The judgment and order should be affirmed, with costs.
The action was brought to recover damages against the defendant' Titsworth for waste,, and to declare his life estate forfeited by reason of such waste, -under section 1655 of the Code of Civil Procedure. The wife of the defendant Titsworth acquired title to the property in question by deed March 20; 1863, and held such title until her death, August 3,1901. She left, át.her death,.seven grandchildren, six named Gilman and one McCartney. She made a will, executed April 1, 1889, giving and devising to her husband all her real and personal estate, to be held, and enjoyed during the term of his natural life, and after his death the remainder to her said grandchildren, and ajipointing her husband executor. During the lifetime and at 'the time of the death of the wife her husband was living upon the farm with her and.has remained in -occupation thereof,ever since. When she died, 225 of the 360 acres of the farm 'were wood and timber land, in December, 1902, and December, 1904, the lnis- . band, the.defendant Titsworth', sold and caused to be. taken from the farm all the valuable timber thereon.' In May, 1905, this action was brought by the grandchildren. The trial was had in J une, 1906, and resulted in a verdict for damages,.. $3;00Ó, and fixing the value: of defendant’s life estate at'$Y00. The damages were trebled under the statute and judgment entered for $9,000-and costs; and the valué of the life estate being less than the damages, the interest of the defendant ás life tenant was forfeited and.terminated by the' ' judgment. Under the will the husband, defendant, took only a life estate in the property, and the removal of the, wood and timber constituted waste. The correct rule as to the measure of damages was,stated by the court to the jury—the difference in value -of the farm, before and after the waste was committed. It was not reversible error to permit the contracts for the sale of the timber to be in evidence and proof to be given of the amount and real value
The serious questions on this' appeal relate to the affirmative defense interposed by the defendant, and the exclusion of his evidence offered to establish the same. It appeared from such evidence as defendant was permitted to give that Samuel Kail was the owner' of this farm in 1856, and on May sixteenth of that year he and his wife gave a mortgage thereon for $1,600 to the defendant Tits-worth; that this mortgage was. foreclosed, judgment was entered thereon September 3, 1860, a sale of the premises was made, and the farm was deeded thereunder March 20, 1863, to defendant’s wife, the deed, among other things, containing the recital “ at which sale (on the foreclosure) the premises hereinafter described were struck off to the said Josiah E. Titsworth (the husband) for the sum of $596.21, that being the highest sum bidden, for the same, and whereas. the said Josiah E. Titsworth desires and has requested said sheriff to deed and convey said land and premises to Eleanor M. Titsworth (the wife),” etc. This deed was recorded soon after it was taken. The defendant then offered evidence tending to prove that while he and his wife lived on the farm, and between 1884 and 1898, he collected rent for the farm from tenants; that he made improvements thereon, built a house and repaired the barn, the buildings being upon stone foundations, and becoming.-a part of the freehold, the improvements being of the value of $7,000; and that he laid some tile for draining the property and paid for the same. This evidence was objected to and excluded, and the defendant excepted. Defendant also offered evidence tending to prove that the wife about 1865 said that she had a deed of-the farm; but her husband had paid for it, and she had agreed to deed it to him at any time, and this evidence was objected to and excluded, with exception to defendant. ' This evidence was designed to prove the defense set up in the answer, which was in brief that -the husband in 1863 paid the full purchase price for the farm, and requested and directed the deed under the sale on the foreclosure judgment to be given to the wife, pursuant to an understanding that she should hold the title in trust only, and should convey the farm to him upon his request,, and that this arrangement was made for the purpose of protecting him in a large- number of business and financial operations in
“ § 51. Where a grant for a valuable consideration shall be made to one person, and the consideration therefor shall be paid by another, no use or trust shall result in favor of the person by whom such payment shall be made; but the title shall vest in the person named as the alienee in such conveyance, subject only to the provisions of the next section.
“ § 52. Every such conveyance shall be presumed fraudulent as against the creditors, at that time, of the person paying the consideration; and where a fraudulent intent is not disproved, a trust shall result in favor of such' creditors, to the -extent that may be necessary to satisfy their just demands.
“ § 53. The provisions of the preceding fifty-first section shall not. extend to cases where the alienee named in-the conveyance shall have taken the same as an absolute conveyance in his own name, without the consent or knowledge of the person paying the consideration, or where such alienee, in violation of some trust, shall have purchased the lands so conveyed with monies belonging to another person!” " ' ,
The Eeal Property Law (Laws of 1896, chap. 547, §§ 300,301) having-repealed these provisions of the Eevised Statutes, replaced them with the provisions contained in section 74 of that law. These provisions are in somewhat different language than those of the Eevised Statutes, but the Statutory Eevision. Commission reported to the Legislature that the law remained unchanged in substance. (See Fowler’s Eeal Prop. Law, 696 ; Assem. Doc. 1896, vol. 19, Ho. 87, pp. 533, 634.) The Eevised Statutes as to the creation of
“ § 6. 1ST o estate or interest in lands, other than leases for a term not exceeding one year, nor any trust, or power, over or concerning lands, or in any manner relating thereto, shall hereafter be created, granted,, assigned,,surrendered or .declared, unless by act or operation of law, or by a deed or conveyance in writing, subscribed by the party creating, granting, assigning, surrendering or declaring the same, of by Ms lawful agent' thereunto authorised by writing. ■ . ' ,
“ § 7. The preceding section shall not be construed to affect ■ M any manner the power of a testator in, the disposition of Ms real estate by a last will and- testament; nor to prevent any trust from arising, or being extinguished, by implication or Operation of law; nor to prevent, after a fine shall "have been levied, the execittion of a deed or other instrument in writing, declaring the uses of such fine.” '
“ § 2. Every grant or assignment of' any existing trust in lands, goods of things in. action, unless the same shall be in writing, subscribed by the party making the same, or by his agent' lawfully authorised, shall be> void.” '
These provisions'"were replaced in the Beal ' Property Law in 1896 by the provisions of section 207 of that-law, and the revision commissioners reported that the Bevised Statutes had been left unchanged in substance. (See Fowler’s Beal Prop. Law, 714; Assem. Doc. 1896, ,vol. .19, No, 87, pp. 567, 568.) The Bevised ■ Statutes contained another provision followMg sections 6 and 7 ■ above as follows: .
■ “ § 10. Nothing in this title* contained shall be construed ' to abridge the powers of courts of equity to compel the specific performance of agreements, in cases of part performance of such, agreements.”
This section Was replaced by section 234 of the Beal Property Law, in language substantially the same.. (See Fowler’s Beal Prop, Law, 724 ;. Assem. Doe.. 1896) vol.-19, No. 87, p, 584i)'
There áre very many cases in the books relating tp these statutes, construing them, add determining the rights of parties thereunder,
Most of the cases in the books have involved the question of fraud, the general proposition being that courts of equity will not permit the Statute of Frauds to be used as a shield for the commission of a fraud by the party holding the title upon the party claiming an interest in the property, In many of the cases there was fraud in obtaining the title, often growing out of confidential relations between the parties. Nothing Of that kind appears in this case. The wife did not procure the deed to be given to her with any fraudulent purpose, or for any purpose beneficial to herself. The husband did it, not for her benefit, but for Ms own benefit. He so alleged in his answer,, and it is not controverted here., If there was or is any fraud here, it grows out of the fact that the wife did n.ot redeed the farm to defendant, and her heirs since her death have so ref usod. But she was never asked to redeed. The defendant voluntarily caused the farm to be deeded to his wife, and permitted it to remain there all her life and until she died, without any
In Sturtevant v. Sturtevant (20 N. Y. 39) the court refused to uphold such a parol agreement, and to decree a trust.
In Ryan v. Dox (34 N. Y. 307) the court upheld a parol arrangement upon the ground of part performance, under section 10 of the statute (supra), and that fraud would, be effectual upon -any other disposition of the: case.
In Levy v. Brush (45 N. Y. 589) the court refused to uphold a parol agreement and decree a trust.
In Wheeler v. Reynolds (66 N. Y. 227) the court refused to uphold an agreement on the theory of part performance under section 10 of the statute (supra), and refused to uphold the agreement ás a' parol trust, or a trust ex maleficio by reason of fraud. The theory upon which courts of equity afford relief in these cases was very clearly stated in that case, viz.:
“ It is .a mistake to suppose that parol agreements relating to lands are any. more valid in equity than at law. They are# always and everywhere invalid. But courts of equity have general jurisdiction to relieve, against frauds, and where a parol agreement relating to lands has been so far partly performed ■ that it would be a fraud upon the party doing the acts unless the agreement should be performed by the other party, the court will relieve against this fraud and apply the remedy by enforcing the agreement. It is not the parol agreement which lies at the foundation of the jurisdiction in such a case, but the fraud. So in reference to parol trusts in lands: They are invalid in equity as well as in law. But in cases of fraud courts of equity will sometimes imply-a trust
In Wood v. Rabe (96 N. Y. 414) the court upheld a parol agreement on the ground of fraud, growing out of confidential relations between a son, his mother and his former guardian.
In Goldsmith v. Goldsmith (145 N. Y. 313) the court impressed, a parol agreement as to lands and impressed a trust thereon by reason of fraud growing out of ,confidential relations between a mother and her children.
In Gould v. Gould (51 Hun, 9) the court refused to uphold a parol agreement by a wife to redeed land to her husband where the.facts were very similar to those in the present case. There was the deeding to the wife, the"agreement to redeed, the absence of fraud in procuring the deed, the leasing and managing of the property by the husband after the deed was given, improvements on the property by erecting buildings, etc., to the extent of $2,000. The parties separated, "the husband sought to compel reconveyance and was defeated. •
' In Gage v. Gage (83 Hun, 362) the court upheld an agreement to deed land upon the ground of part performance. The parties to the agreement were husband and wife. The property, a farm, was deeded to the wife under the agreement that they should both live on .the farm, "work the same, and together pay the purchase price, and after fully paid for the wife would deed the husband an undivided one-half thereof. ' They carried out this agreement Until the farm was fully paid for and then the wife, refused to make the deed. The court concluded that to permit her to retain the whole title would be to invoke the statute to cover her fraud. ■
In Hutchinson v. Hutchinson (84 Hun, 482) the court refused to uphold a parol agreement to reconvey land, there being no fraud charged, but the proof being that the plaintiff was told his interest would be the same after as before the deed was given by her. The parties were brother and sister.
In Smith v. Balcom (24 App. Div. 437). the court upheld a parol agreement to deed lands on the ground of fraud, saying that the
In Jeremiah v. Pitcher (26 App. Div. 402) the court decreed . specific performance of a parol contract to. convey lands, by reason of fraud, growing out of confidential relations between a father and daughter.-. . .'
In Bullenkamp v. Bullenkamp (34 App. Div. 193) the court refused to uphold a parol agreement and compel a reconveyance of property because there was no fraud found and no' confidential relations established out of which fraud could have grown. There were no findings on this subject, joy the trial court.
That case was again before the court and reported in 43 Appellate Division, 510, after a finding of fraud by the trial court, and the court on appeal held there was no justification in the evidence for such finding and the relief sought was denied.
In Veeder v. Horstmann (85 App. Div. 154) the court upheld a - páról promise to give a twenty-year lease, upon the theory of 'specific performance of a contract partly performed. ■
It seems to us, upon principle -and authority, the evidence offered .by defendant and excluded was insufficient to. authorize any finding of part performance or fraud so as to confer upon him the equitable title to the farm,' or the right to' specific -performance of the parol contract fo-redeed the same to him. The court, therefore, properly' excluded such evidence. - '
It may further be suggested that the claim of equitable ■ title. is a stale one which a court of equity would hardly aid the defendant to establish. The .deed to the wife, was given and title'has been held by her thirty-eight years before her death, and it was more than four years .after her death that the claim was first made by the defendant in this action. (See McKechnie v. McKechnie, 3 App. Div. 91; Town of Mount Morris v. King, 8 id. 495, 499, 500; affd., sub nom. Town of Moumt Morris v. Thomas, 158 N. Y. 450, 456, 457; Hutchinson v. Hutchinson, 84 Hun, 482, 487.) .
, We do not deem it necessary to discuss'in this Opinion any other questions suggested by counsel in their briefs.
All concurred, except McLennan, P. ,J., and Kruse, J., who' dissented in an opinion by Kruse, J, - "
R, S. pt. 2, chap. 7, tit. 1.—[Rep.