delivered the opinion of the hourh The points ■submitted to the court, on the part of the defendant, in opposition to the plaintiff’s claim of title are,
1. That the deed first registered must, at all events, prevail against an unregistered deed; the statute having declared the latter, as against the former, fraudulent and void.
2. That the defendant was a bona fide purchaser without notice.
3. That if he had notice, the lessor of the plaintiff cannot avail himself of that fact, in a court of law.
■ Neither of these objections appear to be well founded-
It ought further to be observed, that the deed from Irwin to Gilbert was recorded as early as 1805, and before even Tiffany had undertaken to sell to Murray.
These facts put the point of actual notice beyond all controversy ; and the only question is, whether these several conveyances, under which the defendant claims, and which are so infected with fraud, are to be sustained in a court of law, merely because he can show a priority of registry.
2. We have always taken it for granted, without any formal discussion, that notice would supersede the prior registry, even in
It may be assumed as a settled principle in the English law, that where a subsequent purchaser, whose deed is registered, had notice, at the time of his purchase, of a prior registered deed, the prior deed shall have the preference; for the object of the register acts is to give notice to subsequent purchasers, and in the case stated, the object of the act is answered, and his purchase under such circumstances is a fraud. It is considered as done malafide, by assisting the original vendor to defraud the prior vendee; and the courts will not suffer a statute made to prevent fraud, to be a protection to fraud. It may often be a question, what facts or circumstances will amount to notice sufficient to charge the party; but if the fact of notice be once made out, there is no doubt in the books, but that as against such prior deed, the subsequent registered conveyance is to be adjudged fraudulent and void. This principle I apprehend to be equally just and solid, and it cannot but excite surprise that the French ordinance of 1747, compiled under the auspices of so excellent, pure, and distinguished a magistrate as Chancellor D’Aguesseau, will admit of nothing, not even of the most actual and direct notice, to countervail the prior registry. (Butler’s Note, 249. s. 11. to Co. Litt. lib. 3.*) M. Pothier does not hesitate, however, to question the policy and equity of the ordinance. (Traite des Substitutions, s. 1. 6.) The foundation of the English doctrine is the fraud of the second purchase under a knowledge of the first; and when that appears, (as it will in almost all cases where the second purchase is made with the knowledge of the first, and with a view to defeat it,) it cannot consist with the honour of the law, or with the wisdom of the administration of justice, that the fraud should remain triumphant.
’ An unregistered deed is, in no cáse, void ; it is always good as against the grantor and his heirs; and the question here is, between a valid and fraudulent deed. The case of Le Neve v. Le Neve was decided by Lord Hardrvicke in 1747, and it contains the fullest illustration, and the most decisive vindication, of the rule. (3 Atk. 646. 1 Ves. 64. Amb. 436. S. C.) Ee says that the rule was first applied to the statute of 27 Hen. VIII. far the enrolment of bargains and sales ; and that the construction had been uniform, that if a subsequent bargainee had notice of a prior bargain and sale, he was equally affected with the notice, as if the
3. The only point that remains to be considered in this case is, whether the question of notice is not exclusively of equity cognisance.
The decisions have come from the court of chancery, but whenever the point has occurred to the judges of the courts of common law, they have always recognised the existence and solidity of the rule. (Lord Mansfield, in 1 Burr. 474. and Lord Kenyon, in Peake’s N. P. 190, 191.) And if the question of notice be a question of construction of the statute, and not merely of a trust or equity binding on the conscience, the cognisance of it must belong equally to a court of law. The design of the act was to give notice, by means of the registry, and thereby prevent imposition, mistake, and fraud. The court of exchequer, in Cheval v. Nichols, (1 Stra. 664.) admitted that the statute only intended to give such notice as would prevent fraud, and that the statute never intended io relieve a purchaser with notice, though the first deed was not registered. It is, therefore, a question on the interpretation of the registry ads, and upon every sound principle, courts of common law have cognisance of the case. - -* Courts of law and equity are equally bound to give statutes a sound interpretation, in prevention of the mischief, and are equally hound to carry the intention into effect: and courts of law have
Judgment for the plaintiff.
Folio edit. 290. b. Note (1.)