Jackson, Samuel Roy

Court: Court of Appeals of Texas
Date filed: 2015-04-28
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Combined Opinion
                                         CERTIFICATE OF INTERES'rED PERSONS
             ..    ')

                                                       IN THE
                                             COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS
                                                          AUSTIN. TEXAS

                                              .   \   /

                                        PETrrioN' .. FOR WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS
                                          SEEKING RELIEF FROM UNLAvli"UL
                                         CONFINEMENT UNDER VOID ~JDG~m~tr
                                           AND VOID COURT ORDER RE~DERED ~R
                                            THE OFF~~SE AGGRAVATED ROBBER~
                                                    CAUSE NO. 913043
                                      FR0£>1 THE !83RD JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT,
                                                      HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS
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         INTE~ESTED        PERSONS:                                                                           \''\

         ,Judgb Vanessa Va':\,a..Squez
         Criminal Justice Bldg •• 18th Fl.
         1202 Franklin
         Houston. Texas 77002

         Assistant District Attorney
                                                                             RECEiVED !N
                                                                          (COURT OF CRfMIN!.t APPEALS
         l03rd .Judicial District Court
         Criminal Justice Bldg •• 18th Fl.                                            APR 28 2015
         1201 Franklin
         Houston. Texas 77002
                                                                               Ab@J Acosta, Crerk
         (Petitioner) Samuel Roy Jackson
         TDC..J-!Oii 1268721
         Nathaniel J. Neal Unit
         9055 Sour 591
         Amarillo. TX 79107·-9696



                                                    ...._\   I

                                     TABLE OF CONTENTS

CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PERSONS                                                                i

TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                           .   II

TABLE OF.AUTHORITIES                                                                        . iii
Section(A) C.C.P. • Articles of Law

CRIMINAL LAW KEYS                       '   .


DECLARATION OF PENALTY OF PERJURY               •                               ..


     Contents: Documents (A) • (B), (C), (D), (:t;:), (F), (G), (H) .(I) (.J) {i'f)   (LJ

                                                      INDEX OF AUTHORITIES

 Addison v. State• 28 S.W.2d 55 Tex Crim App 1955                                                                      . {~J
 In re Alexander• 243 S.W.2d 822 Tex App San Antonio 2007
 Tex Crim App 1962 Bender v. State• 353 S.W.2d 39, 171 Tex CrUn:·628                                               .        ((gl

 Carpenter v. State. Cr App 1949, 153 Tex Crim 218                                             S~W.2d 200;7 •               n1
 Catching v. State. 285 s.W.2d 233. 162 Tex Crim 342 •                                                                      (tf~
 Colbeat v. State. 314 S.W.2d 602. 166 Tex,Crim 431 •                                                                        (lz)
 Davis v. State. 503 s.W.2d 241 [Tex Crim                                         Ap~1 1974]                                C~t
 Ex parte Drake· 883 S.W.2d 213 Tex Crim App 2002                                                                           (2l
 Halbadier v. State. Cr App 1920 • 87 Tex Crim 129, 220 S.W.95 .•                                                           ...(~]
 Ex partE7 Haskin·. 801. S.W.2d 12 Tex App Corpus Christi 1990
 Ho v. State. 856 S.W.2d 495 Tex App Houston [1st Dist.]                                                                    T                    "Authenticated"     by the "Complainant". Officer

M. A. Khan IS INVALID. Officer M. A. Khan's signature does not appear anyvJhere

on     The        Complaint.        Therefore • The Complaint does not meet the Const·it utional

requisites of a .charging instrument: thus causing it to be ari Invalid Complaint

that did not vest jurisdiction in the 183rd District. Court under Cause #913043.

        [Citing        of        Authorities]     Tex    App Houston [lst Dist.]. Ho v. State. 856

S.V'I.2d     495,      valid        complaint is prerequisite to valid information and proper

jurat        is     essential to valid complaint. Complaint that is not sworn to before

some       official         or     person   in    authority      is insufficient to constitute basis

for valid conviction. Vernbn's Ann .. T.C.C.P.·, Art. 21.                         22~

        [Fact]        Officer        M. A. Khan. the "Complainant" did not swear in the jruat

of    The         Complaint        before   the    Assistant District Attorney whose Texas State

Bar Number is "SBOT# 1827741". therefore The Complaint is INVALID.

        [Fact]        T.    William is not a competent person tb swear to the accusations

alleged in the Affidavit on the face of Agg Robbery Complaint                           :,~913043,    because

T.    William         is     not     the    "Complainant"       nor is T. 1-villiam one of the ten HPD

Officers           who conducted the Crime Scene Investigation· under HPD Offense report

#072416202: therefore. the jurat of Complaint                       ',~913043   was "signed and sworn to"

by an incompetent uncredible person.

                                                        - 7 -
        [Citing of Authorities] Halbadier v. State. Cr App 1920. 87 Tex Crim 129.

220    s.w.                 85.              Indictment                                and              Information Key 41(3). Where the Affidavit or

Complaint                   on            which                   an Information is found signed by an incompetent person.

it is void and the whole proceeding based thereon fails.

        [F'act]                    T.           William                         does                 not set· forth any source for his belief in the

Affidavit                   on            the              face of Agg Robbery Complaint 1}913043. Thus. The Complaint

is     insufficient.                                   See i'1adden v. State. App 7th District 1982. 630                                                                                                         S.~·J.2d   380.

Affirmend. 644                            S.~v.2d                 735.

        [Citing of Authorities] Naff v. State. 946 S.'iv.2d 529. Affiant is permit-"

ted to base accusations in Complaint on information derived from police report.

Vernon's Ann •.                           ·r.c.c.P ..                       Art. 15.5

        [Fact]                     In· the detail section of· Officer M'. A. Khan's HPD Offense Report

J072416202                      ther::e                 is            rio           information/accusations· alleging that Jackson used

a     ~mife              as            a deadly weapon to threaten Larry Seitzler and take his property

by force. or while Jackson was stealing Seitzler's property.

       There· is                              no            information/accusation                                                             alleging that Jackson· (Suspect :il)

had     any              of           Sei:tzler's property in his possession: the .::eason being. Officer

t'l. A. I\han testified under cross-examination by defense attorney Robert Scott,

stating              a          Crime ·scene                                    Unit·                of the HPD was dispatched and that Unit tested

the     knife                   for "prints" but did not find any i:)rints of J·ackson on said knife.

See     attached ·~A.P,.p...;;e;.;.;n""d;.;;;i""x'--_ __:t:..::r:..::i:..::a:..::l:.. .·--=T:..:r:..:a:::.n:.:s:..:c:.:r:..:i::..:;p:..:t:...·_.. :P.. .:a:..:g::..:e:.. .:i'.:. ;Jo:.. ·_· :::!q:::!::::q=-
                                                                                                                                                                                       -=·                     Therefore. the

incompetent                        T. · William                                 did               not derive his information/accusations from HPD

Offense              Report                      1)072416202.                                 Ther-efore ·the                                         inforl7lation/accusations                                       alleged

in     the           Affidavit                              on            the              face of Agg Robbery Complaint ti913043 are Invalid

Information and a violation of T.C.C.P., Art: 15.5.

         [Citing of Authorities] Davis v. State: 503 S.lv.2d 24l[Tex Crim App 1974],

Information                        based                    on            fatally                        defective Complaint is Void. Conviction based

                                                                                                                     - s -
on such information is void. Shackelford v. State. 516 S.W.2d l80(Cr App 1974).

There couid be no void information in the absence of a valid.complaint.

           [Issue: Lack of ·Jurisdiction]

           [Fact]       The Complaint ;f913I43 is an invalid AggRobbery Complaint. because

its        jurat is defective as demonstrated 'in all of the above-stated Adjudicated

Facts        supported          by Appendix                 Documents· (A). (B). (C). (D) and (E). and each

of     the     T.C.C.P.,          Articles             listed under each "Citing of Authorities'' above.

Therefore.              the     invalid         agg robbery complaint ;;'913043 did not vest the l83rd

District          Trial        Court       with        subject     m·atter       jurisdiction or jurisdictional

authority over Jackson under Agg Robbery Cause                                   No~    913043.

           [Citing        of    Authorities] Catching v. State. 288 S.W.2d 233. 162 Tex Crim

342.       A valid complaint is a prereCjuisite to a valid information. And without

a complaint. County Cour:t has no jurisdiction.

           [Tex        Crim    App   19S5] Addi:son: v. State. 283 S.vJ~2d 55: A valid complaint

is     a     prerequisite            to     a     valid information. and without a complaint• County

Court has no jurisdiction.

           [Subject] Invalid Aggravated Robbery· Indictment #913043. Invalid In:fonna-

tion.        lAdjudicated            Facts] See-Appendix Document (F) - Agg Robbet-y Indictment

#913043.          On· the·        face      of        Agg     Robbery Indictment #913043 tht::? same Invalid

information that is reflected in the Affidavit· of Invalid Agg Robbery Complaint

;F9l3043          is     reflected on the face· of the Agg Robbery Indictr:tent :t913043. Both

the        Complaint· and            the ·Indictment              have the same HPD Offense Report Number.

#072416202,              same     Complaining           Witness         (Namely, Larry Seitz.ler), same Arrest

Date (May 24. 2002) and same Defendant's name (Samuel Roy 'Jackson DOB 3/5/56).

           [Fact]       The     Invalid          Informatl.on          alleged     on     the face of Agg Robbery

Indictment              #913043      did        not     vest     the    183rd District Trial Court with any

jurisdiction              over Petitioner Jackson. because the information in the charging

                                                                - 9 -
paragraph        on      the· face of Indictment #913043 is Void Information that derived

from Invalid Agg Robbery Complaint #913043.

      [Citing           of    Authorities]             State v. Ed\vards. 808 S.I'J.2d 662(Tex AppTyler

1991) Fundamentally Defective Information is Void· does not·effectively invoke

Court's jurisdiction over Defendant and will not support conviction.

      [Subject]              Void        judgment      rendered        under Agg Robbery rnvalid Indictment

#913043 and its Invalid Information.

      [Adjudicated                 Facts]    Petitioner            Jackson was         convicted for the offense

Aggravated         Robbery           cause       No.     913043.       See Appendix· Document (F) - Judgment

on Plea Before Jury Court Sheet or Document 913043. Also See Appendix Attached

Document         (G)          Writ        Order· to Sheriff Tommy Thomas. Both Docwnents (F) and

Document         (G)     reflect          the     fact · that · "I" Applicant Samuel Roy Jac:Kson was

convicted for· the offense Aggravated Robbery Cause No. 913043. ·

      The        records           and    documents        filed       under    Cause No. 913043 reflect the

Invalidity         of        the     Invalid       Agg     Robbery       Complaint #913043 and its Invalid

Information            that        was    set     forth       in     the Charging I Presenting Paragraph on

the   face        of     Aggravated             Robbery       Indictment        #913043. \;;-hich by law• did not

invoke      or     vest the 183rd District Court.·Presiding Judge. Joan Huffman. with

jurisdiction            over        Petitioner Jackson. nor was Judge Joan Huffinan vested with

subject      matter           jurisdictin ·under               Invalid. Agg        Robbery Complaint f-913043.

because      neither           Chai·ging         Instrument satisfied the Constitutional Requisites

of a charging· instrument ·according to the Constitutional Laws of Texas.

      [factual and Legal Argument Claim]

      Due to lack of jurisdictional subject matter in the 183r·d ·District Com·t.

the   judgment           rendered· under               Aggg        Robbery     Cause   No~   913043.·at jury·trial

conducted         in     the        183rd       District Court. is a Void Judgment rendered against

Petitioner Jackson.

                                                              - 10 -
        [Citing of Authorities]

        [TexAppeal Austin 1999] Vacated. 15 S.W.3d 104 Remand 2000. WL 852697.

A judgment is void only i f the Court rendering the judgment has no jurisdiction

over the subject matter. no·personal jurisdiction over a party. ·no jurisdiction

to enter the particular judgment or no capacity to act as Court.

        Criminal Law        Key    990.1:     A    judgment     of conviction for a crime is void

when ( 1) the document purporting to be chat-g ing instrument, that is Indictment,

Information        or   Complaint      does       not   satisfy    Constitutional requisites of      a
charging     instrumi2nt          (2)· thus· trial court has no jurisdiction over defendant

(3) record reflects that thereis no evidence to support conviction.


        Therefore.      Petitioner      Jackson         is   unlawfully      confined   in the custody·

of Rick Thaler in· the TDCJ-CIDunder a· void Judgment Conviction for the offense

Aggravated        Robbery     Cause    No. 913043 from the l83rd Judicial District Court.

Harris·county. ·Houston. Texas·77002.

        [facts]     The     183rd Judicial Distdct JudgE!-- Joan Huffman. was not vested

with     personal       jurisdictional authority· 0ver Petitioner Jackson under Invalid

Information        Allegations· asserted            in the· charging         presenting paragraph on

the face of Agg Robbery Indictment #913043.

                                            GROill\JD 'FOR. RELIEF: (   B}
                  Unlawful Confinement; Petitioner Samuel Roy Jackson is
                    Unlawfully Confined in the Custody of Director of
                                  TDCJ -CID, Rick Thaler.

        [Subject]· Void Court Order: The Court Order issued by Judge Joan Huffman

under    Agg Robbery #913043. Void Judgment Conviction rendered by twelve jurors

under Invalid Agg Robbery Indictment Cause No. 913043 ·and its Invalid Informa-

tion is a Vol!d Court Order rendered at an illegal jury trial held in the l83rd

                                                    - ll -
Judicial District Court. The record reflects Invalidity of Judge Joan Huffman's

unla\vful assumption of jurisdiction Aggravated Robbery Cause No. 913043.

        [Argument]         Judge     Joan       Huffman       was without subject matter jurisdiction

authority         to conduct .aJ~P..Y trial in the l83rd District Court of Harris County,

Texas.       Judge      Joan     Huffman        was    without jurisdictional authority to·conduct

Vori     Dire.       allowed      State's       Prosecutor           and Defense Attorney. Robert Scott.

to     select      jurors. to decide whether or not "I" ·-Petitioner Samuel Roy Jackson

was     innocent         or     guilty     of    the offense Agg Robbery under Cause No. 914043.

        After     Judge         Huffman     gave      the     jury     the Court·charge without personal·

jurisdictional            authority        under      Inval.id    Agg    Robbery Indictment #913043 and

and     its
its Invalid Information that derzwed from Invalid· Agg Robbery Complaint #913043

                 Invalid Informatin which did not vest the 183rd District Trial Court

with jurisdiction.

                                  ,CLAIM: Lack of Jurisdiction Over
                                 Aggravated Robbery Indictment #913043
                                             Information~            ...

        [Facts       Supporting          Claim] ·On· June         18,     2003·, the State reindicted the

Petitioner. Jackson. for the offense Burglary of a                           8u'll:9lM1 cJ?Fcl1f.l:.U2; hJ:.i,SA.!r.!?.'J21)
See Appendix            Document "marked" (J)_; Burglary· of a Building Docket 'I'ext 095242
of     the      183rd     District Court. Also See AopendiX ·Document "marked" (K)                              ;   l83rd

Writ     Order -filed            under    Burglary          of a Building ·cause No.· 0952420, Ordering

Harris  County Sherif-f • · Tomniy :Thomas to arrest Jackson and present him before
          _. _ __:_:_~c:_-   ·--,--                                          :::.:... _ _,_·:·J
the 183rd District Court for Reindictment of the offense Burglary of a Building

Cause No.       0952420~

        LFacts] Petitioner \vas· reindicted for- the offense Burglary of a Building.

Offense         which derived out of the same criminal episode as did the Agg Robbery

offense         Cause     No.     913043~   Both offenses derived from the HPD Offense Report

                                                        - 12 -
Number        072416202.                See      Documents             "marked"     (J)      and (Kj in the Attached


       rrhe     Information/Allegations                          alleging       threat      \vith   a knife with intent

to     place      Larry· Seitzler                in    fear           of imminent bodily injury and death. was

not     the Information/Accusation                              set    forth     on the face of the Burglary of a

Building        Reindictment
                           No. 0952420. Therefore. the Trial Court was not vested
with     jurisdiction over the Agg Robbery Indictment #913043 and its Information

due     to     the     Reindictment              of Petition for the offense Burglary of a Building

Cause· No.           0952420. and it.S Information. in which the l83rd                               ~Judicial   District

Court was then· "became vested" with s,ubj'ect inatter jurisdiction                                            over   the

Burglary of a Building Cause No. rtilq,Jj23.f.:ltJ

       Sx      Parte Reedy. 282 S .w. 3d 492. 502 (Tex Crim App 2009) ;                                me Parte   Gibson. ,

800    S.ld. 2d       548.        551 (Tex       Crim · · App· 1990)          ~--Further.    "If the 'instrument comes

from     the Grand Jury. purports to charge an offense and is facially an Indict-

ment     then        it is an indictment                ~   .. and its presentation by a State's Attorney

invests        the trial court with jurisdiction to hear the case._"                                   Ex   ?arte Gibson.

supra.        See     also.· Teal v. State. 230 S.W.3d 172. 180(Tex Crim App 2007). 'rhe

proper        test     to     determine           if        a     charging instrumel'Jt alleges an offense "is

whether        the     allegations · in                it        are       clear enough· that one can identify the

offense        alleged.           If     they     are.           then the indictment is sufficient to confer

subject matter jurisdiction."

        Therefore. since the allegations on the face of the Burglary of a Building

Indictment #0952420 are clear enough that one can identify the_offense alleged.

the     Burglary        of        a     Building        Indictment             #0952420 conferred       ~ubject   matter

jurisdiction in the 183rd District Court for ·the offense Burglary of a Building

but     did     not     confer           subject       matter jurisdiction for the offense Aggravated

Robbery        Cause        No.        913043:        which           is    the primary Indictment,Petitionf,,,c· was

                                                                  - 13 -
taken        to        trial     for in June 2003 which ended in a mistrial on June 13. 2003.

SeE¥       Appendix Document "marked" (13) -- Aggravated Robbery 183td District Court

Docket           Text.     Five       days        later     on June 18. 2003.the State obtained Burglary

of     a     Building           Indictment          #0952420        from        the. 248th Grand Jury in the l83rd

District          Court~

           [FactJ        'rhe    183rd       District        Court        was     not vested with jurisdiction or

subject matter jurisdiction over Agg Robbery Indictment #913043 after the State

abandon           the     Agg    Robbery Indictment ;t913043. then reindicted Petitioner with

the        Burglary        of a Building Indictment #0952420. the act of reindicting Peti-

tioner · transferred                  the     subject        matter        jurisdiction     from the Agg Robbery

Indictment #913043 to the subject matter jurisdiction for the offense Burglary

of     a     Building.          Therefore.          ·the judgment rendered against Petitioner for the

offense           Agg     Robbery        Cause       No.     913043        is a Void Judgment rendered without

subject matter jurisdiction.

           Petitioner           was    convicted           for     the offense Agg Robbery Cause No. 913043

on     October           28.     2004.       On     the same date the State Dismissed the Burglary of

a Building Cause No. 0952420. See Appendix Document "marked" (J).

           The Court of .Cr'iniinal.ll.ppeals. locat8d_ in.· 7\usti:n .. ·rexas should not delay

in     GRAN'l'ING         Petitioner 1 s Writ of Habeas Corpus and ORDER Petitioner RELEASED

IMr1EDIATELY from TDCJ -CID Director. Rick Thaler 1 s custody. Article 11) J, I/. i I

           LTudge       Joan    Huffman·      aia         not rule or give consideration to Petitioner 1 s

Motion           For     Written       Ruling        filed       January        8. 2004. See Appendix Document

"titled" Motion For Written Ruling.

           All      of Petitioner Jackson 1 s motions filed in the 183rd Judicial District

Court        were        essential          to ensure his constitutional rights were preserved for

                                                                 - 14 -
.fa£J~ to assure Petitioner reVl.ew in                     thelii>fllffa-irl'f,A;If-111f)I'.AUunder a Petition

for    Writ      of        Habeas       Corpus    when Petitioner has no other adequate remedy at

 law to have his claims considered on the merits.

                                               GROUND/CLAIM: (C) ,
                                    U.S.C.A .. Fourteenth Amendment and
                                    State of Texas Fourteenth Amendment
                                    Constitution Due Process Violation
                                           T.C.C.P., Art. 1.04.

        T.C.C.P..          Art.        1.04 •. Due   Process     of   Law Statute. No citizen of this

State        shall     be deprived of his life. liberty. property. privileges or immun-

 ities or in any manner disfranchised except by due course of law.

        [Argument]          Judge        Joan Huffman refused to afford "me" Petitioner Jackson

Due Course of Law. when the trial judge refused to rule on the following:

        (A) Motion to Set Aside Indictments-- See Appendix Documents marked                              (~).

Judge    Joan Huffman did not conduct a trial on r1otion to Set Aside Indictment.

Articles 27.04• 507. 571, 560. Motion T:tiedby Judge. An issue of fact arising

upon a motion to set aside Indictment or Information .shall be tried by judge.

        [Harmfull          Error]        When    Judge Huffman refused to conduct trial on Motion

 to    Set    Aside         Indictment. she contributed to Petitioner's conviction because

the    State         was     allowed       the second opportunity to convict Petitioner for the

offense       Aggravated          Robbery        whereas    Petitioner •     in his f1otion to Set Aside

Indictment.           issue       lS     that.    the Burglary of a Building Cause No. o:~·Ft'.~l.~as

a     "reindictment"           from the same criminal episode that the Agg Robbery Indict-

ment    i#.9l3043          derived       from. That trial ended in a mistrial on June 13, 2003.

See Appendix Document marked (8 ~ .

        Double       Jeopardy          Key of the U.S.C.A .. Amend. Five "prohibited" reindict-

ment     after        the State announced "ready" and the trial comenced on its merits.

                                                       - 15--
FU{ther.           had    Judge      Joan     Huffman· complied with Due Course of Law Mandatory

Statute.           Art.     27.04.     507.     571,    560.     the Trial Court would have more than

likely        dismissed ··the          Burglary of        a    Building Indictment #0952420. And the

Trial     Court           was withotit jurisdicition to conduct the subsequent trial. Judge

Joan     Huffman was not the judge who presided over the Aggravated Robbery Trial

that ended in a mistrial onJune 13. 2003. Judge Joe Ann Ottis was the "sit in"

presiding judge.

        Petitioner           filed his Motion to Set Aside Indictment% on January 8. 2004.

prior     to        the     subsequent trial during which Petitioner ,Jackson was convicted

for     the        primary     offense.        Aggravated Robbery Cause No.           9130~3.   Further. the

acts of        Harmful Error lead to Petit±oner's· conviction and wrongful incarcera-

tion     in        TDCJ-CID, · \vhere         Jackson     is ·currently serving time as· an Actual

Innocent person: due to aVoidJudgment rendered                              during an Illegal Subsequent

Trial     conducted in the 183rd Judicia:l District Court after Petitioner Jackson

filed his i'1otion to Set Aside· Indictments.

                       Motion Key 36, 40. A 'l'rial Court is Required To
                     Consider And Rule Upon"ivlotion ~ViH1in Reasonable Time.

        [Claim] Judge             Joan Huffman          violated    ·u.s.c.A~.    Fourteenth      Amendment.

Due     Course of Law Clause requirement. when the TrialJudgerefused to conduct

trial upon Petition For Writ of Habeas Corpus filed June 28, 2004, March 11,

2004.     See        Appendix        Document     ( ~) Aggravated Robbery Cause No. 913043, l83rd

District Court Docket •rext.

                             Violations And Denial of Due Process
                     Under the Following 'l'exas Cqde of Criminal Procedure.

        Article 11.10             Proceeding      Under · t•Jrit:    When    motion     has been made to a

judge     under           circumstances set forth in the two proceeding articles, he shall

appoint        a     time     when     he will·examine the cause of the applicant;:. and order

the     writ        returnable        at    the time in the county where the·offense is charged

in the indictment or information to have been committed. He shall also specify

                                                        - 16 -
some place in the County where he will hear the motion.

        [Article        11.49]     Order      of    Argument: The Applicant shall have the right

by    himself     or counsel to open and conclude the argument upon the trial under

habeas corpus.

      ·Judge     Joan      Huffman       refused· to comply with ·any of the Due· Course of Law

under     Articles 11.10. 11.11.               11~49.·      Under vJrit ·of Habeas· •:corpus Due Process

of Law: which is a direct violation of the Texas Constitution Code of Criminal

Procedure Article 1. 04.

        Further. Joan Huffman refused torule on-Petitioner's Motion For Discovery

And     Inspection · of          Evidence filed on January 8, 2004. See Appendix Docllinent.

Motion     For    Discovery
                                      And· Insoection          of Evidence. Aggravated Robbery Cause

Number 913043 Docket Text.

        Judge    Joan      Huffman       refused       to     rule on Petitioner Jackson'sMotion To

Dismiss     Court Appointed Attorney. ·filed December· 22. 2003. and filed on March
                                                                                   '- -   i
20.     2003.    See Appendix Document• Motion To Dismiss Court Appointed Attorney.

See also Aggravated Robbery Docket Text #913043.

        Judge Joan Huffman denied Petitioner Jackson his-eonstitutional·Rights to

'Self-representationwhen she refused to rule on Petitioner's MotionTo Dismiss

Court Appointed Attorney Robert Scott. and refused to allow Petitioner Jackson

request     to be allowed to represent himself after the State reindicted Jackson

for the offense Burglary of a Building Cause No.                        0952420~

        [Citing] Webb        v.       State    [Cr    App 1976] 533 S.W.2d 780• Criminal Law Key

641.4(1)        Defendant        in    state       criminal ·trial      has' a Constitutional Right to

proceed without counsel when he voluntarily and intelligently elects to do so.

                                      Evidence: Due Process Vici1ation

        [Claim] Due Process Violation: The photographs presented at the subsequent

trial     was     not     gathered by the HPD Officers who arrived at the location 2001

                                                       - l7 -
Karbach        St.,        "the     Crime        Scene :Location      of HPD Offense Report #072416202.

Even though a Crime Scene Unit was dispatched according to Officer M. A. Khan's

testimony. See Appendix Document. Trial Transcript ;Page #99.

        The     Complaining              Witness     "namely"    Larry Seitzler. 'took photographs and

then "someone" from the Harris County District· Attorney's                           Office_~, ....see. Appendi£

Document• Trial transcript Page Nos. 74, 108. 111.

        The     concrete           block presented by the State was not gathered by the Crime

Scene        Unit     of     the     HPD, ·it was brought to trial by the Complaining Witness.

"namely"        Larry        Seitzler. See Aooendix Document:· Closing Argument by Defense.

Page No. 86.

        The     Due        Process        of· evidence     gathered byan investigating agency such

as a crime scene police officer. is that the evidence gathering process require

the gathering of evidence. tagging it and placing it in the property ro,om.

        The     above        said        photographs     and concrete block did not go through this

process. See Aooendix Document: Trial Transcript Page No. ··99.

        [Actual Innocence Claim] Petitioner isactually innocent. in that Petition-

er never did use a knife in any manner to threaten Larry- Seitzler with immenent

bodily        injury and death. S'ee Appendix Document: Closing Arguments by Defense.

Page     No~        83;     Trial· Transcript .·Page No. 10; and Physical Evidence Ben Taub

Medical        Records        supporting          Actual· Innocence        Claim.   Therefore. Petitioner

Jackson        is     Actually Innocent of· the Element Threat 1vith a Knife as the State

alleged on· Indictment               ~f913043.

       Petitioner's               finger     prints     were    not    found on said knife. which would

show     the knife in his possession. Petitioner did not attempt to stab Seit:der

or     use     the        knife     in     any    other manner to threaten Larry Seitzler or cause

Seitzler        to        fear for his life as the State alleged in Agg Robbery Indictment

it913043.       Petitioner           never       said   anything      to   Seitzler. Thus, accordingly,

                                                        - 18 -
medical        records        reflect           in    a      human     body diagram that Petitioner was shot

twice.        once     in     the       back         of his right leg and once in the back of his left

forearm:        which        proves       Seitzler            shot    Petitioner ·while his back \vas turned

toward     Seitzler.              and     also        proves Petitioner was·not facing Seitzler and/or

threatening          Seit'zler when Jackson was shoL Therefore.· Seitzler' s accusations

and     the    State's· accusations                        alleging "threat of Imminent Bodily Injury and

Death     by     the        use     and     Exhibiting a Knife as a Deadly Weapon" in indictment

#913043,        are     no     more· ·than · Perjured                 Accusations ·made by the State and the ·

Complaining Witness "namely" LarrySeitzler made against Petitioner Jackson.

        Furthermore.              the   HPD               Crime      Scene   Unit· tested the knife for finger

prints        but did not find Jackson's prints on the knife. See Appendix Document.

Trial Transcriot Page (                     )•

        The     error        is     the    Perjured           Accusations        madeagainst Jackson in the

presenting paragraph of Aggravated -Robbery Indictment· #913043. which· contribut-

ed     to Jackson's               conviction           for     the     offense AggRobbery Cause No. 913043.

Also.     the        error· of          the 183rd'District Trial Judge's unlawful assumption of·

jurisdiction           under        Invalid Agg Robbery Complaint' I·ndictment and Information

contributed           to    Jackson '-s          conviction:           because   Judge Joan Huffman conducted

an illegal trial without subject matter jurisdiction.

                                                       "Harmful Errors"

        [Citing]        Ex        parte William.               65    S·.W.3d 656. 658(Tex Crim·App 2001). An

Applicant must show harm. that is he must prove by a preponderance of· evidence

that     the     error · contributed                   to     his ·conviction or puni·shment. The error of

Jackson's        trial defense attorney's failure to object to ,State·. Prosecutor's

presenting           photographs           of        the     crime     scene· by the Complaining Witness and

by     someone        from        the     Harris           County     District Attorney's Office contributed

                                                               - 19 -
to Petitioner's conviction. •because the photographs were presented as evidence

for     the    State           which        had        an effect on the jury's verdict. Even the Officer

Mohammed       A.       Khan         testified           stating     that none of the photographs presented·

by     the    State           were     taken by any member of the HPD the               nigh~the     Crime Scene

Unit     was· at             the scene of the so call·ed incident where "I" Jackson was shot.

See    Appendix              Document.        Trial        transcript     Testimony     of Officer M. A. Khan

Page No. 108.

        In ·order for the jury to find PetitiOner guilty. the jury had to beheve

that the photographs presented by the·State were the actual crime scene caused

by     Petitioner Jackson's actions. Petitioner Jackson has provided a sufficient

record        that       supports           every        allegation     asserted   within·this. his Petition

For    Writ        of        Habeas        Corpus.       See Citing: Ex oarte Chandler. 182 S.W.3d 350.

353 Tex Crim App 2005.

       Petitioner's              jurisdiction              defect· claim. void· judgment claim and Const-

itutional rights· violation
                            claim of unlawful confinement along \vith his actual

innocence          claim        is     cognizibil by way of a post-conviction petition for writ

of     habeas· corpus                which        is     the   only remedy by law to present Petitioner's

above, said claims.

        Ex parte Davis. 747 S.W.2d 216. '223(Tex Crim App 1996) Because the Court's

authority to issue a ·writ· of                            habeas-corpus stem ·from Article 1 and·5, Texas

Constitution             which        provides           that subject·to such regulations as may be pre-

scribed       by        law· the           Court        of Criminal Appeals and•the judges thereof shall

have     the ·power             to issue           writ ·of habeas corpus •. Therefore. since Petitioner

Jackson       has presented this petition for writ of habeas corpus as a collateral

attack.       attacking              his     void        judgment.      jurisdiction.   ConstitutionalRights

Violations             and     Actual        Innocence         Claim.    the   Court of Criminal Appeals so

consider        the factual allegations of· each above said claim. and give a written


                                                               - 20 -
 ruling on the merits of Petitioner's Claims. Tex App Tyler 2001. Where a void

 judgment           has     been        rendered and the record. reflects it invalidity. the Trial

. Court       has     the        duty· to Set A:side the judgmen"f even i f the· petition does not

. satisfy all the requisites of a Bill of Review. Thompson v. Ballard. 149 S.W.3d


                                                  Statement of the Case

          Petitioner             h~s     no     other     adequate remedy by law. except by-petitioning

 the Court for a Writ of Habeas Corpus.

                                                  Petitioner's Request

          Petitioner · respectfully                     requests      that   the   Court   of Criminal Appeals

 examine        the       State        Court      records       and     his Petition·presented that supports

 his      claims.          and     should        the Court find that Petitioner's claims and factual·

 alleg,ations             are     sufficient·.- to         support his eligibility for a Writ of Habeas

 Corpus.        that        the        Court     of Criminal Appeals GRANT Petitioner's petition for

 a     writ     of        habeas        corpus.     and        remand the writ to the 183rd DistrictCourt

 of     Harris County. Houston. Texas. with an                            order ORDERING the presiding judge

 to     VACATE        the void judgment and ORDER Petitioner Samuel Roy Jackson RELEASED

 IMMEDIATELY              from     the        custody     of    Warden Jamie Baker and the Director. Rick

 Thaler.        from        the TDCJ-CID Nathaniel J. Neal Unit in Potter County. Amarillo.

 Texas. where Petitioner Jackson is currently incarcerated.

                                                                  Respectfully submitted.

                                                                  Samuel Roy Jackson
                                                                  TDCJ -ID# 1268721
                                                                  Neal Unit
                                                                  9055 Spur 591
                                                                  Amarillo. TX 79107-9696

                                                                  PETITIONER. ProSe.

                                                               - 21 -
                      Declaration of Penalty Under Perjury

     I; Samuel Roy Jackson. hereby declare under penalty of perjury that the

allegations   and   information   asserted· with this petition for writ of habeas

corpus are true and correct according to my knowledge.
     SIGNED this the ___day of _ _ _ _ _, 2015.

                                          Samuel Roy Jackson
                                          TDCJ-ID# 1268721

                                          PETITIONER /APPLICANT. ProSe.

                                       - 22 -
                                          CEHTIFICA'l'E OF SEH.VICC:

         r.    StllQUel     Roy Jackson.
                                                 •.roc;a    126B72l.   Petition~.    hli'ireby ce:ctify that

a   true;       and   corrolct     copy       o i?&t.it.ione l.!'or Nt·it of H..:abaa.s Co?Cpus ua.;; sex:v·ad
u;;:on    the     l83l"cl    District Court. 1201 Franklin. Harris Counc.y. Houston• 'r.:ixas
77002         on this th<3         l:. J t;e/ dd"·'   o:E    );,zi/         '   2015. by ):)lacing   5dmQ      in

thG Noal Unit Prison            !'icdlbo;~.                                                          '-.....

         SIGNED this the         lf{F hday cf         lfra; f , 2o1s.
                                                              A:wwrl&-j, dc!Umz
                                                             Samuel Roy Juck::n/ .
                                                             TOCJ IDit 1268721

                                                             PETITIONER / APPLICANT
                               APPENDIX COVER SHEET

                          APPENDIX DOCUMENTS OF THE
                     IN THE 183rd JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT
                        HARRIS COUNTY, HOUSTON, TEXAS

DOCUMENT (A) Aggravated Robbery Complaint Cause #913043

DOCUMENT (B) Harris County Online Public Record
              (183rd District Court Agg Robbery Docket Text)

DOCUMENT (C) Ass.istant District Attorney, Brad· Hart's State Subpoena

DOCUMENT (D) Houston Police Report No. 072416202

DOCUMENT (E) 183rdDistrict Court's Report Trial Transcript Page #99

DOCUMENT (F)·Aggravated Robbery Indictment #913043

DOCUMENT (G) Aggravated Robbery #913043 Judgment Plea Before Jury Sheet

DOCUMENT (H) Judge Joan Huffman's Order to Serve·35 Year Sentence Cause #913043

DOCUMENT (I) Judge Joan Huffman's Writ Order to Harris County Sheriff
              (Sheriff, Tommy Thomas)

DOCUMENT (J) Burglary of a Building #0952420 Docket Text

DOCUMENT (K) Burglary of a Building Writ Order to Sheriff

DOCUMENT (L,) Motion to Set Aside Indictment


     I. Samuel Roy Jackson. TDCJ# 1268721· hereby certify and declare under
penalty of perjury that the above said documents are authenticated copies
of the Ha~ris County District Clerk's Office of Chris Daniel. filed under
Aggravated Robbery Cause No. 913043. in the 183rd District Court of Harris
County. Houston, Texas.
     SIGNED this the   £176   day of

                                           Samuel Roy Jfickson
                                           .TDCJ-ID# 1268721

                                           PETITIONER /APPLICANT, ProSe •

                                       . - 24 -
{ESTATE OF TEXAS                                                                         D.A. LOG NlJMBEH:774777
)   .                                                                                    CJJS TRACKING N0.:903303269~ -AOOl
A.MUEL ROY JACKSON                            SPN:  00386651                             BY: TW DA NO: 001827741
ll9 AREBA                                     DOB: BM 03/05/56                           AGENCY:HPD
OUSTON, TX                                    DATE PREPARED: 5/24/02                     0/R NO: 072416202M
                                                                                         ARREST DATE: 05/24/02

:::IC CODE: 1204 04                          RELATED CASES:

\USE NO:            913043                                                                BAIL: $30,000
\R.RJS COUNTY DISTRICT COURT NO: 18 3                                                     PRIOR CAUSE NO:


fore me, the undersigned Assistant District Attorney of Harris County, Texas. this day appeared the undersigned nffiant, who under oath says
t he has good reason to believe and does believe that in Harris County, Texas, SAMUEL ROY JACKSON, hereafter styled the Defendant,
etofore.on or about MAY 24,2002, did then and there unlawfully while in the course of-committing theft of property owned by LARRY
rTZLER and with intent to obtain·and maintain control of the pro'perty, mtentionally and knowingly threaten and place LARRY SEITZLER in
r of imminent bodily injury and death, and the Defendant did then and there use and exhibit a deadly weapon, to-wit: A KNIFE.

                                                                                                                                       ~- :~\·,,
                                                                                                                                                     \       ..
                                                                                                                         ...            f~               '"- \.
                                                                                                                  ;    .:
                                                                                                               .. -   :.'·.   ···~.

                                                                                                                                        -:-                  ;·
                                                                                                                                        ..... : ·:


          Sworn to and subscribed before me on May 24, 2002
                                                                               ~                  .        -

        lti ) t 1} utY¥v'J                                           !56~
                                                                   L..;;sSIST ANT DISTRICT ATTORNEY
                                                                       OF HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS.


                                                                                                                          )                  f   x; b ; + (S ) Doc 11 f'1 t AI r
                        HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS
                            . On lin~ Pp.blic He cord;;
                                                        ........................................ 44'   '..
                                                                                                             _-   .       ·i~~
                                                                                                                                                             _ _, _ _.._ _Records
                                                                                                                                                                              _ __

                                            I Home I !if!!I!         I~ I !i@lll!.~l~                        lliJn Sear£t! I m'N Sear'c!ll Dl.Jl.Q.!r£tll Ca:11a# Soarch             1       •

                                                 ,Gase Transactions                                                   lQEJOC)                        ~
                                   ___N_a_n-,e-:--·JACKSON, ~iAMUEL R~Y--                                                                --i-~----
                             Case Number: 09·1304301010                                                               -
                                     Off~~~;~,, P.OBBEHY (-/:1_GG RO_~                                                    _ERY ~~~_!:Y WPN)
                             Bond Amount: ,$0                                                                         r'                 -       -

                              Ca ce Statu-· COMPLETE~FINAL DIS OSITION NO AGTIVI1Y
                                 ~   .   ~.EXPECTED-          j             -

                                ...fl:~pPSI·r~~,-~_: _DiSP_.OSi:D
                      C;~s1~ -,,..,.                       ___ ··-· _                                  J
              Ca~;e Comp!P.tion Date: 1'0/28/04                                                                       j         l/
               Last    lnstrurn~nt filed:           ON APPEAL CCJ:                                                            fit.
                                       Court: 183.                                                                            f'
                                   File Date: 05/24/02                                                                         ~

                                                                       MANDA-TE A;FI
                                                                       OPINION FILE              -
                                                                                                   ~CE                                                          SNU:
      - 08/01/05       APPEAL                                          DIS ArTY - CH CKED IN RECO                                                               SNU:    989
      , 08/01/05       APPEAL                                          STATES BRIEF                                                                             SNU:    990
      . 07/11/05       APPEAL                                          RECORD CHECK·D OUT - D.A.:                                                               SNU:    991
        07/08/05       APPEAL                                          DEF ArTY - C CKED IN RECO                                                                SNU:    992
        03/24/05       APPEAL                                          RECORD CltECK                        - DEFE~              ....                           SNU:    993
        03/09/05       APPEAL                                          STATE~ENT OF                                                                             SNU:    994
        02/15/05       APPEAL                                          MAILED TO FI                                        A                                    SNU:    995
        11/01/04       APPEAL                                          FIRST COURT             F APPEALS - C                                                    SNU:    996
        10/28/04       APPEAL                                          PAUPERS AFFI              VITT                                                           SNU:    997
        10/28/04       APPEAL                                          SENTENCE IMP SED                                                                         SNU:    998
        10/28/04       APPEAL                                          NOTICE OF AP                                                                             SNU:    999
        02/25/05       APPEAL                                     ·NEXT- TRANS IT TRANSCRIPT DUE
       .05/2~/0:!      CC:·1?~ ..'\I~JT r:~~S~                    .... , ?.,. ., 10 3 ?lr"r'" !t::'(YDP~':::-~ l"''r."7\r.'T v ~a:P!·:                           I,E·\!81.~ Fl

       ~;~;:~~~ ~~~-~E~~~ .'B~ ·                                     ~~~~~~~ND;,~ t:::··~[:~:~~rA                                                              SNU:    999

                       O?.I: 'H0UST0N POLICE DEPJI-.P.
                      ATTI -'t . f
                                         KH[\N, ~-~     \
                                         TIME 1123I AM UNT .
                                                            NO: 0724li620: ":c. -· /, ':'c~~ 3         .

                                   ~--~ ~--- 63P.utv
tf found m your county, to apllC8J~to.re the Honorable Joan Huffman, Dtstnct Court No 183rd, Hams County, Texas, on October 25,
2004 at 8 45 a m , to g~ve e
                                        m behalf of the State and Defendant m the above styled cause wherem the State of Texas IS the
Plambff and Samuel Roy ,            1S the Defendant, and to remam there from day to day, term to term unbl discharged by the Court The
tesbmony of satd wttness(       beheved to be matenal to the State

                                                                       Asststant Dtstnct Attorney
                                                                       Hams County, Texas

Sworn to and subscnbed before me, th1s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ day o f - ' - - - - - - - - A D 2003

HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS                                                   BY - - - - - - - - - - - D e p u t y
                                                                                                                              .... ,    ,       ,   ...          ,   ,   ,   ,   ..   •   ••,      ,   "•       o           o       r   roo        o   "rl"      J   II   It   Jl   t       Itt   I       I   11     t   r   I   I   t   rJ fl IIJI It

                                                                                                   PUBLIC RELEASE INFORMATION
~~ J f   If   I   f .. .1   I   I   I   I   I I II I   f   I   fI If f   If II II   I   IJ I   f   I I I I JI I I f f f I I I I I I I I I   f       I   II I         :   I   I   fI   I   JI   I   f If I   I           I       I       I       If I   II II If I    I I fI I I I       I    tI   I   I       fI   I     f   f   1   I   I I f I f I II I I

                                                                                                   HOUSTON POLICE DEPARTMENT                                                                                                                          FRONT PAGE
                                                                                                         OFFENSE REPORT                                                                                                                 Incident no. 072416202 M
  fl J1 t         t   I     I   f   I   t ff U f I I ff ff I tr            ff ff f It I        f   tl If fl If ff I U U U 11 f              I       I   rr   I       f   1 I fl f It I             f If I   I           I       I       f ft f ft U         rr   I II If ff I           I    rr   I   I       II I       t I I       f U tr II fl II

 ffense- AGG.ROBBERY D/W
 remises- COMMERCIAL BUILDING                                                                                                                           Weather- CLOUDY

ocation: Street no- 002001 Name- KARBACH
          Type-        Suffi~-    Apt no- S
   City-HOUSTON          County-HARRIS           Kmap-451V Dist- 3 Beat- 3810

 !gin date- FR 05/24/02 Time- 0004                                                                                                          End date-                                                               I                       I       Time-
 ;eived/Employee: Name-LAPTOP                                                                                                                       No.-                                                                                         Date-05/24/02 Time-0636

   01 Business name-REALTY
      Address-2001 KARBACH #S;HOUSTON,TX 77092
      Phone: Home-(000) 000-0000 Business-(713) 476-9302 Ext-

  02 Name: Last-SEITZLER        First-LARRY      Middle~WAYNE
     Race-W Sex-M Age-51 Hispanic-N
     Address-2001 KARBACH #S;HOUSTON,TX 77092
     Phone: Home-(713) 476-9302 Business~(OOO) 000-0000 Ext-


     01 Disposition-DAMAGED    Property tag no-0-0000-00 Complainant no-01
     Item type-DOOR                 UCR class-00
     Serial number-                     Value-$    500.00
     NCIC mise-GLASS/                                            NCIC case-

                  02 Disposition-DAMAGED    Property tag -no-0-0000-00 Complainant no-01
                  Item type-COMPUTER             UCR class-00
                  Brand-COMPAQ          Model-5000 A*
                  Serial number-                     Value-$    1200.00
..,.._.. ....... ......,..._.,.,.'-       .,...,_ . . . . . . .   ,_    .. .._ ...... _...,._   ...                              _.._.._.._.,,_.._.   ,.,..._..._....., ... ,.._                                                                             "'"'''-"._, ....       LJ..1Ul..J

1 rt    rr     t     1    t     1     I    I    t   ff   rr   I   I   I H II J fJ rf fl I U           J I   rr   fl ff fl II f   II If U ff J f   I II I   I    I   I If I If I    f If I   f   J •I   I   U   I   tr 'II   n   t   rr   U ff f   I   ff t   J If f     f   I   t   I   It ff II   n   ff


                                                                                                                                DETAILS OF OFFENSE

 it~SAME AS ENTRY                                                                                                          Instrument used-SMASHING OBJECT
                                                                                                                       :.o ..


 'icerl: Name-ZA BROWN                                                                                                                    Employee no-                                                 Shift-3
 'icer2: Name-MA KHAN                                                                                                                     Employee no-                                                 Shift-3

 ·ision/Station #-NORTH/STA 1                                                                                                   Unit #-3Bl5N

   1 received: Date-05/24/02 Time-0007 Report accepted: Date-05/24/02 Time-0647

                                                                          Ex; bi .t P0 c "' rvJ t "' r (It)
                                case 4:08-cv-00443 Document 2-1                  Filed in TXSD on 02/04/08 Page 22 of 27

                            1   do . with it?
                            2           A.   ~ollect                    it, place it, check it for fingerprints,

                            3   see if there's any type of print on it, and if there's not we
                            4 usually take it to the evidence, the property room, and tag it
                            5 with a case number.
                            6           Q.   Is that what you did in this case as far as taking
                            7 it, tagging it, and putting it in the property room?
                            8           A.   Yes.
                            9           Q.   And you're not a fingerprint person are you, I                                   ~ean,

                           10   a person who takes f1ngerprints?
                           11           A.   No, sir.
                           12           Q.   S0·'"YOU'di'dn'·tdo·that·with···this Stat·e'sNo. 11, you.


                                        Q.   Dtdc'' ·y:dt2:·.· N~·que s:t. :,t'h·a·t···t:re•;. tJ·on-eq
                                                                                                              ...                          •
          . ·1~            M..

                           17           Q.   To~"'o/0tfr'''i"t'hat·':done?,

                           18           A.   A·~ tfn9;1:''was:•:;•d,i;sp a:t:ch ed~;., ana· ·that tin; ·t · feu•n:d- : nG> 'p·f·;i:ih\ts
                                                -                                   •   \    t

                           20           Q.   Now, we've talked                    abo~t      the Complainant taking you
                           21   inside showing you whdt happened, you recovered the weapon.
                           22 What db you do then?                       What happens then?
                           23           A.   Usually we gather all the things that we're going to
                           24 take to the property room and get the statement and, you know,

                           25 we doh't find any suspect then we just basically start the

                                                                        MATTIE KIMBLE, CSR, RPR

 ...... .   ,~-..   --..
 J       ~    .,r
  ·. /·
THE STATE OF TEXAS                                                                            D.A. LOG NUMBER:774777
vs.                                                                                           CJIS T~CKJNG N0.:9033032694-A001
 3119 AREBA

NCICCODE: 1204 04
                                    rd ·
                                                  SPN: 00386651
                                                  DOB: BM 03 OS 56
                                                  DATE PREPARED: 7/24/02

                                                 RELATED CASES:
                                                                                               BY: mkb DA NO: 1827741
                                                                                             . AGENCY :HPD
                                                                                               0/R NO: 72416202-M
                                                                                               ARREST DATE: 05 24 02                                 •
FELONY CHARGE: AGGRAVATED ROBBERY                                                                    I!<{)
                                                                                                             &&7"d?oJ ~). -Urglary of a habitation and was finally convicted of that offense on June 29,2000, in Cause No. 819158, in the 174th District Court of Harris

:ounty, Texas.


                                                                             FOREMAN OF THE GRAND JURY
                                                               roDGMENT ON PLEA BEFORE JURY
                                                                                            e... ,,
                                                                                            ..                                                   ! .
                                                                                                                                                             .   .,.
                                                            COURT/JURY ASSESSING PUNISH.MENT

                                                           CAUSE NO.            q l ~0 L{ :3
     TilE STATE OF TEXAS                                                                                                                         DIS1RICf COURT

      91ooy~J_£ft) CJa.Cks~
                                                                                                                       COUN'JY CRIMINAL COURT
                                                                                                                                  AT LAW NO._ _""-
                                                                                                                       OF HARR:l$.£QUNTY, TEXAS
                                                                                                                                 ~~          ·   ...

     Dateof (O-Z~-o4                                                                                                         -~~Da·te of         <5-d-L{- Q :J_
     Jud    nt:                                                                                                                    ffense:
     Attorney for Q 1 1 , ,_1_                                                                                         ~
     State:            .Qt1C\
                        .L:I                                                                                       ~

     Jury Verdict:        GUILTY

 ~   Affirmative Findin

      . .                 ,r·s   nla
     Fmc 1n the Amount o : _ _....:.l_ _ __                            0    FineOnly

     Time: '::]'     0 Q                                               days toward               days toward incarccntion,
     Credited:   0   0 D          incarcerati                          rine and costs            fine and costs                  COURT COSTS: S

       []        Nrunech~g~from~~~~--------------------------------------------------------
       []        Judgment Addendum incorporat~ herein by reference.
       0         Driver's license is suspended for a period of _ _ _ _ _ _ _d.ays/months/years.

       0         The Defendant is entitled t o - - - - - - days credit toward suspension of driver's license.

       0         It is order~ by the Court, that any weapon(s) seized in this ease is/are hereby forfeited.

       0         Educational program waived in accordance with Article 42. 12 Sec. 13 (h), upon a finding of good cause by the Court

       0         ln accordance with Section I 2.44(a), Penal Laws ofTexas, the Court finds that the ends of justice would beSt be serv~ by pimishment
                 as a Class A misdemeanor. The Defendant is adjudged to be guilty of a state jail felony and is assessed the punishment indicat~ above.
       0         In accordance with Section 12.44(b), Penal Laws ofTexas, the Coun authorizes the prosecuting attorney to prosecute this cause as a
                 Class A misdemeanor. The Defendant is adjudged to be guilty of a Class A misdemeanor ~d is assessed the punishment indicated above.

CRIMCSCB32 0312212000                RECORDER'S MEMORANDUM                              1
                                     This instrument is of poor quality
                                           at the time of imaging _____ _....
                                                    --- - - · -
     fx;J;;+ Dc'ci/f~l'Nr(ll)

     .~         ;.          .           C10~?JrJ['j;Cftf                          ./f/l                                       ,~ CTctcfcc§(W""" .n'J -~

           Th1s cause being called for trial in Harris County, Texas, unless otherwise refen:nced, the State appeared by her District Attorney as nanid
   named above appeared in person with Counsel as_ named above; or the Defendant knowingly, intelligently, ancfvoluntarily waived the right to representation by counsel as
   indicaled above in writing in open COurt, and the said Defendant having been duly arraigned and it appearing to the Coun that Defendant was mentally compet.c:nt and having
   pleaded as sho'NTI above to the charging instrument, both parties announced Tcady. for trial and thereupon a jury, to-wit, the above named foreperson and eleven others for a
   felony offense indicated above or the above named foreperson and five otherS for a misdemeanOr offense indicated above, was duly selected, impaneled, and sworn, the jury
   having heard the charging instrument·read and the Defendant's plea thereto and having heard the evidence submitted and having bcc:n duly charged by the Coun. retired in
   charge of the proper officer ID consider the verdict, and afterward )YFTe brought into Coun by the proper officer, the Defendant and the defendant's counsel, if any, being
   present. :ind returned into open court the venlict set forth above, which was received by the Court and is here now entered upon the minuteS of the Coun as shown above.
         - 1N: Defendant having previously elecled, in writing and at the time of his plea, to have punishmenl assessed as indicated above. And when Defendant is shown above
  ;to haV~; ~iected 10 have the jury assess punishment, such jury was called back into the ~ and hCard evidence relative..!0 the question of punishment and having bcc:n duly
   charged by ~ C(!Urt; they retired to consider such question and after having delibeDICd they returned into Court the verdict shown Wlder punishrilcnt above'; and when
   Defc:ndanl is shown -above to have elecled to have punishmenl fixed by the Cl;>urt, in due form of Jaw further evidence was heard by the Court relative to the question of
  ,punishmenl and the Court fixed punishment of the Defendant as shown above.                                 .                               "0..0'=::,                     .
           IT IS CONSIDERED, ORDERED, AND ADJUDGED by the Coun. in the presence of the Defendant, that the said jud~"be and the same is hereby in all things
   approved and confirmed;· and !hal the Defendant is adjudged gtiilty of the offense set forth above as found by the verdict of~~ and said Defendant as indicated above.
   Further. the Court finds the Presentence Inv_estigation, if so ordaed, was done according to the applieablc provisions of Ait. 4il=                               ..
BY 'GS:~ ... 16       c .....J . QO~~ADGE                             NO.
)        CHARG~
     CAUSENO.             ~
     THE STATE OF TEXAS                                                              DISTRICT COURT

~~~ooumv,TEXAS ~

     0                                                              (name), the DEFENDANT m the above styled and
     numbered cause respectfully pet1bons the Court to appomt counsel to represent h1m I her m th1s cause and would
     show the Court .that he I she IS fmclllc1ally unable to h1~ attorney         C~

     0                                                              (name), a WITNESS m the above styled and
     numbered cause respectfully petitions the Court to appomt counsel to represent h1m I her m the mtercsts of
     JUStice and wouJd show the Court that he I she 1s fmanc1ally unable to h1re an attorney


                  Sworn to and subscribed before me on thJS, the _ _ _ day of _ _ _ _ _ _ __,200_.

                ~~~~~D                                        ~                           ~*
    "£      c~~c:L o~ .
                  0\        .     \\\\l
                                                              D;utYi)trlct Clerk
                                                              Harris County, Texas
                          \a~                                                        ~
                  lU\..         n'l'J· -teY.ot}   ER APPOINTING COU~L
                  ~· C()\J -:1iil!l                                              ~
            ~'I                                   on/~ d:                  ~~e Court determined that the
                                                                             0                •

                          is, the LQ.:_ day
     above named defendant I witness              ~~davit s~g
                                                                 that he I she ts without counsel and ts
     fhiandally unable to hire an attorney. The Court ORDE~at the attorney listed below Is appointed to
     represent the defendant I            wl~ = : 7 v e In th~                   ·                      .

     Attorney   ~
    s-tf()i ~ ((_'§>-

     City     .
                                    ??W'l,State   (3)   Zip             E-Mail Address

    l/17ftPiz.lol ol~~
     Bar Card!SPN Number

    I ?1?91 /I-
     Phone Number
                                     $1/ I

                                                    DISTRICT CLERK
                                          .   I      .   .

QJ.      rk   llAE   NIJ       ekmriiiU   rkr     CA/_rr/~7/;Ej' ric:- umaztd:r/t,,y.
() f 1 Th afi~111E         !

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  ;E,xcu/);Art;.RY ~vld.r»rE tJA ZlhRm/Jr/·~A~ /'d //;vtP.R
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           ;ir- h-///vdA~Vr h~ /A11.E r-k ~1.:--/-f-v_;.r ro r.l~
            (~,ff.EJ Af19t~J/ ~~~--.
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             ; t>!l y-j~   ~&ftJ/~9 fNJ'UtJ/ne.N/            ?1/..t.r   tk~vv~~e-/ TE
             ; Jb.s/:S-t/l,.;r IJ/:srt€/'rr /!7/CJ~#elj       6P"/       /J?J   1-&~~~D..r
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           iJEh>/~#~ /~ --vtJ7 ~a- 7ii C:d.,e/<" -tv>~
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          r£    c~v/r/ 5~v/cl /l/t6tcJ       d          ,ar/?~.t/r­
          rk /l!jk       7P k/.-?f-->/~ .hf,..,se-# _z;;;, ~
          ;~;)t;,/E _s~;~r/ Cv~.                 ·

   G~-aJ·l            taken that night then? -
               5                ~-         N,o . , .sir.
               6                 Q.        Which ones were taken that n;i·ght?                                  By the way, the

               7     ph'Ot@:!)j•rr:<:fphs 't1 ~at we'.re talk-'i'litg~··ahout tal\·i·l\\9• that :r:tight, y\eU

               8     took· tho·se. yotrrs·e->J•f?

             10                  Q.

••           13
             15      an·g 6>
                               . {jl.
                                           R~tr.~ifi$' ·.'

                                           Al~ ··r~·ght.

                                         ·Are   t·Mo·se·   t~e:
                                                                  ·I 've··got ·thr-ee· . .·photog•r:·a'!l>hs... her,:-.e, 9, · 10

                                                                      o.nes.:·. t:hat.:y.o·u took?
            ·16                             i·~··.-~s·:t:'r'f ··t'he ' ---~a·re .
             17                   Q.        Are.: those the orll y ones ·.YOV- -too-k?
              18                                                                                                                               ,   .....·
              19                  Q.        Do·:•y·ou"-"know,·•wher:-e-. they a.r:-e?

              20                 {£7        ·N;e,;,~5]:: ·don-' t .
                           .                                                   .                                                      I    '

              22     w~u·l·d:,.'have:<.beem·'··one·s, t'hat· .. ·were·taken-by't:h~;·'-Df.str+ct·                                Attdr·Aey'_s
              23      Office or,·some·one: else · bthe·r                            tha_n,,.your.-.s~lf     \- corret:t?
              24                  A.        ·'fhat'•·:s;c"true''t'--s'i r·.

 -            25                  e·;'·Y·e·a·:-·-i<'now·~wh:en··i·t'i'l'ti"''take•.··any.

          !l;~i,Qlh t•1',<:.,o'O.:ft;fie:e

                                             r i•·•
                                                                          p.i ctur!es';·. Of• ''i:he·;··soe:A'e""··out ·t·her,e".,~that

                                                      Or< •:t1hat ·, ·ea:rlo/' ·me'f',fl:i'n'g?

                                  .r- eH·d- not. ~take•. an.y · p:ci.c"tu.rr-e.s.
    16                Q.          WeJ:;•e·•you ..pr.e-sent whe·f'l"··any- crime s>C:,ene-un•it                                   or anyeme
    1 7 els.e' w4 th the ... Heu:s•ton · Po·l i ce'"'flepartment·· came····and-·c't:0ok
    18    phpt·og:vaph·s•-:oou:t.-tJ~e:r;e?

    19                A.           Cr:j!me.- s.ce,ne, umt·t :wa•s· not •<:l+spat;ch.ed, .o.u.t.._tll.are.

    20                Q.          So         there· were no~ phot•ogrvapns.·tak-en•b.y :-any.me.mber:;::;;.,_QJ

    21    t t:\~ -"Hsus4~·BH•>P:GJ;j,;ceo. O.epa.r4:illen t ·.. j n                  .ry.e:J~a1t.i,Q11.1~:o :'titJ~··rfi~f)v-e;s~t'<;\:t§'a-;t;·"h.:m

    22    o;f;'~t1hi;s~.·"(:J•rr~·me'-; ·. ;i\s ·'.t;Jctaffi~.,QQCf',~.c;t.; :i,:-S~JtJt?

    23                A.           Np,fl:;.'~:;a;;t-;;·,·tne' ·'p·o'i"n:t, '·~tbat ";!I -was'"1t.h eP.e .

    24                Q.          J:f..'' i't-:-~happ.ened··, i t·~' ha ppe ne.d::·s,cme :ecMi!e,n·,,_"t:i.,me./" .. cor;o;r,e·ct?

    25                A.          rH;a;tyt~s-¢'co::rf:e:et           .

                                                             MATTIE KIMBLE, ·cSR, RPR                                                                   •
                 Ca.~e 4:08-cv-00~43 Document 2-1                        Filed in TXSD on 02/04/08 Page 26 of 27 "f'if 1



                                 We determined one hit the back of the trunk.

                                 That's in the car, yes, sir?

                                 And·th'en the other twowent into him.
         4              Q.       Into him referring to the person he shot, right?

         5              A.       Yes;1 exactly.
         6              a.       So,~.      i f there's exit wounds in him, were you able to-

         7 find that bullet once it exited him?
        8                              ..
                                             MR. HART:           Calls for speculation as to whether

        9      there were ex.~ t wound-s.

    10                                      TH~_   COURT:          ·sustained.

    11                  Q.       (BY MR. SCOTT)                  Were you able to find any bullets,

    12         projectiles          o'r otherwise, at the scene of this shooting?
                                 No.~ ..

     13                 A.
     14                 Q.       Did you talk to the man out there as to the location

     15        that he was iri during the shooting as well as where he says the
    -1_6       suspect was cfuri ng the shooting?                                 Did he 1 ay all that out for

    17         you during          th~       in~estigation?

     18                 A.       Yes.\ sir.


    20 ·t,~"e1""e~,'e~S"..,i·l€f:e~~~tit4ire\~:k'fl~i<.:1t-ef.;'-"'·Stat:e~~s"'-~E.Xtim~t!J'.1~*'~N6"·~\h:1'1-::;\~~··se"t~i$lgrt';t;Aie¥:ce'?--

    22                  a.       W~~F·€""~h e• ·· poq;ctfu.r.e:s . !EPARTMENT: BTGH EMERGENCY CENTER RADIOLOGY
:PT- CODE: 73550 .
:xam(s): BEC              0070-                      FEMUR 2 VIEWS -RIGHT
                                                     May 24 2002 2:45AM (End Tracking Time)
                                                     2 VIEW RIGHT FEMUR: 5/24/02.

~OMPARISON:               None.

:LINICAL INDICATIONS:                      GS\V

    · _rRESSION:        No evidence of acute fracture.

    ISCUSSION:          The hip joint appears normal.


    he staff physician below has personally reviewed this exam on the date of dictation.

    :PORTED BY:              SALAMAAN AHMED, M.D.                     READING DATE:       May 24 2002 11 :OOA
    AFFED BY:                SHIR.ISH KOTHARI M.D.                    SIGNED DATE:
      lOVED BY:              SHIR.ISH KOTHARI, M.D.                   SIGNED DATE:        May 28 2002 8:19A
     nscribed by I Date:         OAJ on May 27 2002 9:26A
    :>roved Electronically by I Date: May 28 2002 8: 19A

                                                            Radiology Services Consultation
                                                                          Page 1
          •·9    A:! -()ry
     ~·O~at~e.~~~==~======~~------·--·-                                        ···- -···--------------,r-------------·----·---. -·-·-----··
      Tim_e--1-_P_ro..,ce_d_u_re----1---------0_u_tc_o_m_e____________T_ime                        Procedure                       Outcome
                 ABO/                                                                                ED        BBS
                                                                                                                                  -----    -----·--------
                                                                                                                                           End Tidal C0    2
                     KUB                                                                             Size:     CXR Position                   Taped @ __
                                                                                           ---1----t---------------·---·-·- ----··---·-·--
                                                                                                   12 Lead
! - - - tBackb·oard
                  Central                                                                        IVP I
                   Line                                                                        Cystogram

               Chest Tube


                                 0   Abdomen     0     Head   0   Pelvic                           Splint I
                                 0   Other.                                                        Traction


     >isposition Time:

                 •- -4- 3 rrati~t~ 13 8 . 21 tf !$esident (Signature & 10#)
                                                                     Att~ndi~g (Signature & 10#)
                 -       t~   S u .) / 0 :> I   ~· b
                                                                                               rris County Hospital District
                                  XV                                                          Ben Taub General Hospital
                                                                                                 Emergency Services
                                                                                    -PHYSICIAN ASSESSMENT SHOCK ROOM NOTE
                                                                               Distribution: White- Medi.cal Record      Yellow- Trauma Services
..    HEAO and S-t.CE
      Head:     B"Norm               0 Hematoma/Swelling              0Delormily            []Laceration              []Abrasion               0   Conllrsion              0+LOC

                                                                                                                                                                                                  DAmnesia (event retrograrJ~)
                                                                                                                                                                                                   (event retrograde)
                Descri        -~~~r~-------------------------------------------------------------------
         es:    . orm               tXfERL       .    0 Hematoma/Swelling                   0Laceralion               0Abrasion                0 Racoon Sign/Baltle Sign
                Gaze: cJ:H    35
                                                                                                                                               NONE                                                                           1                  ..<   10             1
                                                  ETOH                                                                                                                                                                                            0                   0
                                                                                                                                             ORIENTED     COOS & BABBLES                                               lA/
                                                                                                                                            CONFUSED       IRRITABLE CRY                                               1--4              B.SYSTOE£1
                                                  IVOA                                                            VERBAL                  INAPPROPRIATE     CRIES TO PAIN                                                  3                      >90
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  70-89                       .
                                                                                                                                       INCOMPREHENSIBLE    MOANS TO PAIN                                                      2                   60-63               2
                                                  PMHx:                                                                                        NONE             NONE                                                          1                   <50                     1
                                                                                                                                        OBEYS COMMANDS   SPONT MOVEMENTS                                                      6     ~             0                       0
                                                                                                                                             LOCALIZES  WITHDRAWS TO TOUCH                                                    5
                                                                                                                  MOTOR                     WITHDRAWS    WITHDRAWS TO PAIN                                                    4                   13-15
                                                  Curren! Meds:                                                                               FLEXION          FLEXION                                                        3                        9·12                       .

                                                                      f                                                                     EXTENSION        EXTENSION                                                        2                        6-8                2
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       4--5               1
                                                                                                                                               NONE             NONE                                                          1                        3.()               0
                                                                                                             Pup•ls:           .1 Hour after admiSSIOn
        .aceration        8        Bum                                                                                                                             0   REACT    0    SLUGGISH         0   UNREACTIVE
                                                                                                             R:                s;ze: - - - - - - -
        Contusion         9        Avulsion                                                                  L:                s;ze: - - - - - - - - -             0   REACT    0    SLUGGISH         0   UNREACTIVE
        Hematoma          10       Amputation
                                   Fracture                                                                                            3                   5           6         7            6               9                   REVISED TRAUM,O. SCORE
        Abrasion          11

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  A+B+C=      /}/
        Deformity         12       Dislocation
        Puncture          13       Eviseration                                                               Pupil
        GSW               14       Pain

                                                                                                            --                                                               ----·---·------.--
  ~anus                                                                                                                         /7
                               ~ cc
                                                                f_IJc( :j                       Pedi:                                            ValtJables:
              Curren!                              IM                                           Weight:                         i_lo.            ~-·· 0 Family                    0   C.!Pthing Clery
            t 11:    U o_f- z. I/rA                     Time:     (!F'ZetD                  .   lmmuniza7                                                       de with Patient   fl~ VI_. '.;" c·                I

    Compa ny:-fft.r

                                                           Exp.   Date:{{;ji(;/;J               v
                                                                                                           '                                      0   Other (explain)
                                                                                                                                                                             &·<)A lvj,I         cI      -/d l!
    By:                   7 ,._ -_,_
    Allergies:            j(/j/L[/f1
    Time            IV Fluids   and   Medicalions                                .,!ntake       Output     Pulse           8/P                   Resp.           Temp.       0 7 SAL       GCS          RTS

(' 2.-le             !& I ~           f• {__ ,(/t }/~
                                                                            v                              c.;v
                                                                                                                       I j@--y,r>                /(p
                                                                                                                                                                11d 7:£?:11              /r;-·    vz.·                ..
( 1 )/).(_{                                                                                                Cjj        170/r.
  6/.Ai D                                                                                                 --/v·       !(,. _r/;1))                {c,
 b~~                ~

                                                                                                           71 ~79tf/rt_                            (~o_
 b?A                                                                                                       /) [1~,10?                            /(
 b      2-·4 IG                                                                                            5.rk       ;vr-./.h               I

 ~ 21flv                                                                                                  . Cib. ff1[jf_            ·'


                                                                                                                                                                                                              .   .. -

  Time                                                                                          Assessment I Intervention

>l.j                 u. 11 . f} 10 18 rJ Affr ; ll-Fll A-;.:; d, g J!I~ &tn_ OtL/h h tfJJ:Ik-~
                 t!!D'ffl //r1 u(/w ~ ;#!,~ ~-,/ 3.!/o 6. #llii-4 · ;:c/# . ..,. /
               . ~}r.U if/('- 1-t/ft?,X' 4L r/ ~ b//(/~/?4 ~-·&'·:? IS/d. rfr-£v'A-..

                    ~tL/VI /~A/ . d) tAU~ ~//,./ (?).fZ1:d~.n r~
                    rtJ~7 71) Ju-4 ~AJ/1 ~- ~~/0/r ..-/l--('
                                                                 -/                 ~·

                                                                       7/                   /




   sposition Time:                7) /(_d7/ .'                              ~ing 0 OR/PACU                     0   Special ProcefU re             OiCU             OMorgue
                                                                       -                                           IPhysi¢~
   •rse·s Signature & 1011
..                     Case 4:08-cv-00443                                    Docur ,ent 2-1                  Filed in TXSD on 02/04/08 Page 18 of 27
      rniriaiAssessment                                ...... ~                       HARRIS COUNTY HOSPITAL DISTRICJ;-                                                                  MA           SA

      Oate     t;"-,k(~i.';tnmeOr .) ~                              PM AM          Chief Complain!:        b.SW (e.:; p_,.....,....._-r-,( J.:_, f4                                      M6           SB

                                NEUROLOGICAL ASSESSMENT                                           Time Temp       P       R    8/P                         NURSING OBSERVATIONS/INTERVENTIONS
           2       3        4       s             6         1                e          g

           ••  I
               I   ~
                            I      Reaction
                            I 1!----_
                   Pupd ReaC1ion:

        Level on Consciousness:
      -.-.-7raie"-~ 2'13rowsy
                                                      LPupil J
                                                 R . Aeaclive
                                                                l '?::, l

                                                                     N - Non-Reactive
                                                         Color:       Skin:
      _Restlessness _ Lolllargic                       f::_Normal                 ewarm
      _Unconscious                                       _Pale                    ~
           -    -
                    on-,------;                          _Flushed                 _Diaphoretic
                                                         _CyanoNc                 _Cool
      ~                ?.'f'lace ...!:l>erson            _Jaundiced               _Clammy

                                                       ~Unlabored       _,.,bored

      Be•t Motor.
     ~s Co.RY -
                                                                                                                                                           _________ _____
                                                                                                                                                           !\udit CC'ov
··f.   I

                   ~-·- =: -=:-:- =-:-':-0: :-at-':e:-:\::!:::::J'----:-4--{t._()_l/r
                                                                                ___im__e~:-.:tf)l()_ ____
                                                                                                      Estimated             Tim~-~1lL~_!:x~{_c:l.-D ~ateg~~-")a:::L. o ~---··---
       ~---·MOTOR VEHICLE T                                                                  _                                                                     Circle the direction of impact and patient position             I
               0       MVA                                  Seat Belt                        0 Steering Whe_eJ Damage                                              in vehicle.                        f                                 I
               g~~~Ped                                 0
                                                            ~~~~~;eat ~~0::~-windshield                                                                                            '-.. [         ~
               0 Bicycle
               Type of Veh_~                           I ~ . . I0 ~~bulalory
                                                            Speed of Crash:
                                                                                                                at Scene
                                                                                                  Fatalities al Scene:
                                                                                                                                 Distance Ejected:
                                                                                                                                                             I                 -

                                                                                                                                                                                            F     ~0

             FALUJUMP TRAUMA                                          ~                                                        ASSAULT                                   ...-/·
             Approxima~ Height: .-------rt.                                                                                        Used:=-~--=--·--------------
             Landed on Surface Type:                                                                                           Coinll}~
             PENE~TING                                                                                                         THERMAL                  0 Flame 0 Chemical                        0   Electrical
             ~SW           SGW OSW 0                              0    IMPALEMENT                0   #WOUNDS__                  0    Exposure           0 P~tentiallnhalati.~
            Feet from Gun: _ _ __
            Weapon/Description:                                 .c=·                                                           Description:       -~,.,.....o::._   ________________
            Self Inflicted?             0    Yes     J:;i?o'                                                                    0 Enclo~ce                          Length of Exposure:
             0 02 0 Oral Airway 0 ET#                                  0 EOA        0 BVM --B-e:c01far ~kboard                                            0 Other                                 0 Splint----
             0 Pressure Dressing . 0 MEDS                              0 IVs Initiated 0 Estimated Blcodloss: cc
            AIRWAY ~nt           0 Partially Obstructed 0 Obstructed                                                           INTERVENTIONS                 0      ETT# ~fai/Nasal                            0   Nasal Trumpet
              Ds:getidns  0 Foreign Body 0 OtP,?F A. _/_                                                                        0    Oral Airwa!JJ-            ·      yroidotomy                OTracheotomy
            -~fli.~Precautions Malntained by: j// /'!;:! / ~                                                                   Time:        ....---                                              End Tidal C02 - - - - -
            BREATHING              ~p~eous                              0 t:abored               DAgonal                       By:                                      M.D.                     Breath \Sounds DYes DNo
            Trachea:               __....QM~clline                      0 Deviated                            R        L         Time:------
            Chest Wall:                0~                               0   ABN:                                               _ _ 0 Breathing Assisted with Bag-Valve Device ET                                               size
            Breath       SounctrRig~L                                           0 Diminished                 0Absent           __            0 Needle Thoracotomy:                  ~1:                        0Air Expressed
                                             Left_~                             ODiminished OAbsent                                 _  OOc~r-essi~-
              0 Sucking Chest Wound                                             0 Flail    R    L                                   ~Administered by:                                                      at                      L
            CIRCULATI~                                                                                                         Time:------
            Color: ·---tfw~ 0 Pale                                OCyanotic                0 Flushed                           _ _ 0 Auto Transfusion Uti/izprl                                           cc
            Skin: ~~~0 Cool           OHot OCiammy ODiaphoretic            __                                                                0 P      e Dressing t o : - - - - - - - - - - - - -
            Pulse~resent. 0 Absent    0 Diminished 0 Thready                                                                                   IVs Established (see intake record)
            Hemorrhage:~~      0Gr~s       Est Blood Loss    cc                                                                              0 Pericardicentesis     OTiloracotomy    0 CPR Initiated
            NEURO         ..--81'Vert gsesp·onds to Verbal OResponds to Pain Only                                                            0 Unresponsive      0+ Loss of Consciousness X ·       min.
            Pupils        Right: Size.               "4      ./tJReactive                   0 Sluggish             OUnreactive              Left: Size         '3. ~~live                          OSiuggish          QU;;'reactive
       3P:               L ft /I ,vu;                                   HR:                   1 }/                               RESP:              /,t                                         TIME:              & V).o
           (>:>nsultants/                                                                            Time          Time                                                                                                Time    Time
                                                                                                                                Service                                    Name & 10 #
              Service                                                                                Called       Arrived                                                                                              Called Arrived
       Trauma Faculty                       ~    l1JI I                                                                     Pedi Surgery
       rrauma HO 5                                                                                                          Pediatrics
       rrauma HO 4                                                                                                          Anesth
       ::c    Chief                                                                                  f             7"\      Thoracic
       :c Intern                                                                                   . f-A-.        ~- Plastic
           :c Intern                                                                                                            Urology
           :c Nurse                                                                                  1"j==rr.L"\-H--,-"I-/.--.-+<-ch
                                                                                                     1                               aplain
           :c Nurse                                                                                           · -·- .. ..,      Social Services
                                                                                                                             ICircle One)
           !eurosurgery                                                                                                     CPS APS Police
           •rtho                                                                                                            Other
                                       Patient 10                                      C'U               ~

                                                              I-.                                                                            Harris County Hospital District
                                               Jb            ..L5           8           2llf t
                              JACKSON, SAMUEL                                                                                                    Ben Taub General Hospital
                              H 8 03/05156                                                                                           LEVEL 1 TRAUMA FLOW SHEET
                              o r xv
                                                                                                              Distribution: White -Medical Records                    Yellow- Trauma Services

                                                                                                                                                                                                               Retention· HR-4Ann.nd
                                                                                                              PRIMARY                  ~IIR\/t=V



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