unanimously. The statute on winch this information is grounded, prohibits all persons from exhibiting “ on any public stage or place whatsoever, any games, tricks, plays, shows, tumbling, rope-dancing, puppet-shows, or feats of uncommon dexterity or agility of body,” under a penalty. The word shows, which alone can apply to this case, has no technical meaning, known in law; and it cannot be extended by construction, to render criminal the mere exhibition of a work of art, a natural curiosity, or the collections of a museum.
This information alleges, that said Knowles exhibited a horrid and unnatural monster, highly indecent, unseemly, and improper to be seen, or exposed as a show; but spates no circumstances in the description of its appearance, which show this allegation to be true: it cannot be supported, either at common law, or on the statute.
Judgment reversed.