Modern Transfer Company, Ine., by one appeal, and Reading Company and Reading Transportation Company, by another appeal, challenge the validity of an order of the Public Utility Commission “consolidating and coordinating” previous existing certificates of public convenience authorizing the York Motor Express Company (hereafter referred to as York Motor) to transport freight by truck on certain public highways. As each appeal involves the same order and the same facts, they will be considered in one opinion. The order of the commission is attacked on the grounds that the evidence is not sufficient to support the order and that it is arbitrary, capricious, unreasonable, and contrary to law. The order of the commission, with some modification, must be sustained.
Prior to July 15, 1937, York Motor held a number of certificates authorizing it to carry intrastate freight by truck on highways in the southeastern section of Pennsylvania, and it was also operating as a carrier of interstate freight. The various intrastate routes radiated from York, Pennsylvania, where it maintained its headquarters. The certificates granted, with some limitations, privileges which are described as “Class A” and “Class D” rights as those terms are used in General Order No. 29 of the Public Utility Commission. A certificate for “Class A” rights permits “the certificate holder to transport between any two points on the route described, and excludes transportation between points
The “Class A” certificates of York Motor embraced routes starting in York and Adams County south of York and extending through that city in a northerly direction by different but definite courses to York Haven and to Harrisburg, and from York in an easterly direction through Columbia, Lancaster, and Coatesville to Philadelphia by Highway Route No. 30, the certificate being made subject to certain restrictions as to transporting freight between local points, which restrictions are not at present of importance.
The “Class D” certificates covered routes extending from Littlestown, Adams County, to York; from York to Harrisburg; from York to Lancaster; from Harrisburg by Route No. 422 to Lebanon and Reading, and thence by Route No. 222 to Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton, and •.certain smaller places in that vicinity; from Lancaster by Route No. 222 to Ephrata, Reading, Kutztown, Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton, and smaller places in that vicinity; and several routes between Lancaster and Lebanon.
These orders of the commission authorized the carrying of freight from points in Adams and York Counties, to points on the routes designated'in such “Class D” certificates and in the opposite direction. This description of the rights held by York Motor is not intended to describe its activities precisely or in detail or in all of its ramifications, but only to show the general situation prior to the order appealed from.
In July, 1937, York Motor applied to the commission “to coordinate and consolidate” all its routes “so as to permit the transportation of freight and merchandise from any and all points on one route to any and all points on any other route and to serve all points on the same route.” A number of competing utilities were permitted to intervene as objectors. The commission,
The net effect of the new order was not to extend the area of operations but to substantially enlarge York Motor’s rights in respect to routes over which it was then operating between points in Adams and York Counties and points north of Harrisburg, Lancaster, and Philadelphia where it formerly possessed “D” rights, and to grant additional rights between the larger centers which were specifically named in the former certificates as points to and from which it was permitted to operate. The appellants contend in general that the evidence was not sufficient to form a proper basis for the grant of any additional rights and, specifically, that that portion of the order which authorized York Motor “to transport property from any and all points on one route to any and all points on any other route hereinbefore set forth” was arbitrary, capricious, and unreasonable insofar as it granted the right to transport freight between Philadelphia and Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton, and places in the vicinity of the last named cities and the right to transport freight between Lancaster and Harrisburg via York or Lebanon.
The object of the commission in making the order which it did on July 5,1938, was to coordinate and consolidate rights which that utility formerly possessed. We are of the opinion that, in respect of the main objects accomplished and rights granted, the evidence was sufficient to support the order. By its order as limited and explained by the supplemental order, York Motor was not given unlimited rights to transport freight be
That there is a reasonable demand for truck service in the field of York Motor’s operations is clear. That company was operating a large fleet of motor cars and a number of terminals in the southeastern part of Pennsylvania, it being one of the largest truckers in the Commonwealth, and it enjoyed, according to the testimony, an enviable reputation for efficient service. A large number of utilities are operating in the same territory. These facts alone show the need for some service. It follows that the real problem presented to the commission was how the right to serve the public should be distributed among the various available carriers. “We have frequently stated that the extent to which there shall be competition in the intrastate transportation of freight and merchandise by common carrier is largely a matter of policy which the legislature committed to the Public Service Commission, and has now committed to the Public Utility Commission, and that the question is, for the most part, an administrative one which must be left to the sound judgment and discretion of the commission, and that its decision, if based on competent and relevant evidence, will not be disturbed by this court unless it is so capricious, arbitrary, or unreasonable as to amount to error of law or a violation of constitutional rights”: John Benkart & Sons Co. v. P. U. C., 137 Pa. Superior Ct. 13, 17, 7 A. 2d 588. “The basis of the action of the commission is the interest of the public as distinguished from the interest of the corporation or individual making the application”: Perry Co. Tel. & Tel. Co. v. P. S. C., 265 Pa. 274, 281, 108 A. 659; to which we may add, or the interest of competing carriers. “The question is not whether the granting of the application will be for the convenience and accommoda
The public are interested in obtaining not only an economical but a dependable service, and carriers cannot continue indefinitely to serve the public at a loss. It is the duty of the commission to adjust conflicting interests so that efficient service will be available. The proper adjustments are to be made by the commission, for it is to that body that the legislature has entrusted the duty of determining who and how many shall serve a given area. It requires proof of an unusual situation before we are warranted in interfering with the duties so entrusted to the commission.
In addition to evidence of the services which are furnished by truckers and railroads in the territory affected, we have testimony as to' the demand for such service from many shippers and several agents of utilities which agents had made a study of the needs of the particular section. Such testimony indicates some demand and need for additional service. At least there was sufficient evidence from which the commission might find such to be the case. The order of the commission has not extended the area of operations of the particular carrier but has permitted it to serve persons whose doors this utility passed in its former operations and has permitted the carrier to give additional service within the same area and on the same routes to those at whose doors they were actually stopping but whose demands they could only satisfy in part. Some shippers so affected testified that it would promote economies in their operations to have more of their business handled by York Motor so that they would not be compelled to patronize so many different carriers.
Complaint is made that the commission received incompetent and hearsay evidence in support of this
This commission itself had occasion at the very time this application was pending to investigate the need for additional service and concluded that there was then an adequate service between these shipping points. On January 25, 1938, while this matter was pending the commission dismissed an application of John South-wick (17 Pa. P. U. C. 637) where the applicant had requested the right to serve as a common carrier for the transportation of freight between Philadelphia and Allentown, Bethlehem, and Easton, and the commission carefully considered the adequacy of the service then being furnished. Subsequently, on March 28,1938, the commission had before it an application by Fred Erb & Son (18 Pa. P. U. C. 125), who were then furnishing limited service between Philadelphia and Allentown, for permission to serve the public generally between those points. The application was refused and the comments of the commission show its conclusions
While the action of the commission in a number of cases in which it found that the service was adequate between Philadelphia and the Allentown section casts serious doubt on the validity of the present order insofar as it concerns need for the service to be rendered there, this appeal must be disposed of on its own facts. The commission might be correct in this case and wrong in the others. We will therefore direct our attention to the facts shown in the record in this case. While we recognize the force to be given to the findings of a tribunal to which has been delegated by the constitution or the legislature the responsibility for determining questions of fact and, particularly, the pertinent provisions of §1107 of the Public Utility Law (Act May 28, 1937, P. L. 1053; 66 PS §1437) prescribing our powers on appeal, nevertheless the comment of the Supreme Court in Consolidated Edison Co. v. National L. R. Board, 305 U. S. 197, 229, 230, 59 S. Ct. 206, where a comparable situation was presented and the duties of quasi judicial tribunals were being considered, is pertinent to the question now being examined. That court said: “Substantial evidence is more than a mere scintilla. It means such relevant evidence as a reasonable mind might accept as adequate to support a conclusion...... But this assurance of a desirable flexibility in administrative procedure does not go so far as to justify orders without a basis in evidence having rational probative force.” Our inquiry is therefore whether there is any substantial evidence with rational probative force supporting the findings.
We have searched the record in vain for evidence sufficient to sustain a conclusion that the present fácil
The Public Utility Law* is broader in its scope than the Public Service Company Law which it replaced. The old law was limited to the regulation of public utilities while the present law exercises control over other users of the public highways and is intended to place limitations on the use of such highways by all classes of carriers of freight and passengers. In so acting the legislature undertook not only to regulate utilities but, under its police power, to regulate the use of the highways. It is generally recognized that the highways are now crowded in the more densely populated sections and the public are interested in making the best use of those highways. Consequently, it is to the interest of the public that a truck should not spend an unreasonable time on the highways by traveling 150 miles when the same destination; can be reached in 53 miles. The public have an interest in the economical use of their highways as well as other economies. Not only do we fail to find facts supporting the commis
The same complaint is made with reference to that part of the order which permits York Motor to transport freight between Harrisburg and Lancaster via York or Lebanon when there is a shorter and direct route from Harrisburg to Lancaster. There are points of similarity between the Harrisburg-Laneaster situation and that disclosed between Philadelphia and Allentown, but there are likewise a number of distinguishing circumstances. York Motor had much broader rights as to serving intermediate points between York and Lancaster, York and Harrisburg, and Lancaster and Lebanon; the distances are less, and the stops are necessarily much more frequent in the Lancaster-Harrisburg route. These and other circumstances are such that we do not feel that we can, say as a matter of law that the proposed hauls by the circuitous routes are here necessarily uneconomical. We cannot say that in every case the commission must only permit a haul between two points by the shortest route. In fact, some of the objectors in the present case are exercising just such privileges. To adopt such a principle would be ridiculous and would be contrary to the results frequently reached in transportation cases, particularly by rail. Lebanon, Lancaster, York, and Harrisburg and intermediate points constitute a contiguous territory and we can well see that the commission might feel that it was unreasonable to prescribe the shortest course that could be fol
We are all of the opinion that the order should be modified by eliminating the right to transport freight between Philadelphia, and Allentown, Bethlehem, and Easton, and the towns in the immediate vicinity thereof, as well as to transport freight from those places in the opposite direction to Philadelphia via Lancaster and Reading.
The order of the commission as modified is affirmed, and it is directed that each of the parties shall bear the expense of printing its own brief and that the expense of printing the record and other costs of this appeal shall be borne in equal proportions by the appellants, the individual intervening appellants, and the York Motor Express Company.
Opinion, on Petition eor Reargument, Per Curiam, April 10,1940:
On February 16, 1940, following a petition of the appellants, Reading Company and Reading Transportation Company, for a reconsideration of the opinion and order of this court, filed on January 30, 1940, to Nos. 127 and 128 October Term, 1939, we granted a rule to show cause why a re-argument or reconsideration of
On the return day of the rule, after consideration of the petition and answers filed, we ordered a re-argument in the appeal to No. 128, to be limited as above stated. We were influenced to some extent in doing so by the fact that some of the judges who took part in the original hearing and decision of the case were of opinion that the order made was intended to include Reading as well as Allentown, Bethlehem and Easton in the modification of the commission’s order. .
The re-argument so ordered has now been had, and after giving full consideration to the briefs and oral arguments, a majority of the court are of opinion that the reasons and considerations which moved the court to modify the commission’s order as respects transportation from Philadelphia to Allentown, Bethlehem and Easton via Lancaster, 'apply also to transportation from Philadelphia to Reading via Lancaster.
It is accordingly ordered, adjudged and decreed that the judgment of this court in the above appeal, entered January 30, 1940 be modified and amended so as to read:
We are of opinion that the order of the commision should be modified by eliminating the right of York Motor Express Company to transport freight between Philadelphia and Reading, Allentown, Bethlehem and Easton, and the towns in the immediate vicinity thereof, via Lancaster, as well as to transport freight from those places in the opposite direction to Philadelphia via Lancaster, and it is so ordered.
The order of the commission as so modified is affirmed, and it is directed that each of the parties shall