McGrath v. Rhode Island Retirement Board

                            UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS
                      FOR THE FIRST CIRCUIT
                                FOR THE FIRST CIRCUIT


No. 95-2301

                        EDWARD A. McGRATH,

                      Plaintiff, Appellant,



                       Defendant, Appellee.




          [Hon. Ronald R. Lagueux, U.S. District Judge]



                      Selya, Cyr and Boudin,

                         Circuit Judges.


     Edward C. Roy,  Jr., with whom Roy & Cook  was on brief, for
     David D. Barricelli, with whom Hinckley,  Allen & Snyder was
on brief, for appellee.


                           July 9, 1996


          SELYA,  Circuit  Judge.   This  appeal  requires us  to
                    SELYA,  Circuit  Judge.

determine whether a legislated  change to a substantive provision

of a public employees'  retirement plan, as applied, transgresses

the  Contracts Clause of the United States Constitution.  We find

no   constitutional   infraction:     plaintiff-appellant  Thomas

McGrath's pension rights had not yet vested when the modification

occurred, and the state had reserved the power to alter or revoke

its  promise of retirement benefits to municipal employees at the

time  it established  the plan  in which  McGrath later  became a

participant.  Consequently, we  affirm the district court's grant

of summary  judgment in favor of  defendant-appellee Rhode Island

Retirement Board (the Board).


          The Rhode Island General  Assembly established a  state

employees' retirement plan in 1936.  See 1936 R.I. Pub. Laws, ch.

2334  (codified at  R.I. Gen.  Laws     36-8-1 to  36-10-39 (1990

Reenactment  &  Supp. 1995)).    In  1951,  the General  Assembly

enabled Rhode Island's cities and  town to enroll their employees

in a matching plan.  See 1951 R.I. Pub. Laws,  ch. 2784 (codified

at  R.I. Gen.  Laws     45-21-1 to  45-21-62 (1991  Reenactment &

Supp. 1995)).  The legislature patterned the municipal employees'

plan (MEP) after  the state employees' plan (SEP), engrafting the

former onto the latter.   Together, these plans comprise  what is

familiarly  known as  the  state  retirement  system.    The  key

provisions of both  plans are  ordained by statute  and both  are

administered under the aegis of the Board.  


          The  law  authorizing the  MEP  affords  each of  Rhode

Island's  thirty-nine  municipalities  the  option   of  deciding

whether or not to participate.  See R.I. Gen. Laws   45-21-4.  If

a  city or  town  chooses to  join,  its eligible  employees  are

required  to become members of  the plan and  must contribute six

percent of salary until  they have reached the maximum  amount of

service credit attainable.   See id.   45-21-41.   Municipalities

may  elect to  defray some  or all  of their  employees' required

contributions to the MEP.  See id.   45-21-41.1.

          A qualified employee is entitled to a life annuity upon

retirement  in  the amount  of two  percent of  his or  her final

salary  times the number of years of total creditable service (up

to thirty-seven  and one-half  years).   See id.    45-21-17.   A

person is eligible to retire  with such a pension once he  or she

attains  age fifty-eight  and has  logged at  least ten  years of

total  creditable  service.  See  id.    45-21-16.    Under  this

formulation    the only formulation that is germane to this case1

  a  municipal member's right to  a pension vests when  he or she

meets both the age and years-in-service minima.

          The MEP gives members the opportunity to purchase up to

four years  of pension  credits for temporally  equivalent active

duty military  service.  See id.    45-21-53.  A  member also can

purchase  pension credits for any "prior service with the city or


     1Under the MEP, a worker  also is eligible to retire with  a
similarly  calculated pension  regardless  of age  if  he or  she
accumulates at  least thirty  years of total  creditable service.
See R.I. Gen. Laws   45-21-16.


town of which  the employee is now employed."   Id.   45-21-9(b).

Prior  to  1991,  these   purchased  credits  benefitted  a  plan

participant in two ways.  First, they served to increase the life

annuity  payments that  would be  payable upon  the participant's

retirement.  Second, they  served to accelerate the participant's

vesting date.   For example,  an individual who  had served  four

years in the  military could  purchase four  years of  creditable

pension time at  a relatively modest rate and then  retire at age

fifty-eight after only  six years of municipal  employment.  What

is more, the individual would receive an annuity upon  retirement

in the amount of two percent of his or her final salary times ten

years (despite having worked for a mere six years).

          From its very inception, the statute that paved the way

for  municipal employees  to  enter the  state retirement  system

included  a provision  reserving the  state's power to  amend the

terms of the municipal members' participation.  We reproduce this

escape clause in its entirety:

          Reserved  power to amend  or repeal    Vested
                    Reserved  power to amend  or repeal    Vested
          rights.      The  right to  amend, alter,  or
          repeal this chapter at  any time or from time
          to time  is expressly  reserved, and  in that
          event   the   liability   of  the   municipal
          employees' retirement system of  Rhode Island
          shall be  limited[,] in the case  of a member
          or a person claiming through the member[,] to
          the contributions made by the member, without
          interest, and in the case of a  municipality,
          to contributions made by  the municipality[,]
          without   interest,  subject   to  deductions
          prescribed  in  the case  of withdrawal  by a
          municipality as provided in    45-21-6.   All
          retirement   allowances  or   other  benefits
          granted by the retirement  of members, and in
          force prior  to a repeal  or amendment, shall
          be  vested in  the beneficiaries  thereof and


          shall be paid in  full in accordance with the
          terms of this chapter,  and the rights of the
          retirement board to compel the payment by any
          municipality  of the sum or sums necessary to
          provide the retirement allowances  granted to
          members formerly employed by the municipality
          shall  not  be  affected  by  the  repeal  or

Id.   45-21-47.   Under  this provision, the  state reserves  the

authority  to make  changes  to  the  pension  plan,  up  to  and

including the  termination  of municipal  participation  and  the

elimination of the  pension rights of all employees (except those

who have already retired).  Upon repeal,  current employees would

receive back  nothing more than  the contributions they  had made

over the course of their employment, without interest.  See id.

          For many years the  state retirement system was plagued

with  problems.  In 1991,  with tales of  suspected pension abuse

rampant, the General Assembly  restructured the system in several

respects.    Among other  changes,  the  legislature revised  the

method  for  calculating  the  minimum  years  of  service  (ten)

required before an employee  of suitable age could retire  with a

pension.   The  new  method focused  on  actual time  in  service

without  regard to purchased credits.   It did  so by designating

contributing membership (i.e., the period of time during which an

employee  had been  working for  the  public employer  and making

contemporaneous  contributions to  the  system) as  the virtually

exclusive measure  of creditable time for vesting  purposes.  The

new law stated:

          Except as  specifically provided in    36-10-
          9.1,    36-10-12 through 36-10-15 and     45-
          21-19 through 45-21-22  of the general  laws,


          no  member  shall  be  eligible  for  pension
          benefits under this chapter unless the member
          shall have been a  contributing member of the
          employees' retirement system for at least ten
          (10) years.  Provided, however,  a person who
          has ten  (10) years  service credit shall  be
          vested.   Any person who becomes  a member of
          the employees' retirement system  pursuant to
            45-21-4 shall be considered  a contributing
          member for the purposes  of title 45, chapter
          21 and this chapter.

R.I. Gen. Laws   36-10-9(c) (Supp. 1993) (enacted June 16, 1991).

It  is readily evident that, under the amendment, an employee may

only count years  of actual  service for purposes  of meeting  an

applicable ten-year vesting requirement.  Thus, purchased credits

(for, say, time in the military) can  no longer be counted toward

vesting (unless the holder  comes within the "grandfather clause"

protecting  persons who  already had  logged ten  years  of total

creditable  service, including  the  purchased  credits,  at  the

effective date of the statutory change).2

          In enacting this statute,  the General Assembly amended

only Title 36   the  law creating the SEP.  Nevertheless,  as the

last  sentence of  the excerpted  language indicates,  the change

seemed to apply  to the MEP  as well.   When the Board  exhibited

some confusion about which minimum vesting requirement applied to

municipal members,  the legislature  moved swiftly to  dispel all

doubt by amending Title  45   the law creating the  MEP   to make

     2The  new  provision did  not  affect the  use  of purchased
credits  in regard  to the  thirty-year vesting  alternative, see
supra note  1, or in regard  to pension augmentation.   Thus, the
purchase  of military  credits  still could  yield a  significant
monetary  return  when  the  Board, at  retirement,  applied  the
statutory formula to compute the amount of a participant's yearly


it pellucid  that municipal  members, like other  participants in

the  system, must have been contributing members for at least ten

years in  order to meet the  minimum years-in-service requirement

for  a pension.  See  R.I. Gen. Laws    45-21-16(b) (enacted July

21,   1992).    The   new  law   ceded  substantially   the  same

grandfathering to  members who already had  accumulated ten years

of total service (including  purchased credits), see id.,  but it

did not extend the same unguent to persons who had bought credits

but had not yet, even with  the aid of those credits, cleared the

years-in-service hurdle.


          The relevant  facts underlying this  litigation are not

in  dispute.    Thomas McGrath  began  working  for  the City  of

Cranston  as a  probationary  employee on  April  9, 1986.    His

probationary status ended six months later.  Because Cranston had

elected to participate  in the system,  he became a  contributing

member of  the MEP on  November 28,  1986.  He  remained in  that

status until April  28, 1994 (although Cranston  defrayed some of

the contribution costs).

          In February  1991  the  appellant  began  pursuing  the

purchase  of retirement  credits  for two  and one-half  years of

prior  military service.    Applying the  statutory formula  (ten

percent  of first-year salary  for each year  of surrogate credit

purchased) the Board informed the appellant that he could buy the

desired  credits for  $4,316.09, and  that for  the added  sum of

$917.53 he could purchase  credits corresponding to his six-month


probationary period.   The appellant bought the  credits on April

15,  1991.  At that time he had been a contributing member of the

system for just over four and one-half years.

          As  the  law then  read,  the  appellant's purchase  of

surrogate  credits worked to his  advantage in two  ways.  First,

the   purchase  augmented  his  anticipated  pension  benefit  by

increasing the number of years that would form the basis on which

his yearly retirement  annuity would be calculated.   Second, the

purchase promised to accelerate vesting  and enable him to retire

with  a pension  after completing  a mere  seven years  of actual

municipal employment.   The appellant  claims that he  planned to

take advantage  of both attributes  and to retire  from municipal

service  late  in 1993  (at which  time  he would  be  beyond the

minimum retirement age).

          While the 1991 and  1992 amendments to the law  did not

diminish  the appellant's  prospects of  boosting his  pension by

reason of  the  purchased  credits,  they  dashed  his  hopes  of

accelerated vesting.3   Under the  new law, only  years in  which

municipal  employees  had  been  contributing  members  could  be

counted toward  the vesting  requirement.  Because  the appellant

had  only nine  years, two  months and  twenty-two days  of total

creditable service  (including purchased  credits) when  the 1992

amendment  took effect, he  lost the  benefit of  the accelerated


     3This case does not require us to speculate whether the 1991
amendment in and of itself dictated this result.  Even if the MEP
was  unaffected until  the General  Assembly  acted in  1992, the
outcome here would be the same.


vesting that he had envisioned.

          McGrath  met   with  a  representative  of   the  state

retirement system  in October 1993  to ascertain whether  the new

law  would  be  applied  to  the  determination  of  his  pension

eligibility.  After receiving  an adverse decision, he petitioned

the Board.   The Board  ruled that under  the amended  statute he

could use the purchased  probationary credits toward vesting, but

that he could  not use  the purchased military  credits for  that

purpose.  Accordingly, the Board decreed that the appellant would

not vest  unless he continued in municipal  service through April

9,  1996.  Put  another way, the  appellant would have  to work a

full ten years for Cranston before becoming eligible to receive a

pension.  Should  he reach that milestone, the purchased military

credits  would be  applied to  augment the  amount of  his yearly

retirement annuity and he  would retire with twelve and  one-half

years of credited service (rather than ten), thus allowing him to

receive a more munificent pension.

          The  appellant resigned his  municipal office  on April

28, 1994.  The Board stood fast, taking the position  that he was

not  entitled  to  any   pension  but  merely  to  a   return  of

contributions (including  the payments tendered for the purchased

credits).    Pensionless  but  undaunted,  McGrath  brought  suit

against the Board  in the  United States District  Court for  the

District of Rhode Island.   He alleged that the amendment to R.I.

Gen.  Laws     45-21-16,   as  applied  to  him  by   the  Board,

transgressed  the Contracts Clause, see U.S. Const. art. I,   10,


the  Equal Protection  and Due Process  Clauses, see  U.S. Const.

amend.  XIV,   1, and the Takings  Clause, see U.S. Const. amend.

V.4  In a  thoughtful opinion, the district court  granted brevis

disposition  in the Board's favor.   See McGrath  v. Rhode Island

Ret. Bd., 906 F. Supp. 749 (D.R.I. 1995).  This appeal ensued.

          III.  ANALYSIS

          In this forum, the  appellant challenges only the lower

court's rejection of his Contracts Clause claim.  We restrict our

analysis accordingly.


          In  terms, the Contracts  Clause prohibits  states from

passing  "any . . .  Law impairing the  Obligation of Contracts."

U.S.  Const. art. 1,   10.   Though the Framers apparently had in

mind   only   purely   private   contracts   (particularly   debt

obligations), see Benjamin F. Wright, Jr., The Contract Clause of

the  Constitution 15-16  (1938),  the Clause  routinely has  been

applied  to contracts between  states and private  parties.  See,

e.g., Fletcher v. Peck, 10 U.S. (6 Cranch) 87, 137-39 (1810).

          Over time,  the Supreme Court has  devised a tripartite

test  for use in analyzing alleged impairments of contracts.  See

General Motors Corp.  v. Romein, 503 U.S. 181, 186 (1992).  Under

this  paradigm, a  court first  must inquire  whether  a contract

exists.   If so, the court  next must inquire whether  the law in

question  impairs an obligation under  the contract.   If so, the

     4This provision is made applicable to the states through the
genius  of  the  Fourteenth   Amendment.    See  Webb's  Fabulous
Pharmacies, Inc. v. Beckwith, 449 U.S. 155, 160 (1980).


court  then must  inquire  whether the  discerned impairment  can

fairly be  characterized as substantial.   Affirmative answers to

these  three queries  compel  a court  to  abrogate the  proposed

application of the challenged state law.  See id.

          It should  be noted that this  tripartite test actually

has a fourth component.  In an appropriate case the model expands

to  include  an  inquiry as  to  whether  the impairment,  albeit

substantial, is reasonable and  necessary to fulfill an important

public  purpose.   See Energy  Reserves Group  v. Kansas  Power &

Light, 459 U.S.  400, 411-12 (1983).   If so, the  challenged law

will  not be  held to  infringe rights  secured by  the Contracts

Clause.  See id.  Furthermore, when a state is  itself a party to

a contract,  courts must scrutinize the  state's asserted purpose

with an extra measure of vigilance.  See  United States Trust Co.

v.  New Jersey,  431  U.S. 1,  25  (1977).   Because  this fourth

component requires careful judicial scrutiny in all events, it is

clear that  a state must do more than mouth the vocabulary of the

public weal  in order to reach  safe harbor; a  vaguely worded or

pretextual  objective, or  one  that reasonably  may be  attained

without  substantially impairing  the contract rights  of private

parties, will not serve to avoid the full impact of the Contracts



          In general,  retirement plans  are within the  reach of

the Contracts Clause.  To be  sure, noncontributory pensions were

viewed a century  ago not  as contracts but  as mere  gratuities.


See,  e.g., Pennie v. Reis, 132 U.S.  464, 471 (1889).  But times

have  changed, and  evolving legal  doctrine recognizes  that the

promise of a  pension is  part of the  compensation package  that

employers  dangle to attract and  retain qualified employees.  In

line with this evolving  doctrine we have held that,  in general,

pensions are to be regarded as a species of unilateral contracts.

See  Hoefel v. Atlas Tack Corp., 581  F.2d 1, 4-5 (1st Cir. 1978)

(explaining that "the  promise of a pension constitutes  an offer

which,  upon   performance  of   the  required  service   by  the

employee[,]  becomes  a binding  obligation"), cert.  denied, 440

U.S. 913 (1979).  Other courts have come to view pension plans in

much the same way.   See, e.g.,  Pratt v. Petroleum Prod.  Mgmt.,

Inc. Employee Sav.  Plan &  Trust, 920 F.2d  651, 661 (10th  Cir.

1990) (stating  that  a "pension  plan is  a unilateral  contract

which  creates a vested right  in those employees  who accept the

offer it contains by  continuing in employment for  the requisite

number  of years") (quoting Hurd  v. Illinois Bell  Tel. Co., 234

F.2d 942, 946 (7th Cir.), cert. denied, 352 U.S. 918 (1956)); see

generally  Arthur L. Corbin, Corbin  on Contracts    2.29, at 256

(Joseph M. Perillo rev. ed. 1993).

          Though the principle that  a pension plan represents an

implied-in-fact unilateral  contract is  fairly well  settled and

has  been  applied  repeatedly  to state  and  municipal  pension

plans,5   there   is    significant   disagreement   about   when

     5Our opinion in  Hoffman v.  City of Warwick,  909 F.2d  608
(1st  Cir.  1990), does  not  subvert  this  principle.   Hoffman
involved  a Rhode  Island  law that  granted veterans  additional


contractually enforceable  rights accrue under such  plans.  See,

e.g., Nevada  Employees Ass'n,  Inc. v.  Keating, 903  F.2d 1223,

1227  (9th  Cir.)  (suggesting  that   nonvested  employees  have

contractual  rights subject  only to  "reasonable modification"),

cert. denied,  498 U.S. 999 (1990);  Betts v. Board of  Admin. of

the Pub. Employees' Ret. Sys., 582 P.2d 614, 617  (Cal. 1978) (en

banc) (stating that the right to  a "substantial" or "reasonable"

pension  accrues on first day of employment); Petras v. State Bd.

of Pension  Trustees, 464 A.2d  894, 896 (Del.  1983) (explaining

that  rights accrue  when  vesting  occurs);  Singer v.  City  of

Topeka, 607 P.2d  467, 475  (Kan. 1980) (similar  to Petras,  but

adding that rights remain subject to "reasonable  modification");

Sylvestre  v. State, 214 N.W.2d  658, 666-67 (Minn. 1973) (taking

the position that  an employee's  rights accrue on  first day  of

employment); Baker v. Oklahoma  Firefighters Pension & Ret. Sys.,

718 P.2d 348, 353  (Okla. 1986) (holding that rights  accrue only

when an employee  vests); Leonard  v. City of  Seattle, 503  P.2d

741,  746  (Wash.  1972) (en  banc)  (similar  to  Baker).   And,

moreover, some courts cling to the notion that a  state-sponsored

retirement plan  for  public  employees  creates  no  enforceable

contractual rights whatever.  See, e.g., Pineman v. Oechslin, 488

seniority in public employment.  The state had never enforced the
law,  and there was no  indication that employees  knew about it,
much  less considered  it part  of their  employment arrangement.
See id. at 612.  On those idiocratic facts, we concluded that the
statute did not evince a legislative intent to contract, and that
a fortiori its repeal did not impair contractual obligations owed
to current employees.  See id. at 614.  Fairly read, Hoffman does
not stand for the  proposition that statutory employment benefits
can never create contractual rights.


A.2d  803, 809-10 (Conn. 1985);  Spiller v. State,  627 A.2d 513,

516 (Me. 1993).


          Rhode  Island's  municipal  employees'  pension  system

differs  from the plans that have been considered by other courts

in at  least one material  respect:   R.I. Gen.  Laws    45-21-47

explicitly  reserves  to the  legislature the  power to  amend or

terminate  the plan,  including  the power  to eliminate  pension

benefits entirely  (except for  those employees who  have already

retired).6   It  is generally the  case with  supposed unilateral

contracts that  if the  offeror expressly  reserves the  power to

revoke  the offer  until the  offeree's performance  is complete,

then  the offer is illusory and cannot  give rise to a unilateral

contract.  See  Restatement (Second)  of Contracts    45, cmt.  b

(1981) ("A reservation of  power to revoke after performance  has

begun means that as yet there is no promise and no offer.").  The

Supreme  Court has endorsed  this approach in  respect to certain

     6Of course,  it can  be argued that  a legislatively-created
pension plan is always  subject to amendment by means  of further
legislative  enactments,  whether  or  not  the  plan  explicitly
reserves  a power  to amend.   We  caution that  this may  be too
simplistic an argument.   The Contracts Clause prohibits  a state
legislature  from  amending  any  law  in  a  way  that  works  a
substantial  impairment  of  contractual  obligations  previously
undertaken.  An  explicit reservation easily can be understood as
a legislative  effort to avoid creating  a contractual obligation
in the first  place, for  when the state  expressly reserves  the
power  to withdraw  or reconfigure  the promise  of a  pension, a
state employee  who thereafter  accepts employment will  be hard-
pressed  to assert a reasonable basis for relying on the original
promise.    Viewed  in this  light,  the  very  existence of  the
Contracts Clause seems to give a state's explicit  reservation of
authority  to amend its own public employee pension law more bite
than an inchoate power to amend can command.


federal  employee retirement  benefits.   See United  States R.R.

Ret.  Bd.  v.  Fritz, 449  U.S.  166,  174  (1980) (stating  that

statutory "railroad  [retirement] benefits, like  social security

benefits,  are  not  contractual  and  may  be  altered  or  even

eliminated at any time").  If  this logic holds, the Rhode Island

municipal retirement  system seemingly does not  produce the kind

of binding offer that courts are likely to enforce.

          Yet this logic is not inevitable.  In the wide world of

employee  pension plans,  the  principle that  reserved power  to

revoke means that there is no offer and no contract  has not been

applied  consistently.    In   Allied  Structural  Steel  Co.  v.

Spannaus, 438 U.S. 234  (1978), the Court  held that a state  law

impaired the obligations  of Allied Steel's  preexisting contract

with  its  employees  by  requiring  that  all  employer-provided

pension plans must include  certain guarantees.  See id.  at 250.

En route to this holding the  Court recognized the existence of a

contract for Contracts  Clause purposes notwithstanding the  fact

that the  employer-sponsor had  explicitly reserved the  right to

amend  or terminate  its  pension plan  even  if doing  so  meant

depriving  employees (including  those employees who  had already

vested) of their expected benefits.

          In  the  same vein,  prior  to  the  enactment  of  the

Employee  Retirement  Income Security  Act  of  1974 (ERISA),  29

U.S.C.    1001-1461 (1994)    a statute that now occupies much of

the field in the law of pension benefits, but which has no direct

relevance here    significant common-law  precedent had developed


in  support   of  the  view  that  an   express  and  unqualified

reservation of the power  to amend or terminate a pension plan is

only to  be given effect up  to the point at  which an employee's

rights under the plan vest.  For instance, we held in a pre-ERISA

case that retired employees were entitled to benefits as provided

in a  negotiated pension plan notwithstanding (a) the presence of

a clause  in the  plan reserving  to the employer  "the right  to

change, suspend or discontinue the Plan at any time," and (b) the

employer's attempted termination  of the plan.   Hoefel, 581 F.2d

at 3-4.  In so holding, we observed approvingly that a "number of

courts have construed pension plans which reserve to the employer

the  right  to  alter  or  discontinue  .  .  .  as  limiting the

employer's  reserved  right  to  apply only  to  employees  whose

pension  rights had  not,  at the  time  of the  change,  already

vested."  Id. at 5.  Hoefel relied heavily on Cantor v. Berkshire

Life Ins.  Co., 171  N.E.2d 518  (Ohio 1960),  in which  the Ohio

Supreme Court ruled  that "even though the employer  has reserved

the right to amend or  terminate the plan, once an  employee, who

accepted  employment under such a plan, has complied with all the

conditions entitling him to participate  in such plan, his rights

become  vested and the employer cannot divest the employee of his

rights thereunder."  Id. at 522. Other  courts agree.  See, e.g.,

In  re Erie Lackawanna  Ry. Co., 548  F.2d 621, 625-27  (6th Cir.

1977); Ehrle v. Bank  Bldg. & Equip. Corp.,  530 S.W.2d 482,  495

(Mo.  Ct. App. 1975); Stopford  v. Boonton Molding  Co., 265 A.2d

657, 665-66 (N.J.  1970); see generally Annot., 46  A.L.R.3d 464,


468-70 (1972)  (collecting cases).  Thus, the  caselaw evinces an

emergent  common-law  rule to  this  effect:   once  an  employee

fulfills  the  service  requirements  entitling  him  or  her  to

retirement benefits under a pension plan, the employee acquires a

contractual  right to  those  benefits, and  the employer  cannot

abridge that  right despite its aboriginal reservation of a power

to  effect  unilateral  amendments   or  to  terminate  the  plan


          We hasten to  add a caveat.   To our knowledge,  all of

the  cases that have cabined the effect of an explicitly reserved

power to  amend involve private-sector  retirement plans.   It is

unclear  whether the same limitations apply  ex proprio vigore to

public-sector  retirement  plans.   On  one  hand, principles  of

fairness argue  for  comparability of  treatment.   On the  other

hand, the very nature of a republican form of government and that

government's unique duty to represent the public interest combine

to create a special employment environment.  Lawmakers pay homage

to this reality in many ways, see, e.g., R.I. Gen. Laws   36-11-6

(1990 Reenactment)  (denying most  public employees the  right to

strike), and  there are  sound policy  reasons to  recognize this

difference in terms of  maximizing the states' flexibility vis- -

vis  the retirement benefits that  it offers to public employees.

     7Recent  legislation buttresses the legitimacy of this rule.
ERISA,  for  example,  specifically  provides that  pension  plan
amendments cannot decrease retirement benefits which have already
accrued.    See 29  U.S.C.    1054(g).   Similarly,  the Internal
Revenue  Code defines  as "qualifying  plans" only  those pension
plans  that provide for the protection of "accrued benefits" upon
plan termination.  26 U.S.C.   411(d)(3).


Indeed, such  concerns underlie  the recognized  presumption that

statutory enactments do not create contractual obligations in the

absence of an "unmistakable" intent on the legislature's  part to

do so.  See United States v. Winstar, No. 95-865, slip op. at 31-

48  (U.S.   July   1,  1996)   (discussing   the  role   of   the

unmistakability doctrine in "limiting contractual incursions on a

State's  sovereign powers"  under the  auspices of  the Contracts

Clause).  Be that as it may, the instant case does not require us

to choose between these opposing viewpoints.  Even if the common-

law rule applies  to public employees'  retirement plans and  the

MEP therefore  creates an enforceable contract  linking the state

and the individual MEP members   a  matter we do not decide    it

would not assist McGrath.


          The district court found  that the appellant's purchase

of military credits created a contract between him and the state,

separate  and  apart from  the  overall  agreement  to provide  a

pension.   See  McGrath, 906  F. Supp.  at 760  n.1.   Under this

separate  contract, the  state promised to  pay McGrath  a larger

retirement  annuity in return for a stipulated cash payment.  See

id. at 763.   Although the purchase yielded a  second prospective

benefit    producing an opportunity for  earlier retirement, made

possible  by the ability  to count  purchased credits  toward the

MEP's minimum years-in-service  requirement    the court  thought

that this feature was merely incidental  to the essential purpose

of the  separate contract.   See id. at  763-64.  Partly  because


R.I. Gen. Laws    45-21-47 rendered  the appellant's reliance  on

the state's  ancillary promise  unreasonable, and  partly because

the  amendment to R.I.  Gen. Laws    45-21-16 did  not impair the

"central undertaking"  of the  contract   pension  augmentation  

the  court  concluded  that   the  amendment  comprised  only  an

"insubstantial" impairment of the separate contract and therefore

did not transgress  the Contracts  Clause.  See  McGrath, 906  F.

Supp. at  766 (citing City of  El Paso v. Simmons,  379 U.S. 497,

514 (1965)).

          Although  we  uphold the  district court's  judgment we

arrive at that  destination by  a somewhat different  path.   For

purposes  of  Contracts  Clause  analysis,  as  in  contract  law

generally,  it serves no legitimate end to slice and dice unitary

agreements into a series of fragmentary subcontracts.   Cf. Smart

v. Gillette Co. Long-Term Disab. Plan, 70 F.3d 173, 179 (1st Cir.

1995) (warning that "[a]ccepted canons of construction forbid the

balkanization of  contracts for interpretive purposes").   To the

contrary,  a  singular  contract   should  be  treated  as  such.

Applying this  salutary principle, we think it  is unrealistic to

view the acquisition  of surrogate credits as  forming a separate

and   distinct  contract.    In  point   of  fact,  the  purchase

constitutes  no more than a  transaction made available under the

auspices  of the  overall  retirement arrangement.8   Hence,  the

rights created  by the purchase  of credits are  subsumed within,

     8As the district court recognized, the only rights conferred
by  the purchased credits were rights within the MEP itself.  See
McGrath, 906 F. Supp. at 759.


and  indistinguishable   from,  the  rights  created   under  the

retirement  plan proper.  We must, therefore, train our sights on

the MEP as a whole.

          Based  on the authorities  canvassed above,  we believe

that the  architecture of the MEP  at most extends an  offer of a

unilateral contract to employees of participating municipalities,

subject, however, to the  reserved powers contained in  R.I. Gen.

Laws    45-21-47.   Assuming,  for argument's  sake, that  such a

contract has significance for purposes  of the Contracts Clause  

a matter on which we take no view   it nonetheless is clear that,

under  the contract  terms,  a member's  rights  to a  retirement

annuity  are not  secure until  he  or she  has met  the age  and

service requirements established in the plan (and, therefore, has

become vested).9  Until such  time, section 45-21-47 permits  the

state  to  make modifications  to,  or  even terminate,  members'

rights  under the  plan without  offending the  Contracts Clause.

And, moreover, since  rights gained by service and  rights gained

by purchase  are "equal in  stature" within the  system, McGrath,

906 F. Supp. at 759, it follows that both are  equally subject to

the  state's  reserved  power  to  amend  or  terminate  whatever

presumptive entitlements an unvested member may from time to time

look forward to enjoying.

          In terms  of this case, then,  the appellant's purchase

     9It is unclear whether the legislature can pass and lawfully
enforce an amendment that adversely affects an individual who has
satisfied the  age and years-in-service requirement,  but has not
yet  retired.  This case does not present an appropriate occasion
for us to explore this terra incognito.


of surrogate credits  may have conferred  certain rights on  him,

but  it did so only against the  backdrop of the state's reserved

authority to modify those rights  up to the point of vesting  (if

not beyond).   And since  McGrath was not  vested when the  Rhode

Island General Assembly revised the MEP, his claim founders.

          To say  more would be supererogatory.  We conclude that

the  amendment to R.I. Gen.  Laws   45-21-16,  as applied, passes

constitutional  muster under the  Contracts Clause.   See City of

Charleston v. Public Serv. Comm'n, 57 F.3d 385, 393-95 (4th Cir.)

(holding that a state law did  not impair a public contract  when

the  contract expressly  stated that  its terms  were subject  to

legislative  regulation), cert.  denied, 116  S. Ct.  474 (1995);

National  Ass'n of  Gov't Employees  v. Commonwealth,  646 N.E.2d

106, 110 (Mass.) (holding that a statutorily mandated increase in

state  employees'  health insurance  premiums  did  not impair  a

public contract  because the  legislature had  expressly reserved

the power to change  the contract's terms), cert. denied,  115 S.

Ct. 2615 (1995).

          IV.  CONCLUSION

          We need go no further.  As between Rhode Island and the

appellant,  the 1992 amendment to  R.I. Gen. Laws    45-21-16 did

not  impair any  obligation  protected by  the Contracts  Clause.

Consequently,  the district court  appropriately entered judgment

for the Board.



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