ANTHONY W. RAMSEY I 1470982 Fnlir:h·M. Robert&Oa "Uidt~- 12071··-_.F.M.·.. · 3522'~ - 79601 . . , __ ... -_______ - -_ ,.- - --_---RECEiVEDU~ ~· 21,· ·2015 COURT OF CRIMINJI,L APPEArL:S . . . . ,., ~. Abel lti»S~,- ~- SEP 24 2015 Tex88 -Court of -Cdlid.DBl AppMla P~o. 80x ·- 12308 · -· · · · - _ ., Capitol StatiCID 4be! Acosta, ClerJ< AUStinl Te~:a&; ....78711-- •• ' < •• - Greetings! I pray this finds you in the best of health and spirits. I am writing you to request a copy of the docket sheet in the following Cause Nos.: ' ·.' • ~~: . -~ . -. .. ! ... • .. Your assitailce in this matter will be greatly ap()reciated, as I need these requested copies tO pursue a. legal matter in your Honorable COurt. 1\uink you and God Bless! \. ·····
Jackson, Phillip Bernard
Combined Opinion