C o u r t o f Appeals Second D i s t r i c t of Texas CHIEF JUSTICE CLERK TERRIE LIVINGSTON TIM CURRY CRIMINAL JUSTICE CENTER DEBRA SPISAK 401 W. BELKNAP, SUITE 9000 JUSTICES FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76196-0211 CHIEF STAFF ATTORNEY LEE ANN DAUPHINOT LISA M. WEST ANNE GARDNER TEL: (817) 884-1900 SUE WALKER GENERAL COUNSEL BILL MEIER FAX: (817) 884-1932 CLARISSA HODGES LEE GABRIEL BONNIE SUDDERTH www.txcourts.gov/2ndcoa March 20, 2015 REC;eived m Rhonald Martinez COURT OFC a/k/a Ronald Martinez Michael Unit #476155 25 2015 2664 FM 2054 Tennessee Colony, TX 75886 RE: Court of Appeals Number: 02-13-00610-CR Trial Court Case Number: 1253416D Style: Rhonald Martinez a/k/a Ronald Martinez v. The State of Texas We are in receipt of your correspondence in connection with the above- referenced case. Our records indicate that you have counsel. Your attorney is Abe Factor. On March 2, 2015, counsel filed a motion to extend the time to file a petition for discretionary review. We are attaching that motion to this letter. The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals granted the motion, and the petition for discretionary review is currently due on April 1, 2015. Because you are still represented by counsel and because counsel has indicated that he plans to file a petition for discretionary review on your behalf, the papers you tendered are being returned to you and are being forwarded to the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals. Respectfully yours, DEBRA SPISAK, CLERK By: Bonnie Alexander, Deputy Clerk cc: Court of Criminal Appeals P.O. Box 12308 Austin, TX 78711 02-13-00610-CR March 20, 2015 Page 2 Abe Factor 5719 Airport Frwy. HaltomCity, TX 76117 Debra Windsor Asst. Criminal District Attorney 401 W. Belknap. St. Fort Worth, TX 76196 t Ak M°«M Aav MAtcrwez, AWsLiAm w A*. <*> Ji-* .*-ttJs SQUATS beCISlOH W /^T CA$€ &Bf^At IT. I AJoT k"*"e/\ Ue arfl^FAjTtAxz Mf CASE £>V A 5. A ? ***£ tuJn^TuT^ ke«ecr WAT IA« •a ., ™ w> A * *^'w ®€GuesTITaA »oi 3BBH TUese TAfei A»o ttjrrm Bm in Tjtavw ^f'%Twe M****** .**>« jut. oFFtCeA CkU «* 0brZaB WW t» Wl* MATTER; &)THis Lpw 0y wtWH°wUb<.. . ^^^y oBJecreD To IT t» \,lo^S>uePAoc&s* '^^ (i tlJ7ltsTA/Ai keu>®, )%t0 »'T L0°\I^SmI He WD* AU THAT */•. ' / bfi/JT KM*/ l^fti Abe -fA-CToA, 7J/D Ajbt „c tup eumeiJce (^ W cAr$E frecAutg } CLe/lAty ^ !ZkT1 i^eke NOT WAHV OF m $TATe> frPmi BeCfiJt/AL ' ; tenet) Ui*> i^t fc ^°^'7 RECEIVED MAR 1 3 2015 COURT 0.: ...'PEALS SECOND DISTRICT OF TEXAS DEBRASPISAK, CLERK 7 % i? Si' r as m i u~ oo m o o CDZO ?oac: 33 3> ST! t TO O C Cfl 73 "" CO 5 £o> ro < t oOm m ^i CTi i—n> EU —i r— a 3Jrn -.1 (P o l\) 1.0 0> —^ o u -I K ON <^ - ?& in c 8 U1 -i -« N X >< £ CO ^ n (b
Martinez, Rhonald
Combined Opinion