1% 1^5-0^ IN THE TEXAS COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS WRIT NO. WR-78,165-02 6/18/15 Abel Acosta Clerk ofThe Cn, ,RT nlSK0 m Texas Court ofCriminal Appeals C°URT °F CR,MINAL APPEALS 201 W. 14th Street ,,,,, .. Austin, Texas 78701 JM 18 ^015 Nema Bardin 45@f ^gOSfa, Cterk P O Box 772 ' wrK Austin, Texas 78767 512-487-0197 bardinnema(a),vahoo.com RE: WR-78,16>5-02 Chadrick B. Pate Supplements to the Record missing on The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals Website under Case Mail. (Contact with the Court on Emergency Proceedings) Deac Mc. A-oista., This letter is a communication to you and to The Justices pursuant to TRAP 9.6 and is filed along with the second filing of copies of supplements to the Writ filed originally on 6/9/15 and 6/11/15 that may or may not be lost in the Clerk's file. 1 am the Petitioner in the above referenced Writ. I have requested from the date of the first filing of the Original Writ on 5/19/15 and throughout these filings that the Writ be considered on an Emergency Basis. I provided good cause for the request in that the underlying Judgment A-08-5080-4CR in this Cause is Void and my son has been illegally imprisoned under this Void Judgment for more than 7 years now. I request again, in the interest of Justice and the: Miscarriage of Justice already done that the Proceedings be managed as an Emergency and.in.a,eYJjsdient manner. I notified you first on 6/17/2015 via email and then by phone that same day, that the supplements filed or iftn? catcsc catrcfcr tftc dates \ ?em wja-cJwctotei iTi*&» tew, ?a*& ¥aw% V/asl to frgore Wre&t; +<&ffigs -wcA. as I go I have corrected the things that I learned that I had incorrectly filed and refiled them accordingly, anid have done my best. There have been 4 defense attorneys in this matter that could not "get it right'' f am doing the filings myseft" because "Tcare" and* while emotional'to the cause, f am also aware of the INJUSTICE done to my son. I have provided documents from the trial court records that prove that the Judgment is Voidand that my son is illegally imprisoned. It is my opinion that based on these trial court records that The State and allparties to this Cause have waived their right to offer any response, and that this Court has the inherent poweir to Rule and provide Relief to my son based on the trial court documents provided, The Statement of Facts, and My Sworn Statements. I know that I have made mistakes in the filings but that is because I am not a lawyer . Lawyers study for years, and still do not apply the procedures or laws properly. I witnessed this in my son's trial and watched 4 different lawyers and 3 prosecutors fail to follow procedure. This Court has; opined that" Constitutional Rights are Superior to procedural rules and procedural rules must yield to tJhe, Superior rights, ntavided by me,Canstibjtiaa,. Alsa in TRAP vjle, 8.3 (K A judgment shall not be affirmed or reversed or an appeal dismissed for defects or irregularities in appellate procedure either of Form or Substance. Please provide whatever and all releif requested in the filings that I have submitted starting on 5/19/15 through this daite as expediously as is possible for this Honorable Court. /15 COPIES OF SUPPLEMENTS TO THE RECORD THAT INCLUDE EMERGENCY MOTION FOR LEAVE TO FILE SUP PLEMENT TO ORIGINAL AND AMENDED WRIT ADDING PARTIES AND 6/11/15 COPIES OF SUPPLEMTNS TO THE RECORD THAT INCLUDE COMPLETED AND SIGNED CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE ORGINALLY FILED 6/2/15 BUT NOT SIGNED FOR THE AMENDED EMERGENCY WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS REFILED EXHIBITS # 15 AND #20 TO ORIGINAL AND AMENDED WRITS COMPLET ED SIGNED AND NOTARIZED OATH ORIGINALLY FILED 6/2/15 BUT NOT SIGNED OR NOTARIZED FOR THE AMENDED EMERGECNY WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS whirs —7 fJC h^^L t^Vtff erffkfl* +ft*+ IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS WRIT NO. WR-78,165-02 CHADRICK B. PATE Oaa& t fIfe'lsamS kistiiiiiii, 201 West 14* Street Nema Bardin PQ£ox772 AanssBikii, Tesas 1 W (^kemsssm iRer. ^ggqpifaTWifTr<«t ."il^vtAf^tr^ggmtal-iamd^imiHMtntad j \mWR-7^rlS5-02 <6M; fSirt^ tfciiiimr^iMTidfemHntoai afiswc. It mm a feihara^fe^rasii^iit tfta I Afl East sow fe praties. flp-^-^B>«5 / IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS WRIT NO. WR-78,165-02 PETITIONER PROSE NEMABARDIN P.O. BOX 772 xosma;Ti!niiAV7sw? 512-487-01SJ7 bardiimem:a(.a)yahoo.com EX PARTE: FROM CAUSE NO. A-08-5080-4CR CHADRICK: B PATE TDCJ #01563340 THE DISTRICT COURT 36TH JUDICAL APPLICANT REALTOR DISTRICT ARANSAS COUNTY, TEXAS VS. 3ANNA*. WRATELV TRIAL JUDGE STATE OF TEXAS DIRECTOR OF TEXAS DEPT. CRIMINAIL JUSTICE SIPPLE^M^WT TOORIGINAL sadA9IENDE&E»lESGENC¥ HABEAS CORPUS PROCEEDINGS IN WS-7& -1&4Q CBARRICKR PATE COVER SHEET IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS WRIT NO. WR-78,165-02 PETITIONER PRO SE NEMA BA1R DIN P.O. BOX 77 2 AUSTIN, TEXAS 78767 512-487-0197 bardinnemia@yahoo.com EX PART1E FROM CAUSE NO. A-08-5080-4CR CHADRIC K B PATE TDCJ #01563340 THE DISTRICT COURT 36TH JUDICAL APPLICANT REALTOR DISTRICT ARANSAS COUNTY, TEXAS vs.. JANNAK. YVHATELY TRIAL JUDGE STATE OIF TEXAS DHtECTCJR. OFTEXASTJEFT. CRIMINAL JUSTICE WR-78.-165-02 CHADRICK B. PATE TO THE HONORABLE JUDGE OF SAID COURT: Now Comes, P'et itioner Nema Bardin pro se on behalf ofApplicant Chadrick B. Pate and respectfully submits this supplementto itft e Qhginaf antf Amendea'EmergencyM6eas Corpus tfiThgs in WR- T6, ift^.t/afi*is> •iWcra'Trw to add the partiies; in order that she does not abuse any procedures that would require the dismissal of the Writ for her failures. The A pplicant deserves relief as he has been incarcerated for more than 7 years pursuant to an illegal Court, and for "th e Officer's of the Court Tampering with the Government/Court Record, in Cause A-08-5080-4CR Chadrick B. Parte:, from the 36th Judaical District Court, Aransas County Texas. Respectfully Submitted, Nema Bardin Petitioner pro se of IN' THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS § WRIT NO. WR-78,165-02 CHADRICK B. PATE Clerk of The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals Austin, Texas 201 West 14th Street Austin, Texas 78701 Nema Bardin PO Box 772 Austin, Texas; 78767 512-487-0197 bardinnemafg).'.vahoo. com Re: Supplement To Original and Amended Emergency Habeas Corpus Proceedings inWR-78,-165-02 Chadrick B. F'aite Dear Mr. Acosta, Please find eniclosed " Supplement To Original andAmended Emergency Habeas Corpus Proceedings that adds partiesto the Writ and provides a Certificate of Service to all parties added to the previously filled documents referenced above. It was a failure/oversight that I did not serve the parties, as I was,•unsure of the otoner procedure calling,for service to these parties. Please file this Supplement under WR-78,165-02 immediately. All parties listed in the Supplement have now been served(See enclosed Certiificate of Service). Th rP OBox 77^ Austin, Texas 78767 bardinnema@vahoo.com v IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS WRIT NO. WR-78,165-02 PETITIONER PRO SE NEMA BAJR DIN P.O. BOX 772 ATmTNfOr&A"57S767 512-487-0197 bardinnema@yahoo.com EX PARTSE FROM CAUSE NO. A-08-5080-4CR CHADRICK B PATE TDCJ #01563340 THE DISTRICT COURT 36TH JUDICAL APPLlCAWf TIEALTOR TOSTR1CT ARANSAS COUNT*,TEXAS VS.. JANMLK. WHATELVTRIAL JU&GE STATE OF TEXAS OfRECmm OF TEXAS OEPT. CnSMffiULL, SUS.TKX. SUPPLEMIENT TO ORIGINAL and AMENDED EMERGENCY HABEAS CORPUS PROCEEDINGS IN WR-ML-MOM- C&*DR1CX M PATE TABLE OF CONTENTS LETTER TO CLERK COVER SHEET SUPPLEMENT TO ORIGINAL and AMENDED EMERGENCY HABEAS CORPUS PROCEEDINGS IN WR-78.-165-02 CHADRICK B. PATE LETTER TO CLERK REQUESTING ( ADD CERTIIFCATE OF SERVICE DOCUMENT TO ORIGINAL HABEAS FILED JUNE 02.2015 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE ON SUPPLEMENT TO ORIGINAL AND AMENDED EMERGENCY HABEAS CORPUS v$* N THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS WRIT NO. WR-78,165-02 CHADRICK B. PATE Clerk of The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals Austin, Texas 201 West 14th Street Austin, Texas 78701 Nema Bardin P O Box 772: Austin, Texas 78767 bardinnema(£j),yahoo.com Re:WR-78,l 65-02 CHADRICK B. PATE Certificate of Service serving allparties added to Writ Proceedings 'WR-78,165-02. Dear Mr... Accusta, Please file the enclosed Certificate of Service with the Writ WR-78,165-02 filed on June 02,2015 . \-q-zoiS l. IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS WRIT NO. WR-78,165-02 PETITIONER PRO SE NEMA BAR DIN P.O. BOX772 bardinnemia@yahoo.com EX PARTE FROM CAUSE NO. A-08-5080-4CR CHADRIC K; B PATE TDCJ #01563340 THE DISTRICT COURT 36TH JUDICAL APPLICANT REALTOR DISTRICT ARANSAS COUNTY, TEXAS VS. JANNA K.. VVHATELY TRIAL JUDGE STATE OF TTEXAS 0iR£X7WfBL GTTWXAS(y£¥T. CRIMINAL, JUSTICE CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I do hereby ceirtilfy thata true copy of the following instruments Writ of Habeas Corpus WR-78,165-02, and 4mena&a-'£merg;ency $"ftt offiao'easCorpus were sentregular maii'to trie r6ilowing parties rrtat'riave rieen aaaea'tO :hese Original )H;abeas Corpus Proceedings. The copies were mailed onth'is 9,h day ofJune with proper postage affixed to same. Aransas County DistrictCterk's Office Pam Heard 301 NorjtrLive Oak RockpoXTexas 78382 Office of the Aransas County District Attorney 301 North Live Oak Street Rockport, Texas 78382 Jana K. Whately Trial Judge P O Box 700 Sinton, Texas 78797 Texas Department of Criminal Justice TDJC Executive Director Brad Livingston 209 West 14* Street 5th FloorPriceDaniel Bldg. Austin, Texas 78701 512-463-0988 ? IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS WRIT NO. WR-78,165-02 PETITIO NER PRO SE P.O. BOX 772 AUSTIN, TEXAS 78767 bardinneima@yahoo.com EX PARTE FROM CAUSE NO. A-08-5080-4CR CHADRIC K B PATE TDCJ #01563340 THE DISTRICT COURT 36TH JUDICAL APPLICANT REALTOR DISTRICT ARANSAS COUNTY, TEXAS VS.. 5ANN AK. WHATELY TMAL JVJBGE STATE OF TEXAS DIRECTOR OF TEXAS DEPT. CRTMTNAJL JTTSTTCE CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE SUPPLEMENT TO ORIGINAL and AMENDED EMERGENCY HABEAS CORPUS PROCEEDINGS .IN WR-78,165-02 CHADRICK B. PATE I do hereby certify that a true copy of the above and foregoing "Supplement To Original Habeas Corpus Proceedings'1' were mailed rejular mail with thej>roj3erj>osta.ge affixed onthis 9th day of June 2015 to the following parties, Aransas County District Clerk's Office Pam Heard 301 North Live Oak Rockport, Texas 78382 State of Texas Office of the Aransas County District Attorney 301 North Live Oak Street Rockport, Texas 78382 Jana K. Whately Trial Judge P 0 Box 700 Sinton, Texas 78797 1.. r' CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE CONTINUED Texas Department of Criminal Justice TDJC Executive Director Brad Livingston 209 West 14th Street 5th Floor Price Daniel Bldg. Austin, Texas 78701 512-463-9988 I do hereby certify that a true and original of the above and foregoing "Supplement To Original and Amended Emergency Habeas Corpus Proceedings" was personally hand deliveredby me to the Clerk of The Texas*. Court of Criminal Appeals at 201 West 14th Street Austin. Texas 78701,. on the 9th day of June, 2015 Nema Bardin Petitioner 2. / o^fff CO IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS WRIT NO. WR-78,165-02 CHADRICK B. PATE Clerk of Tin e Texas Court of CriminalAppeals Austin, Texas 201 West -14"' Street Austin,.Texas 78701 Nema Bar-dim POBoxTVD Austin, lex as 78767 512-487-0197 VdTAiTmenriatlQ^tJiiotj.-ctfffi Re: "Emsmnetac/j' Motion farLeave J&» Fite" J» /KmfousJy Skid OqpiiaaJ .andAmended Exoea&sacy Habeas Coqpu >Writ No. WR-78\fo'5-t72 'i>iuOvr>r..^c-fsts,ta», Please find enclosed the "Emergency Motion for Leave to File" in previously filed Writs pursuant tc NimpBaird in fetraoner P OBm 772, Austin. Te:x;af> 78767 512-487-0H97 <* \*jt3 IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS WRIT NO. WR-78,165-02 PETITIONER PROSE P.O. BOX 772 AUSTIN, TEXAS 78767 bardinneiisa@yahoo.com EX PART1E FROM CAUSE NO. A-08-5080-4CR CHADRICK B PATE TDCJ #01563340 THE DISTRICT COURT 36TH JUDICAL APPLICANT JiEALTQR DISTRICT ARANSAS COUNTY, TEXAS VS.. STATE 0«F TEXAS DIRECTOR OF TEXAS DEPT. CRTMTM AL JUSTICE TABLE OF CONTENTS EMERGENCY MOTION FOR LEAVE TO FILE IN PREVIOIUSLY FILED ORIGINAL WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS WR-78,165-02 AND EMERGENCY APPLICATION FOR ORIGINAL WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS AND BAIL SEEKING RELIEF FROM A VOID FINAL JUDGMENT AND CONVICTION IN CAUSE NO. A-08-5080-4CR. TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 pages LETTER TO CLERK OF THE COURT 1 page COVER SHEET 1 page EMERGENCY MOTION FOR LEAVE TO FILE 4 pages JURISDICTION PAGE 2?3 PROCEDURAL HISTORY PAGE 2 REASON TO FILE AS EMERGENCY PAGE 3 ADEQUATE REMEDY PAGE 3 1. * TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTINUED PAGE 2 CONCLUSTION PAGE 4 PRAYER PAGE 4 PROPROSED ORDER 1 page CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE 2 pages PETITIONER'S OATH 1 page vf> IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS WRIT NO. WR-78,165-02 CHADRICK B. PATE Clerk of The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals Austin, Texas 20J WestJ 4'1" Street Austin, Texas 78701 Nemo- Bfl-rd-^K- P O Box 772 Austin, Texas 78767 bardirutema(fl:),vahoo.com Re: "Emergemciy Motion for Leave to File" in previously fifed" Original andTimendecfEmergency Habeas Corpu s Writ No. WR-78,165-02 Dea£ Mjc. Am-^ta., Pleasefind enclosed the "Emergency Motionfor Leaveto File" in previously filed Writs pursuant tc WR- ?$?65:-02. Please SAr this Mothtt rrgn?away•as it is time sensitive. ' (A Nymj^arcfm ^tiponer P&Bok ??'2f Austin, Texq& 78767 512-487-0197 \?ard*irmemat@,ya.. JANNA vL WHATELY TRIAL JUDGE STATE OF TEXAS DIRECTOR OF TEXAS DEPT. CRIMINAL JUSTICE CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE EMERGENCY MOTION FOR LEAVE TO FDLE IN PREVIOll JSLY FILED ORIGINAL WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS WR-78,165-02 AND 08-5080-4CR.. Ido hereby certify that atrue copy ofthe above and foregoing "Emergency Motion for Leave to File" was mailed regular mail with the proper postage affixed on the 9,rt day ofJune, 2015 to the fofibwing parties, and a true original "Emergency Motion for Leave to File" was personally delivered by PetitiAnex toClerkofThe Texas Court ofCriminal Appeals at 201 West 14th Street,Austin., Texas 78701. PARTIES Pam Heard 301 North Live Oak Rockport, Texas 78382 Office of the Aransas County District Attorney 301 North Live Oak Street Rockport, Texas 78382 1. Jana K. Whately Trial Judge P O Box 700 Sinton, Texas 78797 Texas Department of Criminal Justice TDJC Executive Director Brad Livingston 209 West 14,h Street 5* Floor Price Daniel Bldg. Austin, Texas 78701 512-463-9988 "< IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS WRIT NO. WR-78,165-02 PETITIONER PRO SE NEMA BARDIN P.O. BOX 772 AUSTIN, TEXAS 78767 512-487-M-9? bardinraemia@yahoo.com EX PART1E FROM CAUSE NO. A-08-5080-4CR CHADKICKBPATE TDCJ #01563340 THE DISTRICT COURT 36THJUDICAL APPLICANT REALTOR DISTRICT ARANSAS COUNTY, TEXAS VS.. JANNA K. WHATELY TRIAL JUDGE STATE OIF TEXAS DIRECTOR OF TEXAS DEPT. CRIMINAL JUSTICE PETITIONER'S OATH EMERGroCY MOTION TOR LEAVE TO FILE IN PREVIO USLY FILED ORIGINAL WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS WR-78,165-02 AND EMERGENCE APPLICATION FOR ORIGINAL WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS AND BAIL foE8^SIEFFR°M AVOIDFINALJUDGMENT AND CONVICTION IN CAUSE NO. STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TRAVIS INema Bardiin being duly sworn, under oath says"/am the petitioner in this matter and Iknow the set:£££S2rcy Motion For L7Tojr•^d •»****my *•**e ** s/i na BaVdin Petitioner Petitit Suh-scrihedarjvJ. Sworn, Tci Beface ma aalune 9th, 20IS, NOTARY PUBLIC N. A. CADENA \io:a;y PjbiiC. S'ce o! lexcs !viv Comr=-;ission Expnes lU/v-y-/ October 20, 2016 /• \ • X' IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL .APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS WRIT NO. WR-78,165-02 EX PARTE FROM THE DISTRICT COURT CHADRICK B. PATE TDCJNO. 01563340 36TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT APPLICANT ARANSAS COUNTY, TEXAS CAUSE NO. A-08-5080-4CR NEMABAlftIMN TTETrn«ONE» V. JUDGE .JANNA K. WHATELY EMERGENCY MOTION FOR RELEIF BEQUEST FOR IMMEDIATE BAIL DECISION AND IMMEDIATE RELEIF PURSU ANT TO THE UNDERLYING ORIGINAL EMERGENCY WRIT FOR HABEAS CORPUS WR-78.165-02 COVER SHEET RECEIVED IN COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS JUN 02 2015 Abel Acosta,Clerk -^ IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS WRIT NO. WR-78,165-02 WMM&THE, DISTRICT COURT CHADRHCK B. PATE TDCJ NO. 01563340 36TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT APPLICANT ARANSAS COUNTY, TEXAS CAUSENO. A-M^tm-4CR NEMABIA1RMN PETJTJfOJNEJJ V,. JUDGE JAJtNAK. WHATELY EMERGENCY MOTION FOR RELEIF REQUEST FOR IMMEDIATE BAIL DECISION AND IMMEDIATE RELEIF re«^«i>y p^FH^«^i>E^iKfjmr<»e^^k£ emergency mtrrfor habeas CORPUS TO THE H ONORABLE JUDGE OF SAH) COURT: NOW COMES, Petitioner Nema Bardin on behalfofApplicant Chadrick B. Pateand jBs^esslfidb submits this Emergency Motion for Relief pursuant to and on the Original Writ ofHabeas Corpus filed in thus Court on May,19*, 2015 .AND Amended Emergency Original Writ ofHabeas Corpus filed on this daafe Jume 02,2015 seeking relief from Cause No. A-08-5080-4CR a VoidJnd^mfinfr Sentence .arid Conviction ordered in the 36th Judicial District Trial Court Aransas, County Texas, and certified by Trial Judge Janna K. Whately. Because the Trial Court Judgment inCause No. A-08-5080- 4CR isVoid for lack ofJurisdiction, Fraud onthe Court, and Tamneruig with a Trial Court GoYenoroeiaJ Record th«en this Motion also pertains to relieffrom Cause No. WR-78.-165-01 The Intial Writ of Habeas Ooirpusfiled intothis Court on or about 6/21/2011 and was denied on 3/6/2013 withoul 1 Azr written ordter byJudge Cochran, and from Cause No. 13-09-00112CR affirmed 10/27/2010 from the Thirteenth lOistrict Court ofAppeals. Thesft two :y*l@Bfinte.aift vaidhecansfc thay eackftow from. the. literalandYoidTtial CoittUudgssfini inA-08-50>80-4CR. Chadrick B. Pate. JURISDICTION Because; this Motion flows from the filing of Petitioner's Original Writ ofHabeas Corpus it has uuisdictuan&irthe same reasons ithas Jurisdiction over the Original Writ filed on the 19* day ofMay 2015 andAmended Writ filed onthis date June 02,2015 pursuant to Article VSection 5ofthe Texas OawtittttiLotiand Amendments U5,6 and 14 ofthe U. S. Constitution . See ExparteThompson 273 S. W. 3W 17T, 181 (Tex. Crim. App.ZOW) snowing tnfe court to nave generafjurisdiction over Original Habeas CorpusSee Tex Const. Article V STATEMENT OF THE CASE Petitioner INenna Bardin filed an Original Writ ofHabeas Corpus in this Court on May 19*. 2015, and then filed an amended Writ onJune 02,2015 by hand delivering itand speaking personally with Mr. Ake&Aetata Clerk&r the Texas Criminal Court of Appeals. Petitioner asked to speak with Mr. Acosta in order to explain that the Writ being filed was not a 11.07 Writ and therefore not a Second or Successive Petition under 11.07. Petitioner explained the nature ofthe Writ and why it was being filed .ast-an Original Writ under this Courts inherentpower and jurisdiction to provide the reliefrequested. Mr. Acostia took the Document after reviewing some of the paperwork with Petitioner andstated thathe would file; lit. OnMay 22nd, 2015 after checking her mail box, Petitioner found that there was no jontificatwuD £cedures (although as a layman they are incredibly confusing to her) she does most want the Writ to be denied for failure to follow the rules or procedures. Applicant lost his liberty because thetrial court purposely failed to follow the rules andthe procedures required of them. Petitioner does not question that Mr. Acosta is not following the rules. She is sure that he is, but because she; has no idea which rules that are being followed then she has determined it best to file this "Motion ifoir Emergency Relief', with the hope that the Original Writ of Habeas Corpus will not be denied fo;r her failure in misunderstanding the Trap Rules and Procedures/Protocols mat the Clerk's Office us:es to see that these kinds of Writs are filed and journaled properly and expeditiously. The Petitionier has filed her Original Writfor Habeas Corpus into the properCourt See Thompson 273 S W 3d 177 x 181 (Tex. Crim. Add. 2008). If what Mir. Acosta says is true, that the Court has no time limit for a decisionon the Writ,and it could beyears before a decision, men Petitionerand Applicantdo not have an adequate remedy for relief. 3 See In re 3Mc Cann 422 S W 3d 201 (Tex. 2013) showing:that theremedy is notadequate if the remeay is: uncertain, tedious, burdensome, stow, inconvenientor, inappropriate, then it is deemed to beJaeBs&tive (gating frcm GxeeawsH x C#w4srf.bpp*xi?fyirthe Thirteenth JwMeialXtifli 359 S. W. 3d ^5,648-9 (Tex. Crim.App 2005). Withthis in mind Petitioner respectfully requestmat this Court take immediate action and grant Applicant Ball on a Personal Recognizance Bond freeing him from incarceration until which time vbi& Cs/ck* vm ifttf&t •& te&msfc Wi *&& -nKsite <& ♦&«, ?*\?Aw»«rf% tVefisws, «ai &&isxsg&at&, «&•£& k& taken on iShis Motionandon the Original Writ of Habeas Corpus filed on the 19* dayof May 2015. and the Writ ifited amending on this date June 02,2015.. More thain a (114) days have passed since the filing of the Original Writ,and Applicant has been illegally restrained for 7 years. Petitioner has supported the Writ with undeniableproof that the Trial Court Tampered with the trial sourt records, violated Applicant's rightto a fair andimpartial trial, liedtojurorsheldex partehearings and manipulated the Judicary in order to obtain an illegal conviction over Applicant. Applicant has' provided tithe trial courts own recordsthat prove the claims that she has made. Applicant receivednc fair and bmpart ial trial, opportunity to be heard and notice at the sham trial. The trial court violated Applicant's U.. S Constitutional Due Process rights, under the Texas Constitution.. See Winters v. Presiding Jfudge of Criminal Dist Court No. Three ofTarrant County 118 S W 34. If Petitioner hats failed to follow any rules or procedures, thisMotion nor theOriginal Writ should be denied Ton such a failure, m Judge Acaia's dissent in the case of Tyrone Casey Sledge citing Ex Parte Griv es 70 S W 3d 103-107-(Tex. Crim. App 2013)she concluded: that the purpose of the Habeas Staitute was to limit subsequent writs to regulate theinflux of applications raising claims that were onhy recently cognizable rather than to limit the traditional common law claim that the trial court 4 lacked jurisdictionover thecase. She concluded thatThe legislature may notwithhold theright of habeas aorjpus Tex. Const. Art. 1,12 (The Writ of Habeas Corpus is a Writ of right andshall never be suspended.^ CONCLUSION Petiitionter's filing of the Original Writ of Habeas Corpuspresents not only exceptional circumstances for which relief should be granted, but it should be granted to meet the very ends <&^u£tA&~ %c?xau£^*hfLTi?«a£,f^iHff^ Qx'mifiaL 4^p^»^*hftva^'5ftSftj^'«idiSJatft> rwmajuy%ji,wJKe<* from a .Judgmentthatis Void for Lack of Jurisdiction, andbecause to deprive Applicant of bis only effective State remedy would not onlybe contrary to the rudimentary demands ofjustice but 4fisfaac^b«g.r (c/2-//5 flfKu'lecl +o .<^« rWf«s 5ll* -fcl2- Mailed4^ «.U (kHf«S IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS WRIT NO. WR-78,165-02 EX1PAFITE FROM THE DISTRICT COURT CHftBnftCK'A. ?A1£ TOC3 NO. toSGSJW Tfim JVYMCIAL DISTRICT APPLICANT ARANSAS COUNTY,TEXAS CAUSE NO. A-08-5080-4CR NEMABARBfPf PETH1&NKB v.. JUDGE 3/WMAKL'v#HXrSLUf PETITIONER'S INFORMATION NEMA BAROKV *.Q».1Sfto-x7Tl Aus tiua, 'Texas 78767 512-4S7 #197 cett ^-*> CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE «c/*£ r I do hereby certify that a true original of the above and foregoingApplication of Emergency Origins 1lHa beas Corpus was personally hand delivered on the ?m) day of JUNE, 2015 to The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals Clerk's Office at 201 W. 14* Street Austin, Texas 78701 and sent regular mail to: JUDGE JANNAK WHATELY P.O. BOX 700 SEKTQN TEXAS 79.S&7-U7Q0. ARANSAS COUNTY DISTRICT CLERK'S OFFICE 34U NORTH LIVE OAK STREET ROCKPORT, TEXAS 78382 PAGE 1 OF 2 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE ARANSAS COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY 301 NORTH LIVE OAK STREET XOCKPORT, TEXAS ZM92 PAGE 2 OF 2 IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS WRIT NO. WR-78,165-02 EX PARTE FROM THE DISTRICT COURT CHADRJC:K IB. PATE TDCJ NO. 01563340 36TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT A?PL«JANT ARANSAS€©*JNT¥, TEXAS CAUSE NO. A-08-5080-4CR NEMA BARDIN PETTFZQ>NER V. JUDG E J.ANNA K. WHATELY OATH STATE OF TEXAS, COUNTY TABLE OF CONTENTS ; ! '^V/rt-^'' 7h*Yt~4. VOLUME 3 A nnouncement (9-25-08) ^ *? > ^ i?^""1"1'^ *V Pi.-e '6': 'CtiVOlftTL *i Pretrial 'fteaxxng \Vu-Ti-V&''; 9 10 ii VOLUME 6: Jury Trial - •• Voir "Dire Proceedinqs \2-^-G^> [VOLUME 7: Jury Trial •• G'uii t/innocence (2-9-0$} 13 14 VOLUME B: Jury Trial -• - tuii't ^innocence \^-\^-^'i) V OLUWE' 9 : Jury Trial -C-aill} ItiTjCiC^tjc^ •Vl-12-1*3-*/ f VOL0W£r I.f; Jury friar fa it i s-iTjtreit e - Sex t e^ ci ^.y / 2 - 2.J - # 51,* IhM T= Trial Exhibits -oOo- ?:s. Case 2:12-cv-00093 Document 11-8 Filed in TXSD on 06/12/12 Page 3 otee^fdj Scanned Jan 26, 2012 CAUSE NO. A-08-5080-2-CR(HC3) EX PARTE: ( IN THE DISTRICT COURT ) 36TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT CHRISTOPHER JOSEPH HALL ( ARANSAS COUNTY INDEX I Index i !3 0>jAl. .,'. * .Aflfidavit ofIndigence with Order Appointing Counsel 24P. 7. Jt/.[.'? P. H hfj&pC' ^9M.Vj^i&^iaa.•-• *' (p Motion for Continuance Tj./^ t£QcM&W- -f^Mo^. .Afc<4r.?/.£... 43 4&<3tetaiot 4,7 (Molio^^er.?.^.....^,.^/....^^ Motion to Sever . .jr.!^U .n..... ~ .;M /.. .a ./sv ^ 48 innJ{ir5ulpiiMDa --.. F&atdj^'sApsm^aafarSuiawism SO Case 2:12-cv-00093 Document 11-8 RJed in TXSD on 06/12/12 Page 6 of 66 Scanned Jan 26, 2012 State's Application for Subpoena 18S .SiilywftaflJRelunmS Staved JustioPadlgBtt 161 Motion to Suppress Photographic Identification 162 1 i'j t iw State's Application for Subpoena 165 '" c/C^' Sulbpoena Returned Served }i\ ^-" liv • • Jennifer Leyva 16? ~ SA" tfy'% lUyl&e ~ r — -- - 168' r" ^\Q Q? S Ernest Solis 169 Defendant's Election as to Punishment 170 i .ituijr v*in#ov»i * tv I JturyNote 1 178 ' Charge of the Court 179 Vefdict 191 AncyNoteI ... 193 1Punishment Charge 194 1V«9*w* 198 I ^vi^Q^i^%QAsfiSest^,^V^jkJ^< M5 Certification ' 319 IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS WRIT NO. EX PARTE FROM THE THE INSTRICT COURT CHADRICKBPATE 36TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT TDCJ #©15-63340 ARANSAS COUNTY, TEXAS CAUSE NO. A-08-5080-4CR COVER SHEET EXHIBIT 20 REPORTERS RECORD VOLUME 6 OF 9 PAGE 221 LINES 1-25 CHADRICK PATE £* JbAo r liiHl^?: ' * li ^ Si ^ "L ^ MSS-J^MF i/) tfjf a' Wil ORE'S 'Sx-LVL ^trox-^ ta-ase Mm'sei ^-'D'S-BfrBO-S-CR ..Witf; STATS #S>r tte ^Pf^n. ^ 24 ;'^!!^n9S C^e °n f°r tri£i ^ the above-entiled' and '•;' !.a C£USe ln said Court, HONORABLE JANNA K. WHATLEY ac;e r-resio'ma.,. held. to. s.o,r-^.o.rt- ^ v •?.».---•• ^T..,..rV- r-.oceeo.ings were reported by machine shorthand. eL.#J Pi 221 THE COURT: We haven't talked about your MR. GILMORE: Well, Judge, anything he says 41 is hearsay as to my client. Anythina that Mr. Ha.'il MS. CABLE: -- as to Chadrick Pate, Judge, 71 as far as that coes, but I ask to be able to car. ijnita tM&. acm.i,s sions made by t_bJ _s tief&.'odjz.vi:,- CJoxl. 1" o *^vo.° *— y~ ±. i -a MR. GILMORE: May we approach the bench? (..The fol.low.Ln.xi, ri.Ls.rjL^SL.i_ao. v^l=l h/tri. ^.t, t-jq./^ hAni-ch*. \ JAR. fiJJJEJACtJJJS1.- Then Z ask ~J:e ^ r : fa sever i?ate :ora tnis case at this time because they 're going 31. to cr_et into. e.v.Lri.e_n.rLe_ trJiAJ".' .^ nat Hjii^J^^^JxP'^i. a^aAn^oh-. Tn vim J -4, j.s guixgr ro be u$&£ against him. S& I obie jecu ana 1 ~r i I •a as K ;r :-a severance MiS, . CARJJL1. I, 'aa.'L'A",=b V-n-^x. T_-c;-n Ve "uia^ti Vy ax> ..i.M5rri'.c---,ol'?./ .v'A^r^. c uau> TYrey csn ise -f-rp, togetne.: crxea and' there can be an instruction as to the jury not considering 11 h.-h.a.h, a^La^tr;.=L.n_ Qh.a. •FA'S" eUffRT": See, l"'m at such an unfair advantage. I have no idea what this guy's going t:c say ] -end* ^Uj. i -fa-uTi'h, 'ktiuw 'now I"'m going to make a ruling on this because I have no idea what he's gcina to tel.l us. 24 MS. CABLE: He's basically going to say, V76 "Judge, that he was contacted by Michael Underwood and
Pate, Chadrick B
Combined Opinion