delivered the opinion of the Court—Terry, C, J. concurring.
Replevin for a small steam engine and pump.
This case has been argued with a research and ability highly creditable to the counsel, the more especially as their labors and arguments are of a value somewhat disproportioned to that of the matter of litigation which has elicited them. The facts, as stated by Respondents, are as follows: R. S. Whigham, the plaintiffs’ predecessor in interest, leased a quartz ledge of the defendant, Byrne. During the lease, Whigham placed the engine and pump upon the ledge, where it was used to pump water from the shaft, and to raise the quartz rock to the surface. The lease expired on the 1st September, 1856, and, on the next day, Byrne gave to Whigham. a bond for a deed on certain payments to be thereafter made by Whigham. Whigham continued in possession under this contract. On the 1st January afterwards, Whig-ham,- being still in possession of the ledge, sold the pump and engine, together with other property, to Redick McKee, and gave him possession, with the knowledge of Byrne. McKee worked the ledge under Whigham, and from that time it lay idle, the quartz not paying.
Some time after the sale by Whigham to McKee, Byrne entered and took possession of the pump and engine, and removed them, under protest by McKee’s agent. He then leased them
Whig-ham failed to comply fully with the conditions of his purchase of the lead, having made part payments only of the purchase money.
The engine and pump were attached in the following manner: Two timbers, ten or twelve feet long, and from two feet to thirty inches in diameter, were placed side by side upon the ground; they were only bedded in the ground sufficiently to make them level. On these bed timbers were placed a frame of four timbers, each about eight inches in diameter, the side timbers about seven feet long-, and the end ones about three feet. These frame timbers were bolted or spiked together, and bolted or spiked to the bed logs. The boiler of the engine was spiked or bolted tb this frame. The engine rested on the frame beside the boiler. The boiler, engine, and pump, were attached together by the usual connections, the pump itself extending into the shaft. Over the whole was a roof or shed, which was constructed merely for the protection or shelter of the machinery. The machinery was not attached to the building in any way, except that the pump was stayed by rods, reaching to the rafters of the roof.
McKee sold the pump and engine to the plaintiffs.
The quartz lead was upon the public lands, and was within the limits of a pre-emption claim owned by Whigham.
The main question raised by this state of facts is, was this property a fixture in the common law sense; and if so, had the plaintiffs, the tenants, a right to remove it ? and this question depends upon two inquiries: 1. Whether there can be a fixture on public land; and, 2. Whether if there can be, the particular facts here constitute the property such, and give the right of removal claimed by Eespondents ?
1. It is contended by the counsel for the Eespondents, that there can be no such thing as a fixture upon public land.
Fixtures are variously defined—though the writers substantially agree at this day in the general definition. Kent defines
We are not disposed to agree with this first proposition of the counsel. From an early period of our State jurisprudence, we have regarded these claims to public mineral lands, as titles. They are so practically. It is very evident that the government will not change its policy in respect to them—that they will not be sold, nor the present tenure altered. Our Courts have given them the recognition of legal estates of freehold, and. so, to all practical purposes—if we except some doctrine of abandonment, not, perhaps, applicable to such estates—unquestionably they are, and we think it would not be in harmony with this general judicial system to deny to them the incidents of freehold estates in respect to this matter. If to decide thus, be a departure from some technical rules of law, it is but following other rules, which hold that a system of decisions, long established and long acted upon, shall not be departed from when important rights have vested under it, merely because the reasons upon which it rests might not, in the judgment of subsequent Judges, be considered sound. We can see no difference in respect to the principle between a house built upon public \land, and a fixture; the reason which makes the one a part of the inheritance, applies to the other, and it is only by deny{ing to the vendee, or quasi owner, the character of owner, that the legal conclusion can be escaped, that the title to the land, whatever it is, carries with it the title to the structures annexed to the soil.
2. We come to consider the next question, whether the property as we have described it, was a part of the freehold. It must be annexed to the soil. Thus, in the case of Culling v.
Upon few subjects have there been more numerous or more diverse decisions than upon this question of fixtures. Though no great difficulty appears at first sight in the definition itself, yet the application to particular facts has vexed the Courts and given rise to an endless conflict of decision. This subject is reviewed by Mr. Justice Cowen, in the case of Walker v. Sherman, (20 Wend. 638,) in his usual exhaustive style. The learned Judge draws the distinction between the rights of landlord and tenant, and grantor and grantee—to which we shall have occasion to advert hereafter. Among the cases reviewed is that of
Lord Mansfield took a similar view of the question in Lawton v. Salmon, (1 H. B. 259.) “ The present case,” said he, “ is very strong. The salt spring is a valuable inheritance 5 but no profit arises from it unless there is a salt-work, which consists of a building for the purpose of containing the pans, which are fixed to the ground. The inheritance cannot be enjoyed without them. They are accessories necessary to the use and enjoyment of the principal. The owner erected them for the benefit of the inheritance.” These salt pans were very slightly fixed with mortar to the floor, and might be removed without injuring the building. The same eminent Judge held that a steelyard hung in a machine-house was a fixture, (Rex v. Inh. of St. Nicholas, Gloucester, 262,) “the principal purpose of the house was for weighing.” Dane, in the third volume of his Abridgment, 156, says the articles referred to before “ are very properly a part of the real estate and inheritance, and pass with it, because not the mere fixing and fastening to it is alone to be regarded, but the use, nature, and intention.” Mr. Justice Weston delivered an opinion in Farrar v. Stackpole, (6 Greenl. 157,) which Mr. 0. J. Gibson, of Pennsylvania, strongly commends. Judge Weston says: “ The genius and enterprise of the last half century has been in nothing more remarkable than in the employment of some of the great agents of nature, by means of machinery, to an infinite variety of purposes for the saving of human labor. Hence, there has arisen in our country a multitude of establishments for working in cotton, wool, wood, iron, and marble; some under the denomination of mills, and others of factories, propelled generally by water power, but sometimes by steam. These establishments have, in many instances, perhaps in most, acquired a general name, which is understood to embrace all these essential parts j not only the building which shelters, incloses, and secures, the machinery, but the machinery itself. Much of it might be easily detached, without injury to the re
The same principle is held and enforced with great power, by O. J. Gibson, in the case of Voorhis v. Freeman, (2 Watts & Serg. 116,) a case entitled to the more consideration from the frank acknowledgment made of the error of a previous contrary decision of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, in which that eminent jurist participated.
Mr. Justice Cowen, after reviewing a multitude of authorities, English and American, reaches this conclusion :
“ On the whole, I collect from the cases cited, and others, that as a general rule, in order to come within the operation of a deed conveying the freehold, whether by metes and bounds of a plantation, farm, or lot, etc. or in terms denoting a mill or factory, etc. nothing of a nature personal in itself will pass, unless it be brought within the denomination of a fixture by being in some way permanently, at least habitually, attached to the land or some building on it. It need not be constantly fastened. It need not be so fixed that detaching will disturb the earth or any part of the building. I am not prepared to deny that a machine moveable in itself would become a fixture from being connected in its operations by bands, or in any other way, with the permanent machinery, though it might be detached and restored to its ordinary place as easily as the chain in Farrar v. Stachpole.”
We think that the principle to be extracted from the modern cases covers the case at bar j that this apparatus was necessary to the working of the ledge j that it was attached for that purpose permanently to the soil, and its use accessory, if not essential, to the inheritance for its only valuable purpose—the extrae
The Respondents’ counsel insists that after the expiration of the lease, the tenant may remove the fixtures, and cites two authorities, (20 Johns. 29, and Pemberton v. King, 2 Dev. N. C. 376.) But in the first case the question did not arise, for the cider mill in controversy there was held to be no fixture at all. We have not had access to 2 Dev. it not being in the library; but, if the doctrine there be as stated, it is directly opposed to an overwhelming weight of authority. (See The State v. Elliott, 11 N. H. 542; 2 Kent’s Com. 346; Lee v. Risdon, 7 Taunt. 183; Lyde v. Russell, 1 Barn. & Adol. 394, before cited; White v. Arnt, 1 Whart. 91; Gaffield v. Hapgood, 17 Pick. 192; Shepherd v. Paulding, 4 Met. 416; Chitty on Con. 322; Fitzherbert v. Shaw, 1 H. Bl. 258,) all of which maintain the contrary do'ctrine.
It is observed in the review by the learned editor of the Leading Cases that, to whatever extent the right to remove trade fixtures be carried, common sense and justice seem to require that it should be bounded by the rule laid down by Lord Hardwick in Lawton v. Lawton, that the principal thing shall not be destroyed by the accessory. The authorities seem to be divided as to the right of a farmer to remove fixtures annexed to the soil, and put there for agricultural purposes; but in several
Though this property, according to the cases cited, was a fixture, still it was removable by the tenant, if he were otherwise entitled to remove it. To this conclusion, however, the objection just noticed is interposed, that there is no right of removal except during the tenancy; and that this had ceased at the time of the severance and removal. In Penton v. Hobart, (2 East, 88,) Lord Kenyon stated the rule to be, that, after the termination of the lease, the tenant, if he remained in possession, had a right to take away fixtures, which he might have removed during his term. The reason is stated: “ He was, in fact, still in possession of the premises at the time when the things were taken away, and, therefore, there is no pretense to say that he had abandoned his right to them.” If the fact of leaving the premises be only important as proving abandonment, and the forfeiture of the right to the fixtures depends upon the presumed abandonment, it would seem that the retention of the premises by the tenant, although á considerable period may have elapsed after the termination of the lease, would preserve his right. But this doctrine seems qualified in a subsequent case of Weston v. Woodcock, in which Alderson, B. said: “ The rule to be collected from the several cases decided on this subject seems to be this, that the tenant’s right to remove fixtures continues during his original term, and during such further period of possession by him, as he holds the premises under a right still to consider himself a tenant;” and we have seen that beyond this, the great weight of authority does not go.
It has been seen that the lease is evidenced by an article of agreement dated the 21st of April, 1856. It leases to Whigham
It has been seen that the lessee did purchase. The paper evidencing this fact, is in form a bond, under a penalty of ten thousand dollars. The condition of the bond recites that, whereas, the obligor has sold to Whigham the lead, etc. for five thousand dollars: One thousand dollars 10th October, 1856; two thousand dollars 20th December, 1856; two thousand dollars 1st February, 1857; upon which payments, well and truly to be made in manner and form aforesaid, he binds himself to make a title, etc. to the ledge, and every part thereof, and every right thereto.
It is admitted that the purchase money was not paid; and it seems that the plaintiff did not himself retain the possession, nor did his vendee, but that sometime before the removal of this property, the defendant "resumed the possession and leased it to other parties, who also occupied and subsequently abandoned the premises.
Whatever may be the right of the tenant by mere force of his relation and the law to remove a fixture, there is no doubt that this right may be regulated by the agreement or undertaking of the parties. So it is laid down in the Leading Cases, 212, and Naylor v. Collinge, 1 Taunt. 19; Perry v. Brown, 2 Stark. 403; Thrasher v. East London Water Works Co. 2 B. & C. 608; Earl of Mansfield v. Blackburn, 5 Brigh. 426; and several other cases are cited and maintain the principle. The author intimates that such a stipulation may be created by implication from the custom
West v. Blakenay, (2 Mann. & G. 729, side,) is a case interpreting the words “ erection and improvements ” in a lease. It was held, among other things, that a green-house was included in the term “ improvement,” and that the covenant was broken by the removal by the tenant of the sashes and framework of the green-house, erected during the term, the framework of which was laid upon walls built for the purpose of receiving it, and embedded in mortar thereon.
We cannot doubt that the improvements mentioned in the lease include this property; the “improvements that may be put up on the ground for working the lead,” seem to have direct reference—they certainly include—this machinery, thus fixed in, or to, the soil.
It has been seen that the lease stipulates that these shall go to the lessor on the termination of the lease, if the rent was not paid; also, that if the lessee declined to purchase, the same effect was to follow. Could it have been intended, if he failed to pay, —if he only went through the form of a contract to pay—the lessor’s rights would be less? Was that the agreement?
4. But another principle comes into the case here. It was held in Fitzherbert v. Shaw, (1 H. B. 258,) that where the lease is renewed, the lessor’s right to carry away the fixtures is gone. Upon the execution of the new lease, he is in the same situation as if the landlord, being seized of the land, had leased both land and fixtures to him. Mor does this doctrine apply only to a lease, but to other agreements which terminate a possession un
In 2 Sandf. Ch. 364, the distinction is recognized between the right of lessee and that of a mortgagor. Although, says the Court, the lessor of the land could not claim the fixtures, it is otherwise of the mortgagee of the lessees. The question here is between grantor and grantee, in which case the grantee holds all fixtures, whether for trade or manufacture, or for the purposes of agriculture or habitation, and Walker v. Sherman, (20 Wend. 636,) and the authorities there cited are referred to as sustaining, and they do sustain fully, the proposition.
There is no doubt, that, under a general deed of mortgage, or bargain and sale, the fixtures pass as a part of the freehold. In Winslow v. Merchants’ Insurance Co. (4 Met. 306,) it is held that, as between the mortgagor and mortgagee, fixtures for trade cannot be removed by mortgagor, though put up by mortgagor after the execution of the mortgage.
Applying these principles to the case at bar: If the lessee had renewed his lease, he would not have been entitled to remove the improvements. Is he in any better situation under this executory contract of sale ? And this brings us to inquire what
But we have already seen that a now agreement in respect to the premises by the lessee, destroys his right to the fixtures. (See cases before cited.) The lease was terminated long before the removal of this property, and after an abandonment of the premises after there was an entry, and a right of entry by the landlord who held the legal title; and within the case of Lydev, Bussell, before cited, this right to remove was gone, and the title from these latter facts, alone vested in the owner of the estate.
These views .lead us to the conclusion that the Court below erred in its rulings both on the motion for nonsuit and on the trial.
Judgment reversed and cause remanded.