(after stating the facts as above). [1] We think that the collapse of the wharf created a presumption of negligence under the rule correctly stated in Hastorf v. Hudson River Stone Supply Co. (D. C.) 110 Fed. 669. That presumption does not change the burden of proof, strictly speaking, since the libelant, though it makes a case by showing the collapse, does not put upon the respondent the duty of satisfying us that it was not negligent. When the respondent once put in proof that the wharf and embankment were well made and well maintained,' it had done all that was required of it under the presumption. The libelant must convince the court of the truth of all its allegations in this as in every other case. In so far as Hastorf v. Hudson River Stone Co. means more than this, we do not agree. The better form of expression appears in the kindred case of inevitable accident. Inland & Seaboard Coasting Co. v. Tolson, 139 U. S. 551, 11 Sup. Ct. 653, 35 L. Ed. 270. It is true that sometimes the phrase “burden of proof” is spoken of in cases of inevitable accident (The Edmund Moran, 180 Fed. 700, 104 C. C. A. 552); but this is to be taken only in the sense that the respondent in such cases must by evidence exclude all the possibilities of neglect. Such cases do not profess to lay down a rule touching the duty of finally satisfying any doubts upon the crucial issues. The analogy applies, we-think, of bailments (The Genessee, 138 Fed. 549, 70 C. C. A. 673), where this distinction is generally observed (Stewart v. Stone, 127 N. Y. 500, 28 N. E. 595, 14 L. R. A. 215; Claflin v. Meyer, 75 N. Y. 260, 31 Am. Rep. 467). Therefore, as the respondent put in proof to show that the wharf and the embankment were made in accordance with proper principles of. engineering, and that the embankment went out without warning, because of circumstances which they could not control, it had discharged any duty arising from the presumption. The burden of proof remained on the libelant. Wigmore, §§ 2485, 2487.
[2] The first question is whether the wharf was made according to proper principles of engineering. No challenge is made of its construction, except the-length of the piles, the depth of the excavation in front, and- the embankment on which lay the tracks. The best evidence of the length of the piles is that of Bierd (folio 4720), who built the dock. • He was corroborated in this respect by Hunt (folio 726). The longest piles which would naturally be, and are stated to have been, those at the front of the dock, were about 75 or 80 feet long. As they ran back to the shore, they naturally decreased this length,
The next question is of the; depth of the excavation. In view of the depth to which the piles were driven, this is a relevant question only because of the libelant's other theory that so much of the lateral support had been removed from the bank that it: swept between the piles and broke them off. Mears says (folio 2214) that they attempted to maintain for normal purposes a depth of 30 feet at low tide, but it is doubtful whether they ever succeeded. Later (folio 2313) he says that (hey did not get 30 feet, but only about 28 feet, which corresponds exactly with, the calculation reached by Judge Hough from the dimensions and position of the Newport after she sank. Clark says (folio 196) (liat “they were supposed to have 30-odd” feet 12 feet off the piles, but before the Cardenas dredged vessels of 22 feet or 23 feet draught lay aground (folio 197), and he thinks that ¡he dredge never came nearer than 25 or 30 feet of the piling (folio 290). This contradicts Geenziet’s version of dredging within 4 feet of the piles and McKay and Scliuber’s estimates, both of whom Judge Hough saw and discredited. Hunt merely says that the dredging was “inside of 12 feet” (folio 792), and that they dredged to 30 feet at low water. Yet they handled vessels of a maximum draught: of 25 feet 6 inches (folio 794). Moreover, some allowance must be made for 3 months’ fill after the Cardenas left. The contours upon Sartor’s map, Exhibit A, May 11, 1915, are at mean sea level, and the deepest of these, 35 feet, runs only under the stern of the Newport. The 30-foot contour at the bow, and further forward on the stern, is equivalent only to 22 feet. The
It is certainly impossible to ascertain exactly what the depth -was. Judge Hough made an elaborate calculation from the photographs of the Newport and her known dimensions, and reached the conclusion that under the Newport’s stern there was 28 feet at low water. This is as near accuracy as is possible. There is no reason to suppose that the foundations had been weakened by undue dredging. We can make nG sure deductions from Roquebert’s soundings. Probably the original dredging lowered the bottom over 20 feet as Bierd says, but the evidence shows that it preceded the driving of the piles. What the depth was close to the piles we cannot say, but we incline to put it at not more than 25 feet, though this is necessarily hardly more than a conjecture. These calculations are relevant only to a consideration of the general stability of the embankment, and therefore lead directly to a consideration of that feature of the case. There had been no change in this since the wharf was completed, about seven years before the collapse. The old tracks, two in number, leading to the old French fill, were carried on an embankment opposite the collapse, and three new tracks, about 18 inches below, and all substantially on a level, had been added to the west. Nothing more had been done to incumber the underlying strata from that time, on.
We do not forget so much of the fill for the new Isthmus Canal Commission’s railroad across the lagoon as was in place on August 17th. This can be laid out of consideration at the start, although some-tiring was made of it. It only touched the old embankment at one spot, and that at the extreme northern edge of the slide, and there it was about 80 feet back from the line of the break. The only possible effect could have been to push down some of the underlying mud, and we dismiss it as too speculative. Frear (folio 4293) was unwilling to commit himself upon its effect, and the point was not pressed with the other witnesses. There is no evidence that the two upper or eastern tracks had ever given any signs of movement, and the same is true of the middle track — that just west of the shed. The only part of the embankment which did show any signs of giving way was under the two tracks within the. shed, and it is true that these had from time to time prior to the collapse required to be resurfaced, as they had sunk a little, so that the floor of the car did hot come up to the floor of the dock. Clark says this was only in the roadbed for berth No. 1 (folios 206, 519), and the whole fall was not over 8 inches (folio 204); and while Hunt makes it extend across the back of berths 1 and 2 (folio 457), he says
Spooner’s criticism presupposes that the original slope as shown in Exhibit T was stable, and figures upon the angle of repose as therein shown. All his conclusions are based upon supposed subsequent excavation close to the pile ends of 50 feet below the top of the embankment where the slide began; i. e., the two western tracks. This involves a recent excavation at that point to a depth of 32 feet at low water. He concedes that there is no a priori angle of repose, but that it is contingent upon the material. Now it is obvious that the libelant may not blow hot and cold with Exhibit T. If the ground lines do not represent the situation on August 17, 1912, there is no warrant for assuming that they represent anything. Spooner has proceeded upon the assumption in his diagram, Eibelant’s Exhibit C of June 3, 1915, that the stable conditions had been changed for the worse by the Cardenas. Elis whole conclusion hangs in the air for this. Thus we must assume that the embankment, which was designed by a competent engineer, had shown substantial stability for 7 years, barring the other indications of movement which we shall consider later. We conclude that both wharf and embankment were proper in design and that nothing has been proved of their being weakened by dredging.
There remains only the question whether the libelant has succeeded in proving that there were such warnings of the slide as required precautions. The libelant alleges a number of such warnings, of which the sinking of the tracks just west of the shed has been mentioned. In addition to these are the bulging of the‘string-piece, the sinking of the iloors, the jamming of the doors, the slanting of the roof posts, aud chiefly and especially those movements which resulted in the tying hack of the angle wharf and the coal wharf some years before, and of berth No. 1 about a month before the accident occurred. Bierd, Mears, and Goethals all testified that most of those symptoms of disturbance were not indications of serious insecurity. Piles will sink, as we have already said, 15 or 20 years after they have been set, and even when driven to a “refusal.” One sinking of the floor took place before 1907, for it was in Bierd’s time (folio 4750); indeed, Hunt (folio 740) says it was shortly after the pier was made in 1905. it cannot be taken as an
We therefore come to the movements to the west, the symptom which was the most important of all. That the piles were themselves straight, Hull, the diver, testified, who had been over them about a month before (folios 1468, 1471). On June 25, 1912, Tysinger went along the whole bottom of the dock (folio 3468) and found the piles perpendicular (folio 3471). The only trouble he found was that in one spot some piles had dropped 12 inches (folio 3472) caused by a drop in loading, the crane. Slayback examined under the docks from month to month (folio 1846) until the 1st of July, 1912, and he found them all upright (folios 1902, 3574). He thought there might have been a movement outward (folio 2008) of the piles, but it was accompanied by no inclination. There certainly was a movement of the whole wharf outward in June, 1912, and upon this feature the libelant properly enough relies very much, for it indicated a slipping of the whole substratum, even below the toes of the piles.
This was, moreover, not the first of such movements. The first of them occurred in Bierd’s time, before 1908 (folio 3538). It seems to have been due to putting in some fill to the east of the angle -dock at that time (folios 3539, 4899). O.ne of the caissons of the old French pier or steel dock also moved at the same time (folio 3543), and was apparently part of the same movement, perhaps caused by the same fill. The angle dock was then reinforced in the same’ way that berth No. 1 was reinforced in July, 1912. The coal dock also showed some movement (folio 751), probably some time in 1911, al
In June, 1912, those movements, which the libelant insists were premo uitory of the eventual collapse, occurred, and it is of critical importance in our judgment to ascertain just where they were. This was one of the sharply contested issues in the ease, but, before entering upon it, it is well to remember that Tysinger and Slayback put in the deadmen iu berth No. 1 with the idea of correcting the disturbance where they had observed it. It is extremely improbable that they should have put in the bracing at any other place than where the disturbance was greatest. We may suppose that they did not cover all the area of the difficulty, as Mears was not there at that lime; but it is impossible to believe that, even though they did not go as far as they should, they selected for their bracing any other place than that which showed the greatest movement. There is a strong antecedent, probability, therefore, that the testimony of Schuber, McKay, and Geenzier that the maximum bulge was opposite where the accident afterwards happened is not true. In the first place, tve throw out Schuber’s testimony, not: only because Judge ITough disbelieved him, which we are bound to accept, but because, after reading it ourselves, he does not impress us even on paper. Nor are we disposed to put reliance on McKay, for the same reasons. Tysinger got word from the timekeeper that “part of the dock was going to sea” (folio 2465) in June, 1902, and on the 25th he went over and made an examination. He found about 200 feet of the track at the north end of berth No. 1 had moved 9 inches toward the west, and that, the piling had dropped down from the cap about 12 inches. Before acting he seems carefully to have watched for subsequent movement. The disturbance affected the -wharf for a distance of about 130 feet; and increased. It appeared to him as though the whole mass of the pier was moving, for the piles themselves did not incline; it is clear that iu fact the whole mass must have been in motion. Four days later the dock had moved out to 12 inches in all (folio 3476). There was no change on July 5th (folio 3477), or on July 8th, 13th, or 14th, on each of which he observed the area; but on July 19th he found that the total movement had become 14 inches, at which point it stopped (folio 3482). There was no change or disturbance adjacent to berth No. 2 (folio 3483); all of it was in the middle of berth No. 1, extending a little to the south towards berth No. 2. This was the occasion of the bracing, like that which had proved effective at the angle and coal docks, and which was completed on the 28th of July (folio 3485). Here, also, it checked the movement.
The libelant repeatedly relies upon Tysinger’s statement (folio 3572) that the greatest movement iu the lumber dock was “in the center,” seeking to infer that he had considered that the greatest movement was at 1 he. juncture of berths 1 and 2. But this is not the fair interpretation of his testimony. What he means is that the greatest outward movement was in the center of that part of the wharf which in fact did move. In other parts of his testimony he is perfectly dear as to the location of the movement as a whole. It was about 200 feet on the north end of berth No. 1 (folios 3466, 3467), which almost exactly cor
Taking all this evidence into consideration, and especially the probability that the bracing was put in where the bulge is greatest, it seems to us likely that the only bulge thought of consequence was that opposite the braced part of the dock. It is quite likely that Clark and Hunt were right in saying that there was a bulge of 2 inches in March or April about at the division line of the two berths. S'uch a bulge, located as generally as that, was certainly not an object of alarm.- We conclude, therefore, that the bracing which was put in answered any alarming developments, and also that it was sufficient, as judged by the results of similar action in the past. This aspect of the case, therefore, comes down to this: Were the prior evidences of movement in the angle dock, the coal dock and the lumber dock sufficient to show that the structures taken together were instable, and, if so, what was the reasonable requirement under the circumstances? This, of course, is a question between experts, and on the one hand we have Goethals and Mears, who thought that the precautions were sufficient, and Frear,
But there is another consideration which seems to us of controlling consequence. In all three cases the movement, when it did develop, had been very slow, and the engineers had had ample time to correct it. If any other part of the docks showed signs of movement to the extent even of 14 or 24 inches, the engineers had no reason -to think there would have been a sudden collapse before they could remedy it. We are willing to agree that they were hound to be very watchful for movements elsewhere, but that they were bound to anticipate any such sudden collapse as took place seems to us entirely outside of the facts, and directly contradicted by the facts. Indeed, the witnesses of the respondent do not, at least expressly, go so far. Therefore we do not charge the respondent with the collapse for failure to extend the bracing further than it did, even assuming, what is in some doubt, that the bracing would have done any good, had it been put in. As to this the respondent’s witnesses are somewhat cautious. None of them would assert that, the bracing would have done more than retard the slide, while Goethals and Mears are very decidedly of the opinion that it would not.
The only remaining charge of negligence is the appearance of the cracks on the day in question, and perhaps on the 13th, according to Geenzier, and this brings up the memorandum which Geenzier says he made on August 13, 1912. Both he and Tysinger say that at that time he was at work in the lagoon — he says, repairing launches; Tysinger says he did have a talk with him that day, but that he went over into the lagoon and talked about other matters. Whatever the original form of the memorandum, it has certainty been changed at some time; and on his own statement, in December, 1914, his mind was at least open to question as to when it was made. Now in August, 1911, he was at work on the docks, and it is possible that there was a bulge of two inches. We agree with Judge Hough, however, that the whole issue was of small importance, for it would have been absurd for Tysinger to keep vessels off the berths because of any such bulge.
There remains, therefore, only the testimony of Schuber and Arps. Schuber says that he saw one crack in the morning and one in the afternoon of the 16th, the. first of which he reported to Clark and the second of which he did not, as he was too busy. The only crack which Clark remembered was across all five railroad tracks and was 3 or 4 months prior to the accident (folios 398, 408), it was not much more than an inch deep (folios 401, 402), and he did not know whether it continued to the time of the accident or not. Goethals examined for it on the
We do not think it is necessary for us to express any opinion as to the character of the slide. Bierd, who knew the geology of the bottom, for he had built the wharf, does not substantially differ from Goethals in his testimony. That the strata may have slanted upwards at the place of the slide is, of course, a reasonable possibility. The collapse, when it came, certainly did not reach below the toes of the piles, for we have it that none of these were dislodged; they were either bent or broken. In this respect the' collapse was different from the movement at berth No. 1 in June and July. We cannot say with certainty what was the depth of the mud stratum or of the
The libelant failed to prove its case, and the decree is affirmed, with costs.