The motion is to dissolve the injunction issued in this cause, made upon two grounds.
First. The want of equity in the bill.
It is insisted for the defendant, that his promise to accept $1000, in full satisfaction of the debt due from Ridgely & Maclary, was without consideration, and that this appearing on the face of the bill, removes the equity which,¿rima facie, the complainant has arising out of the written release executed by the defendant.
We need not consider whether, supposing Reznor’s promise to compound this debt still remained executory, there arose out of the circumstances a sufficient consideration to make it obligatory. That is not the question, but, rather, what is the legal operation of the paper executed by Reznor. A copy is set forth in the bill. It is a formal release to Maclary of “all further liability” on the judgment, signed, sealed and delivered. Being an instrument under seal, no consideration is required to make it effectual. A man may give a voluntary bond, or he may gratuitously release to another, any right whatever, provided he does not thereby defraud his creditors, and executes the bond, release, or other instrument, with due legal solemnities, as by writing, sealed and delivered. This technical effect of a sealed instrument is too familiar
Second. The other ground of the motion to dissolve is that the answer denies the equity of the bill. I am not able so to read it. The relief sought by the complainant is against the collection of the judgment. His equity arises out of the payment of part and the release of the residue by writing under seal, alleged to have been voluntarily delivered by Reznor, the release to be upon condition that Maclary pay the defendant’s counsel fee and all costs. It is alleged that the costs were paid and counsel fee tendered and refused. It is now brought into Court. These facts the answer admits, or, certainly, does not deny; but it alleges in defense that, although true it is, that Reznor did so execute and deliver the release, yet that he did it in ignorance of judgment having been obtained, and execution issued and levied, whereby his debt had been secured ; that had he known these facts, he would have chosen to abide by the judgment and execution ; that it was the duty of Maclary to have communicated these facts; that the omission to do so was a fraudulent concealment; that he also falsely represented that he had sold his store, and had no property, except some lots at Ridgely, worth about $100. In all this, the defendant does not deny the execution of the release, which is the ground of the complainant’s equity, but he sets up a counter equity in himself, to be relieved against the release upon the ground of mistake and fraud. It is plainly an answer by way of confession and avoidance, and not a traverse ; and, according to the settled practice, it does not sustain a motion to dissolve the preliminary injunction. Adaids Equity [196], note and cases cited.
This is not like the case put in argument for an answer, alleging that a paper,relied on by the bill, as a release, has
The motion to dissolve the injunction must be denied.
There is an allegation in the answer which may properly be noticed at this stage of the cause. It is the absence of a revenue stamp on the note for $500, given by Maclary as part payment of the judgment. The complainant will be required to do equity while himself seeking it ; and if, at the hearing of this cause, he shall be found entitled to a perpetual injunction, it will be decreed upon terms protecting the defendant’s rights under this note-.
The decision of the motion to dissolve was rendered January 5th., 1870, and on February 5th., following, the cause came on to a final hearing. It was proved by a deposition read for the defendants, that the complainant was in mercantile business at Clayton, in October I869, and also in the spring of the year. The other matters of evidence were certain facts agreed upon by the counsel to be considered as if proved, viz ;
1. That the paper set forth in the. bill as a release is a true copy of the original, which was duly executed.
2. That the costs on the judgment and execution were paid by complainant as alleged in the bill.
3. That the copies of defendant’s letters set forth in the answer, are true copies of the originals.
4. That since the present was filed,George W. Kugler. as a creditor of the defendant, attached the complainant
The Chancellor :—
This case draws into question the validity of a release under seal by the defendant, Reznor, of a judgment held by him against the complainant, Maclary, for $1633.33, recovered in the Superior Court, at the October Term, 1869.
That the release was executed and delivered, and is in due form, is not disputed ; but the defendant insists that it is invalid upon two grounds ; (1) that it was without consideration ; and (2) that it was obtained by fraudulent misrepresentation.
The first of these grounds of defense, viz ; the want of consideration, has been, heretofore, argued and disposed of upon the motion made to dissolve the injunction for want of equity in the bill. Part payment of a debt is not a sufficient consideration to support an executory promise to discharge' the debtor, and were this the case of an
The other defense, and the one mainly relied upon at the hearing, was fraud in obtaining the release. And the fraud was alleged to have been twofold, viz: misrepresentation by Maclary as to his means of payment, and the concealment by him of the fact that an execution had been levied to an amount sufficient for the whole debt. These two charges admit of separate consideration.
fst. As to the alleged fraudulent misrepresentations. The facts material to this point are these : The notes of Ridgely and Maclary, upon which the judgment was recovered, being one for $500, at 4 months, the other for $1,000, at 8 months, both dated October 21, 1867, matured, the former in February, 1868, the latter in June of that year. Reznor took no steps toward their collection until the 3rd of April, 1869, when, by a telegram, he invited Maclary to visit him in Philadelphia, with a view to a settlement. His inattention to the notes until that date, are explained in his answer, by the fact that he had been informed, and supposed, that both Ridgely and Maclary were insolvent, and further, that he did not know where Maclary then resided, the latter having left Maryland, in which state Reznor had last known him ; that, being, about this time, informed that Maclary was residing at Clayton, in this State, he sent the telegram with a view to obtaining some settlement of the notes. Maclary promptly responded by calling on Reznor in Philadelphia,
Now, the fraudulent misrepresentations relied upon as avoiding the release are contained in two letters from Maclary, dated, respectively, October 23d, and November 2d, written shortly prior to the settlement. In the letter of October 23d, he writes, “As you persist in [having the money on those notes, immediately, I can only say to you that to cancel those notes I will make to you a full and perfect those lots at Ridgely, which is the only property I own in this world, or, if you prefer, I will give you one hundred ($100) dollars in cash. You maychoose between “the two, which is the best lean do.” He adds in a P. S., “You could hold those lots, or you could sell them for “ more than one hundred dollars, as you choose ; I was “offered that.” In the letter of November 2d, writing of his desire to compromise, he says, “ I own nothing only “as I wrote you sometime ago. I have sold my store “some time since, &c.”
These representations were false, for Maclary, at the time of writing these letters, was still merchandizing, and . held a stock of goods valued at $2500, which had not, so far as any evidence shows, been sold by him, as was stated .in his letter of the 2d of November, but were on the next day, .3d of November, levied on as his goods, and he gave a forthcoming bond for them.
Nevertheless, I am of opinion that these false representations do not, under the circumstances, avoid the release; and this for two reasons. In the first place, it does not appear that it was by Maclary’s statements that Reznor was induced to compromise the debt. His original offer, in April, 1869, to accept $1000 in settlement, was made as the answer itself shows, under no inducement
The rule of law as to the effect of false representations is a clear and settled one. In order to avoid a transaction on account of them, three things are requisite. 1st. The misrepresentation must relate to something material and substantial. 2d. The transaction sought to be avoided, must appear to have been induced by it. The party aggrieved must have been actually misled by it. And 3rd. His confidence must have been a reasonable one ; as where the matters misrepresented are such as, from their nature, rest peculiarly in the knowledge of the party making the statement, or where there are fiduciary relations between the parties to warrant the trust reposed; or where the party misled is of such weak mental capacity as to be exempt from the requirement of ordinary diligence. Except in these cases, even betrayed confidence is not a ground of relief. Where no confidential relation exists, nor mental incapacity, and the means of information are open to both parties, a diligent use of which would have prevented the injury, Equity will not interfere, Vigilantibus nm dormientibus leges subvenmnt. 1 Sto. Eq. Jur. Sec. 191.
Were this the case of a mere agreement to discharge the judgment remaining still unexecuted, a court of equity might, considering the advantage gained, to be an unconscientious one, refuse to enforce it upon a bill for specific performance ; but the release having been executed, and being such as, under the circumstances, the Court would not, on a cross-bill avoid, I feel obliged to give it its legal effect.
Decree affirmed by the Court of Errors and Appeals, at the June Term, 1871. See 4 Houston’s Del. Rep., 154.