Docket Entries |
Date | Type | Description | Pending? | Document |
01/22/2020 | Filing Fee | Filing Fee Paid. $250.00 from Leon Greenberg. Check no. 8288. (SC) | | |
01/22/2020 | Notice of Appeal Documents | Filed Notice of Appeal. Appeal docketed in the Supreme Court this day. (Docketing statement mailed to counsel for appellant.) (SC) | | 20-02999
01/22/2020 | Notice/Outgoing | Issued Notice of Deficient Case Appeal Statement. Corrected case appeal statement due: 10 days. (SC) | | 20-03001
01/22/2020 | Notice/Outgoing | Issued Notice of Referral to Settlement Program. This appeal may be assigned to the settlement program. Timelines for requesting transcripts and filing briefs are stayed. (SC) | | 20-03003
01/22/2020 | Notice of Appeal Documents | Filed Case Appeal Statement. (SC) | | 20-03109
01/29/2020 | Settlement Notice | Issued Notice: Assignment to Settlement Program. Issued Assignment Notice to NRAP 16 Settlement Program. Settlement Judge: J. Douglas Clark. (SC) | | 20-04052
02/12/2020 | Docketing Statement | Filed Appellant's Docketing Statement. (SC) | | 20-05901
02/18/2020 | Settlement Program Report | Filed ECAR/Not Appropriate for Settlement Program. This case is not appropriate for mediation. (SC) | | 20-06642
02/20/2020 | Settlement Order/Procedural | Filed Order Removing From Settlement Program/Briefing Reinstated. This appeal is removed from the settlement program. Appellant: 14 days transcript request; 90 days opening brief and appendix. (SC). | | 20-07035
02/21/2020 | Transcript Request | Filed Certificate of No Transcript Request. (SC). | | 20-07238
02/26/2020 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order Consolidating Appeals. These appeals arise from a single district court order entered in consolidated district court cases and involve the same counsel. Accordingly, these appeals are hereby consolidated. Appellants' Single Opening Brief and Appendix due: May 20, 2020. Nos. 80448/80449. (SC). | | 20-07707
05/08/2020 | Motion | Filed Appellant's Stipulation for Extension of Time to File Opening Brief. (SC) | | 20-17565
05/12/2020 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order. Appellants' Opening Brief and Appendix due: June 22, 2020. Nos. 80448/80449. (SC). | | 20-18038
06/19/2020 | Brief | Filed Appellants' Opening Brief and Appendix. Nos. 80448/80449. (REJECTED PER NOTICE ISSUED 06/22/20). (SC) | | |
06/22/2020 | Notice/Outgoing | Issued Notice of Rejection of Deficient Brief. Corrected Opening Brief and Appendix due: 5 days. Nos. 80448/80449. (SC) | | 20-22986
06/22/2020 | Brief | Filed Appellants' Opening Brief. Nos. 80448/80449. (SC) | | 20-23043
06/22/2020 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix Volume 1 of 3. Nos. 80448/80449. (SC) | | 20-23045
06/22/2020 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix Volume 2 of 3. Nos. 80448/80449. (SC) | | 20-23046
06/22/2020 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix Volume 3 of 3. Nos. 80448/80449. (SC) | | 20-23050
07/21/2020 | Order/Clerk's | Filed Order Granting Extension Per Telephonic Request. Respondents' Answering Brief due: August 5, 2020. Nos. 80448/80449. (SC). | | 20-26593
08/05/2020 | Brief | Filed Respondents' Answering Brief. No. 80448/80449. (SC) | | 20-28874
08/27/2020 | Motion | Filed Stipulation for extension of time to file Reply Brief.Nos. 80448/80449 (SC) | | 20-31750
09/03/2020 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order Approving Stipulation. Appellant's reply brief due: October 5, 2020. No. 80448/80449 (SC) | | 20-32554
10/05/2020 | Brief | Filed Appellant's Reply Brief. Nos. 80448/80449 (SC) | | 20-36416
10/05/2020 | Case Status Update | Briefing Completed/To Screening. Nos. 80048/80449 (SC) | | |
12/09/2020 | Order/Procedural | Filed Notice of Voluntary Disclosure for Justice Stiglich. Nos 80448/80449 (SC) | | 20-44838
12/18/2020 | Notice/Incoming | Filed Respondent's Notice Non-Opposition and Consent to Voluntary Disclosure. Nos. 80448/80449 (SC) | | 20-45872
02/26/2021 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order Directing Supplemental Briefing. Appellant's Supplemental Brief due: 14 days. Thereafter, respondents shall have 14 days to file and serve a response. Briefing shall comply with the relevant provisions of NRAP 28 and 32. No reply brief will be permitted. No extensions of time in the supplemental briefing schedule shall be granted absent demonstration of extreme circumstances. Nos. 80448/80449. (SC) | | 21-05708
03/11/2021 | Brief | Filed Appellant's Supplemental Brief. (SC) | | 21-07178
03/23/2021 | Brief | Filed Respondent's Supplemental Brief. (SC) | | 21-08298
04/09/2021 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order Submitting for Decision Without Oral Argument. Nos. 80448/80449. (SC) | | 21-10274
07/29/2021 | Opinion/Dispositional | Filed Authored Opinion. "Reversed and remanded." Before the Court En Banc. Author: Stiglich, J. Majority: Hardesty/Parraguirre/Stiglich/Cadish/Silver/Herndon. Pickering, J., concurring. 137 Nev. Adv. Opn. No. 36. En Banc. Nos. 80448/80449. (SC). | | 21-21961
08/23/2021 | Remittitur | Issued Remittitur. Nos. 80448/80449. (SC). | | 21-24426
08/23/2021 | Case Status Update | Remittitur Issued/Case Closed. Nos. 80448/80449. (SC). | | |
09/07/2021 | Remittitur | Filed Remittitur. Received by District Court Clerk on August 25, 2021. Nos. 80448/80449. (SC) | | 21-24426