It is settled by repeated adjudications in this State that though the relationship between the parties be technically that of landlord and tenant, the proceedings of summary ejectment instituted before a justice of the peace will not lie if it also appears that the defendant tenant in possession has acquired and holds an interest in the property itself, either under an executory contract of sale or otherwise and under circumstances giving him a right to call for an accounting and an adjustment of equities between the parties upon which the title may depend. McLaurin v. McIntire, 167 N. C., 350; Hauser v. Morrison, 146 N. C., 248; Parker v. Allen, 84 N. C., 466.
The principle is very well stated in the first headnote to Hauser v. Morrison, supra, as follows: “Summary proceedings in ejectment given by the Landlord and Tenant Act (Revisal, sec. 2001) are restricted to the cases expressly specified therein; and when on the trial it is made to appear that the relation existing is that of mortgagor and mortgagee giving a right to account, or vendor and vendee requiring an adjustment of equities, a justice’s court has no jurisdiction, and the proceedings should be dismissed.”
Considering tbe record in view of these principles, it appears in tbe present case tbat in 1916 defendants James Setzer and bis wife, Yiola, beld a bouse and lot in Forsyth County containing one-sixteentb of an acre, subject to a mortgage to tbe Winston Building and Loan Association; tbat defendants having failed to make tbe payments to said company, tbe mortgage was duly foreclosed by sale, pursuant to its terms, and plaintiff, at -the instance of W. T. Wilson, Esq., an attorney who was acting for defendants in tbe matter, bought in tbe property and took a deed for same at $1,120, and with a view to helping defendants to a purchase of tbe lot, on 9th August, entered into a written contract of lease to be in force till 9th December following, at tbe rate of $3 per week, payable on Saturday of each week. In said instrument plaintiff further stipulated tbat, at tbe request of said James Setzer and wife, on or before said 9th December, be would sell and convey said property to them for $1,200 on terms of $50 in cash and tbe remainder of $1,150 to be evidenced and secured by note and mortgage on tbe property, etc.
Tbe contract contained further stipulations as follows: “It is further understood and agreed tbat tbe said sale is to be made at tbe option of the said James Setzer and wife, Yiola Setzer, their heirs and assigns, to be exercised on or before tbe said 9th December, 1916. And it is further understood and agreed tbat if tbe said James Setzer and wife, Yiola Setzer, their heirs and assigns, shall not demand of me (tbe said W. G. Jerome) tbe deed herein provided for on or before tbe said 9th December, 1916, then tbis agreement is to be null and void, and party of tbe first part shall be at liberty to dispose of tbe said land to any other person, or to use same as be may desire in tbe same manner as if tbis contract bad not been made; but otherwise tbis contract is to remain in full force and effect. . . .”
And further: “In consideration of tbe execution of tbis lease and option of purchase, parties of tbe second part hereby release and relinquish any and all rights which tbey have heretofore in tbis land by reason of their prior purchase of same, save those rights herein set out, and all claims to said land which tbey might at present have, save as herein set out, and all controversy as to tbe title to said land, as far as they are concerned or interested, save as herein set out.”
On the material question in dispute Jerome, plaintiff, testified as follows: “James Setzer had paid, I think, three months rent altogether. He was behind on the 9th of December a little more than a month’s rent, or a month’s rent, and on the 19th day of December he was behind a month, and from the 9th to the 19th. James Setzer nor any one in his behalf prior to the 9th day of December did not tender me $50 or any other amount to be applied on this contract prior or after that date, neither he nor any one else. I was in Mr. Wilson’s office a few days after the 9th day of December, and he said he had $40, if I would accept he would turn it over, but he didn’t tender me $50 on it. This was about a' week after the 9th of December, about the 15th, I think. I don’t remember the exact date, but I know it was several days after the 9th.”
On careful perusal of the instrument in question and of the testimony relevant to its correct interpretation,-we are 'of opinion that, so far as any agreement to convey is concerned, the contract was only an option to buy, in which time is generally of the essence and which created m> interest in the property itself unless and until there was acceptance according to its terms within the specified time or a recognition of such
On this subject, the principle apposite is stated correctly, we think, in the recent case of Carolina Timber Co. v. Wells, 171 N. C., 262-264, as follows: “The cases on this subject are to the effect, further, that a stipulation of the kind now presented, providing for an extension of the time within which the timber must be cut, is in the nature of an option, and it is held by the great weight of authority that contracts of this character do not of themselves create any interest in the property, but only amount to an offer to create or convey such an interest when the conditions are performed and working a forfeiture when not strictly complied with. Waterman v. Banks, 144 U. S., 394; Hacher v. Weston, 197 Mass., 143; Gaston v. School District, 94 Mich., 502; Newton v. Newton, 11 R. I., 390; Bostwick v. Hess, 80 Ill., 138. Our own decisions are in general approval of these principles,” citing Ward v. Albertson, 165 N. C., 218; Winders v. Kenan, 161 N. C., 628; Bateman v. Lumber Co., 154 N. C., 248; Hornthal v. Howcott, 154 N. C., 228.
And in Winders v. Kenan, supra, it is held, among other things: “"When in consideration of a certain sum of money the owner of lands agrees to convey them within a named period upon the payment of an agreed purchase price, the writing is unilateral, an offer to give another the right to buy, an option, and not a contract to sell, which does not bind the one accepting its conditions to purchase the lands, and he is required to exercise his rights thereunder within the specified time, and perform the conditions imposed as to payment, in accordance with the terms of the writing.
“'Where an option for a sale of lands has been accepted, which provides for the payment of the purchase price as a condition precedent, it is the duty of the purchaser to pay in accordance with its terms, and a mere notice of his intention to buy is insufficient.
“Unilateral contracts or options for the sale of lands are to be construed more strictly in favor of the maker, and the time of its performance by the one holding the option is of the essence of the contract, and the conditions imposed must be performed by him in order to convert the right to buy into a contract of sale.”
And applying these principles to the facts of the present record, we are of opinion, further, that since the foreclosure the defendants have never acquired or held any interest in the property itself, but only held an option to purchase, which they lost by an entire failure to comply within the time and that the ordinary incidents of a contract between landlord and tenant, on which the latter is estopped to question the former’s title, should prevail, and the justice had jurisdiction to hear and decide the cause.