IN THE SUPERI()R COURT ()F THE STATE OF DELAWARE LoLA LISTER, Plaintiff, V. C.A. No. NlSC-l l-025 DON J. SNOWDEN AND COLONIAL SCHOOL DISTRICT, Defendants. June l4, 2017 On Defendants’ Motion to Dismiss. Whereas, having reviewed the papers and hearing from counsel regarding Defendants’ Motion to Dismiss, and Plaintifi’s Response thereto, Defendants’ Motion to Dismiss is hereby DENIED. Discovery is closed but Defendants are entitled to their DME. Plaintiff is ordered to attend a DME with Defendants’ medical expert. Defendants Motion for sanctions is hereby GRANTED IN PART. Plaintiff is to pay $500.00 for the cost of the missed appointments IT IS SO ORDERED. M> JudgewCalvilyl{. SUt, Jr.
Lister v. Snowden
Combined Opinion