-, : I ' 'IIN 4 11 THE MATTER OF J.B.K. and J.T.K.. Youths in Xeed of Care. j 11I / / ORDER TO Si'BSTITtTTEAPPEXDJX G ~ o cause appeanng, and counsel for the State ha1 1ng represented d 1, 10 I that Appellant's counsel has no objection, 11 1 i l IS HEREBY ORDERED tlm counsel for the State prepare a copy of 11 blacked out. 'The State Law Library is directed to substitute the altered copy 12 the current Appendix of Appellant's hnef \&it11 the children's parents' names 13 il 14 I I for theDATEDAppendlx nou postedofon this Court's web site. I current thls &, day Febnary, 2004. I5 1 16 i / l7 18 I 19
Matter of J.B.K.
Combined Opinion