. - Houston [1 st Dist.] 2003, no pet.) A default judgment is simply improper against a defendant who has not been served in strict compliance with the law. Wilson v. Dunn, 800 S.W. 833, 837 9Tex. 1990) 4.5 Furthermore, there is no evidence in the Clerk's record that Plaintiff filed a "First Amended Original Petition" requesting that substituted service be made on the Secretary of State. Additionally, there is no evidence that Plaintiff then requested the issuance of an alias citation naming the Secretary of State as the agent for service of process for J & J. (See Exhibit A - Clerk 's Record, Bates Numbers 000001-000040 and Exhibit B- First Supplemental Clerk's Record, Bates Numbers 000041-000057) 4.6 The Court should overturn the decision of the trial court because reasonable diligence was not used to serve Defendant prior to seeking substituted service through the Secretary of State. Specifically, 10 Plaintiff did not even request that its Original Citation be issued solely naming the Registered Agent of the Defendant corporation. There is simply no evidence in the record that demonstrates any efforts made by Plaintiff to serve Defendant's registered agent. Instead, Plaintiff apparently and immediately sought substitute served through the Secretary of State. (See Exhibit B - First Supplemental Clerk 's Record, Bates Number 000044) Defendant J & J was not afforded due process and the default judgment should be overturned and the case remanded to the trial court for a new trial. SECOND POINT OF ERROR: Whether the citation complies with Tex. R. Civ. PIS, 99 and Civ. Prac & Rem. Code §17.045(a). The citation must contain the following information: (1) identify the statute authorizing service, (2) the defendant's name, (3) the most recent address of the entity on file and (4) when specified by statute, the proper identification of the address. 4.7 Plaintiff requested issuance of a citation attempting to name the Secretary of State as agent for substitute service of process. However, the citation does not identify the statute authorizing service and 11 therefore the citation is defective and service is invalid. (See Exhibit B- First Supplemental Clerk 's Record, Bates Number 000044) 4.8 Pursuant to Tex. R. Civ. P. 99(b)(2), the citation shall be signed by the clerk under seal of court. The copy of the citation provided in the Clerk's First Supplemental record does not contain a seal nor a signature of the deputy clerk and is therefore defective. See Midstate Envt. Servs v. Peterson, 435 S.W. 3d 287,290 (Tex. App. - Waco 2014, no pet.) Also, (See Exhibit B - First Supplemental Clerk's Record, Bates number 000044) 4.9 Plaintiff also does not provide the "most recent address of entity on file" as required by Bus. Orgs. Code §5.253(b)(1) Plaintiffs own pleadings contained Defendant's "most recent address of the entity on file". On page two (2) of Plaintiffs Original Petition, (See Exhibit A- Clerk 's Record, Bates number 000005), Plaintiff states: " A true and correct copy of said agreement is attached hereto as Exhibit "A". The contract was executed by an authorized representative of defendant." (See Exhibit A - Clerk's Record, Bates Numbers 000008-000015) 12 4.10 Exhibit "A" of Plaintiff's Original Petition is a copy of the contract made the subject of this lawsuit. The "most recent address of entity on file" can be found at the top of page 1 of the contract. (See Exhibit A- Clerk's Record, Bates Number 000008) Had Plaintiff provided the "most recent address of entity on file", Defendant might have been properly served. Instead, Plaintiff provided the address for the registered agent which had already been detelmined to be invalid, with predictable results. THIRD POINT OF ERROR: Whether Plaintiff strictly and correctly complied with the process used to request substitute service on the Secretary of State. 4.11 When Plaintiff filed its Original Petition, it also requested an original citation to be issued but instead of seeking to served Defendant's Registered agent, Plaintiff requested that the Citation also include wording seeking substitute service through the Secretary of State. (See Exhibit A - First Supplemental Clerk 's Record, Bates Number 000044) In order to have correctly complied, Plaintiff should have requested the Original Citation be issued solely to Defendant, naming 13 the Registered Agent as the person to be served, even if Plaintiff knew that the agent was no longer at that address. 4.12 The process server then should have attempted to serve the Registered Agent and noted any and all attempts at service on the return. Tex. R. eiv. P 107(a) Upon not being able to serve the Registered Agent, the process server should have noted on the return the number of attempts and why process was not able to be served and filed it with the court clerk. Tex. R. eiv. P. I07(a) . No such return was filed with the clerk. (See Exhibits A and B - Clerk 's Record and First Supplemental Clerk's Record, Bates Numbers 000001-000040 and 000041- 000057) 4.13 The filing of the unexecuted citation along with the return would have provided the "reasonable diligence" documentation needed to go forward with substitute service. But this was not done Then, Plaintiff, to be extra cautious, could have filed a Motion for Substitute Service under Tex. R. eiv. P, 106, secured the court' s order for substitute service, filed an Amended Original Petition and correctly requested an alias citation to be issued naming the Secretary of State and then forwarded process to the Secretary of State. 14 4.14 Plaintiff did not follow this process and so service is defective and the Court should oveliurn the trial court's rulings and remand the case to the trial court for a new trial V. CONCLUSION 5.1 The Court should overturn the trial court and grant a new trial because there were defects in service. Specifically, a. defendant was served by substitute service by serving the Secretary of State, but plaintiff did not strictly comply with the appropriate statutes and rules for substitute service. See Tex. R. Civ. P. 106(b) Specifically, Plaintifffailed to exercise reasonable diligence in serving Defendant or its registered agent prior to seeking substitute service. Plaintiff also apparently tried to circumvent the requirements of Tex.R. Civ. P. 15,99; Civ. Prac. & Rem. Code §17.045(a) and Bus. Orgs. Code §5 .251(1)(B) and 5.255(1) by requesting in its Original Citation, that service be authorized on the Secretary of State. There is simply no evidence in the Clerk' s files that demonstrate any effort by Plaintiff to serve Defendant or its registered agent, prior to resorting to service upon the Secretary of State. There is no evidence because no such diligence was exercised by Plaintiff before mailing the process to the Secretary of State. 15 b. A default judgment rendered following substitute service is void if the plaintiff did not strictly comply with the rules for service of citation. Westcliffe, Inc. v. Bear Creek Constr. Ltd., 105 S. W. 3d 286, 290 (Tex. App.- Dallas 2003, no pet.); Lozano v. Hayes Wheels Int 'I, Inc. 933 S.W. 2d 245, 247 (Tex. App. - Corpus Christi 1996, no writ) c. The citation used to constructively serve defendant through the Secretary of State was defective in that Plaintiff failed to originally request that the Original Citation name only Defendant and its registered agent. Secondly, Plaintifffailed to even attempt a single time to serve Defendant's agent. Plaintiff apparently tried to contact the registered agent or checked the address to see if the registered agent was still there and did not find him. These may have been the "reasonable diligent efforts" that perhaps Plaintiff used to locate the registered agent. These attempts are not, however, the same as attempting to serve the agent after issuance of the citation. FUl1hermore, the citation that was issued did not list the statute under which service was being requested and therefore service of process was invalid. (See Civ. Prac. & Rem. Code §17.045(a); Tex. R. Civ. P 15, 99) And finally, the citation in the clerk's file is not signed 16 nor does it have the requisite seal. This makes the citation defective and the service of process invalid. VI. PRAYER 6.1 For all of the above reasons and in the interest of justice and fairness, Appellant respectfully requests that the Court reverse the rulings of the trial court and remand the case for a new trial. 6.2 And if a new trial is ordered, Appellant also prays that the Court order Defendant to return all of the funds which it had to pay to satisfY the judgment in order to keep from having its manufacturing equipment seized and sold at auction. Respectfully submitted, IM.Robert Garcia! M. Robert Garcia SBN: 07639150 405 Main Street, Suite 300 Houston, TX 77002 (713) 223-0908 (713) 229-9448 Fax ATTORNEY FOR APPELLANT J & J Container Manufacturing, Inc. 17 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of J & J Container Manufacturing, Inc.'s Appellant's Brief was served to all parties or counsel of record on this the lOth day of February, 2015 in accordance with the Tex. R. Civ. P., via regular mail, certified mail, return receipt requested, electronic service and/or via facsimile addressed as follows: Allen D. Russell Taylor Taylor & Russell 815 Walker, Suite 250 Houston, TX 77002 arusseIJ 1M. Robert Garcia! 18 TAB 1 Exhibit "A" CLERK'S RECORD Notice of Appeal Trial Court Cause No. 1044425 In the County County Civil Courts Court Number Th~@fldgt~ig~1pPEALS of Harris County, Texas HOUSTON, TEXAS 1218/2014 9:47:47 AM Honorable LINDA STOREY, Judge Presidin~HRISTOPHER A. PRINE Clerk Cintas-R. U.S., L.P. , Plaintiff(s) vs. J & J Container Manufacturing, Inc., Defendant(s) Appealed to the 14th Court of Appeals, at Houston, Texas Attorney for Appellant( s): Name: M. Robert Garcia Address: 405 Main Street, Suite 300, Houston, Texas 77002 Telephone no. : (713) 223-0908 Fax no.: (713) 29-9448 E-mail SBOT no.: 07639150 Attorney for: J & J Contianer Manufacturing, Inc. Name of clerk preparing the clerk's record: Alegria, Joshua (CCO) 10000 0 '" Event Date Event Type Vol- PaQ e 12/8/2014 Cover Page 1-1 12/8/2014 Index 1-2 121812014 Caption 1- 3 2127/2014 Plaintiffs OriQinal Petition 1-4 5/1/2014 Citation Retumed 1 - 16 5/21/2014 Plaintiffs Motion for Default Judment 1 - 17 6/3/2014 Final Default Judament 1 - 32 11/18/2014 Notice of Intent to File Restricted Appeal 1 - 34 12/812014 Certification Page 1 - 37 12/8/2014 Docket Sheet 1 - 38 12/8/2014 Bill of Cost 1 - 40 Comments: Filed on 1218/2014 9:33:42 AM OFFICE OF STAN STANART COUNTY CLERK, HARRIS COUNTY. TEXAS CIVIL COURTS DEPARTMENT CAPfION THE STATE OF TEXAS * IN THE COUNTY CIVIL COURT * * AT LAW o * HARRIS COUNTY. TEXAS 0\ o 0\ At a term of the County Civil Court at Law No. Three (3) of Harris County. Texas. this began in said county on o the ~ day of November. 2014 and which tenninated on l7! day of December, 2014. The Honorable LIND A ~ STOREY sitting as judge of said court. the following proceedings where had, to wit: I ~ ....... o Docket No. 1044425 N I ....:l * IN TIIE COUNTY CIVIL COURT U * * AT LAW Three (3) U * HARRIS COUNTY. TEXAS U CINIAS-RUS I,P ...x.s... J & J CONTAINER MANUFACTIJRING INC P.O. Box lS2S I Houston. TX 77251 · 152:5 I (713) 755·6421 Ponn No. H· OI -l46 (Rev. 04129f2011) WWylCq T'l AUTOMATIC LOST REPLACEMENT CHARGE DETAILS % of Inventory Price 'ea • MInimum Charge: $..:."'0,00"-____ "' per Clellvtry. • M.k..up Clwge: S 2.2' per garment. • Non.standardlSpedai Cui Garm.nt (I.• .• non.-landard. non·llocIted. u~u.My small or large Slze•. unv,u.11y thort or long 11.lve or htngttl. atc) prwmium 1 0.15 par g.rment plr dltlwty. • Sellon,t SI.lvtI Change S~ per chang. per garment. • Under no drcum.t.ncel wnl the Company ICClpltextlle1 blaring frae liquid. ShOp towell may not be uNCI 10 deln up oU or lolvent BpIiIB. ShOp lowel contllntr S per dellYery. • ~ortt Charge lor logomat '121S.00 • UnHorm Storagl lod(ll~r': $._ _ _ _ ealdellV8f')'. lttndry lock"",,: , _ _ _ _ lalde6very Shipping: $_ _ __ • Service Chllil $,~&", ••",5_ _ per delivery. ThIs ServIce Ch.rge is used to hetp Compeny ~y varloul fIuctu.tIng QJfT8fII,nd f\ltute cotta inCluding. 001 not limited to. COlta dlf9d1y or lnd llectly relate d to the environment. anergy luutl. I8f\'iOl and dellYlry of goods and 18Nk::et.1n .dditkln to othaf mllcellaneoUi COlts Incurred or thai may be fncvrred In the future by COmplny. • Sile Change; Customer agrees to have employ", m",urM by. Clnta, rep,.... nt.ti\l. ullng glrment -lIzt,ampJes A Charge 01 M • '5.00 per glnn,nt will be llse,..d for employ"' .Ize chtnged within" weeki of InstaUelion. Page' of 8 "O lJ-)()O[lQ "I. l . , , ,~ t:'.. • o ! • Uniform Adv.1Uge S,~O~ .~~_ _ per garment. 4 o Uniform AdVlnt.;. CGY8tI dlm.ged garments needing raplaCld outlklt of norm.1 WI,r and tear. UnIform Advantllge do" not cover 1081 or unreturned garment•. The Customer or ComPiny may ~OCII Unitom'! AdVlnlagl'l Iny UIM. 3 o • Other: FACIUTY SERVICES PRODUCTS PRICING: :3 1 ~ <: :_",._, ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- L_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~~ __ ~ ______ ~_ o o Floor o Restroom o Kitchin o RelUaUfanl o :3 No Sl~ V.. tf Unn..... All prment. will be dMntd by Cultomer. :2 No $elect V.. If rec;:eMng Un," Service. Company m.y m.kI periodIc phyalcllinvenlort., of Ilemsln possession or tnt'"' control at CUitomer. No Seled V.. tf receiving dl,..d embroidery. If ..rvlce II dllCOnUnued for any employee. or Customer deletel any 01 tht garment. with the direct embroidery lot .ny ,...on. or terminate. thl••greement for any reason or faUs to r'eI"Ift' th" 'Ore.m,nt. CURomer witt purchal18 ,II direct embroidered g.rmen'l.t the time thll)' are removed t'om IIJ'YIc. a1 the then current raplaoement Vllul. v.. Select: No tf customer doe. not want to par1ldpate In Uniform AdVanlage. Page 2 of 8 ?~ . • o 1 4 o 3 o CiMM. ••••• 1. TM o.rltomer, ttl aICCN.ofW STANDARD UNIFORM RENTAL SERVICE AGREEMENT and ,"Igna rcUitomet1 order, from CINTAS CORPORATION or eny of Ita IUbsldi,Oes. successors and assigns 3 rComplnY1 III of the C~tomtr's requfl1lmentl 01 garment rantal tlMetl Ind other 111m, coV8f.d by Ihll agreemanl during the term of thl; agr88menl all In It:COIdlnce with 0'1_ pridng, lenn. and ODndltlon. con!11r\H herein. Prfdng II blled on 52 weekI billing per rental Item per year. 1 5 5 raplllcemint !fOlio nonn,r we.r w. 2. All "annents and other rented '''''', war b, cI,enld ,nd m.lntalned by Company and remain !he property of the Company. Any gannenlS !hal require be ,..placed by Com~ny .t no c:hIrgl to CUllom.r. 9 J . Un" .. Il)8clftld otherwise. the garmentllupplled under thla _gr. .ment .r. not lame retard.nt (If acid ,.&lst,nt and conl.1n no spaciat flam a retardant or add mlttan! r..turN. FIlm. ret-rdln! and ,cId ,.1IIt.nt garmantl .... IYln.bIt from Company upon requesl. Customer l"r18110 notify ils employeel tnal o !heIr glnnenta .... not dlllgnid for use In .rlu of flamm,balty r1.k or where oontad with hJurdou, materiala Is pOlStbll . Customer war/ants that none of the employ ... for whom g.rments are IUppRld under this 'gMml"! r.qulfl fI.m. rltard.nt or acid full"nl dothing . o 5 4. Cultomer agree. 10 n~ Campln)" In wrlting. of.ny hant'doUi mattfla.lhat m.y ba p6ckad up by Company In the ,olted garmonts or other textiles 3 ..l'YIced under thll ag,.eml"t. In no u .. will huardous m.tattal, be Pffllnt to tM an.nllhat they may be h.rmful to Compeny', employeltS. 5. The weekly Nn\ll chargl fo(.ny IndMdu.llehlng '" employ of Cualomer CoIn be Iermlnal~. but orIy aner all Vanneocs Iuued 10 \ha l individuili. or !he c:tJmtOt ,.~ YlJue of ume. hive been retumed or paid to Company. Any noo llanderd. or aped.1 products (i.. .. logo mall) musl be purd'la5ed by the ClIllomel' If MMc:e hi atoppN! tor a ny ,....on. If iWma .r. Ioat ord.mIQl~ by any me.,. CUltomerwitl ply the tnen CUNenl rep lacement values for said Item,. Should CUitorTWr require garment Ilze, thel I,.. oUtl1de 1I1e standn Ike ranaa. CUllom.r Igrees 10 ply Ihe speclnc premium price 'Ior :hose Ilem, and llul d.llgnated und.. Unlfonn Prk:fng. G. Thll Igre.ment Is '''''dtve II of the date of IXliCUtion. Ttl. Inttl'l term of !hll .grelmenl IhII be II sel forth on thl fronl o( this agreemant and shall .utomatJcally for the lime perfod of time unt... CQn'lPf;ny " notlflecl. to !h. c;ontr.ry. In Wf1t1ng , 6() dlys 10 advance of the e ~plratlo n of lhe then aIITInl linn. Company hn tha ttghllo (nail" pricel. "I'M CUllom.r hi. the right 10 reJ8CC the Inaalae within len (10) days or tho nollce. If Customer rej.ctl Ine price Increl .. , Complf1Y may termln.te Ihll Igl"lemenl. 7. If the CUllomlr r.oaJvel dll~nl pricing due to bundnng of producWlervlOH, CUltomer IcJtnowledg8J Ihl' dllcount II lubjecllo CUltomer continuing the bundling o( the productli..rvtoel. Should CUllom., discontinue bundling, priCing rnay be Incre.sed !o the nOf'l dlacountad prIcing. All InvoIces must be p.lo within len dayl after the end of !he month. I"Wlit wll1 .CCtUI on any .mount, which Int nol plld when due from the date due 10 Ihe date 01 payment in fuW .1 In InnuII pet'o.nta"e rail .qu.llo tne I....... of (I) .Ighte.n perc:ent 1 e% or (b) ttw maximum rite permitted by .pplltlbl. Itw. a. Company II' 1Ice,... . .nd not the owner of the C.thar1t tr.ctem.rted products. If Company It\ould no IDnger have suCtl license. Ihen Company will subsUMe the C.l'hlrtl ndem.rbd g.rmlnlS with g.rm.nll of IImlltr m.11IfiI1 and qu.JiIy. g. CUltom.r hereby .greel to defend, Indemnlfy.nd hold h.nnle .. ComPiny from .ny ClIlml .nd d.mageilltsing out or or ,ssoCiated wilh this 9greamenl. to. Complny gUIl"lntMi 10 denver ttM hlgh.1t qUlltty tladle rental " IVka .t III tlrM'. Any complaint•• bout ttl. quality of the urvlts whith ,..otvect hive not Man to ,.aotv. any mlterlal camplelnt In e ,...onable ".rIod of time, CUltOtMf ml1 t.rmlnatt this .gre4tfMnt provided III rant.llt,ma the thin current repl.cement va tu. . or retumed to Complny In S100d and u•• ble condtUon. .r. In the normal cou,... of bUllna,1 ""'II be Hnt by rt'liJlItlred lan.r to Com.,-ny'. G. naral Manlger. If Company then faits pa id for at 11 . Add itlona' QJltomer .mploy.... productt Ind alNlcea may be added 10 thll agrHmant a nd I h•• automatica"y become pari 01 a nd 5ubjetl to lhe terms hereof thll lgr"mlnt. Ind subject 10 all of Ita pro..... lon • . ff Ihit 'gtHman( I. I.rminlted elrty. the parties agree lhal the dam.ges .u,lalned by Company will bt .ubstanl1al .nd dlfflwll to 'Ic.rtain. Therefore, if thll ~r. .rnanl ll I.rmln.ted by CLltlomer prior to the .pplicatlon explraUon dale for any reason other th.n dOQlmtnted qUl11t)' ofMMoe ru.ons whlch.nt not cur.d .1 Nt forth .bove. or I.rmlnlted by Comp.ny for cause .I.ny Ume , Customer will pay to Company, II liquidated d.mlg . . .nd not as I penltty. the g~ll.r of !iO% of !he aver.g. weekly in\lOlce lolal multiplied by the number of weeks r.m.lnlng In thl unexpired linn, or buy back .U "annenlt and olh.r pnxIlK:tt .!located to CUltom.r .1 the Ihen rephlcement values . Customer &hall .1'0 be ,.sponlltrie for Iny unp.1d charge. on CUltom.,. .ccount prtor to termln.tIon. 12. Any dl.pute or m.tler .rillng In connection with or rel.tlng to this 1;1'Wfl1Ifl1 IhaD be ,.sot",d by binding Ind nnlllfbllr.Uon. The arbilratlon shall be condvcIad pursulnt to appliClIM IItIl or federllltbltr.tIon Ilw. Any IUch Clilputa ah._be determined on an Indlvldu.1 bllil. shill be considered unique as to Its racu, ,nd .ha. no« be consolld.led In .ny Irbltratlon or other proceeding with .ny dalm or contro\l8rsy of tny other pany. The e~c1u slve jurisdiClion and forum for relolulkm of .ny Iud'! dllpule Ihlllile in tha.tale whtre CUllom.r is located . 13. CUllom,r ClrtlfIe, tI1s1 Comp.ny ialn no way lnh1nglng upon.ny eltlsllng contract between Customer and any olher service provider 1~ . This .greement contlins the entire agreemenl of Ihe par1lel with r"pea 10 the lubject millar of ttli. agrsemenl and lupersedes all prior nBgot/aIJons, Igreementl .nd undetltandlnga wIth respecl 1het110. Thll may only b. ,mtnded by, written document IX8QJtad by all parties. 15. Thll Agreemenl m.y nol be modified .• mended or lupplemanteclexcept In wrilillQ algnecl by Il'Ilulhofilad representati.... of Cinlu, provided. however. it • F~aral . • or IGalI gowmmanta' body or ill raprennt.U..,. it • p,rty to Ihl& Au/um.n!. the proposed modincatiort . • mendment or 5upplemenl must be In wilting signed by • Pruldenl or Senior VICe President of Clnl... Terms and Conditions Reviewed 181 Page 30ra y. DDU01C 2 o 1 By..,g . . agr. .mtnt. 1.110 authorize CIntM to check my cr.dllo d• ..,.. pI YlMnlllrma for thilltgretmtnt. 4 o By algnlnQ''' egrw,ment. the CUllomer WllNei hlIh'IIf' Il;nIlunt II. r.qulrlment for HNk:81 ,.ndered. Ttl, customer I"I'MI 10 pay ,II .ervlces In full without Iht tlgnatu,. on llelr weekly 1nYoIct(1). CultOrnetl wfth multiple weekJy Invok:el hive the opUon to waive their Ilgrwlur. onlUbut one Invoice or may walv& thalr 3 Ilgr'\n on aa 1nvok:H. tUhe aJltomer Choo... to relaln slgn.ture Nhortty. the rupectlw SSR ~t be able 10 canted: the customer to obtain a delivery o lJon,tur,. 3 Slngl,lnvo/lce, :Slpnatu,"- Waived Mulilpleinvoical :S lgnllure Waived All I JIgI'M tht11 1m IUlhotized to .!gn en behelt Of the J&J Container crnl•• ~Uon No :,,000=82'-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 5 -------- 5 9 o Clntla SI. Rep SIgn : _ _ _ _-'.... ,."-"."' 0fL .,,,:;',, •.!:,:,, .::-,, . ,,,._____ p~... : _____"-_~~~_______ o Clnt.. 81_ Rep ,...".: ",Ch",.""",otIo!!!28~rown~!-_ _ _ _ _ __ PI.... Print Na"...; ,M"lg.,u".~1G~.'".,C!. ___________ _ 5 4 PI.... Prlnt nile: ,O""'""":::..::M,,.:::"!:.g,,.::.'_ ____________ Cualomer Em,"Addr...: EJ! 5 g~n1611) 'f.'Int>:\nv iI' q.') l'Ict .. flIt u!':-Jtl<' ((10,,,1 :' .... ' 5 Elt3mpl" 1. !, ht' $,\11111 ~'I i . j~ \ Hi' ; :, . rr 'I: ~ ", l'.j ,\ , '~ , ,';11,11; .i ": I,:I·,..... '~(; 1'1 ~f' n';Jl'IJ••• · .(\tl' f':tH.'" el,.-.:I " .' ./fI.... ",r Irs.. hu- ~1I1\lll tl(Jn 9 o oc: ~ 6 Gntas l ocallol'l ... OU082 Page 6 of 8 ,1~ O()(]01 3 2 . 0 1 4 0 3 0 3 : 1 5 5 i 9 : J 0 0 5 7 I , I § 1 ...w w I :x: <1\ \!I ...Z ., 1 ... N III •-, z 11 ! It ! I---.J J .. ., B ,- N 11 !~, ;,; II . 0 .' •• S .,, j: ~ .~ ~ ~~ .... I .,:. J• :;. • " ! i' OOOOH ." 2 0 •, 4 0 3 0 3 I 5 5 9 0 0 5 " B , " l:)~. IY a ;: " IJ I:,!m , I' ' I::f ! ;~: I I~ Ii RECORDER'S MEM ORANDU M: I At the time of re cordation, thIs Inslttl.'l1ent wa ! found to he lnad6Quate for thE! best photog ra phic I reproduction be cau se 01 illegibility, carbon or p hoto coPy. discolored papar, etc. All blackouts, addItions Hnd cI'la fl ges wera present al the time 1M Instrument WII filed and recordod. 1 \, OLl0 015 2 FILED o 51112014 8:41 :09 AM Sian Sianan 1 County Clerk 4 Harris County o 5 o 8 I The State of Texas o Secretary of State 3 3 o o 2014-238540-1 o 2 I, the undersigned, as Secretary of State ofTexas DO HEREBY CERTIFY that according to the records of this office, a copy of the Citation and Plaintiff's Original Petition in the cause styled: CINTAS-R.U.S., LP. VS. J & J CONTAINER MANUFACTURING, INC. County Civil Court at Law #3, Harris County, Texas Cause No: 1044425 was received by this office on April 2, 2014, and that a copy was forwarded on April 7,2014, by CERTIFIED MAIL, return receipt requested to: J & J Container Manufacturing, Inc. Registe~ Agent, Anthony Lewis Cook 6124 W. Little York Houston, TX 77091 The PROCESS was returned to this office on April 23, 2014, Bearing the notation Return To Sender, Not Deliverable As Addressed, Unable To Forward. Date issued: April 24, 2014 MNPtr"'~ele~Y Nandita Berry Secretary of State CT/VQ .): DOUDlG FILED 5/2 1/20141:25:54 PM Stan Sia nart County Clerk z Harris County o I CAUSE NO. 1044425 4 (1 6 CINTAS-R.U.S., L.P. § IN THE COUNTY COURT o § co -' v. § AT LAW NO. 3 § 1 3 J & J CONTAINER § c MANUFACTURING, INC. § HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS -' I PLAINTIFF'S MOTION FOR DEFAULT JUDGMENT o o TO THE HONORABLE JUDGE OF SAID COURT: 9 4 COMES NOW, Cintas-R.U.S., L.P., P1aintiffin the above-styled and nwnbered Cause, and files this its Motion for Default Judgment against Defen&nt, J & J Container Manufacturing, Inc., and as grounds therefore would show the Court the following: I. Cintas-R.U.S., L.P., Plaintiff, filed its Plaintiff's Original Petition on February 27, 2014. n. Defendant, J & J Container Manufacturing, Inc., was duly served with citation via the Texas Secretary of State on April 7, 2014. The citation bearing the signed return has been on file with the clerk of this court more than ten (10) days prior to the date of this motion, pursuant to TEX. R. Civ. P.I07. ID. Defendant's answer date was Monday, April 28, 2014, pursuant to TEX. R. Civ. P. 237. Defendant has failed to file an answer or otherwise appear herein as required by law. Plaintiff's claim is liquidated and is proven by a true and correct copy of the Standard Uniform Rental Service Agreement and the affidavit of John Ayers that are attached as Exhibits" A" & "B," respectively. Plaintiff's claim for attorney's fees is supported by the Affidavit of Allen D. ." )" Ol '" O(JU ! 2 o 1 Russell also attached and identified as Exhibit "C." 4 o WHEREFORE, PREMISES CONSIDERED, Cintas-R.U.S., L.P., Plaintiff herein, prays 6 o 5 that the Court grant a judgment by default against the Defendant, J & J Container Manufacturing, 1 3 Inc., for the amount of damages sustained by Cintas, and which is proven by the exhibits attached, 5 1 plus all accrued interest, attorney's fees, costs of court and for such other and further relief, at law o o or in equity, both general or special to which Plaintiff may show itsclfto be justly entitled. 8 5 Respectfully submitted, LL Allen D. Russell State Bar No.OO784889 815 Walker, Suite 250 Houston, Texas 77002 (713) 615-6060 Telephone (713) 615-6070 Facsimile ATTORNEYFORP~IFF CINTAS-R.U.S., L.P. CERTIF1CATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on May & 2014, a true and correct copy of the foregoing Plaintiffs Motion for Default Judgment has been forwarded via facsimile and/or certified mail, return receipt requested to: Anthony Lewis Cook J & J Container Manufacturing, Inc. 6124 W. Little York Houston, Texas 77091 ·;, 00001 8 .. z 0 1 Service locaUon No. :082 (NW HOUSTON, TX) 4 MLRAlNA : _ _ _ _ __ 0 Account Number: _ __ _ _ _ _ __ 6 0 STANDARD UNIFORM RENTAL SERVICE AGREEMENT Contract Nc ..:_ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ c -' Dale :06/07120 13 J ~ CUllomvt Name : 1""'.~ ~I the' l.lIllI'SI!:.'.,:: I"LoV t>~c:l, I.. !I ~ ':' " I: ~" ':'.1' , ;1 , () :,',"':10" '1.. In :·.. ·.11 ··'· \ ,", LI"." l ! _, ' ''' .. :'! ... .." . .: .,1 -" o ~~;)lOI"G ~ ; ••1 ' ., lOa, . I:.; ' ::. I, .) ";.01: .111 11':" :",.." , " " , "" ,' ,,1'1.. -01 :' ''- ". .' :IO':o4.. · ,.!'~ ·1I " ~I I ~.t· ~"' .•" , ..... Ex.I1\P'- 2: M.,y Ja.~ 1,1l\Mu ~~fIIlr,,~ It'l l'" "un \f~IO."l' fl !~"" '" , I I I{'" ,;.i,'. f! •• ,. .' . M', . " j•• • ~'wh "')0 p ,lniS ille !l.ftQ1f("!.IIu: 1P.1II;,1 aM tho'! :"" )(T)p:fl ll ,$ ,,! '=\'\IR:I I(iI . :1 ,1 1 ! .. •., .. ,.,,! .. ' ,·u. ~ I'f·S 1 \(.f.!'se~IOI' Page 5 of 8 2 o END OF · :-f.R ~·l IOU. ' ' ,: 1 4 Non-Stihl n " ,.! ;'J"'.:t ~ u · . .. :" : ' . o 8 o .I,'ot. .l ( ' "". 5 ! f\ 'h,' c 1 · (-;/. ' 1' .' f~~~~~~CLL:LL:LLZLZLLL.CL.(L.(L.:'LL:'LL:LL. 3 :. 1.'\'" >,"1.; 1 . ' : .'\ ' . ,. 5 ,,,.,. : . \ ,:, ;', j," ', ..,'" 1" -1 •• • " , 1" .\ ,·.1:,. :. I, "~ " . • , 1 o . ~ 'J t·- . 1 o 1 .... .' " CinLIIJ; I ocahon' . 00082 ---------------- Page e of B 2 o 1 4 o 6 -,-- o 5 1 3 t M 5 1 J ~ () 1 o 2 I I .... " J § t -- ...w w J :x: II) t.? Z .... ! h .... III 11 .!U ! - - -1- -1---- ' -. i _ N H ) ) II - , fi 3 i 1• • ·• t " OU0025 -. . . . ? ~, o I 4 o 6 o 5 ~ 1 t~::: ;117 3 ' i, 5 10..- 1 o ,.. ~ . , 1 o 1'",' ' 3 l""rJ :· .', . I II •• ' . . ';' ~~ I~f 1,','1,', a'" '" ID 0> ro n. ! I : 1'1 t~ 11 ," 1: <, I.'" lA" J I, Ii 11 J i j , 00002 6 2 o 1 4 o CAUSE NO. 1044425 6 o ClNTAS-R.U.s., L.P. § IN THE COUNTY COURT 5 § 1 V. § AT LAW NO.3 3 § 5 1 J "J CONTAINER MANUFACTUlUNG, INC. § § HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS o.J AFFIDAVIT o 4 STATE OF TEXAS § § .... COUNTY OF BARRIS § KNOW AIL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: BEFORE ME, the UDdersigDCd authority, on this day personally appeared 10hn Ayers who being first duly sworn, stated as follows: 1. "Myname~lohnAyers. Iunderstandlamundcroathinmakingthisaffidavit. I am an individual of at least eighteen (\8) years of age, of sound mind, and am fully competent to make this affidavit. 2. "I am the General MaoagerofCintas-R.U.S., L.P., Location 082, ("Cintas''), Plaintiff in the above styled and IlIII1Ihm:d cause. In such capacity, I have authority to make this aftidavit on behalf of Cintas and I have personal knowledge of the facts stated in the attached Motion and in this affidavit, and all such f~ are true and correct 3. "Cintas and 1& J Container ManufBcturing.Inc. enlered into a Standard Uniform R.cotaIScrviceAgr=nentwherebyCintasagrccdtofumishmc:rchandise,equipment and services to saidDefcndant. A true and correct copy of the Agreement is attached to this Motion as Exhibit A and is incorporated herein by reference for all purposes. 4. "The c o _ was for a period ofthirty-six months. J &1 Container Manufacturing. Inc. promised to pay Cintas the weekly rental and !lCl'Vicc fees plus sales tax due and payable. Defendant defaulted in mating its recjuired rental payments under the Agreement. and failed to tender the full weekly rental payments. The outstanding account balance due and owing to Cintas from J & J Container Manufacturing, Inc. is the sum 0[$441.46. 5. "J & J Container Manufacturing. Inc. agreed and promised to pay Cinlas, pursuant to the terms ofthe Agreemt:nt, liquidated damages based on the calculations provided forintheAgreement. The contract was terminatcd on October 15,2013. leaving 146 weeks mnainingon the tcrm ofthe contract. The weekly invoice amount is $189.24. "'---'I:'l Ex "'~ \,;\- ~ llll (J 02 '? 2 o 1 4 o Therefore, UIIder the calculatioos provided in the contract, Defendant owes 6 o $13,814.52 in liquidated damages. 5 "'The claim of Cintas against J & 1 Container Manufacturing, Inc. in the amounts set 6. forth above isjust and true, and the claim is currently due and owing and alljust and 3 lawful offsets, paymenlll and mdilll have beenallowed. Clntas fully perfonned under 5 the terms of the Agreement. I 7. "Clntas retained the law firm ofTaylor, Taylor & Russell to initiate and prosecute the o lawful and just claim of Cintas against 1 & J Container Manufacturing, Inc. eintas 1 o bas agreed to pay Taylor, Taylor & RqsselI reasonable attorneys' fees for all legal 5 services =dered In COIIJICCtion with such claim. Further Affiaot sayeth not Cintas-R.U.S., L.P. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME, by the said 10hn Ayers, on this the ../L",'" ,!Or( . "". ~ {iijlic7!/A4·L in and for the si8tCOCXJlS 2 o 1 tj. o CAUSE NO. 1044425 6 o CINTAS-R.U.S., LP. § IN THE COUNTY COURT 5 § 1 V. § AT LAW NO. 3 3 § 5 J &: J CONTAINER § I MANUFACI1JRING, INC. § HARRIS COUNTY. TEXAS o Al1FIDAVIT OF 1 LAST KNOWN ADDRESS o tOJ STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF HARRIS § .. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: BEFORE ME, the undersigned au1hmity. on this day personally appeared, John Ayers, who being first duly ~m, stated 88 follows: "My IlIIIne is John Ayers. I understand I am under oath in making this affidavit. I am the Oeneral Manager of Cintas-R.U.S., L.P., Loc:ation 082, Plaintiff in the above styled and numbered cause. I am an individual of at least eighteen (18) years of age, of sound mind, and am fully compettnt to make this affidavit I have personal knowledge of tile facts statod herein, all of which are true and correct. "1 certifY that the last known address of the registered agent oethe Defendant, J &JContainerManufacturing,Inc., is 6124 W.Littie Yor!t.Housloit, Texas 77091 ." Further Affiant saycth not JohnAy Cintas-R.U.S., L.P. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME, by the said John Ayers, on this the I~ day of &'1 , 201~4' ~ _1!-4. ~~:z---- 2 o 1 CAUSE NO. 1044425 4 o ClNTAS-R.U.s., L.P. § IN THE COUNTY COURT 6 o § 5 v. § AT LAW NO. 3 § 1 J & J CONTAINER § 3 5 MANUFACTURING, INC. § HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS 1 AFFIDAVIT IN SUPPORT OF ATtORNEY'S FEES o 1 STATE OF TEXAS § o 7 COUNTY OF HARRIS § KNOW ALL MEN BY TIiESE PRESENTS: •. BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Allen D. Russell, who being first duly sworn, stated as follows: I. My name is Allen D. Russell. I am the attorney of record in the above styled and numbered cause for and on bebalfofCintas-R.U.S., L.P. herein. I am over eighteen (18) years of age and am fully competent and duly authorized to make this affidavit, which facts are true and correct. 2. I am an attorney duly licensed by the State of Texas and a partner of the law finn of Taylor, Taylor & Russell. I am currently practicing in Houston, Harris County, Texas. I am familiar with the fees charged by attorneys in and around Harris County, Texas, for services of a similar nature to those perfonned herein. 3. Cintas-R.U.S., L.P. has retained the law firrn ofTaylor, Taylor & Russell to represent it in this suit against J & J Container Manufacturing, Inc., Defendant herein . 4. All legal services perfonned on bebalfofCintas-R.U.S., L.P. have been reasonable and necessary. 5. In my opinion, the sum of no less than $2,500.00 is a reasonable and customary fee for the legal services performed in this matter for and on behalf of Cintas-R.U.S., L.P. in and around Harris County, Texas, through the granting of this Defaul t Judgment, and collection efforts thereon. My opinion is based on a number of facts, including without limitation, to the following: A. The time and labor required, the novelty and difficulty of the questions involved, and the skill requisite to perfonn the legal services properly; .;....;---~ ~ )(. 'n ':'0 ; 1- c.. ·,,, 00 U03 C 2 o 1 B. The fee customarily charged in the locality for similar legal services; 4 o c. The amount involved; 6 o 5 D. The time limitation imposed by the client and the circumstances; 1 E. The nature and length of the professional relationship with the client; and 3 5 1 F. o Further Affiant sayeth not. 1 o 8 Allen D. Russell Tayl?:, Taylor & Russell ,. L) ~ SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME, by the said Allen D. Russell, on this the day of~y ,2014. ~J...J~ Notary Public in and for the State of Texas DU[103 1 , . - • 2 0 1 CAUSE NO. 1044425 4 0 6 § IN THE COUNTY COURT 0 § 6 § AT LAW NO. 3 : § 0 J & J CONTAINER 9 § 3 MANUFACTIJRlNG, INC. § HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS 7 : DNALDEFAULTJPDGMENT 0 0 1 BE IT REMEMBERED that on this day, a day of the regular tenn of this Court, came on 3 to be considered the Default Judgment in favor of Plaintiff wherein Cintas-R.U.S., L.P. is the Plaintiff and J & J Container Manufacturing, Inc. is the'Defendant herein. The Defendant, J & J Container Manufacturing, Inc., having been duly cited, failed to appear and answer herein, and wholly made default The citation was served according to law and returned to the Clerk where it has remained on file for a period of at least ten (10) days prior to the date hereof. The Court has read the pleadings and papers on file and is of the opinion that all of the allegations contained in Plaintiffs Original Petition have been admitted by Defendant, J & J Container Manufacturing, Inc., and that the Plaintiff's cause of action is liquidated and proven by the injuries in suppOrt of Default Judgment. Further, after reviewing the documents, the court finds that the Default Judgment filed by Cintas- R.U.S., L.P. should be entered; Therefore, it is ORDERED, ADJUDGED and DECREED that Cintas-R.U.S., L.P., Plaintiff, is granted judgment as to liability for all actual damages as well as reasonable and necessary attorney's fees to which it may be entitled to have and recover against Defendant, J & J Container Manufacturing, Inc., as follows: ;' 011 0032 • • 2 0 1 I. Liquidated damages pursuant to the Standard Uniform Rental Service Agreement in 4 the total amount ofSI3,8l4.52; 0 G 0 2. Damages for unpaid invoices in the total amount of $44 1.46; 6 : 3. Prejudgment interest from February 23, 2014 at the rate of6%per annum on the total 0 9 amount of the judgment in the sum ofS2!3.84; 3 7 4. Post-judgment interest on the entire amount of the judgment at the rate of 5% until : such judgment is paid in full; 0 0 1 5. Reasonable and necessary attorney's fees in the sum ofTwo Thousand, Five Hundred 4 and Noll 00 Dollars (S2,500.00); 6. Any and all costs of court incurred herein;' • 7. All relief not expressly granted herein is hereby DENIED; and 8. For all writs and processes necessary to enforce the judgment granted. SIGNED this } day of d,= __ . 2014. / APPROVED AS TO FORM AND ENTRY RE STED BY: Allen D. Russel1 Defendant's Last Known Address: State Bar No. 00784889 Anthony Lewis Cook 815 Walker, Suite 250 J & J Container Manufacturing, Inc. Houston, Texas 77002 6124 W. Little York arusse!!@taylaw,com Houston, Texas 77091 (713) 615-6060 Telephone (713) 615-6070 Facsimile ATTORNEYFORPL~ ~~ . ; CINTAS-R.U.S., L.P. QI ;;; ~ ~V\ . :-t.... , - r- t (.0) ~ t -.. 0m .5< .< ", .::;§ x I. X 1; ~ ~ .I' 0-0 0033 ... FILED 11118/20147:33 :17 PM Stan Stanart 2 County Clerk Harris County 0 1 4 1 CAUSE NO. 1044425 1 2 CINTAS·R. U.S., L.P. § IN THE COUN1Y COURT 0, § 1 V. § 1 § AT LAW NO. 3 (1HREE) 0 J & J CONTAINER § 5 MANUFACTIJRING, INC. § HARRJS COUN1Y, TEXAS : 0 0 B NOTICE OF INTENT TO FILE RESTRICTED APPEAL 8 TO THE COURT OF APPEALS: COMES NOW,] & J CONTAINER MANUFACTURING, INC., defendant in the matter identified below and infonns the court that it wishes to appeal the matter identified below and in support would show Wlto the court the following: A. The deadline for filing a Restricted Appeal is November 29, 2014. B. The trial court is the Harris COWlty Civil Court at Law, No. 3. The trial court granted Plaintiff's Motion for Default Judgment The trial court's order granting the Default Judgment was signed'on ]Wle 3, 2014. C. The case number is 1044425; Cintas·R. u.s., LP. VS. .J & J Container Manufacturing, Inc. in Harris County Civil Court at Law No. 3. We respectfully request that the Court of Appeals docket this matter in either the First or Fourteenth Court of Appeals. 7:7);;&L , M. Robert Garcia SBN: 07639150 405 Main Street, Suite 300 Houston, IX 77002 (713) 223·0908 (713) 29·9448 Fax :Y.mbBarciarii:?cl~om ATIORNEY FOR APPELLANT J & J CONTAINER MANUFACTURING, INC. o 1 4 C! CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I 2 I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing pleading was served on aJ 1 o counsel of record and filed with the trial court on this the 18th day of November, 2014, in accordance with the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure, addressed as follows: 1 1 o 5 The Honorable Linda Storey o Harris County Civil Court No.3 o 20 I Caroline, Floor B 9 Houston, TX 77002 Allen David Russell Taylor Taylor & Russell 815 Walker, Suite 250 Houston, TX 77002 M. Robert Garcia ... j ~ .f1 I) {'U 03 Gto:: . ,'" 2 o 4 I Local Rule Notice of and Assignment of Related Case in Appeals j 2 o As required by the Local Rules Relating to Assignment of Related Cases 1 to and Transfers of Related Cases between the First and Fourteenth Courts of 1 o Appeals, I certify that the following related appeal or original proceeding has 5 been previously filed in either the First or Fourteenth Court of Appeals: o o -9.. None 9 o o Caption: Trial court case number: Appellate court case number: [Signature of certifying attorney or pro se party] [Datel Note: See Local Rules for the definitions of "underlying case: "related," and "previously filed," RECORDER'S MEMORANDUM: At the time of recordation. thilinstrument was found to be ,_".quate for the beat photographic ...productlwn beeauu of illegibility, carbon or photo copy. dieoolored paper, etc. All blockouts, additions anci changes were present at the time IhII Jrwtrument was filed and recorded. ," 00 [l03 F Filed on 12/8/2014 9:33 :45 AM OFFICE OF STAN STANART COUNTY CLERK, HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS CIVIL COURTS DEPARTMENT o THE STATE OF TEXAS o COUNTY OF HARRIS ~ 0\ I, STAN STANART, Harris County Clerk, Clerk of the County Civil Court at Law No. Three (3) and for Harri s o "'¢ County, Slate of Texas, do hereby certify that the above foregoing are true and correct copies of all the procccrlings directed by counsel to be included in the transcript had in the case no. J044425. I "'¢ CINTAS-R. U.S., L.P. ~ vs. o J & J CONTAINERMANUFACTURJNG INC N I As the same appear from the originals now on fIle and of record in this office. Given under my hand and seal of ~ said court in the city of Houston, Harris County, on December 8, 2014. U U Office of STAN STANART, U Harris County, Texas Civil Court of Law IS/Joshua Alegria Joshua Alegria Deputy Clerk P.O. Box 1525 I HoustaD, TX 77251- 15251 (713) 755-6421 PannNo. H-OI - 145 (Rev. 0412912011) VYww CQ PRK HCTX NFJ Page I of I Don03! Docket Sheet Event Date Party Event Tvpe Description 212712014 CINTAS-RUS LP Case Initiation Event 2127/2014 J & J CONTAINER Case Initiation Event MANUFACTURING INC 2127/2014 RUSSELL ALLEN DAVID Case Initiation Event 2127/2014 Civil Case Information Sheet 2128/2014 J & J CONTAINER Citation Issued MANUFACTURING INC 3/10/2014 CINTAS-RUS LP Electronic Filing Fee 3/10/2014 CINTAS-RUS LP Cover Letter 3/17/2014 J & J CONTAINER Citation Issued MANUFACTURING INC 3/1712014 J & J CONTAINER Citation Issued MANUFACTURING INC 3/28/2014 RUSSELL , ALLEN DAVID Crt 3-0rder for Trial Setting- NonJurv 5/2/2014 CINTAS-RUS LP Electronic Filing Fee SECRETARY OF STATE CERTIFICATE 5/1/2014 Letter FROM VENITA OKPEGBU E 5/1/2014 J & J CONTAINER Citation Returned SECRETARY OF STATE MANUFACTURING INC SERVED ON 4-7-1 4 APPEARAN CE DATE 4-28-14 5/21/2014 CINTAS-RUS LP Electronic Filing Fee MOTION & ORDER FO R DEFAULT JUDGMENT 5/21/2014 J & J CONTAINER Motion for Summary Judgment MOTION FOR DEFAULT MANUFACTURING INC JUDGMENT 6/3/2014 J & J CONTAINER Default Judgment and Notice MANUFACTURING INC 6/3/2014 RUSSELL ALLEN DAVID Default JudQment and Notice 6/3/2014 J & J CONTAINER Default Judgment and Notice MANUFACTURING INC 6/3/20 14 RUSSELL ALLEN DAVID Default JudQment and Notice 6/3/2014 J & J CONTAINER Default Judgment and Notice MANUFACTURING INC 'Hlfl O '~YQ tl\ U 6/3/2014 RUSSELL ALLEN DAVID Default Judoment and Notice 6/13/2014 Notices Returned UNCLAIMED DEFAULT JUDGMENT IN FAVOR OF PLAINTIFF 6/30/2014 CINTAS-RUS LP Abstract of Judgment & Writ of Execution to be Issued 7/7/2014 CINTAS-RUS LP Abstract of Judament 71712014 CINTAS-RUS LP Execution Issued 7/7/2014 CINTAS-RUS LP Execution Issued 9/10/2014 J & J CONTAINER Execution Returned EXECUTED MANUFACTURING INC SUB 701 11/18/2014 J & J CONTAINER Electronic Filing Fee NOTICE OF INTENT MANUFACTURING INC 11/18/2014 J & J CONTAINER Notice of Appeal NOTICE OF INTE NT TO FILE MANUFACTURING INC RESTRICTED APPEAL 11/20/2014 Leiter of Assignment FILED WITH THE FI RST COURT OF APPEALS 11/20/2014 Leiter of Assignment FILED WITH THE FI RST COURT OF APPEALS 11/21/2014 Cost Leiter $38.00 FOR THE PREPARATION OF TH E ORIG INAL CLERK'S RECORD 11/21/2014 Leiter LETTER FROM THE FI RST COURT OF APPE ALS 12/412014 J & J CONTAINER TranSC[!Pt Fee (Clerk's MANUFACTURING INC Record 12/8/2014 Transcript ORIGINAL CLE RK'S RECORD FILED WITH THE FIRST COU RT OF APP EAL S 121812014 Transcript ORIGINAL CLE RK'S RECORD FILED WITH THE FIRST COURT OF APPEALS 1218/2014 Transcript ORIGINAL CLERK'S RECORD FILED WIT H THE FIRST COURT OF APPE ALS 12/8/2014 Transcript ORIGINAL CLER K'S RECORD FILED WITH THE FIRST COURT OF APPEALS 12/8/2014 Transcript ORIGINAL CLE RK'S RECORD FIL ED W ITH TH E FIRST COURT OF APPEALS nnfl03 ~ Filed on 12/8/2014 9:33:47 A M Office of STAN STANART, County Clerk, Harris County, Texas County Civil Courts Deparbnent Address A ll Correspondence to: P.O. Box 1525 Houston, TX 7725 1-1525 Bill of Cost In County Civil Court at Law No. Three (3) Harris County, Texas For ('f) o ....... Docket No. 1044425 0\ CINTAS-RUS LP J &J CONTAlNERMANUFACTURING INC o Plaintiff Defendant -.::tI A.D.R.S. 10.00 AD.R.S. -.::t A.J.E 5.00 AJF. ....... Constable Constable o County Clerk 56.00 County Clerk 38.00 N County Clerk-Cits. 4.00 County Clerk-Cits. I Court Records Preserv. 10.00 Court Records Preserv. ~ Court Reporter 15.00 Court Reporter U Courthouse Security 5.00 Courthouse Security U E-Filing Fees I.L-S . 10.00 10.00 E-Filing Fees IL-S. 4.00 U Judicial Maintenance 40.00 Judicial Maintenance Judicial Support 42.00 Judicial Support LawUbrary 15.00 LawUbrary Records Management 5.00 Records Management State E-Filing Fee 20.00 Deposition(,} Total $247.00 Total $42.00 Original Clerk's record of $38.00 was paid by Law Office ofM. Robert Garcia, the attorney for the defendant on O,e 5'" day of December, 20\4. A true and correct Bill of Costs in the above cause as shown by Fee Account Ledgers to with I hereby ecrti fy on December 8, 2014. STAN STANART County Civil Courts at Law Harris County, TeX8S ISIJoshua Alegria joshua Alegria Deputy Clerk Form No. H-01-311 (Rev. 08/1512011) TAB 2 Exhibit "B" CLERK'S RECORD First Supplemental Clerk's Record Trial Court Cause No. 1044425 In the County County Civil Courts Court Number Th~@1'd9~~Lfg~NAPPEALS of Harris County, Texas HOUSTON, TEXAS . . 2/5/20158:55:16 AM Honorable LINDA STOREY, Judge Presldln\l;HRISTOPHER A. PRINE Clerk Cintas-R. U.S., L.P., Plaintiff(s) vs. J & J Container Manufacturing, Inc., Defendant(s) Appealed to the 1st Court of Appeals, at Houston, Texas Attorney for Appellant(s): Name: M. Robert Garcia Address: 405 Main Street, Suite 300, Houston, Texas 77002 Telephone no.: (713) 223-0908 Fax no.: (713) 29-9448 E-mail SBOT no. : 07639150 Attorney for: J & J Container Manufacturing, Inc. Name of clerk preparing the clerk's record: Alegria, Joshua (CCO) Event Date Event Tvoe Vol- Paoe 215/2015 CoverPaae 1- 1 215/2015 Index 1-2 215/2015 Cantion 1-3 3/1712014 Orininal Petition Citation 1-4 6/3/2014 Notice of Judament 1-5 6/3/2014 Notice of Judament 1-6 6/13/2014 Notices Returned 1-8 5/112014 Citation Returned 1 - 10 1/29/2015 Letter Reauestina First Suoolemental Clerk's Record 1 - 11 215/2015 Bill of Cost 1 - 13 215/2015 Docket Sheet 1 - 14 215/2015 Certification Paae 1 - 17 Comments: Flied on 2/5/2015 8 :40 :55 AM OFFICE OF STAN STANART COUNTY CLERK, HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS CIVlL COURTS DEPARTMENT CAPTION THE STATE OF TEXAS * IN THE COUNTY CIVIL COURT * * AT LAW * HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS 0\ r-- r-- At a tenn of the County Civil Court at Law No. Three (3) of Harris County, Texas, this began in said county on ("'f"') the 3 rd day of Noyember, 2014 and which terminated on the 27th day of December. 2014. The Honorable I ,INl)A ~ STOREY sitting as judge of said court, the following proceedings where had, to wit: I trl ~ o Docket No. 1044425 N I ~ * IN THE COUNTY CIVIL COURT U * * AT LAW Three (3) U * HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS U CINTAS-R US I.P ~ J & J CONTAINER MANUFACTURING INC P.O. Box 15251 Houston. TX 77251-15251 (713) 755-6421 Form No. H-OI-I46 (Rev. 04t29n.Oll) Ytwwcq BBKJICIXNLI)' P:lge I of 1 (l!)[) 0~ 3 STAN STANART COUNTY CLERK, HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS COUNTY crva COURTS DEPARTMENT Docket Number: 1044425 Receipt Number: OOC No SherllflConstable Fee Collected CINTAS-R.U.S., LP. Plaintiff In The County Civil Court at Law No.Three (3) VS. 201 Caroline I Suite 532 J & J CONTAINER MANUFACTURING, INC Houston, Harris County, Texas 77002 Defendant 00 o ~ THE STATE OF TEXAS 00 ORIGINAL PETmON CITATION 00 I TO: J & J Container Manufacturing, Inc., i. a corpocation ~ ~ by Serving the Secretary of State o Defendants Address: registered agent, Anthony Lewis Cook, 6124 W . Little York, Houslon, Texas 77091 N Attached is a copy of petition. I ....:l This instrument was filed on the 27'h day of February, 2014 in the above cited cause number and court. The in strument attached describes the claim against you. U U You have been sued. You may employ an attorney. If you or your attorney does not file a written answer with th e county U clerk who issued this citation by 10:00 a.m. on the Monday next foUowing the expiration of twenty days after you were served this citation and petition, a default judgment may be taken against you. Issued and given under my hand and the seal of said cour~ at Houston, Texas, on this 17th day of March, 2014. (SEAL) STAN STANART, County C lerk County Civil Court at Law No. Three (3), 201 Caroline, Suite 300 Harris County, Texas Terrence Latrelle Washington Deputy County Clerk REQUESTED BY: AllEN DAVID RUSSELL TAYLOR TAYLOR & RUSSELL 815 WALKER, #250 HOUSTON, TEXAS 77002 P.O. Box 15251 Houston, TX 77251-15251 (713) 755-6421 Form No. H-Ol-29 (Rev. 03l21nOi2) Page 1 of 0 OFFICE OF STAN STANART COUNTY CLERK, HARRIS COUNTY, TIlXAS CIVIL COURTS DEPARTMENT P.O. Box 15251 Houston, TX 77251-15251 (713) 755-6421 Date: June 4,2014 DOCKET NUMBER: 1044425 CINTAS-RUS LP IN THE COUNTY CIVIL COURT VS. AT LAW NO. Three (3) t"- ...... J & J CONTAINER MANUFACTURING INC HOUSTON, HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS 00 M 00 ...... I ~ DEFAULT JUDGMENT ...... IN FAVOR OF PLAINTIFF o NOTICE OF JUDGMENT N I ....:l Texas Rules of Court requke me to notify you that a Judgment has been rendered .in the above numbered and s tyled cause. U U Signed:06J0312014 Sincerely, U Judge: LINDA STOREY STAN STANART County Clerk, Harris County. Texas Joe L Bela,1cazar Director County Civil Courts Department J & J CONTAINER MANUFACTURING INC 6124 W LITILE YORK HOUSTON, TEXAS 77091 PormNo. H-Ol -96 (Rev. 0:I/Ol f20 l l) (}lJnO ~ 5 OFFICE OF STAN STANART COUNTY CLERK, HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS CNlL COURTS DEPARTMENT P.O. Box 15251 Houston, TX 77251-15251 (713) 755-6421 Date: Jnne 4,2014 DOCKET NUMBER: 1044425 CINTAS-RUS LP IN THE COUNTY CIVIL COURT ATLAWNO. Tbree(3) HOUSTON, HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS VS. J & J CONTAINER MANUFACTURING INC DEFAULT JUDGMENT IN FAVOR OF PLAINTIFF NOTICE OF JUDGMENT Texas Rules of Court require me to notify you that a Judgment has been rendered in the above numbered and styled cause. Signed: 06/0312014 Sincerely. Judge: LINDA STOREY STAN STANART County Clerk, Harris County. Texas Joe L Belalcazar Director County Civil Courts Department ALLEN DAVID RUSSELL TAYLOR TAYLOR & RUSSELL 815 WALKER, #250 HOUSTON, TEXAS 77002 Farm No. H-Ol -96 (Rev. ~/O I 12011) rHJ[Jo~ 6 Filed on 6/4/2014 9:16:20 AM, Cl erk FarmNo.H-OI -96 (Rev. 04101nO) 1) , nll () 0 ~ 7 o 1 , 4 OFFICE OF STAN STANART o COUNTY CLERK, HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS 6 CIVIL COURTS DEPARTMENT I P.O. Box 1525eHouston, TX 77251-1525e(713) 755-6421 7 I 3 ... " ~ . . . " .. .,-, . " Date: June 4, 2014 3 9 DOCKET NUMBER: 1044425 o o CINTAS-RUS LP IN TIlE COUNTY CIVIL COURT 8 VS. AT LAW NO. Three (3) I J & J CONTAINER MANUFACTURING INC HOUSTON, HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS DEFAULT JUDGMENT IN FAVOR OF PLAINTIFF NOTICE OF JUDGMENT Texas Rules ofCowt require me to notifY you that a Judgment has been rendered in the above numbered and styled cause. Signed: 06/0312014 Sincerely, Judge: LINDA STOREY STAN STANART County Clerk, Harris County, Texas Joe L. Belalcazar Director County Civil Courts Depanment ~ l(\ !! .If" ~~ ~ .." - ~~ V CO> rrn ... ~ :-h\ ,.. ~ :s: ~Ml V a ;;lil • .>< l: . ~ \ J & J CONTAINER MANUFACTURING INC 6124 W LITTLE YORK HOUSTON, TEXAS 77091 Form No. H..QI-96 (Rev. 04/011201 1) I nIH) 0 ~ 8 C O) ... ---- •-:::J ~~ ~ c: " :~t: t·r••~:-: ~ ~:::,-' , i"':i:: STAN STANART .:a fJi ·~~·:· :.Ji...' CS-I-;::G IU I;/) ~"pu~t.· ·' - , .. ~ .. :;.' .' ~:s COUNTY CLERK m.-UoFffurii $000. 38 ~ !> POST OFFICE BOX 1525 0(,) 1;/)1- HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1525 wen .. 0605;L 4 ~ Ii: a: a: ~~ t';.;.:::·"" · ., "':~ 2 1;" - - Z,~ ,~; ", ~ ~ ~ ~' '::C~, 1 _~: I ~~~ \. \ NIXIE 773 TO seNDER ReTURN DE 2ACS<- 1'1.41. . • • • 6/1.1./1.'4 NOT DELIVER"SLE 1'.5 ADDRESSED UNABLE TO FORWARD BC: 772511.S2525 -8493-84819-11-1.9 ~~!?l'fM57~ "1 111" II II1I11'11,!!111 ,ul'I"I','I,II11 '111'111"1'1,111.111.1 " - _.. _- - .. _--- .. -- ----------- ,---- -------- ~-- .-- - ~ . ". - ~ - -, (',J C ~
J & J Container Manufacturing, Inc. v. Cintas- R. U.S., L.P.
Combined Opinion