The opinion of the Court was delivered by
The State Parole Board rejected the appellant’s request for a statement of its reasons for denial of parole to him. He filed notice of appeal to the Appellate Division which dismissed his appeal as untimely. His petition for certification was granted by this court 57 N. J. 292 (1970).
In 1957 the appellant William Monks, then 15 years of age, was adjudicated a juvenile delinquent for offenses which, if he had been 18 or older, would have constituted murder in the first degree, robbery and atrocious assault and battery. He was committed to the Bordentown Reformatory. His period of confinement was indeterminate, to continue until the appropriate authority decided that he should be paroled though not beyond the maximum provided by law with respect to an adult. N. J. S. A. 2A:4-37; In re State In Interest of Steenback, 34 N. J. 89, 99 (1961); In re Smigelski, 30 N. J. 513, 526 (1959). Because of disciplinary problems at Bordentown, Mr. Monks was trans
Within a four-month period subsequent to the transfer, the Parole Board conducted its initial hearing in Mr. Monks’ case and denied parole. It rescheduled the matter for a further hearing in two years. On further hearing, the Board on September 16, 1969 again denied parole and scheduled rehearing for September 1971. The notice to Mr. Monks set forth no reasons for the Board’s decision and simply noted that “parole has been denied regardless of the availability of a suitable parole plan.” On October 4, 1969 Mr. Monks wrote a letter to the Board in which he said that he would like to know what was necessary to convince the Board that he was “a good parole risk”; that if the Board could be good enough to give him “some idea of the reasons” for its action he would be in a position to behave in any way the Board expected; that he wanted to do whatever he could “to be released at the earliest possible time”; and that if a reconsideration was possible he would like to mention that he had “a very good job waiting” for him and also “a home to live” in with his brother and sister-in-law. In response to this letter the Board notified Mr. Monks on October 21, 1969 that his ease had been studied again and that the Board was of the opinion “that there should be no change in the prior determination that parole should be denied and that you should be scheduled for a further hearing in September 1971.”
On January 5, 1970 Mr. Amsterdam, an attorney who had been designated by the United States Supreme Court to represent Mr. Monies in a legal proceeding unrelated to the parole matter before us (Monks v. New Jersey, 395 U. S. 942, 89 S. Ct. 2021, 23 L. Ed. 2d 461 (1969); 398 U. S. 71, 90 S. Ct. 1563, 26 L. Ed. 2d 54 (1970)), wrote a letter to Mr. Harold J. Ashby, Chairman of the Parole Board. In his letter Mr. Amsterdam pointed out that Mr. Monks was unclear as to why he had been denied parole since he felt that his behavior since his transfer to State Prison had been
On January 13, 1970 Mr. Ashby replied to Mr. Amsterdam declining to say anything with respect to the reasons for the denial of parole to Mr. Monks. He did however state that “as a matter of policy,” the Board does not give reasons, citing New Jersey decisions as holding that it was under no legal obligation to do so. Mastriana v. N. J. Parole Bd., 95 N. J. Super. 351 (App. Div. 1967); Puchalski v. N. J. State Parole Board, 104 N. J. Super. 294 (App. Div.), aff’d 55 N. J. 113 (1969), cert. denied, 398 U. S. 938, 90 S. Ct. 1841, 26 L. Ed. 2d 270 (1970); see also Madden v. New Jersey State Parole Board, 438 F. 2d 1189 (3 Cir. 1971). Mr. Ashby’s letter closed with a statement that if Mr. Amsterdam desired to discuss the matter further an appointment would be arranged. On March 2, 1970 Mr. Ashby met with Messrs. Newman and Himmelstein, acting as additional counsel for Mr. Monks, and the substance of their meeting was set forth in a letter dated March 23, 1970 to Mr. Ashby which concluded with “a final request” that he furnish the information sought. On March 31, 1970 Mr. Ashby replied, citing N. J. S. A. 30 ¡4-123.14 and repeating his earlier assertion that the reasons for denial of parole “need not be revealed.” Mr. Ashby did not suggest that there were circumstances special to Mr. Monks’ case which would call for withholding reasons from him, apart from the Board’s general policy, and our own examination of the Parole Board’s file indicate that there were none.
The Parole Board has broad but not unlimited discretionary powers. The pertinent legislation (N. J. S. A. 30:4 — 123.1 et seq.) sets forth guidelines and under our special constitutional structure (N. J. Const., art. VI, sec. 5, para. 4 (1947)) the Board’s actions are always judicially reviewable for arbitrariness. See In re State In Interest of Steenback, supra, 34 N. J. at 100-101; In re Smigelski, supra, 30 N. J. at 527 — 528. The Legislature has directed the Board not to release on parole merely as a reward for good conduct but only if it is of the opinion that “there is reason
Before reaching a final decision, the Board is directed to have the prisoner appear before it and “personally interview him to consider his ultimate fitness for parole, and verify as far as possible, the information furnished it from other sources.” N. J. 8. A. 30:4r-123.19. There is no legislative provision for counsel at the interview (cf. Kadish, “The Advocate and the Expert — Counsel in the Peno-Correctional Process,” 45 Minn. L. Rev. 803 (1961); Jacob and Sharma, “Justice After Trial: Prisoners’ Need for Legal Services in the Criminal-Correctional Process,” 18 Kan. L. Rev. 493 (1970); Comment, “Due Process: The Right to Counsel in Parole Release Hearings,” 54 Iowa L. Rev. 497 (1968)) although there is legislative provision that when it becomes necessary for the prisoner to appear before the Board “for the purpose of determining his fitness for parole” he “shall have the right to consult legal counsel of his own selection, if he feels that his legal rights are invaded,” and subject to the Board’s consent “to submit in writing a brief or other legal argument on his behalf.” N. J. S. A. 30:4-123.25. See Puchalski v. N. J. State Parole Board, supra, 104 N. J. Super. at 299, 55 N. J. at 115.
Professor Kadish has suggested that determinations by the parole board are “in some measure equivalent to the sentencing determinations of the judge” since “decisions on both levels turn on a discretionary assessment of a multiplicity of imponderables, entailing primarily what a man is
In contrast to the foregoing, we have thus far not recognized any right to counsel at the parole interview or hearing. Cf. Puchalski v. N. J. State Parole Board, supra, 55 N. J. 113; see Menechino v. Oswald, 430 P. 2d 403 (2 Cir. 1970); Schawartzberg v. United States Board of Parole, 399 F. 2d 297 (10 Cir. 1968); Briguglio v. N. Y. State Bd. of Parole, 24 N. Y. 2d 21, 298 N. Y. S. 2d 704, 246 N. E. 2d 512 (1969). Mr. Monks does not here assert such right to counsel nor does he here question the manner in which his interview or hearing was actually conducted; as already indicated, he merely seeks a statement of reasons, so that he may properly be guided in connection with his future conduct and with his forthcoming parole rehearing scheduled for September 1971.
When dealing with administrative agencies generally we have long pointed to the need for suitable expression of the •controlling findings or reasons. Thus in Abbotts Dairies v. Armstrong, 14 N. J. 319 (1954), we stressed that findings were of the utmost importance “not only in insuring a ro
In Drown v. Portsmouth School District, 435 F. 2d 1182 (1 Cir. 1970), the Court of Appeals for the First Circuit recently sustained a request for a statement of reasons though it found no constitutional ground for additional relief. A non-tenure teacher who had not been rehired at the expiration of her annual contract sought but was denied a statement of reasons and a hearing at which she could challenge them. Citing Cafeteria & Restaurant Workers Union, Local 473, A.F.L.-C.I.O. v. McElroy, 367 U. S. 886, 81 S. Ct. 1743, 6 L. Ed. 2d 1230 (1961) and Goldberg v. Kelly, 397 U. S. 254, 90 S. Ct. 1011, 25 L. Ed. 2d 287 (1970), the court noted that in determining what procedures were required, the competing interests of the individual teacher and the school board must be duly balanced. 435 F. 2d at 1184. It found that the teacher’s interests in knowing the reasons for her nonretention were indeed substantial and that the disadvantages in supplying them were indeed slight; it found further, however, that the full evidentiary hearing sought by the teacher would be unduly burdensome to the school system and was not fairly called for on a weighing of all of the pertinent considerations. It concluded that,
The need for fairness is as urgent in the parole process as elsewhere in the law and it is evident to us that, as a general matter, the furnishing of reasons for denial would be the much fairer course; not only much fairer but much better designed towards the goal of rehabilitation. The Corrections Task Porce has pointed out that well conducted parole hearings tend desirably to increase “the involvement of inmates in the decisions which affect them and to confront them more directly with the information upon which a decision is being made.” President’s Commission on Law Enforecement and Administration of Justice, Task Force Report: Corrections, p. 64 (1967): Pavorable reference is made to the increasing number of parole boards, including, among others, those in Minnesota and Iowa, which have adopted “the practice of calling inmates back after a hearing to discuss the decision on their cases.” Id. at 65. Professor Dawson reports that in Michigan and Wisconsin “the parole boards are careful to explain to the inmate the reason for the decision reached” and “to suggest what, if anything, the inmate can do to improve his chances for parole later.” Dawson, “The Decision to Grant or Deny Parole: A Study of Parole Criteria in Law and Practice,” 1966 Wash. U. L. Q. 243, 302. He also reports that statements of the reasons are placed in the inmates’ files and that although the statements are quite brief, “the necessity for making them requires some reflection on the grounds for the decision.” Id. at 302.
In response to inquiries from our Attorney General, the Parole Board of Pennsylvania has advised that brief writ
In his critical discussion of the operations of the United States Parole Board, Professor Davis points to various administrative deficiencies, though our concern here is solely with his comments on the board’s policy of not stating reasons for denial of parole. Discretionary Justice, supra, 126 et seq. In that connection he stresses not only that the policy adversely affects the prisoner’s rehabilitation (p. 128) but also that it disregards the recognized “advantages of openness” (p. 129) and leads to the likelihood that abuses of discretion will “go uncorrected” (p. 128). Similarly, Professor Dawson in his study of parole law and practice stresses not only the need for legal reviewing mechanisms but, more pointedly, the need for improvement of the board procedures themselves so that society can “be assured that official dis
Our judicial system has historically been vested with the comprehensive prerogative writ jurisdiction which it inherited from the King’s Bench; that jurisdiction has been frequently exercised in the supervision of inferior governmental tribunals including administrative agencies. See the very early cases of State v. Justices, &c., of Middlesex, 1 N. J. L. *244 (Sup. Ct. 1794), where Chief Justice Kinsey described the jurisdiction “as unlimited and universal as injustice and wrong can be” (at *248), and Ludlow v. Executors of Ludlow, 4 N. J. L. *387 (Sup. Ct. 1817), where Chief Justice Kirkpatrick described it as “very high and transcendent” (at *389); and also the more recent cases of Fischer v. Twp. of Bedminster, 5 N. J. 534 (1950), where Justice Heher noted that the “inherent power of superintendence of inferior tribunals” (at 560) was secured by the 1844 Constitution and could not be impaired by the Legislature, and McKenna v. N. J. Highway Authority, supra, 19 N. J. 270, where Justice Burling noted that the prerogative writ jurisdiction included not only the review of “judicial actions” but also the superintendence of civil corporations, magistrates and “other public officers.” (at 274). When our
In White v. Parole Board of State of N. J., 17 N. J. Super. 580 (App. Div. 1952), a modern counterpart of the ancient writ proceeding, the prisoner’s attack on his parole board classification was rejected, but in his opinion for the Appellate Division Justice Brennan suggested that, constitutional compulsions aside, proper procedural safeguards on vital classification issues are called for by “considerations of simple fairness.” 17 N. J. Super. at 586. So here, fairness and rightness clearly dictate the granting of the prisoner’s request for a statement of reasons. That course as a general matter would serve the acknowledged interests of procedural fairness and would also serve as a suitable and significant discipline on the Board’s exercise of its wide powers. It would in nowise curb the Board’s discretion on the grant or denial of parole nor would it impair the scope and effect of its expertise. It is evident to us that such incidental administrative burdens as result would not be undue; the reported experiences in the jurisdictions which have long furnished reasons have given us no grounds for pause.
The Board’s rule (11:70-54) states flatly that it will not reveal the basis for a denial either in the notice of denial or otherwise; because of the views expressed earlier in this opinion we find the rule invalid and it is now nullified. It should be replaced at an early date by a carefully prepared rule designed generally towards affording statements of reasons on parole denials, while providing for such reasonable exceptions as may be essential to rehabilitations and the
For reversal — Chief Justice Weintratjb and Justices Jacobs, Prancis, Proctor, Hall and Schettino — 6.
For affirmance — Hone.