I have had no difficulty in reaching the conclusion that the torch-light was not shown from the schooner until it was too late for the steamer to avoid the collision, and that if it had been shown at a proper time no damage would have been done. Although all the witnesses from the schooner concur in saying that some minutes elapsed after the light was displayed before the vessels came together, it is clear to my mind that they were mistaken. Mere estimates, by witnesses in collision cases, as to time and distance can rarely be relied on with confidence. It is always safer in determining such questions to be governed by the attending facts and circumstances.
The lights were first brought to the attention of the five persons looking out from the steamer at the time by its reflection on the sails and rigging of the schooner, and they all saw it simultaneously. This, I think, must have been when the mate' was coming out from the cabin with the torch lighted, and before he got on deck. Under such circumstances the reflection would almost necessarily be seen before the light itself. Immediately afterwards the torch was seen for a moment only by the two lookouts on the bow, and the pilot at the starboard end of the bridge. The captain, at his place near the middle of the bridge, and the second officer at the port end, did not see it at all, as the hull of the steamer intercepted their view, and it was soon shut out from the others in the same way. These facts are fully established, and satisfy me that the reflection was seen as soon as the mate came out from the cabin, and that the vessels must have been very close together.
The testimony from the schooner is to the same effect, and
The rule is imperative which requires a steamer to keep out of the way of a sailing vessel, and this whether the steamer is overtaking a sailing vessel or passing her from the other way. But it is equally imperative on the sailing vessel in the night-time to notify the steamer of her presence and position by the display of such lights and signals as the law or the usages of navigation prescribe. If she fails, in this, and a collision occurs on that account, she must bear the loss. Section 4234 of the Revised Statutes requires that every sailing vessel “shall, on the approach of any steam-
The rule is of comparatively recent origin, having been adopted by congress for the first time in 1871, (16 St. 459, | 70,) and was undoubtedly intended to supply a defect in the regulations of 1864, (13 St. 58,) which only required a sailing vessel, when under way, to carry her colored side lights, and they could not be seen astern. Under such circumstances a vessel coming up from behind had nothing to guide her. except the hull or sails of the one ahead, when they can be seen. When both were sailing vessels this was comparatively unimportant, because it is rare that the speed of the following vessel is such as to prevent her from getting out of the way after she is near enough to see what is ahead. With steamers, however, it is different. For this reason, when such a vessel was approaching, another light seemed sometimes to he necessary, and the torch was provided. As the side lights were visible ahead, it is clear that the primary object of the additional rule must have been to show a light behind where there was none before.
It is objected, however, that this would require a lookout at the stern as well as the bow, and, therefore, such could, not have been the intention of the rule. The office of a lookout is to watch for and report danger from whatever quarter it may be expected. It it can come from behind, he must look there enough to see when it is approaching and give the necessary warning. He must be stationed where, under the circumstances of the situation, he can best perform all his duties, and if one cannot do all that is required another must be added. Ordinarily, on a sailing vessel in open
It is next insisted that as the Sarmatian was a British vessel, and by the laws of Great Britain sailing vessels are not required to show torch-lights, the schooner can recover notwithstanding she exhibited hers so late. The two vessels were at the time on American waters and not on the high seas; they were in the Chesapeake bay, and infra fauces terree. A vast majority of the commerce carried on there was coastwise and local. The Sarmatian was subject to-the operation of pilot law and within the limits of pilot service. If she had attempted to proceed without a pilot, after-one could have been had, she would have been guilty of a breach of duty, and liable to her shippers and insurers for any loss on that account. While the rules of navigation adopted by congress are only intended for the government of-vessels of the navy and mercantile marine of the United States, no vessel forming part of that marine can excuse herself from following their requirements while in the waters of the United States and on pilot ground, simply because the-vessel it meets is sailing under a foreign flag. Pilots are employed not only to keep a vessel on her proper course, but to enable her to understand the local usages governing the navigation of the waters in which she is sailing. As the law requires a foreign vessel to have a pilot on board, it is to be presumed he will be at his post and govern himself by the rules prescribed by the proper authorities regulating navigation in that locality. Under such circumstances every pilot has the right to believe that all vessels he meets will do what, the local laws or usages require of them and act accordingly.
While the acts of congress may not be binding on foreign vessels, the local usages growing out of these observances-
It is next contended that the Sarmatian was at fault for going too fast. She was proceeding at her usual speed in an open sea. While the night was dark, it was clear, and lights, when displayed, could easily be seen. She had a full watch on deck, attending to all their duties. She was not bound to slacken her speed until there was apparent danger, (The Scotia, 14 Wall. 181,) and she had the right to'act on the belief that every vessel she approached would give such no
On the whale, I am satisfied that the decree below was right, and a decree may he entered here dismissing the libel, with costs in both courts.