Declaration in debt, setting forth that on the 16th of July, 1821, Mordecai Mendenhall reCovered'a judgment against William Young and Moses Martindale, administrators of the estate of Jesse Young, deceased, by default, for want of a plea; to be levied of the goods and chattels, lands and tenements, of the deceased, in their hands to be administered: that Mendenhall died, and that administration of his estate was granted to the plaintiff: that he had the judgment revived in his own name as administrator, at the August term of the Circuit Court, 1829, and execution awarded: that an execution issued and was returned nulla bona. He avers that, at the time the judgment was obtained, and 'at the time it was revived and execution awarded, there were assets in the hands of the defendants to the value of the judgment, which were-afterwards wasted by the defendants. Young was not found. Martindale appeared and pleaded, that at the time he had notice of the debt, to wit, on the 10th of January, 1821, he had fully administered all the assets that came into his hands; and that he has received nothing since. Wherefore, he says he is not guilty of the waste charged in the declaration. To this plea the plaintiff demurred specially. The Circuit Court overruled the demurrer and gave judgment for the defendant. ~'
It is admitted, that if Mendenhall had followed up his judgment by execution, and had not found-assets to satisfy it, he would have had, as .the law then stood, a right of action against the defendant, on the suggestion of a devastavit; and that the defendant could not have been heard in any plea denying what, in legal intendment, was admitted by the default, viz. that he had assets to discharge the judgment, The facts pleaded in the present action would not, under any form, have constituted
judgment is reversed with costs (1).
A re-hearing was granted in this case; but the same judgment in it, as above, was afterwards rendered. Vide R. C. 1831, p. 109.—Martindale v. Moore, Nov. term, 1833.