••• EX PARTE: CAUSE NO.: W99-02631-P (A) STANLEY 0. MOZEE IN THE 203rd JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT OF DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS '***** SUPPLEMENTAL ***** POST CONVICTION WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS (ART. 11.07, V. A. C. C. P.) ATTORNEY FOR APPLICANT: ATTORNEY FOR STATE: .Ezekiel Tyson, Jr. HON. J SUSAN HAWK The Tyson Law Firm 342 W. Montana Avenue FRANK CROWLEY COURTHOUSE Dallas, TX 75224 DALLAS, TX 75207-4313 RECEIVED IN COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS FELICIA PITRE AUG 19 2015 DISTRICT CLERK Abel Acosta, Clerk FRANK CROWLEY COURTHOUSE 133 N RIVERFRONT BLVD., LB 12 DALLAS, TEXAS 75207-4313 1 EX PARTE: CAUSE NO: W99-02631-P (A) 2 IN THE 203rd JUDICIAL DISTRICT 3 STANLEY 0. MOZEE COURT OF DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS 4 5 SUPPLEMENTAL 6 7 Order (12 Feb 15) Vol. 1-01 8 - Bond Pending 9 Order of Recusal (24 Feb 15) Vol. 1-02 -Judge Jennifer Bennett 10 Order Transferring (02 Mar 15) Vol. 1-03. 11 -Transferred to the 195th 12 Writ Docket · Vol. 1-04 13 Order of Transfer (04 Mar 15) Vol. 1-05 - 203rd 14 Order of Receiving (13 Mar 15) .. Vol. 1-06 15 -203rd 16 Post Card (18 Mar 15) Vol. 1-07 Request for Extension of Time Granted 17 Letter from Judge Hawthorne requesting and extension of Vol. 1-08 18 Time (14 Aug 15) 19 Clerk's Certificate Vol. 1-10 20 21 22 23 Cause Number: THE STATE OF TEXAS § IN THE CRJMINAL vs . § 265TH JUDICIAL DISTRJCT COURT .5T~/I /ej' /'1o ZeC' § DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS ORDER Tne Court nnds chat the bond m the above styled and m;nnbc1cd case should be. held iii51Jfficlent for the followmg reason(s): i\llil..houd te be set at/ intJeased tot decreased to. and it is , -· ~ The Court further Orders that, as a condition of remaining on bond pending the disposition of the case, the following restrictions shall apply. The defendant shall: Vremain in Du/4- 2 ·County, Texas at all times; ""'f, 5 v r/c;/li/"'Y ~ __V_/ r.not directly nor indirectly communicate with the alleged victim or an moll!ber o~ the victim's family, shall not go near the residence, school, place of e plpynqent ~:1J or other places frequented by the victim or family; ·~· \:} "N \ . .': ,·· _ _ have no contact with any minor child; \ r;, · 0 ?" _ _ abide by the following home curfew: ~ 11> _ _ be restricted to home confmement; _ _ be place on the Electronic Monitoring program to be paid for by the defendant/ Court; _ _ be placed on SCRAM to be paid for by.the defe~dant/ Courtb , 11 1 v p(!vd'e -tr'"~-. / Pf.'.v""e J{bJr__,ce ,Cc- I / " V m. it to drug testing, to-wit: v/Q.... 6; ,, ) Tr ole4,-,c/..,...t' /e&..ve5 V ;s' •e. (lA.vS/ UP._ 'f"c>f ev"'r:/ U:>V'rt .?err":/-1./"' t-H'h . t consume alcohol; ))c..,Jl«..? Cov/lff f'/..lo, "~1 ':t.~..J. ·,~ :r, '.¢I::... . -;,.~- '·r . .. ,._ .. . . ~ , ~, ~- I .~;. 'f "~ ..~ ~~J.""'!: ·""t· ~ "'"'........ .:.... -~ ~- ... ·-··: •."' : J<, ..... ,. ·. P"· ., •.. : .... )( ,P; t:..~.' 'f-"-·~'l . ~:l>.:1.1 ~ ·-::" ·. '"· ~""-t¥~~ '1\".<.' ~;~ .,. ~~...' . ·-. .. • --~ .. ' . , ·.. ., 1!·\·.Q. :,. ,'~--~- ..· , ~ -~ ...~T,, a . . . ... .. . .. -~-.~ ·'$, .. '1!; . • • :• -.- .., ~:.. ' ~-.__.; [_, ;' :·· .,. . ;_~ ~-> :~:: ) " ..· '?· .:; ~- ---~ •. · ~•. \~~~~'\:. .' . ': ;. ' .· :: . ·.··' \t~ rl. /') . •.,._E··:..{.'). . . ,_. ..'-·.,;'--~ "'\..,. ,". -~ ,q;,, . .'\ 'J . "'lo. '"' .K. . ·. [)I,_Qj.,.,,YJ~~\J~D~ ,--K\ AJ i ; : . . . '· On this day, this Court _has grant~d'\th~_tf·l~_t:::.co'u~r3J·§ request for an extension of time to file the supplemental record. ':'~Q~~:YSu:~pH:~w:~htal record is due in this Court on Monday, August 31/ 2015. '<;'~::_;;::;;·'/:}·'' · Abel Acosta, Clerk e PRESIDING JUDGE 265TH DISTRICT COURT 133 N. RIVERFRONT BOULEVARD, LOCK BOX 30 DALLAS, TX 75207 I I .I I a,~WBS313 7$207 11•11' Uti· ut ll'uh hfl •t 'r'•l·tl'rhll•l 1'u 'I' tnJufl1 u• h t TERESA ."~:THORNE ); ~: J 6rf!J . State District .Judge . , { ' / \ /) Yolanda Baker 203"' .Judicial District Co~A (!I Lisabeth Kellett Court Coordinator Court Reporter 214-653-5822 21'4-653-5823 August 12, 2015 il'£ . r..:J ~ ~ :s:- c:= en .:::- , ~- a ==- :X rn 9 0 Texas Court of Criminal Appeals -- ;'-J P. 0. Box 12308 .. Austin, Texas 78711 RE: Ex Parte Dennis Lee Allen No. WR-56,666-03; W00-01305-(B) Ex Parte Stanley Orson Mozee No. WR-82,467-01; W99-02631-(A) Dear Honorable Judges of the Court of Criminal Appeals:. The Court of Criminal Appeals previously granted an extension of time to file the supplemental record on these cases to August 31,2015. We have determined additional time·is needed to complete the hearing and have the supplemental record by that date. Therefore, I request an extension to October 31 , 2015, to provide the Court of Criminal Appeals with this supplemental record. The supplemental information requested in this case will require a full evidentiary hearing before the Court. The parties have informed the Court they need this additional time to prepare for and conduct this hearing. The reasons the parties need this additional time are: 1. The State is represented in this case by the Dallas County District Attorney's Office's Conviction Integrity Unit. The attorneys in this unit who are responsible for representing the State are Patricia Cummings and Cynthia Garza. Ms: Cummings is new to the District Attorney's Office, having started her job as Chief of the Conviction Integrity Unit on July 6, 2015. Additionally, Cynthia Garza was out on matemity leave, and found it necessary to extend her leave to past the original date she expected to return. Ms. Garza has just recently returned to work fulltime on July 20, 2015. Frank Crowley Courts Building, 7th Floor 8 133 N. Riverfront Blvd., LB-28 Phone:214-653-5820 n~u~<: T ..v~" 7'\?07.A.~QQ Letter to the Court of Criminal Appeals August 12, 2015 Page 2 2. Gary A. Udashen is representing Mr. Allen on behalf of the Innocence Project of Texas. Mr. Udashen has informed the court that he also needs additional time to prepare for this hearing. In addition to various trial and appellate matters, in the months of July and August, Mr. Udashen has been course director for the State Bar Advanced Criminal Law Course, as well as course director for the Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association/Innocence Project of Texas Innocence Seminar. 3. Lead counsel for Mr. Mozee is Nina Morrison qfthe National Innocence Project based in. New York.. Ms. Morrison handles cases around the country and needs additional time, once a hearing date is set, to make arrangements to be in Dallas for this hearing. 4. Once the parties have completed their preparation for this hearing, the court will need to clear some time on its trial docket to conduct this hearing. In light of the aforementioned, this ~ourt requests an extension of time until October 31, 2015, to resolve the issues. Yours very truly,. Honorable Teresa. Hawthorne Presiding Judge, 203rd Judidal District Court JOINED BY THE PARTIES: ~~~ Patricia Cummings ~ ~~ Sorrels, Udashen & Anton Assistant District Attorneys Attorney for Dennis Lee Allen Attorneys for the State Ezekiel Tyson, Jr. The Tyson Law Firm Nina Morrison Innocence Project, Inc. Attorneys for Stanley Orson Mozee 9 The State of Texas § § County of Dallas § I, Felicia Pitre, Clerk of the District Courts of Dallas County, Texas, do hereby certify that the documents contained in this record to which this certification is attached are all of the documents specified by Texas Rule of Appellate Procedure 34.5(a) or Code of Criminal Procedure Section 11.07(3) (a) including all other documents timely requested by a party to this proceeding under Texas Rule of Appellate Procedure 34.5(b), and that have been filed with the trial court clerk, and unless otherwise indicated in this record. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL at my office in Dallas County, Texas, on this August 14. 2015. Clerk Signature: AVt.CVMcV~ Name ANA McDANIEL Deputy District Clerk 10
Mozee, Stanley Orson
Combined Opinion