Owsley v. San Antonio Independent School District

                       FOR THE FIFTH CIRCUIT

                                            No. 98-50743







                           Appeals from the United States District Court
                                for the Western District of Texas

                                         September 13, 1999

Before JOLLY and SMITH, Circuit Judges,              professionals exempt from the FLSA's
  and VANCE, District Judge,*                        overtime benefits requirements, we reverse and
                                                     render summary judgment in favor of SAISD.
JERRY E. SMITH, Circuit Judge:
    The San Antonio Independent School Dis-              The plaintiffs are eight of the nine athletic
trict (“SAISD”) appeals a summary judgment           trainers of SAISD. Trainers work with coach-
in this action brought pursuant to the Fair La-      es and high school and middle school athletes
bor Standards Act (“FLSA”) awarding                  to prevent injuries and to rehabilitate athletes
overtime benefits to a group of athletic             from injuries. Their job responsibilities include
trainers. Concluding that the trainers are           attending practices and sporting events,
                                                     maintaining treatment facilities, and working
                                                     with students undergoing rehabilitation. On
       District Judge of the Eastern District of     average, they work sixty hours a week.
Louisiana, sitting by designation.
   The FLSA, 29 U.S.C. § 201 et seq.,                 Corp. v. Catrett, 477 U.S. 317, 322-24
requires employers to pay overtime for hours          (1986); see also FED. R. CIV. P. 56(c). An
worked in excess of forty in a given work             issue is genuine if the evidence is sufficient for
week, but it exempts employees employed in a          a reasonable jury to return a verdict for the
bona fide professional, administrative, or ex-        nonmoving party. Anderson v. Liberty Lobby,
ecutive capacity. 29 U.S.C. § 213(a)(1).              Inc., 106 S.Ct. 2505, 2510 (1986).
SAISD claims the trainers are subject to this
exemption.                                               The employer bears the burden of proving
                                                      exempt status. Paul v. Petroleum Equip.
                       II.                            Tools Co., 708 F.2d 168, 169 (5th Cir. 1983).
   The district court granted the trainers’ mo-       The employer’s claim of exemption must be
tion for summary judgment in part, declaring          construed narrowly and in favor of the
they are not exempted professionals under the         employee. See Brennan v. Green’s Propane
FLSA.      It refused, however, to award              Gas Serv., Inc., 479 F.2d 1027, 1032 (5th Cir.
liquidated damages, because SAISD had a               1973).1
good faith and reaso nable belief that the
trainers were exempt. See 29 U.S.C. § 260.                                   B.
The court granted SAISD’s summary                        Both parties agree that the applicable test
judgment motion in part, finding that one of          for whether the plaintiffs qualify as
the trainers, Rex Hartwig, was employed in an         professionals is the following “short test”2 set
administrative capacity exempt from the               forth in 29 C.F.R. § 541.3:
provisions of the FLSA under 29 C.F.R. §
541.2.                                                   The term employee employed in a bona
                                                         fide . . . professional capacity . . . shall
   SAISD appeals the summary judgment re-                mean any employee:
garding the exemption. The trainers cross-
appeal the holding that their job meets the
“learned” prong of the short test, the summary                1
                                                                SAISD urges us to review the legal
judgment adverse to Hartwig, and the denial of        determination of exempt status under the FLSA as
liquidated damages.                                   a question of law while deferring to the district
                                                      court’s factual findings for clear error. See
                      III.                            Dalheim v. KDFW-TV, 918 F.2d 1220, 1225-27
                      A.                              (5th Cir. 1990). The Dalheim court, however, was
   We review a summary judgment de novo,              reviewing a judgment following a bench trial, see
employing the same standards as did the               id. at 1224, while we are reviewing a summary
district court. See Urbano v. Continental             judgment. Therefore, we review the judgment de
Airlines, Inc., 138 F.3d 204, 205 (5th Cir.),         novo and do not give the factual findings any
cert. denied, 119 S.Ct. 509 (1998). Summary
judgment is appropriate when, viewing the                 2
                                                           The parties stipulate that the plaintiffs earn
evidence in the light most favorable to the           more than $250 a week. Therefore, Department of
nonmoving party, there is no genuine issue of         Labor regulations instruct that the exemption status
material fact and the moving party is entitled        can be determined via the streamlined “short test”
to judgment as a matter of law. See Celotex           described in 29 C.F.R. §§ 541.3(e), .315. See
                                                      Paul, 708 F.2d at 170.

   (a) Whose primary duty consists of the
   performance of:

        (1) Work requiring knowledge                    er, the most lenient of which is the following:3
        of an advanced type in a field
        of science or learning                             (1) a bachelor’s degree in any field;
        customarily acquired by a
        prolonged course of                                (2) 1800 hours of apprenticeship over
        specialized intellectual                               a three-year period;
        instruction and study, as dis-
        tinguished from a general aca-                     (3) completion of 5 3-hour credit
        demic education and from an                            college courses in (a) human
        apprenticeship, and from train-                        anatomy; (b) health, disease,
        ing in the performance of                              nutrition, fitness, wellness, or drug
        routine mental, manual or                              and alco hol education; (c)
        physical processes, . . . and                          kinesiology; (d) human physiology
                                                               or physiology of exercise; and (e)
   (b) Whose work requires the consistent                      athletic training; and
   exercise of discretion and judgment in
   its performance.                                        (4) a C.P.R. test.

   In ruling on the motions for summary judg-           25 TEX. ADMIN. CODE § 313.5. The district
ment, the district court held that because of the       court found that, at a minimum, an SAISD
requirement to take fifteen hours of specific           athletic trainer must obtain education beyond
college-level courses, the trainer position re-         a high school level and that the education re-
quired learning customarily acquired through            quires a certain amount of specialization in hu-
specialized intellectual instruction. With re-          man anatomy and physiology.              These
spect to the second prong, whether the work             requirements are enough, the court held, to
required consistent exercise of discretion and          satisfy the “learned” prong.
judgment, the court held that the trainers may
make decisions only within a well-defined and              On cross-appeal, the trainers challenge the
regulated framework, and the application of             finding in two ways. First, they submit an
their specialized knowledge is limited to               opinion letter from the Wage and Hours
enumerated pre-set situations. Therefore, it            Division of the Department of Labor stating
found that the trainers are not exempt
professionals under the FLSA.
                                                                 The trainers concede that the other two
                       1.                               educational prerequisites for SAISD athletic
    Trainers in Texas must obtain a state               trainers, degrees in physical or corrective therapy,
license. State regulations provide a number of          are more specialized than is the requirement of 15
options to meet the requirements to be a train-         credit hours, and they therefore focus on the most
                                                        lenient requirements when discussing the “learned”

that athletic trainers in Kansas do not meet the
“learned” prong of the professional exemption.
They then ask us to defer to this agency
interpretation unless it is manifestly contrary to
statute. The opinion letter, the trainers assert,
represents an agency interpretation and
requires us to hold the plaintiffs “non-exempt”
under the “learned” prong.

                                                                 We therefore consider the 1993 opinion let-
    While the trainers are correct that we                   ter as persuasive, but we have no obligation to
should defer to the agency’s interpretation of               defer to its interpretation, especially given that
a statute, this only means that we should                    it does not even deal with the same facts as
follow the guidelines set forth in § 541.3. It               those in the case sub judice. The Kansas
does not mean that the Secretary’s views on                  athletic trainers that were the subject of its
§ 541.3 are always controlling. The case the                 opinion did not have a credit-hour requirement
trainers cite 4 stands only for t he                         similar to the fifteen credit-hours required in
uncontroversial proposition that agency inter-               Texas. Therefore, while the letter suggests
pretations of statutes should be given                       that athletic trainers in general do not meet the
deference under Chevron U.S.A., Inc. v.                      learned prong, it does not account for the ad-
National Resources Defense Council, Inc.,                    ditional specialized training in the form of the
467 U.S. 837 (1984). Opinion letters, which                  credit-hours Texas requires. For this reason,
are issued without the formal notice and rule-               the letter’s analysis is inapposite.
making procedures of the Administrative
Procedure Act, do not receive the same kind                      In their second challenge, the trainers baldly
of Chevron deference as do administrative                    conclude that a mere fifteen credit-hours can-
regulations.5                                                not be compared to the advanced type of study
                                                             required for professions such as law, medicine,
                                                             and teaching that are specifically contemplated
       Auer v. Robbins, 519 U.S. 452 (1997).                 by the professional exemption. See 29 C.F.R.
                                                             § 541.301(e)(1). We agree with the district
       See Kilgore v. Outback Steakhouse, Inc,               court, however, that brevity of the trainers’
160 F.3d 294, 302 (6th Cir. 1998); Reich v. Par-             course of specialized study does not preclude
ker Fire Protection Dist., 992 F.2d 1023, 1026               its inclusion under the “learned” prong. Unlike
(10th Cir. 1993) (refusing to give Chevron                   the case relied on by the trainers,6 in which the
deference to Wage and Hour Administrator                     claimants were not required to take any
Opinion Letters). This does not mean that such
                                                             specific college courses to qualify for their job,
opinion letters are to be completely disregarded.
For instance, this court has held that opinion letters
of an administrative agency, although less au-
thoritative than regulations or formal decisions, are        (...continued)
entitled to be "weighed carefully" and to "great             Fe Ry., 608 F.2d 213, 222 (5th Cir. 1978).
deference" if they state a reasonable conclusion.
See Coca-Cola Co. v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa                      Dybach v. Florida Dep’t of Corrections,
                            (continued...)                   942 F.2d 1562 (11th Cir. 1991).

the trainers must take a specified number of
specialized courses directly related to their
professional duties in sports medicine and ath-
letic training.

    The trainers’ educational background is
akin to the training requirements this court
found sufficient to meet the “learned” prong
for the airline pilots in Paul. There, we found
the requirement that pilots complete a course
of instruction to learn the regulations
governing pilots, basic aerodynamic and flight
principles, and numerous airplane operations
was enough to satisfy the “learned” prong.
See Paul, 708 F.2d at 172. Even though the
pilots did not obtain a college degree, their
“extensive knowledge of aerodynamics,
airplane regulations, airplane operations, [and]
instrument procedures” convinced us that their
training was as complex as that of “nurses,
accountants, and actuarial computants” who
are regarded as employees in learned
professions. See id. at 172-73.

                                                        cretion. The court based its ruling on two
   Similarly, the trainers are required to obtain       grounds, neither of which is persuasive.
an university degree and to undergo
specialized training in subjects such as human               First, the court found that the trainers work
anatomy, physiology, and sports medicine.               under the supervision of a physician. In mak-
We therefore affirm the finding that the                ing this determination, it relied on SAISD’s
plaintiffs meet the “learned” prong of the pro-         job description, which states that trainers “will
fessional exemption.                                    . . . act under the supervision and the direction
                                                        of the team physician.”
    To qualify the trainers for the professional           We disagree, however, that the stipulated
exemption, SAISD must also show that the                job description supports the judgment. Not-
trainers’ work “requires the consistent exercise        withstanding the “supervision and direction”
of discretion and judgment in its performance.”         language, the job description also indicates
29 C.F.R. § 541.3. Though the district court            that the trainers exercise a substantial amount
determined that the trainers satisfied the              of discretion in the performance of their duties.
“learned” prong, it found that they did not
ultimately qualify for the exemption, because              For instance, the trainers are expected to
their work does not require the exercise of dis-        (1) establish specific procedures to be carried

out by a coach and/or student trainer in the              specialized knowledge or training.
event of an emergency when care of an athlete
is needed; (2) be responsible for communica-                 Our review of this stipulation leads us to a
tion with parents, physicians, coordinating               different conclusion. While many of the train-
trainer, and coaches concerning injured ath-              ers’ duties are limited to actions within the
letes; and (3) determine the athlete’s return to          “standard treatment guidelines,” we agree with
practice or playing status, following an athletic         SAISD that reliance on such guidelines does
injury. In listing these discretionary respon-            not, by itself, indicate the lack of professional
sibilities, the job description does not make             discretion and judgment. In the context of
any reference to the supervising physician ex-            finding nurses to be exempt professionals, for
cept to point out that a player’s return after an         example, one court has observed that “the fact
injury may also be determined by a physician.7            that a standard remedy is prescribed for a des-
                                                          ignated injury or complaint does not detract
   The job description states that trainers “will         from the analysis and training and skill neces-
also act under the supervision and the direc-             sary to determine the extent and seriousness,
tion of the team physician” (emphasis added).             and often the type of injury or complaint, as
This further supports our view that the trainers          well as what particular remedy should be given
act independently to exercise their own judg-             or applied.” Hofer v. Federal Cartridge
ment and discretion and that they sometimes               Corp., 71 F. Supp. 243, 244-45 (D.C. Minn.
act under the supervision of a physician. Ac-             1947).
cordingly, the district’s court’s reliance on the
job description does not support its ruling.                 Several of the trainers’ stipulated duties fit
                                                          within Hofer's category of discretionary skills
    The court also decided that the trainers do           applied within a standard framework. For
not exercise discretion because they use “their           example, trainers must (1) assess[] the extent
advanced training and experience to make de-              of an injury based on standard treatment
cisions . . . only within a well-defined frame-           guidelines; (2) perform neurological evalu-
work.” See Hashop v. Rockwell Space Opera-                ations by assessing consciousness, intellectual
tions Co., 867 F. Supp. 1287, 1298 (S.D. Tex.             performance, sensation, and movement ac-
1994). Examining a stipulation of the trainers’           cording to standard guidelines; and (3) deter-
duties and responsibilities, the district court           mine whether the athlete continues to
observed that over 45 of the 77 enumerated                practice/play after an injury, based on well-
responsibilities set forth in the guidelines re-          established tests and criteria when a physician
quire the trainers to act under standard treat-           is not present. In exercising any of these
ment guidelines. The court further noted that             duties, the trainer will have to apply his own
the remaining 30 or so responsibilities are rou-          skills and training to diagnose injuries or make
tine acts that do not require the application of          judgments about an athlete’s suitability for
                                                          further action.

       The job description adds this parenthetical          The trainers rely on Quirk v. Baltimore
comment: “Return may also be determined by a              County, 895 F. Supp. 773 (D. Md. 1995),
team physician.” This language weighs against the         which held that emergency response para-
district court’s assumption that trainers act under       medics do not exercise discretion and judg-
the supervision of physicians at all times.

ment, because they follow highly specific med-            injuries.8 These sorts of important and com-
ical protocols. Quirk is distinguishable, be-             plex decisions, which require trainers inde-
cause paramedics work on a daily basis with               pendently to apply their experience and ad-
their supervising physicians under the expec-             vanced training in human anatomy and medi-
tation of physician intervention immediately              cine, satisfy the “discretion” prong. Therefore,
following emergency treatment. In contrast,               we reverse the summary judgment granted to
the trainers operate independently when they              the trainers on this question.9
assess an athlete’s injury and when they make
decisions on whether the athlete should seek                                     IV.
further medical attention, sit out the remainder              Because the court erred in finding that the
of practice or a game, or continue athletic ac-           trainers did not exercise discretion and inde-
tivity. There is no immediate expectation of              pendent judgment, we REVERSE its partial
physician intervention, and, as we have said,             summary judgment granted to the trainers.
there is no evidence that the physicians super-           Our review of the record, which consists
vise the trainers’ activities at all times, or even       mostly of stipulated evidence not raising any
most of the time.                                         disputes of material fact, also permits us to
                                                          RENDER summary judgment in favor of
   The existence of standard procedures and               SAISD, because it successfully has demon-
guidelines does not mean that the trainers’ re-           strated that the trainers qualify for the profes-
sponsibilities do not require the type of consis-         sional exemption under the “learned” and “dis-
tent exercise of independent discretion and               cretion” prongs of the FLSA’s short test.
judgment this court has found characteristic of
other professionals. In Paul, 708 F.2d at 171,               REVERSED AND RENDERED.
we found that pilots exercised discretion and
judgment in deciding whether to fly, selecting
the safest route, and responding to unexpected               8
                                                               The trainers argue that in responding to emer-
airborne events, even though they also oper-              gencies, they simply follow standard procedures
ated under extensive procedures and guide-                and call for emergency medical support. We are
lines.                                                    convinced, however, that even making this initial
                                                          assessment of a potentially serious injury involves
    Like the pilots in Paul, the trainers must            discretion and judgment in deciding, for instance,
make decisions on whether an athlete must be              whether to move the athlete from the field and
sent to a hospital or can continue to participate         whether the injury is serious enough to merit EMS
in athletic events. The trainers aver that unlike         support. Emergency response paramedics have no
the pilots, they do not have to make decisions            such discretion.
“about problems to which there were often no                9
                                                              The trainers cross-appeal the partial summary
recognized or established answers.” See id.
                                                          judgment to SAISD declaring that Hartwig is
at 170. Trainers, however, must also respond              exempt from overtime benefits as an
to emergencies and make quick, independent                “administrator,” and the       refusal to award
judgments about how to deal with unexpected               prejudgment interest. Because we conclude that all
                                                          the trainers (including Hartwig) are exempt from
                                                          the FLSA's overtime benefits, we do not reach
                                                          Hartwig’s cross-appeal or the trainers’ cross-
                                                          appeal for prejudgment interest.
