The rulings announced in headnotes 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6 do not require elaboration.
Of the rulings announced in the headnotes, that embraced in the third is the only one that will be elaborated. As ruled in the first note, the decisions of. this court hold that “ relationship by blood or marriage within the ninth degree, calculated according to the rules of the civil law, between the prosecutor and a juror in a criminal case, will disqualify the juror.” It is declared in the Civil Code, § 3028: “ The mother of a bastard is entitled to the possession of the child, unless the father shall legitimate him as before provided. Being the only recognized parent, she may exercise all the paternal power.” In § 3029, it is declared: “ Bastards have no inheritable blood, except that given to them by express law. They may inherit from their mother, and from each other, children of the same mother, in the same manner as if legitimate. If a mother have both legitimate and illegitimate children, they shall inherit alike the estate of the mother. If a bastard dies leaving no issue or widow, his mother, brothers, and sisters shall inherit his estate equally. "In distributions under this law the children of a deceased bastard shall represent the deceased parent.” In § 3030, it is declared: “ If a bastard dies intestate, leaving no widow or lineal descendant, or illegitimate brother or sister, or descendant of a brother or sister, or mother, but shall leave a brother or sister of legitimate blood, such brother or sister, or descendant of such brother or sister, may inherit the estate of such intestate; but in default of any such person, the brothers and sisters of the mother of such bastard or their descendants, or the maternal grandparents of such bastard, may inherit the estate of such bastard, to be divided amongst said persons in accordance with the degrees of consanguinity prescribed in the laws for the distribution of other estates.” These provisions of the code have
Judgment reversed.