Docket Entries |
Date | Type | Description | Pending? | Document |
02/16/2017 | Filing Fee | Filing Fee Paid. $250.00 from McDonald Carano Wilson. Check no. 26129. | | |
02/16/2017 | Notice of Appeal Documents | Filed Notice of Appeal. Appeal docketed in the Supreme Court this day. (Docketing statement mailed to counsel for appellant.) | | 17-05513
02/16/2017 | Notice/Outgoing | Issued Notice of Referral to Settlement Program. This appeal may be assigned to the settlement program. Timelines for requesting transcripts and filing briefs are stayed. | | 17-05533
02/21/2017 | Settlement Notice | Issued Notice: Assignment to Settlement Program. Issued Assignment Notice to NRAP 16 Settlement Program. Settlement Judge: James Kohl. | | 17-05938
03/08/2017 | Docketing Statement | Filed Docketing Statement Civil Appeals. | | 17-07904
03/08/2017 | Notice/Outgoing | Issued Notice to Provide Proof of Service on Settlement Judge (Docketing Statement). | | 17-07907
03/09/2017 | Docketing Statement | Filed Pardee Homes of Nevada's Docketing Statement (Service on Settlement Judge Included). | | 17-07941
03/22/2017 | Settlement Program Report | Filed ECAR/Appropriate for Settlement Program. This case is appropriate for mediation and a settlement conference is scheduled for April 17, 2017 at 9:30 am. | | 17-09623
10/24/2017 | Settlement Program Report | Filed Final Report/No Settlement. The parties were unable to agree to a settlement of this matter. | | 17-36523
10/30/2017 | Settlement Order/Procedural | Filed Order: No Settlement/Briefing Reinstated. The parties were unable to agree to a settlement. Appellant(s): 15 days transcript request; 90 days opening brief and appendix. | | 17-37138
11/13/2017 | Notice of Appeal Documents | Filed Notice of Appeal/Amended/Supplemental. | | 17-38871
11/15/2017 | Transcript Request | Filed Request for Transcript of Proceedings. Transcripts requested: 10/25/11, 08/27/12, 12/06/12, 04/26/13, 07/09/13, 07/23/13, 09/23/13, 10/23/13, 10/24/13, 10/28/13, 10/29/13, 10/30/13, 12/09/13, 12/10/13, 12/12/13, 12/13/13, 07/17/14, 07/31/14, 07/10/15, 01/15/16.To Court Reporter: None listed. | | 17-39253
12/01/2017 | Transcript Request | Filed Amended Request for Transcript of Proceedings. Transcripts requested: 10/25/11, 08/27/12, 12/06/12, 04/26/13, 07/09/13, 07/23/13, 09/23/13, 10/23/13, 10/24/13, 10/28/13, 10/29/13, 10/30/13, 12/09/13, 12/10/13, 12/12/13, 12/13/13, 07/17/14, 07/31/14, 07/10/15, 01/15/16 To Court Reporter: Angela Campagna. | | 17-41512
01/22/2018 | Motion | Filed Stipulation to Extend Time to File Opening Brief (First Request). | | 18-02946
01/22/2018 | Notice/Outgoing | Issued Notice - Stipulation Approved. Opening Brief and Appendix due: February 28, 2018. | | 18-02978
01/31/2018 | Transcript | Filed Notice from Court Reporter. Loree Murray stating that the requested transcripts were delivered. Dates of transcripts: 9/23/13, 10/24/13, 10/30/13, 12/13/13, 7/31/14 and 1/15/16. | | 18-04242
01/31/2018 | Transcript | Filed Notice from Court Reporter. Angela Campagna stating that the requested transcripts were delivered. Dates of transcripts: 12/10/13. | | 18-04243
02/16/2018 | Transcript | Filed Notice from Court Reporter. Jennifer Church stating that the requested transcripts were delivered. Dates of transcripts: 10/28/13; 12/12/13. | | 18-06560
02/16/2018 | Transcript | Filed Notice from Court Reporter. Loree Murray stating that the requested transcripts were delivered. Dates of transcripts: 10/29/13; 12/9/13. | | 18-06570
02/16/2018 | Transcript | Filed Notice from Court Reporter. Jennifer Church stating that the requested transcripts were delivered. Dates of transcripts: 12/6/12, 4/26/13, 7/9/13, 7/23/13, 10/23/13, 12/13/13, 7/10/15. | | 18-06573
02/28/2018 | Brief | Filed Appellant's Opening Brief. | | 18-07879
02/28/2018 | Motion | Filed Appellant's Motion to File Portions of Joint Appendix Under Seal. | | 18-07883
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 1 of 88. | | 18-07889
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 2 of 88. | | 18-07890
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 3 of 88. | | 18-07893
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 4 of 88. | | 18-07894
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 5 of 88. | | 18-07897
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 6 of 88. | | 18-07901
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 7 of 88. | | 18-07904
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 8 of 88. | | 18-07908
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 9 of 88. | | 18-07909
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 10 of 88. | | 18-07910
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 11 of 88. | | 18-07912
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 12 of 88. | | 18-07913
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 13 of 88. | | 18-07914
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 14 of 88. | | 18-07915
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 15 of 88. | | 18-07917
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 16 of 88. | | 18-07922
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 17 of 88. | | 18-07924
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 18 of 88. | | 18-07925
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 19 of 88. | | 18-07926
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 20 of 88. | | 18-07929
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 21 of 88. | | 18-07930
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 22 of 88. | | 18-07931
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 23 of 88. | | 18-07932
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 24 of 88. | | 18-07933
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 25 of 88. | | 18-07936
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 26 of 88. | | 18-07939
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 27 of 88. | | 18-07940
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 28 of 88. | | 18-07941
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 29 of 88. | | 18-07943
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 30 of 88. | | 18-07944
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 31 of 88. | | 18-07946
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 32 of 88. | | 18-07948
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 33 of 88. | | 18-07949
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 34 of 88. | | 18-07950
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 35 of 88. | | 18-07951
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 36 of 88. | | 18-07957
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 37 of 88. | | 18-07959
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 38 of 88. | | 18-07960
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 39 of 88. | | 18-07961
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 40 of 88. | | 18-07962
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 41 of 88. | | 18-07971
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 42 of 88. | | 18-07972
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 43 of 88. | | 18-07974
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 44 of 88. | | 18-07975
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 45 of 88. | | 18-07976
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 46 of 88. | | 18-07980
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 47 of 88. | | 18-07981
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 48 of 88. | | 18-07984
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 49 of 88 | | 18-07986
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 50 of 88. | | 18-07988
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 51 of 88. | | 18-07989
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 52 of 88. | | 18-07992
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 53 of 88. | | 18-07994
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 54 of 88. | | 18-07995
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 55 of 88. | | 18-07996
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 56 of 88. | | 18-08000
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 57 of 88. | | 18-08001
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 58 of 88. | | 18-08003
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 59 of 88. | | 18-08004
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 60 of 88. | | 18-08005
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 61 of 88. | | 18-08007
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 62 of 88. | | 18-08008
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 63 of 88. | | 18-08009
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 64 of 88. | | 18-08010
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 65 of 88. | | 18-08011
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 66 of 88. | | 18-08023
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 67 of 88. | | 18-08024
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 68 of 88. | | 18-08025
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 69 of 88. | | 18-08026
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 70 of 88. | | 18-08027
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 71 of 88. | | 18-08028
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 72 of 88. | | 18-08031
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 73 of 88. | | 18-08032
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 74 of 88. | | 18-08033
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 75 of 88. | | 18-08035
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 76 of 88. | | 18-08037
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 77 of 88. | | 18-08038
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 78 of 88. | | 18-08040
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 79 of 88. | | 18-08041
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 80 of 88. | | 18-08043
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 81 of 88. | | 18-08045
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 82 of 88. | | 18-08046
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 83 of 88. | | 18-08048
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 84 of 88. | | 18-08050
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 85 of 88. | | 18-08052
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 86 of 88. | | 18-08053
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 87 of 88. | | 18-08054
02/28/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Volume 88 of 88. | | 18-08056
03/08/2018 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order Granting Motion. The clerk of this court shall file the portions of the joint appendix received on March 1, 2018, under seal. | | 18-09162
03/08/2018 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix - Portions of Volumes 2, 4, 5, 6, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 32, 33, 35, 40, 41, 44, 45, 48, 54 & 55 (SEALED). | | |
03/27/2018 | Motion | Filed Respondents' Motion for Extension of Time to File Answering Brief. | | 18-11712
03/27/2018 | Notice/Outgoing | Issued Notice Motion/Stipulation Approved. Respondents' Answering Brief due: April 30, 2018. | | 18-11714
05/01/2018 | Brief | Filed Respondents' Answering Brief. | | 18-16445
05/04/2018 | Notice/Incoming | Filed Errata to Respondents' Answering Brief. | | 18-17131
05/31/2018 | Motion | Filed Appellant Pardee Homes of Nevada's Motion for Permission to File Reply Brief Exceeding Page and Type-Volume Limits. | | 18-20797
06/06/2018 | Motion | Filed Respondents' Response to Appellant Pardee Homes of Nevada, Inc's Motion for Permission to File Reply Brief Exceeding Page and Type-Volume Limits. | | 18-21404
06/13/2018 | Motion | Filed Appellant Pardee Homes of Nevada's Reply in Support of Motion for Permission to File Reply Brief Exceeding Page and Type-Volume Limits. | | 18-22596
06/20/2018 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order Granting Motion. The clerk of this court shall file the reply brief received on May 31, 2018. | | 18-23645
06/20/2018 | Brief | Filed Appellant's Reply Brief. | | 18-23647
06/20/2018 | Case Status Update | Briefing Completed/To Screening. | | |
07/06/2018 | Motion | Filed Respondents' Motion for Sanctions. | | 18-25675
07/06/2018 | Exhibit | Filed Exhibits to Respondents' Motion for Sanctions. | | 18-25676
07/10/2018 | Notice/Incoming | Filed Respondents' Errata to Respondents' Motion for Sanctions. | | 18-26231
07/17/2018 | Motion | Filed Appellant Pardee Homes of Nevada, Inc.'s Response to Respondents' Motion for Sanctions. | | 18-27315
07/25/2018 | Motion | Filed Respondents' Motion For Permission To File A Reply Exceeding Page Limit. | | 18-28397
08/09/2018 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order Denying Motion. Respondents have filed a motion for sanctions. The court declines to impose sanctions at this time. This denial is without prejudice, however, to respondents refiling such a motion after resolution of this appeal. fn1 [Cause appearing, respondents' motion for leave to file a reply in excess of the page limitation is granted. The clerk of this court shall file the reply received on July 25, 2018.] | | 18-30557
08/09/2018 | Motion | Filed Respondents' Reply in Support of Their Motion for Sanctions. | | 18-30558
12/03/2018 | Order/Clerk's | Filed Clerk's Order Re: Scheduling of Oral Argument. This matter will be scheduled for oral argument. (SC) | | 18-906729
12/04/2018 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order Re: Scheduling Oral Argument. The 2019 Sothern Nevada will hold oral argument in this matter on January 23, 2019, at 10:30 a.m., in Las Vegas. The argument shall be limited to 30 minutes. (SC). | | 18-907031
01/09/2019 | Notice/Outgoing | Issued Oral Argument Reminder Notice. (SC) | | 19-01371
01/11/2019 | Notice/Incoming | Filed Notice of Appearance of Counsel. James J. Jimmerson, Esq. and James M. Jimmerson, Esq., of The Jimmerson Law Firm, P.C., hereby provide notice that James M. Jimmerson, Esq. and James J. Jimmerson, Esq. will appear on behalf of Respondents during the oral argument currently set for January 23, 2019 at 10:30 a.m. James M. Jimmerson, Esq. will be participating in oral argument on behalf of Respondents. (SC) | | 19-01687
01/14/2019 | Brief | Filed Respondents' Notice of Supplemental Authorities. (SC) | | 19-01900
01/15/2019 | Brief | Filed Respondents' Second Notice of Supplemental Authorities. (SC) | | 19-02310
01/18/2019 | Brief | Filed Appellant's Notice of Supplemental Authorities. (SC) | | 19-03033
01/22/2019 | Brief | Filed Respondents' Response to Appellant's Notice of Supplemental Authorities. (SC) | | 19-03127
01/23/2019 | Case Status Update | Oral argument held this day. Case submitted for decision. Before the Southern Nevada Panel. SNP19-JH/LS/AS. | | |
01/24/2019 | Brief | Filed Appellant's Notice of Supplemental Authorities and Clarification of Record at Oral Argument. (SC) | | 19-03846
01/28/2019 | Brief | Filed Respondents' Response to Appellant's Clarification of the Record and Notice of Supplemental Authorities. (SC) | | 19-04322
07/03/2019 | Opinion/Dispositional | Filed Authored Opinion. "Affirmed in Part, Reversed in Part, and Remanded." Before: Hardesty/Stiglich/Silver. Author: Stiglich, J. Majority: Stiglich/Hardesty/Silver. 135 Nev. Adv. Opn. No. 22. SNP19-JH/LS/AS (SC) | | 19-28438
07/18/2019 | Post-Judgment Petition | Filed Appellant's Petition for Rehearing. (SC) | | 19-30442
07/18/2019 | Filing Fee | Filing fee paid. E-Payment $150.00 from Pat Lundvall. (SC) | | |
09/27/2019 | Post-Judgment Order | Filed Order Denying Rehearing. "Rehearing Denied." NRAP 40(c). (SC) | | 19-40249
10/23/2019 | Remittitur | Issued Remittitur. (SC). | | 19-43794
10/23/2019 | Case Status Update | Remittitur Issued/Case Closed. (SC). | | |
11/08/2019 | Remittitur | Filed Remittitur. Received by District Court Clerk on October 29, 2019. (SC) | | 19-43794