Opinion by
In this unemployment compensation case, the compensation authorities awarded- benefits to claimants, John Thomas Leto and Mary Liebrum, employes of the P. McGraw Wool Company. The employer took separate appeals which were consolidated for argument before this Court and will be treated in one opinion. Counsel for the respective parties have stipulated that the instant appeal will determine the status of all claims filed by similarly situated employes of the appellant.
The following is a summary of the findings of fact made by the referee and affirmed by the Board: On March 15, 1951, the employer entered into a collective bargaining contract with claimants’ unions, Locals No. 34 and No. 774 of the Textile Workers of America, C.I.O. This agreement was for the period March 15, 1951 to March 15, 1952, with provision therein that it would remain in effect for successive one-year terms thereafter until either party thereto gave the other 60 days’ notice of an intention to terminate.
On January 10, 1952, the employer gave the unions written notice of its decision to terminate the agreement on March 15, 1952. Thereafter the employer and claimants’ union representatives met in an attempt to negotiate a new contract. The employer, because of poor business conditions in the textile industry, proposed that its employes accept a wage reduction amounting to 12% cents an hour and at the same time agree to increased work loads. The union representatives took the employer’s proposal to their membership and it was rejected on February 29, 1952.
One day before the expiration of the contract, the employer and the union representatives met again, this time at the office of a federal mediator. At this meeting the company adhered to its original proposal of
The employes voted not to return to work on the employer’s conditions and set up picket lines at the plant on Monday, March 17. The work stoppage continued until April 16, 1952, when negotiations resulted in an extension agreement whereby the employes returned to work at the original wage rates and agreed to a trial period for the modified work assignments proposed by the employer.
The appellant-employer takes the position that its employes are precluded from receiving benefits by section 402(d) of the Unemployment Compensation Law as amended, 43 PS sec. 802(d), which provides in part: “An employe shall be ineligible for compensation for any week — (d) In which his unemployment is due to a stoppage of work, which exists because of a labor dispute (other than a lock-out) at the factory, establishment or other premises at which he is or was last employed . . .” The Board held that the instant labor dispute was a lock-out and hence not disqualifying under section 402(d).
We have upon a number of occasions dealt with the general problem presented by the instant appeal. In Hogan Unemployment Compensation Case, 169 Pa. Superior Ct. 554, 83 A. 2d 386, a collective bargaining
In Morris Unemployment Compensation Case, 169 Pa. Superior Ct. 564, 83 A. 2d 394, a collective bargaining agreement expired before the employer and claimants’ union agreed upon the terms of a new agreement. The employer was willing to furnish work upon the terms of the expired contract to provide time for further negotiation but the union, seeking a wage increase,
This Court, speaking through Judge Reno, stated at pages 567-568: “The Board’s ultimate finding is: ‘16. The unemployment of the claimants in question was due to a stoppage of work which existed because of a labor dispute between the company and the union of which these claimants were members.’ Its conclusion was: ‘In all work stoppage cases, the first question, therefore, must be whether the employes might, had they so desired, have continued working under the existing terms and conditions of employment. If they have the opportunity to do so, but instead choose to suspend work with the view to improving their working conditions, the responsibility for their unemployment rests on them and the stoppage which ensues is not a “lock-out” within the meaning of the Law.’
“The conclusion is sound: ‘Responsibility’ is used in the sense of ‘fault’ within the meaning of the policy section of the Law, sec. 3, 43 PS sec. 752, and fault is assessed against the party whose actions constitute the final cause of the stoppage. Wolf [the employer] did not withhold work; it did not bar access to its plant; work was available to the union members under the terms of the prior contract. Appellants ceased to work in order to gain a concession from Wolf or by reason of the expiration of the 1948 contract, and they and their fellow members called a strike. That was the final and effective cause of the work stoppage. As stated in the Hogan case, supra, the failure of the parties to agree, or Wolf’s refusal to meet the Union’s terms, or even Wolf’s refusal to bargain collectively, do not impose liability upon the State’s Unemployment Compensation Fund.”
In Burleson Unemployment Compensation Case, 173 Pa. Superior Ct. 527, 98 A. 2d 762, this Court
It is, of course, clear that “proof of a lock-out is not made out by evidence that the employer ... offered terms of employment which his employes allege were less advantageous than those contained in a prior contract”; because “Changes in economic conditions warrant, indeed compel, modifications of existing terms.” Hogan Unemployment Compensation Case, 169 Pa. Superior Ct. 554, 561, 83 A. 2d 386, supra. In the case at bar, however, the employes of the P. Mc-Graw Wool Company are entitled to benefits not because the company offered terms less advantageous than those contained in a prior contract, but rather because the company refused to furnish work on the basis of the pre-existing terms and conditions of employment for a reasonable time to avert a work stoppage pending settlement of the labor dispute.
The Hogan, Morris and Burleson cases establish the principle that where a claim is made for benefits and it appears that a labor dispute led to a work stoppage, it is the duty of the compensation authorities to ascertain the “final cause” of and “responsibility” or “fault” for such work stoppage. If, as in those cases, some act or omission of the employes or their union precipitated the work stoppage, the labor dispute is classed a strike and benefits are denied under section
In the case at bar, claimants’ union representatives offered their labor on the basis of the prior contract for a year, a month or fifteen days “to permit additional time for negotiations” (Sixth finding of fact). The refusal of the employer to maintain the status quo for even a short period of time precipitated the work stoppage and was the final cause thereof.
Decisions affirmed.