Opinion by
We cannot accept as sound the contention of appellee that the injured boy was a trespasser. Hamilton street is a public highway, the use of which could be enjoyed by pedestrians, drivers of teams and the defendant company, each having due regard for the rights and privileges of others. Neither appellant or appellee, nor anyone else could make use of the street in disregard of the rights of others lawfully on the same. When the boy stepped from the pavement on the street in the middle of the square his risks were increased, and in the case of an adult person it would be his duty to exercise greater care. It would be a harsh rule to hold that a pedestrian on a street where he ordinarily had a right to be, should become a trespasser because the city had granted a railroad company the privilege of temporarily laying a track thereon for its convenience and benefit. The temporary construction and use of the
The negligence alleged in this case is that the train was running at an unusually high rate of speed without giving proper danger signals. The evidence in support of these allegations is meager, indefinite and inconclusive. One witness estimated the rate of speed to be ten or twelve miles an hour. Another testified “it was going less than eight miles an hour” and “ might have been going only six, four or five,” while others did not fix any rate. The evidence did not show what was the usual rate of speed at this point, nor do we think such facts were established as to permit a jury to draw the inference that the rate was unusual. The case, however, does not depend upon a determination of the question whether the train was running at an unusual rate of speed. It was the duty of appellee to exercise proper care no matter whether the train was running five, six, eight or ten miles an hour.
This brings us to a consideration of the controlling question raised by this appeal. Did appellee do anything it should not have done, or did it fail to do anything it should have done in the performance of its duty to appellant? No negligence of commission is charged, but it is contended that appellee failed to give warning by ringing a bell or blowing a whistle and the omission of these duties show want of care. Failure to perform these alleged duties under the circumstances was not negligence per se. The appellee was under no imperative duty to continuously give danger signals while running its train over the track on the street. It was the duty of the engineer to look ahead and if he saw drivers of vehicles or pedestrians in a place of danger, to give them warning of the approaching train by proper signals. There is no evidence to show that the engineer was or was not looking ahead. In the absence of evidence the presumption of law is that he was doing his duty. We must then proceed on the assumption that the engineer was looking ahead and performing his duty in this respect. If he was looking ahead, as he is presumed to have been, could or should he have seen the boy in time to give danger signals
The appellants have failed to show any negligence of appeb lee such as to make it liable in damages for the injuries complained of.
Judgment affirmed.