·•. . . . . . .: • : : : - l 1~.rus-o~ . i May 18, 2015 Clerk of the Te:xas Court of Criminal Appeals 201 West 14th Street RECEIVED IN Austin, Texas 78701 COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS Nema Bardin MJ).Y 19 2015 POBox 772 Abel Acosia, Clerk Austin, Texas 78767 Re: Enclosed Original Writ of Habeas Corpus Chadrick B. Pate Applicant #01563340, Nema Bardin Pe.tit.i.c\w.r awl Eme..rge..w:y ~M.v.ti.c\t:~ .fnr nr.ig.ir..wJ W..r.i.t .o.f Jhbe.as CntpJ.JS Relief CJ:w.D.r~tck B, P.ate #01563340 Ap,plicant, Nema Bardin Petitioner. I am the Petitioner in the above referenced Original Writ ofHabeas Corpus. Applicant Pate: presented his initial 11.07 Habeas Corpus to the trial Court made returnable to this Court. The Initial Habeas Corpus presented under Article 11.07 No. WR-78,165-01 received no "adjudication 'on the merits " by the Trial Court or by the Court of Criminal Appeals. nt:~ J2/5/J 4 .AJ-1Uli.c.aut .fiJe.d .a .Mo.t.int:~ fD V.ac.af.e Vni.d JJ.Jdglm>..ut iut.o ib.e trial ,e.our.t..AppJ.i,e.aut .a..;;.kt>.d nt numerous occasions for a decision from the trial court. The trial court refused to answer and has not corresponded 'lwithApplicant at all, and that Motion was withdrawn on 5/18/15. I am now as the Petitioner bringing this Original Writ on behalf of my son Chadrick B. Pate pursuant to Article V, Sec.:S, Constitution of Texas and pursuant to Texas and United States Common Law. Please file the Writ as an Emergency In The Interest of Justice, as my son has been imprisoned for 7 years under thtis Void Judgment obtained through illegal proceedings held by the trial court which violated his 1s1., 6th and 141h Amendment rights under the United States Constitution. The trial court committed fraud upon the court, The 13th Court of Appeals, The Texas Criminal Court··-. o.f~4_Aru".a..ls .aw.ll .t..be LT. S. Fe.de..r.aJ Di..~.t 0:\!.lr.t SDJ.\t..be..rn Di.."-tr.ic.t, HDJ.l-'\tnt:~ T.e.Y.aS w..be..t:~ tbey B.rs.t ..beJd an illegal joint trial and obtained a conviction through holding illegal proceedings and filing illegal entries into the: trial court, and then submitting a Void Judgment Record to The 13th Court of Appeals, •crit-s wart ~ 1'-e~C:!S Curnt Di Cimi1J.f"d1 h~d1-s), m1~ tire \3. <;:,. "'ttitt:rro Dt~trtt1"l Curnt '2,uctcrtemDnta:tt1"l , Houston Texas runderstand tfnat these are fofty and serious cfaims and f have supported the cfaims with the triaf court records, and affidavits which are contained in the Exhibits of the Writ. 1. I am respectfully submitting this Writ as an Emergency for filing and docketing cc: file Writ Hand Delivered COCA IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS WRIT NO. EX PARTE FROM THE THE DISTRICT COURT CHADRIC:K B PATE 36TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT \ TDCJ #015(63340 ARANSAS COUNTY, T~XAS .. , CAUSE NO. A-08-5080-4CR COVER SHEET IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS WRIT NO. EX PARTE FROM THE THE DISTRICT COURT CHADRIC:K B PATE 36TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT TDCJ #015163340 ARANSAS COUNTY, TEXAS CAUSE NO. A-08-5080-4CR APPLICATION FOR ORIGINAL WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS PURSUANT TO Article V, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution Article 1, 6. and 14 of the United States Constitution Texas Common Law And United States Common Law TO THE HOr~ORABLE JUDGE OF SAID COURT: NOW COMES, Petitioner Nema Bardin on behalf of Applicant Chadrick B. Pate and respectfully submits this Ori_ginal Writ Of Habeas CoiJms _petitionin_g for relief from a Void Jud_gment in Cause No. A-08-5080-4CR Chadrick B. Pate. The Initial Ha1beas Corpus presented under Article 11.07 No. WR-78,165-01 received no "a<.ljudication ron the merits " by the Trial Court or by the Court of Criminal A_p_peals. The Judgment, Sentence and Conviction pursuant to The Judgment rendered by the Trial Court and executed by Trial Court Judge Janna K. Whatley in Cause No. A-08-5080-4CR CHADRICK B. PATE from the 36th Judicial District Court Aransas Counzy is: Void for Violation of Due Process under the Texas Contstitution and the United States Constitution , and for Fraud on the Court by the Court. 1 JURISDICTION The Court of Criminal Appeals has Original Jurisdiction under Article V, Section Five of the Texas Constitmtion, Article 1, 6 and 14 of the United States Constitution, Texas Common Law and United States Common Law. State v. Johnson, 821 S W 2d 609. 612 Tx. Crim. App. 1991 held a court off criminal a_p_peals m3:y take action on~y if that action is authorized by constitutional provision, statute, or Common law, or the power rises from an inherent or implied power. Mooney v. Holohan, 294 U.S. 103-113 held "To deprive a citizen of his only effective reme4y wouldl. not onl_y be contrary to the rudimentary demands of justice but destructive of a constitutional guaranty specifically designed to prevent injustice. Fay v. Noia 372 U.S. 391 Sup. Ct. 1963. The Wnrit lies as a traditional civil remedy for the enforcement of the right to personal liberty, not as; a stage of the state criminal proceedings or as an appeal therefrom. Exparte Gimmbonini 117 CAL 573, 49 P 732; VOID judgment is Never final and a judgment acq_uired through violation of "due process of law" and Fraud is void and never becomes final. process of lawr" and Fraud is void and never becomes fmal. Exparte Giambonini 117 CAL 573, 49 P 732 I Dubaiii Petroleum Co. v. Kazi 12 S W 3d 71 76 (Tex. 2000,) A judgment will never be considered fintal if the court lacked subiect matter .iurisdiction. It is well settled law that a legal action by a court without jurisdiction is a nullity. THIS ~HABEAS CORPUS IS A COLLATERAL ATTACK ON A VOID JUDGMENT A collateral attack is any proceeding to avoid the effect of a judgment which does not meet all the requirements of a valid direct attack. See Glunz, 908 S W 2d at 255, There is neither a set procedure for a collatera] attack nor a statute of limitations. See Glunz, 908 S W 2d at 255: Davis v. Boone, 786 S. W.2d 85,87 (Tex.App- San Antonio 1990, no writ). 2. PROCEDURAL HISTORY Applicant was charged in a two count indictment with Murder Texas Penal Code 19.02 (Count 1) Aggravated Assault Texas Penal Code 22.02/ Engaging in Organized Criminal Activity (~ount 11) . On February 12, a jury found Applicant guilty of Murder. On February13, 2009, the jury assessed the maximum. pu:nishment, ninety nine (99) years or life confmement in the Texas Department of Justice- Institutional Division and a $10,000.00 fine. Applicant filed his notice of appeal on February 25, 2009. Applicamt then appealed his conviction through court appointed attorney. That Court affirmed the Trial Court's judgment on October 7, 2010: Applicant Pro Se Petitioned for Discretionary Review was refused om May 25, 2011. The final mandate issued on June 21, 2011. Applicant then filed Habeas Corpus 11.07 through a paid Habeas Attorney Carrie Crisp. Ms. Crisp proved to be imexperienced and refused to present Applicant's number one Ground for Relief Void Judgment for Jack of Jurisdiction. (See note below) When Applicant's Mother found out that she did not include the Ground he had his Mother with his Power of Attorney to amend the Habeas and add the Ground fo·r Void Judgment as his number one ( 1) ground. There were no hearings or factual findings by th·e trial court. and none by this Court. Applicant's W1rit was denied without Written Order on 3/6/13. Because Applicant is not skilled in the law he did no1t know to Appeal the 3/6/13 decision and thought that his opportunity to file a Federal Habeas Corputs was nearing the deadline. He then filed a Pro Se Habeas Corpus pursuant to 28 U S C 2254 that court conducted no evidentiary hearing and denied the Writ with prejudice and no COA. Applicant tho,ught that he could not Appeal because of the Order on the COA. He then with the assistance of his Mother as his Power of Attorney began to study to find a way to get back into Court Sote: Judge J. Price delivered the opinion in Ex Parte Casey Tyrone Sledge No. A-P-76497 and opined that if applicant had raised his present claim in his orginal 'Writ, "We would not hesitate to reach the merits and if appropriate grant relief. 3. Applicant disc:overed that because his Judgment was void that he thought he could ask the Trial Court for relie:f because he had read 2 cases that helped him understand the basis for asking for relief: Ex parte :Casey Tyrone Sledge No. A- P- 76947 and Patton v. Diemer 35 Ohio St. 3d 68,518 N E 2d 941 : showing It is not incumbent upon appelle to establish a basis for relief nor is it incumbent for the court to decide its authority therefrom, Rather thejud,gment sou_ght to be vacated constituted a nullity therefore withtin the inherent power of the trial court to vacate the Judgment, and then filed a Motion to Vacate Judgment in the Trial Court on 12/5/14. After requesting on at least 3 occasions a decision the court had still not ruled or corresponded with A_p_plicant and then he withdrew his Motion on ;/18/15. There are no other motions pending in this matter at this time. Applicant is presently in custody of Texas Department of Criminal Justice System Stiles Unit Beaumont Texas. THE COURT'S POWER TO SET THE VOID JUDGMENT ASIJ)E Where a void jiudgment has been rendered and the record in the cause, or judgment roll reflects the vice, then the 1court has not only the power but the duty and even after the expiration of the term to ;;et aside such judgment. Harrison v. Whitely, Tex Crim App 6 S W 2d 89. MANDATORY RELEIF Relief under void judgment Statute is Mandatory, Carter v. Fenner 136 F 3d 1000, 1005 (5th Cir) 1998. a void jmdgment decree or order may be vacated at any time on motion of a party or any person affected thereby. Johnson v, Zerbst 304 U.S,.458 Supreme Court 1938 showing when court violates Constitutional Rights they lose jurisdiction to _proceed to trial and the conviction is void. E.VlDEN'tA.RY RE.A.RIN.G Petitioner request evidentary hearing if the Court cannot determine that releif is required tk.-uagi\" tire lAY-s'~· 4 STATEMENT OF THE CASE A grandjury im Aransas County Texas in the 36th Judicial District of Aransas County indicted Applicant Chatdrick B. Pate in a 2 count indictment under Penal Codes 19.02, 22.02 and 71.02 along with 4 co defendants on June 24, 2008 See Ex# 2 Indictment. Applicant was the last tc be arrested,of the other co defendants. A_p_plicant was arrested on M8:Y 5, 2008 when the Aransas County Sherifilf illegally had his pre trial supervision (on a separate case ) revoked and had the bondsman withdraw his bond. Applicant had abided by every pre trial supervision requirement. Thus when the indictment was _presented to him he was already in custody of the Aransas Councy Jail, where he remained until he was released into the custody ofthe Texas Department of Criminal Justke in 2009. Because the State brou_ght the char_ges a_gainst A.P..Plicant alon_g with the other co defendant's his trial and the o:ffenses were joined. Applicant entered a Plea ofNOT GUILTY and asked for a jury trial and had his Defense Attorney John Gilmore file a "Motion for Severance of Defendant and Offenses" on July 31st 2008. See Ex# 1. At some _point 3 of the co defendant's took _plea deals to testify against Applicant and the only other co defendant (Hall) who plead Not Guilty as well. Applicant's Attorney John Gilmore came to the jail only twice to visit client although Applicant asked numerouts times to see him. Both A_p_plicant and Petitioner asked Mr. Gilmore numerous times about thte Severance, he told both Applicant and Petitioner only a few days before a joint trial with the other co defendant(Hall) that his Motion for-Severance had been denied. (This was no1 true) however A_P..plicant did not know about this lie until after the trial was over, the A_p_peal had been denied, amd he was proceeding with a State Habeas Corpus under Article 11.07. Applicant hired a young inexperienced Habeas Attorney Carrie Crisp, who refused to enter Ground One :fior Relief at A.P..Plicants reguest "voidjud_gment for lack ofjurisdiction". When 5. Applicant and Petitioner discovered that Ms. Crisp filed the Habeas without this Ground for Relief, Petitio~ner immediately supplemented the Habeas Cot:pus and amended Ground One to Violation of d-ue process" Judgment void for lack of jurisdiction". Applicant nor Petitioner knew at the tine that there were numerous other violations of due process, and fraud involved with the Applicant's Conviction. The Court of Criminal Appeals denied Applicant's Habeas Corpus 11.07 without written order on 3/06/13. H(~ then filed a Federal Habeas Corpus that was also denied. It was after this denial that throu_gh st:udy Petitioner discovered the numerous due _process violations that the trial court had abused antd the fraud on the court by the court.. The trial Court focused it's violation of Applicant's Due Process rights under the U.S Constitution 14th amendment and it's Fraud l!POn ( "1\P.plicant's Motion for Severance of Defendant and Offenses" ) Although the "Motion for Severance" never received a formal hearing where a Judge either Granted or Denied the Motion with on the Record Factual Findings, Judge Joel Johnson did at a_pre trial for the Co defendant Hall SEVERA_p_plicant's trial from co dlefendant Hall. See Ex# 8 10/23/08 Court Reporters Record Volume 4 of 11 page 5 line 16-25 and page 6line 1-3. Judge Johnson continued Hall's trial date to 1/5/09 and he reminded A_p_plicant's Defense Attom~y Gilmore, The State, co defendant Hall, co defendant's attom~y Stan Turpin. and thlle Clerk of the Court, that he would be back in November to hear Applicant's case. Applicant did not appear at this proceeding that took place on 10/23/08 and he did not appear at any _pre trial_proce1edin_gs other than his Motion to Dismiss durin_g the entire tine from 6/24/08 to 2/9/09. He did not kncnw about any pre trial hearings, as his attorney told him nothing about them. The Court vioLated it's own Court Order when the Court failed to hold Applicant's Court Ordered Trial on 11103/08 . 6. He did not know that Judge Johnson had Severed his trial. It was after the pre trial hearing on 10/23/08 when Officers of the Court accelerated their scheme to keep Applicant joined for trial by illegally REJOINING 1them for trial through Fake Proceedings and Motions and Orders .. After the Officer's of the Court viol:ated Applicant's 14th amendment due process rights and through Officer's Fraud on the Court. 1\P..Plic ant was tried in a ille_gal joint trial with the co defendant_, found _guiltv and ;entenced to 919 years or life and a $10.000.00 fine. The Trial Court Judge certified into the Court of Appeals Co·rpus Christi, Texas a Fraudulent Judgment Record, that included fraudulent documents, antd excluded the fraudulent ~proceedinp;s that they used to r~ioin A_pplicant's Trial with the co defendant. That same Judgment Record followed Applicant to this Court when he filed his 11.07 Habeas Corpus, and again when he filed his Federal Habeas Corpus. Throughout tht~ Memorandum that follows you will see through the review of the Trial Court Record itself just standing alone that Applicant did not know that Judge Johnson had severed his trial from the co defendant. You will see the use of fraud and the violation of his due process right to a fair and impartial trial,. opportunity to be heard, and notice and how they were used to deceive him to convincetQI'.J"..dJJJ:e'i- Th1e. trial ~n:t. ln.'it. 9.ui'iflir..tjJW. tn, tp:QI'.J".J"..d tn, t.J:i.al . .fulm.wm "~~ ~b.U.. 3.0A U.S 4.~ Sup.Ct.1938/:: Fay v. Noia 372 U.S. 391 63 S. Ct . 822 9 Led 2clll , Aoude v. Mobil Oil Corp. 892 F. 2d 1115, 1118(1 st Circuit 1989). Alexander, 266 S.W. 2D@ 1001:King_Ranch._ Inc. v. Chavman,_118 S.W.3d 742,_752 (fex. 2003) 11. FACT2. INDICTMENT EX# 2 The indictment charges Murder under Texas Penal Code 19.02 Felony Murder The Indictment does not charge Murder under Texas Penal Code 19.02 and Texas Penal Code 7.01, 7.02, or 77.03. (which describes "the law of parties"). The Jury found Applicant guilty under Count (1) of the indictment Murder under Texas Penal Code 19.02 which states: § 19.02 MlffiU>ER. (a) In this section: (!)"Adequate eause" means cause that would commonly produce a degree of anger, rage, resentment, or terror in a_p(;;!rson of ordinary tell!per, sufficient to render the mind inc~pable of cool reflection. (2)"Sudden pa:ssion" means passion directly caused by and arising out of provocation by the individual killed or another acting with the person killed which passion arises at the time of the offense and is not rolft!JJ t.bft. -.:P..~J.lt. Q{ {QJ:mf"J.. ~Q"\{Qr.Jlljnn_. (b )A person commits an offense if he: (1) intentionalLy or knowingly causes the death of an individual; (2/ ~- ru- \.."'4\ThY ~~ mniiiy· irrjaty '4mi "vmm«s- an .n.:t d~".rrly· d-~mr ru- lrmmr« lik that causes the death of an individual; or {3) commits or attempts to comrriit a felony, other than mans·laughter, and "in the course ol and "in furtherance of ·the commission or attempt, or in immediate flight from the commission or attempt, he commits or att(;;!mpts to commit an act clearly dangerous to human life that causes the death of an individual. (c) Except as plrovided by Subsection (d), an offense under this section is a felony of the first degree. (d)At the punishment stage of a trial, the defendant may raise the issue as to whether he caused the death under the immediate influence of sudden passion arising from an adequate cause. If the defendant proves the issu.e in the affirmative by a preponderance of the evidence, the offense is a felony of the Reennd .tkg..rre.. APPLICANT'S Claim UNDER 1,2 and 3 Applicant Guilty of Count (1) under Penal Code 19.02 MURDER the trial court did not order an acquittal for the State's failure to prove the elements of Murder under Penal Code 19.02 Officer's of the Court continually introduced fraudulent evidence on the "law of parties" although The indictmen1t does not allege that Applicant committed the murder under Texas Penal Code 7.01, 7.02, or 7.03 in connection with the charge of murder under Texas Penal Code 19.02. See Ex# 2 12 . Indictment In ·Cause No. A-08-5080-4CR. The Trial Court and it's officers prepared a fraudulent Charge of the Court Document and read aloud "The Charge of the Court" then sent the physical paperwork into the Jury Room with the Jurors where they used this charge to help ascertain the facts to convict Applicant of Murder. The Char_ge of the Court looks little like what Texas Penal Code 19.02 reguires to reach a Guilty verdict. See Ex# 3 •Charge of the Court in Cause No. A-08-5080-4CR. The trial court and it's officers used this fraudulent " Charge of the Court" as part of a scheme to confuse the jwrors and to convict A_p_plicant. The charge of the court presented in open court and in document provides : you are instructed that the law applicable to this case is as follows: COUNT ONE 1. Our law provides that a person commits murder if he intentionally or knowingly causes the death of an individual. (itt is true that this statement comports with 19.02 2 (b) 1. 2. .4 pe..r~-mo .acJs J<~JJll)~tLogJ_x n.r w.iib .kt1.0w.lf'.dg.f'~ w.iib .r.f'b')Pt'rJ f.l) .E .r.f'sllh .of.b..t." .c.nos.i.J.JL'J" w.b.f'.o .b.f' _t.,. .Ew.art>: that his conduct is reasonably certain to cause the result. (Nowhere under statute 19.02 is this statement found) A_person acts knowin_gly, or with knowled_ge with re~pect to a result of his conduct when he is aware that his conduct is reasonably certain to cause the result. (Nowhere under statue 19.02 is thls statement found. A "deadly weapon means a firearm. (Nowhere under statute 19.02 is this statement found. Individual meams a human being. (Nowhere under Statute 19.02 is this statement found. 3. 13 committed by his own conduct , by the conduct of another for which he is criminally responsible or by both. A person is cri:minally responsible for an offense committed by the conduct of another if, acting with intent to promtote or assist the commission of the offense,he solicits encourages, directs aids, or attempts to aid the other person to commit the offense. Mere presence alone will not constitute one a party to a crin:1e. FACT3. CAPIAS AND WAIVER OF ARRAINGMENT On 6/25/08 a 6Capias was issued under Applicant Chadrick B. Pate in Cause No. A-08-5080-4 CR See Ex# 3 Applicant's Criminal Docket Sheet. APPLICANT'S CLAIM UNDER# 3 The trial court violated Applicant's Due Process when they issued a capias and confmed him under a fraudulent indictment. The Grand Jur;y would have had to find _probable cause to join A_p_plicant in the indictment and because the requirememts to join the offenses and defendants are statutory they would have had to determine that Applicant based on Officer Kirk and Brooks testimony that Applicant met the criteria under Criminal Justi•ce Standards Part ll Standard 13-2.1 and Sec. 310 8{b) and they could not. J\pplicant does not have access to the courts files arrest records of all the co defendant's and his own and therefore canntot include in the exhibits, but the trial court has copies. When the court violates due _process it loses jurisdiction and canno(proceed. Fay v. Noia 372 U.S. 391 63 S. Ct. 822 9 Led 2d. 14. FACT4. WAIVER OF ARRAIGNMENT On 6/27/08 Waiver of arraignment was entered onto Applicant's Criminal Docket Sheet See Ex# 4 Applicant's Criminal Docket Sheet. NO CLAIM PRE TRIAL DATE AND ANNOUNCMENT DATE 'C{W;\\.~ M-V~~"t..W~ \\£'C{}\\\) ~"£.) On 7/10/08 entered onto Applicant's Criminal Docket Sheet is Ex# 4 Case Set Pre trial 7/24/08 Ann. 7/31/08 JT 8/4/08 APPLICANT'S Claim UNDER 3 and 4 Ineffective Assistance of Counsel and Violation of Due Process and Statutory Procedures and Rules notice. Applicant's due process was violated when he was not allowed to appear, and be heard and notice. There iis no recorded record of this proceeding. A court loses jurisdiction when it violates due process and lo1ses iurisdiction. TCCP Title 1 Chapter 1 General Provisions Article 1.05 Rights of Accused. He shall have the right of being heard by himself or counsel or both. Fay v. Noia 372 U.S. 391 63 S. Ct. 822 9 Led 2d. Fact3 7/24/08 DISCOVERY RULED ON COURT REPORTS RECORD (NONE) On 7/24/08 Enttered onto Applicant's Criminal Docket Sheet is Discovery Rulled On J!i APPLICANT'S CLAIM UNDER 2,3, AND 4 Fraud, Ineffective Counsel, and Violation of Due Process Applicant did not appear at any Hearing on Discovery. The Court violated Applicant's due process right to impar1tial fair trial, opportunity to be heard and notice and violation of statutory rule . There is 100 recorded record of this proceeding. However there are Discovery Orders that Judge Jant:W w.hat.t'Jy .TJ.ll.t-.d .nn Applicant's dwe process was violated, and this proceeding was concealed from him. TCCP Title 1 Chapter 1 Ge~neral Provisions Article 1.05 Rights of Accused. He shall have the right of being heard by hims,elf or counsel or both.See TCCP Title 1. Chapter 28 Section (1)5 and Section 2 also ~ee Fayv. N·oia 372 U.S. 391 63 S. Ct. 822 9 Led 2d, Aoude v. Mobil Oil Corp. 892 F. 2d 1115, 1118(rt CircULit 1989). Alexander, 266 S.W. 2D@ lOOl:King Ranch, Inc. v. Chapman, 118 S.W.3d 742_.752 (Tex. 200~). Fact4 7/31/08 Motion for Continuance Granted I Reset Dates COURT REPORTER'S RECORD (NONE) On 7/31108 entered onto Applicant's Criminal Docket sheet is Ex#4 MFC Granted Ann. 9/25/08 J.T. 9/29/08. APPLICANT'S CLAIM UNDER 2,3, AND 4 Fraudl Violation of Due Process and Statutory Procedures and Ineffective Counsel he did not kno'w that a motion for continuance had been granted or that an Announcement date of 9/25/08 had been set or that a Jury Trial date of 9/29/08 had been set. The trial court violated A_p_plicant's du.e _process rights to an im_partial fair trial, o_p_portunity to be heard and notice. And 16 violation of statutory procedure. TCCP Title 1 Chapter 1 General Provisions Article 1.05 Rights of Accused. He shall have the right of being heard by himself or counsel or both. TCCP Title 1 Chapter 28 Section (1)5 and Sec. 2. See: Fay v. Noia 372 U.S. 391 63 S. Ct. 822 9 Led 2d , Aoude v. Mobil Oil Corp. 892 F. 2d 1115, 1118(1 st Circuit 1989). Alexander, 266 S. W. 2D @ 1001:Kin_g :Ranch, Inc. v. Cha_pmaJ1, 118 S.W.3d 742,752 (Tex. 200~). Fact 5. 7/31108 Applicanfs Motion for Severance of Defendant's and Offenses It is not Recorded on Applicant's Criminal Docket Sheet EX # 4 Applicant :filedl a timely Motion for Severance of Defendants and Offenses on 7/31/08 See Ex# 1 Motion for Severance. APPLICANT'S CLAIM UNDER 2,3 AND 4 Ineffective Assistance Violations of Due Process Fraud on the Court District Clerk repeatedly failed to record Motions onto applicant's criminal docket sheet, Counsel did not object and Court did not correct. When a court violates due _process it losesjurisdiction and cannot proceed , Fay v. Noia 372 U.S. 391 63 S. Ct. 822 9 Led 2d , Aoude v. Mobil Oil Corp. 892 F. 2d 1115, 1118(rt Circuit 1989). Alexander, 266 S.W. 2D@ 1001:King Ranch, Inc. v. Chapman, 118 S.W.3d 742.• 75i2 [Tex. 200~). Fact 6. '}1,1.~Q£ Court Reporter's Record Volume 2 of9 Announcement Chadrick B.Pate A-08-5080-4CR See Ex# 5 Sl'-dl'es" 1lfotfun rurContinw.mc-e Applicant's Request for a Decision on his Motion for Severance of Defendants and Offenses. Judge Wellb orns Reason for Continuing the matter of the Motion for Severance to the next Pre Trial Hearing. District Clerk Duties and Reset Dates 17 On 9/25/08 entered onto Applicant's Criminal Docket sheet is Ex # 4 States Motion 1to Continue Granted Reset 1113/08 JJury Trial 10/03/08 Announcement 10/23/08 Pre Trial. APPLICANT'S CLAIM UNDER 2,3 AND 4 Ineffec1tive Counsel. Violation of Due Process and Statutory Procedures Fraud on the Court by the Court Judge Michael Wellborn presided over this proceeding and those that appeared were Attorney John Gilmore and State's Attorn~y M. Rodriguez. Applicant did mot know about this hearing and did not appear. TCCP Title 1 Chapter 1 General ProvisionsAr·ticle 1.05 Rights of Accused. He shall have the right of being heard by himself or counsel or both. See: Mentor v. Caswell (1997) 123 Ohio App. 3d. 256 Defendant was absent for unexplained neasons at time of suppression hearing, which proceeded with participation of counsel and co -defendant , The defendant had a right to be present and denial of Continuance was abuse of discretion .. In Ap_plicant's case he had a ri_ght to the Severance and denial of same was an abuse of discretion. He had a right to challenge the judges reasons for not ruling on his Motion for Severance then. He had a right to challenge the State's Motion for Continuance. TCCP Title 1 Chapter 1 General Provisions Arrticle 1.05 Rights of Accused. He shall have the right of being heard by himself or counsel or both. At this hearing The State filed a Motion for Continuance and Judge Wellborn Granted the MotionAtltorn~y John Gilmore A_p_plicant's Defense Attorn~y reguested a Decision on A_p_plicant's Motion for Sfeverance of Defendant's and Offenses that had been filed timely on 7/31108. See Ex#5 Cnurt ~rt·et:~ RJ!co.cd v.nl2. n( 9 tpJPJ!.~ 3 lin£. 9-25 awl tpJP,;e 4. lin£.~ t-4... Judge Wellbonn continued the Matter of the Severance stating that the reason was that he was waiting 18 to find out if he was going to need to appoint the Co defendant Christopher Hall a new attorney. See Ex#S page 31ines 13-18. Judge Wellborn gave no valid reason to continue the matter of the Severance. At the hearing although he had continued the Matter of the Severance until the next pre trial date he signed , dated and granted an Order for Severance. Ex# 6 Order Granting Severance. Judge Wellbonn made no effort that day or any day to reverse the Order Granting the Severance. When a judge does ntot follow statutory procedures he violates the defendant's right to due process and loses jurisdiction to proceed. Fay v. Noia 372 US 391 63 S. Ct. 822. 9 Led 2d. The District CLerk did not first enter the Order onto Applicant's Criminal Docket Sheet, and did no1 urge another Order reversing the action of the Judge nor did the clerk make any notation on the record of this order, instead the District Clerk kept the Order in Applicant's file, and later filed the Order into the Applicant's Judgment Record and certified it as an Overruled Motion on the Severance and then certified it into The 13th Court of Appeals Corpus Christi, Texas then later told Applicant's Habeas Investi~ator Stacey Deville See Ex# 7 Deville's Affidavit., that the Granted Order was iust a Qiece of paper in the Applicant's file. The District Clerk committed fraud upon the court for purposeful failure to complete the duties of the office. The District Clerk with other officer's of the court by this failure illegally disposed of Judge Joel Johnson's Oral Order severing Co defendant's trial from Applicant's trial date, See Ex# 8 Court Reporter's Rcecord Volume 4 of 11 page Stines 14-25 and page 6lines 1-3.(0ral Order) The failure to ·enter the proper proceedings onto the applicant's criminal docket sheet and or the trial court's record concealed the Order of the Court from the Court and the Applicant. Fraud is defined as trickery or deceit, intentional misrepresentation concealment or nondisclosure, for the purpose of inducing another in reliance upon it to part with some calculable thing belonging to him or a false representationt of a matter of fact by words, conduct or by concealment of what should have been 19 disclosed that deceives or is intended to deceive another so that he shall act upon it to his legal injury (emphasis adJ?licant and the co defendant. When a judge does not follow statutory req_uirements he loses jurisdictiionrand cannot proceed. Fay v. Noia 372 U.S. 391 63 S. Ct. 822 9 Led 2d, Aoude v. .Mruw - O» -- £ .2rl JJJ.Sr - -C.nr-p... .89.2 ' JJJ.8{J st Clr~.wt J_9.8_9).._;~JJ'.~.p;. ...... - _.,.._ .... - . - --.... - - -- - .U6 .& W.. .2D@ DDJ;K.iDg ~ Ranch, Inc. v. Chapman, 118 S.W.3d 742,752 (Tex.2003) Fact 9. 10/30/08 FRAUDULEJNT PROCEEDINGS ENTERED ONTO APPLICANT'S CRIMINAL DOCKET SHEET SEEEX#4 •COURT REPORTER'S RECORD ON 10/30/08 PROCEEDINGS (NONE) Entered onto Applicant's Criminal Docket Sheet is Ex#4 Defendants Motion for Continuance Reset 1/5/09 Jury Trial 12/22/0B Ahliotincement 2/9/09 Jmry Trial APPLICANT'S CLAIM UNDER 2, 3 AND 4 Fraud on 1the Court Violation of Due Process and Statutory Procedures Ineffective Counsel Applicant did mot appear or know about any proceedings for 10/30/08 Applicant's attorney did not advise him of any proceedings ~d did not tell him about any continuance. There were no scheduled proceedings for 10/30/08. TCCP Title 1 Chapter 1 General Provisions Article 1.05 Rights of Accused~ He shall have the right of being heard by himself or counsel or both. Applicant was; not notified of any proceedings for 10/30/08 either by his Attorney or the Court. 26 Applicant was not before the court for adjudication the court had already lost jurisdiction. Mapco Inc. Forrest, 795 s.. W. 2d 700, 703 (Tx. 1990). These fraudulent proceedings are not recorded by a Court Reporter and are not in the Court's Records. The trial court was without jurisdiction to proceed that parties may have agreed to it are immaterial. The verbal, written or illegally disposed of order, that ~P..peared to allow the court to ~proceed was in violation of the 1st amendment to the Constitution. Near Minnesmta ex rei. Olson, 283 U.S. 697,51 S. Ct. 625, 75 L.Ed, 1357 (1931), Shelly v. Karmer, 334 ns~ L 68 S; Ct. 836 92 L. Ed 1161 (1948); Once a court orders _per trial orders the court cannot disregard it's own orders. Dennis v. Haden, 867 S. W. 2d 48,5ll Tex. App.(1933). A court's jurisdiction at the beginning of trial may be lost in the court of the proceedi.ngs due to complete the court as the 141h amendment requires. If the U.S. Constitution amendments atre not complied with the court loses jurisdiction to proceed. Johnson v. Zerbst 304 U.S. 458 Sup. Ct. 1938. perhaps onto other Court Records that have been concealed from him. The District Clerk committed fraud on the c•ourt and the Applicant. The District Clerk committed fraud upon the court for pufQoseful failure to complete the duties of the office. The District Clerk with other officers of the court by this failure illegally disposed of Judge Joel Johnson's order severing Co defendant's trial from Applicant's trial date. The failure to enter the proper proceedings onto the applicant's criminal docket ;heet and or tt1e trial court's record concealed the Order of the Court from the Court and the Applicant. Fraud is definn RJ>s-nr.d w w - •• - Y~ 2 of9 Ex# 5 APPLICANT'S CLAIM UNDER 2,3, AND 4 Fraud on the Court by the Court, Ineffective Counsel Violation of Due Process and Statutory Procedure and Rules. The court didl not provide a court ordered jury trial for the applicant on 11103/08 and stated no reason for failing to do so and gave applicant NO notice. Applicant's Attorney provided no reason or notice, and there is no Recorded Record of any Proceeding that effected a change in Applicant Court Ordered Trial Date. A court's j-urisdiction at the beginning of trial may be lost in the court of the proceedings due to complete tlhe court as the 141h amendment requires. If the U.S. Constitution amendments are not ;::omplied with the court loses jurisdiction to proceed. Johnson Zerbst 304 U.S. 458 Sup. Ct. 1938. There are no legitimate court proceedings that overrules or voids Applicant's Court Date. The court had 1no jurisdiction to proceed to a joint trial or a separate trial of Applicant or to hold any other proceediings other than Acquittal. The trial court was without jurisdiction to proceed that parties may have agreed to it are immaterial. The verbal, written or illegally disposed of order, that appeared 28 to allow the court to proceed was in violation of the 1st amendment to the Constitution. Near v. Minnesota ex rei. Olson, 283 U.S. 697, 51 S. Ct. 625, 75 L.Ed, 1357 (1931), Shelly v. Karmer, 334 U.S. 1. 68 S. «:.:t. 836 92 L. Ed 1161 (1948). Once a court orders per trial orders the court cannot disregard it's own orders. Dennis v. Haden, 867 S. W. 2d 48,51 Tex. App.(1933). See: Fay v. Nmia 372 U.S. 391 63 S. Ct. 822 9 Led 2d ·' Aoude v. Mobil Oil Corp. 892 F. 2d 111~, l118(rt Circmit 1989). Alexander,-266 S.W. 2D@ lOOl:King Ranch, Inc. v. Chapman, 118 S.W.3d 742;752 (Tex~ 2003)~ Fact 11. 11/25/08 CO DEFENDANT CHRISTOPHER HALL PRE TRIAL HEARING A-08-5080-2CR COURT REPORTER RECORD VOLUME 5 OF 11 EX# 13 FRAUDULJENT DISCUSSIONS OF APPLICANT'S MOTION FOR SEVERANCE AND TRIAL DATES. APPLICANT'S CLAIM UNDER 2,3, AND 4 Ineffective~ Counsel, Fraud on the Court by the Court, Violation of Due Process a Statutory Procedures and Rules Judge Michael. Wellborn presided over this pre trial hearing with co defendant Hall appearing with his Defense Attorr1ey Stan TUil.?in and State's Attorney M. Rodrigues. Applicant Chadrick Pate did not appear nor did his Defense Attorney John Gilmore. Applicant was not before the coutrt for adjudication the court had already lost jurisdiction. Mapco Inc. v. Forrest, 795 S. W. 2d 700, 7CG3 (fx. 1990) • At this proceedling Judge Wellborn, Stan Turpin and M. Rodrigues discussed Applicant's pre trial motions and tlrial date when he was not present or represented. The Court had already lost jurisdiction over Applicanlt and the Subject Matter, and committed fraud on the court by the court in having these discussions th:at would make it appear that Applicant was still in the jurisdiction of the court. A court'~ 29 jurisdiction at the beginning of trial may be lost in the court of the proceedings due to complete the court as the 14J.th amendment requires. If the U.S. Constitution amendments are not complied with the court loses juritsdiction to proceed. Johnson v. Zerbst 304 U.S. 458 Sup. Ct. 1938. There arre no legitimate court proceedings that overrules or voids Applicant's Court Date. The court had 1no jurisdiction to _proceed to a joint trial or a se_parate trial of A_p_plicant or to hold ~Y other proceediings other than Acquittal. The trial court was without jurisdiction to proceed that parties may have agreed to it are immaterial. The verbal, written or illegally disposed of order, that appeared to allow the co·urt to _proceed was in violation of the 151 amendment to the Constitution. Near v. Minnesota ex: rei. Olson, 283 U.S. 697, 51 S. Ct. 625, 75 L.Ed, 1357 (1931), Shelly v. Karmer, 334 U.S. 1. 68 S. Ct. 836 92 L. Ed 1161 (1948). Once a court orders per trial orders the court cannot disregard it's own orders. Dennis v. Haden, 867 S. W. 2d 48,51 Tex. App.(l93~). See page 3lin·es 7-25 This is a discussion between Judge Wellborn, Stan Turpin, and M. Rodrigues where Judge vlVell born is first advised by Stan Turpin that he has talked with the State and Mr. Gilmore who !has the co defendant Pate and he has Mr. Hall. He then advises Judge Wellborn that his client has a mcotion for severance that was submitted by Hall's former attorney Cochran-May and they were not going to go forward on that motion and that he had talked to his client who was in agreement . He then adviised Judge Wellborn that he has cheeked with Mr. Gilmore and it's his understanding that Mr. Gilmore is in agreement with that too unless his client tells him something different, and that was his understandling. Then Judge Well born asks who is the defendant then there is a discussion about the name betweem Judge Wellborn, Stan Turpin and States attorney Rodrigues when they fmally get the name right. SEE Reporters Record Vol5 of 11 page 41ines 1-13. Jud_ge Wellborn ask when Pates trial date is scheduled Stan TuiJJen answers Right now on January 30 the 5th. Judge 'Wellborn responds Okay well both cases on the same trial docket at this time? M. Rod.r\g:uez re~J,Oonds. Yes,. your Honor. Judge Wellborn responds Okay well its kind ofhard to try them on the same ti:me if it's not on the same docket. Mr. Turpen responds I understand Judge. Judge Wellborn responds Minor technicality. Then a De_put)l' Clerk res_ponds And also Mr. Gilmore is not su_p_posed to be here on the 5th. He will be on vacation ti[l the 9th See page 6 lines 2-7. Stan Turpin: Judge, what I would like to do on that is leave it in the file just in case we need it because I did talk to Mr. Gilmore. Gilmore says he didn't see any reason to $ever unless his client told him otherwise , but I haven't talked back with him to know that, and I don't think he has a motion on file. At the time of 1this discussion applicant's trial date had already been severed from that of the co defendant Christopher - Hall and the Trail Court refused to proceed to trial. Applicant .._ -- was not before the court for adjudication the court had already lost jurisdiction. Mapco Inc. v. Forrest, 795 S. W. 2d 7.Q.f4 7.fl1 (t'L t'l'lfl\-. The trial court and it's officers had already begun entering and concealing fraudulent proceedings, motions. Orde:rs, and trial dates onto Applicant's Criminal Docket Sheet. This discussiom among officers of the court without appearance of Applicant and his Attorney is fraud and a violatiori of Applicant's due process right to be present, opportunity to be heard and notice. This is a manipulation of the judiciary and concealment of proceedings from Applicant. JOHlNSON V. ZERBST 304 U.S. 458 Sup. Ct. 1938 and Fay v. Noia 372 U.S. 391 63 S. Ct. 822 9 Led. 2d, Aoude v. Mobil Oil Corp. 892 F. 2d 1115, 1118(rt Circuit 1989). Alexander, 266 S.W. 2D@ 1001:King Ranch, Inc. v. Chapman, 118 S.W.3d 742,752 (Tex. 2003). 31 Fact 12. 12/22/08 FRAUDLENT PROCEEDINGS ENTERED ON BOTH APPLICANT CHADRICK B. PATE AND CO JDEFENDANT CHRISTOPHER HALL'S CRIMINAL DOCKET SHEETS SEEEX#4 ANDEX#12 COURT REPORTER'S RECORD FOR 12/22/08 PROCEEDINGS (NONE) On Applicant's: Criminal Docket Sheet the following fraudulent proceedings are entered. Ex#4 Continuance Grtanted Reset 2/9/09 Jury Trial 215/f.tCJ .Ao..tJ!\lloc.e.~ut On Co Defend ant Christoper Hall's Criminal Docket Sheet the following fraudulent proceedings are 'a'A~ro. ¥-""A# ·lNl 12/22/08 ContiLnuance Granted. Reset to Feb. Trial Docket APPLICANT'S CLAIM UNDER 2;3; AND 4 Fraud on tbae Court by the Court, Ineffective Counsel, Violation of Due Process and Statutory Procedures and Rules. Applicant did 1not know about any 12/22/08 proceedings and did not appear at any such proceedings. Applicant was; not told by his attorney or the Court about any proceedings for 12/22/08. Applicant was not before the court for adjudication the court had already lost jurisdiction. Mapco Inc. v. Forrest, 7.9!t .S. W.. 2rl 7.0{\. 703 (T.x.. J_9_9fl}.. Applicant does not know if co defendant asked for a continuance or if he appeared at any 12/22/08 proceedings, h10wever the Trial Court Record clearly reflects that there was no such proceedings recorded on tbte record of the court. These illegal entry's onto Applicant's Criminal Docket Sheet were all a part of the scheme by officer's of the court to• make it appear that the court still had jurisdiction over the Applicant and the subject matter when in fact jurisdiction had been lost. Fraud occurs when a party sets into motion a scheme J2 calculated to imterfere with the judicial system's ability impartially to adjudicate a matter by improperly inf!:luencing the trier of fact or unfairly hampering the presentation of the opposing party's claim or defense Aoude v. Mobil Oil Corp. 892 F 2d 1115,1118 (1st Cir. 1989). Applicant was not before the court for adjudation the court had already lost jurisdiction. Mapco Inc. v. Forrest, 795 s.. W. 2d 700, 703 (Tx. 1990). The Court hadl already lost jurisdiction for the violation of the Applicant's 14th amendment rights. JOHNSON V. ZERBST 304 U.S. 458 Sup. Ct.1938. Fact 13. 2/5/09 F'RAUDLENfT PROCEEDINGS ENTERED ONTO APPLICANT'S CRIMINAL DOCKET SHEET SEEEX#4 COURT REPORTER'S RECORD FOR 2/5/08 UNDER APPLICANT'S NAME OR CAUSE NUMBER (NONE) The following fraudulent proceedings were entered onto Applicant's Criminal Docket Sheet. 2/5/09 All Ready APPLICANT'S CLAIM UNDER 2,3 AND 4 Fraud on the Court by the Court, Ineffective Counsel, Violation of Due Process and Statutory Procedures and Rules Officer's of the: court continued their scheme to defraud the court and the applicant and to influence the tier of fact. Fr:aud occurs when a _party sets into motion a scheme calculated to interfere with the judicial systenns' ability impartially to adjudicate a matter by improperly influencing the trier of fact or unfairly hamp,ering the presentation of the opposing party's claim or defense. Aoude v. Mobil Oil Cor_p. 892 F. :Zd 1115, 1118 (l"t Cir. 1989). Applicant did mot know about any such proceedings and did not appear at any such proceedings and was not told b:y his attorney or the Court about any such proceedings. He did not announce ready. 33 Applicant was not before the court for adjudication the court had already lost jurisdiction. Mapco Inc. v. Forrest, 79S S. W. 2d 700, 703 (Tx. 199~). Fact 14. 2/5/09 CHRISTOPHER HALL PRE TRIAL HEARING CAUSE NO. S-08-5080-2 VOLUME 5-A OF 11 SEE EX# 14 FRAUDULENT CASE NUMBER AND VOLUME NUMBERS WERE ENTERED ON CO DEFENDANT CHRISTOPHER HALL'S 2/5/09 PRE TRIAL HEARING COURT REPORTERS RECORD. This hearing with the fraudulent cause number and volume numbers was not entered onto the co defendant's judgment roll under the table of contents that listed all the other volume numbers and cause numhers in the trial court recorded proceedings. SEE EX# 15 page 2 of Reporters /record Volume 1-11 MASTER INDEX FACT 15 2/5/09 FRAUDULJENT DISCUSSION OF APPLICANT'S DECISION ON PUNISHMENT BETWEEN JUDGE WHATLEY AND DEFENSE ATTORNEY JOHN GILMORE CONCEALMENT OF FRAUDULENT PROCEEDINGS APPLICANT'S CLAIM UNDER 2,3, AND 4 Fraud and Fraud om the Court, Ineffective Counsel, Violation of Due Process and Statutory Procedures and Rules Co defendant Christoper Hall's Ex# 16 Indictment, Ex# 12 Criminal Docket Sheet, and all other Court Report.er's Records Ex#'s lllllll/l/lllll/llllll/11/11 identify Hall's: Cause No. A-08-5080-2CR not S-08-5080-2 The Court Reporter's Record show under Christopher Halls Recorded Proceedings Volumes 1-11. these Vollumes are listed in the Courts Table of Contents of the Co Defendant's Judgment Roll that was submtitted to the 13th Court of Appeals Corpus Christi Texas Cause No. 2:12-cv-00093. 34 The Court Reporters Record actually contain 12 volumes on Christopher Hall's pre trials. But the 12th Volume is stvled Court Reporters Record Volume 5-A of 11 and instead of the proper Cause No. of A -08-5080-2CR it is represented as S-08-5080-2. See EX# 15 3RD PAGE TABLE OF CONTENTS Volume 1 of 111 Master Index Volume 2 of 1:1 Pre trial Motions (7/24/08) (there is no Court Reporter's Record on this) Volume 3 of 11 Announcement (9/25/08) Volume 4 of 1:1 Pre Trial Hearing (10/23/08) Volume 5 of 1Jl Pre Trial Hearing (11/25/08) Volume 6 of 111 Jury Trial Voir Dire Proceedings (2/9/09) Vn.lnm~ 7 nf JJJ ..Jury T.r.ial Gnililnnn~u (2l9.1fl9) Volume 8 of li Jury Trial Guilt innocence (2/i0/09) Volume 9 of 1:1 Jury Trial Guilt Innocence (2/11/09) v~1~m11 3YtTj '"\'TYI.\ 06\\i \'rtmrt.~~ \'l~\1.W8) Volume 11. of JU Punishment-Sentencing (2/13/09) l!':S!I'N Court Reporters Record ~ofume 5-A of ff was not recorded onto tfte Ta6fe ofContents ofco defendant's Jmdgment Roll like all the other above listed volumes were, and was not submitted to The 13'h Court of Appeals where co defendant filed his Appeal .. Judge Whately and Pam Heard the District Clerk submitte,d a fraudulent Judgment Record to the Courth of Appeals This fraudulent Cause No entered onto thLe Court Reporters Record and fraudulent volume number is part of the scheme that the officer's of the court _participated in to conceal _proceedings from the court and '!J)_plicant and influence the tier of fact,. and deceive any future proceedings held by any other officer's of the court. At tbi'i bi!aliuf,?, Ttial.llJilibe .laJJn.a.. Wbat.el~ l).tesided aJJ.d thn.~ that aJt.~ed w.ere Co. defeudant. Christopher Hall with his Attorney Stan Turpin, State's Attorney Patrick Flanigan, and Applicant's Defense Attorney John Gilmore. Applicant did not appear. Applicant was not before the court for ac),iuration the court had already lost .iurisdiction. Mapco Inc. v. Forrest, 795 S. W. 2d 700, 703 (fx. 1990). Judge 'Nhatley and all the other officer's in appearance schemed to make it appear that Applicant had. announced Ready for trial when he was not before the court for adjudication and did no announce ready for trial this scheme incl~ded kee{_)ing the At>t>licant and the co defendant ioined for the trial held om 2/9/09. Officer's of the court continued their scheme to defraud the court and the applicant and to influence the tier of fact. Fraud occurs when a party sets into motion a scheme calculated to interfere with the judicial systems' ability impartially to adjudicate a matter by 35 improperly infrluencing the trier of fact or unfairly hampering the presentation of the opposing party's claim or defentse. Aoude v. Mobil Oil Corp. 892 F. 2d 1115, 1118 {1st Cir. 1989). The Court had! already lost jurisdiction for the violation of the Applicant's 141h amendment rights. JOHNSON V. ZERBST 304 U.S. 458 Sup. Ct. 1938. The court had no jurisdiction to proceed to a joint trial or a separate trial of 1\P..Plicant or to hold any other _proceedin_gs other than Acguittal. The trial courtt was without jurisdiction to proceed that parties may have agreed to it are immaterial. The verbal, Wlritten or illegally disposed of order, that appeared to allow the court to proceed was in violation of the 1st amendment to the Constitution. Near v. Minnesota ex rei. Olson, 283 U.S. 697, 51 S. Ct. 625, 7:5 L.Ed, 1357 (1931), Shelly v. Karmer, 334 U.S. 1. 68 S. Ct. 836 92 L. Ed 1161 (1948). Once a court orders {ler trial orders the court cannot disregard it's own orders. Dennis v. Haden, 867 S. W. 2d 48,511 Tex. App.(1933). At this pre tria] hearing Judge Janna Whately did not call Applicant's Name or Cause Numbet, she did not call co defendant Hall's name or cause number. However at the very beginning of the {lroceedings Flanigan announced Ready on Hall see Ex#l4 page 3 lines 3-5. Flanigan never announced ready on Pate, and Joh:n Gilmore never announced Ready on Pate. After some dis:cussions on Hall's pre trial motions, Stan Turpin finally announced ready as well. See Ex # 14 p:age 3 lines 8-13. Judge Whatelyr's only question to John Gilmore was Who is doing Punishment and Gilmore's response was I think we are going to Jury on that. See Ex# 14 page 9lines 16-25 and page 10 lines 1-4. The court had no jurisdiction over Applicant or the Subject Matter at this time, the court had already lost jurisdictiom for violating Applicant's 14th amendment to a fair and impartial trial, opportunity to be hear~ and nottice. Johnson v. Zerbst 304 U.S. 458 SuQ. Ct. 1938. 36 FACT 16. 2/9/09 The Illegal Trial of Applicant FRAUDULE1NT PROCEEDINGS OF JOINT JURY TRIAL OF APPLICANT CHADR1CK B. PATE ~N.O CO UE.FE.NOAN1: CHlU~.TOPB.ER HALL In Spite of ;a Court Order by Judge Joel Johnson given by Oral Order on 11/25/08 that Severed the Trials of App1licant and Co defendant Hall, Judge Whately and Officer's of the Court simply set about acting alone :and together to manipulate the judiciary process to make it appear that the court still had jurisdiction o·ver the Applicant and the subject matter and then tried him in an illegal proceeding that they submitted as a fair and impartial Jury trial. These Office:r's of the Court participated in hearings that involved Applicant's Motion for Severance, they all knevv or should have known that Applicant had not appeared at these hearings and could no1 object to theiJr fraud. The officer's knew that Judge Johnson had severed the trials of the Applicant and the co defendant, they knew that there had not been a formal hearing on the Motion for Severance where a Judge: entered factual findings on the record for his reasons denying or granting the Motion. They knew thaLt he did not ask for a Continuance on 10/30/08, and they knew that fraudulent Motions Orders and Reset Dates had been entered onto his Criminal Docket Sheet. They knew that legitimate Orders had not: been entered onto his Criminal Docket Sheet. They conce:aled the illegal entries, Motion, Orders and Reset Dates when a Court Reporter did not Record the Pv10ceedings, if in fact they held any proceedings. Officer's of the Court lied when they entered onto Applicant's Criminal Docket on 10/30/08 Motion for Continuance, then they lied again when they entered All Ready on 2/5/09. Their fraud in •entering a different cause number and out of seq_uence volume number on CoUrt Reporter Record Volume 5-A of 11 . IriaJ Crout C.a.u.~ ~Nn . .S-.0.8- Df f.~ 2151.()9 .P.r~ Irial Hi'.a.tiug Df Ch.ti.'\t!lp.hi-.r 1:J.a.JJ aru:l t.bi-.o ~ODJ including it hn the Record that they sent to the Court of Appeals is more than suspicious. It was at this 37 hearing that Jrudge Whatley and Officer's schemed to make it appear that Applicant had appeared and announced reatdy for trial, and then entered it onto his criminal docket sheet. If the Court of Appeals had that document they would have seen that Applicant was not there. John Gilmore :had abandoned Applicant's defense long before this hearing and just kept participating in the fraud. The trial coULrt and it's officer's through the various frauds just mentioned above and throughout this Habeas Mo1tion willfully abused the judicial process, their lies, deception dishonesty, their silence, commission, Clmissions , speech, etc. made it impossible for Applicant to present his defense. The scheme that they put in place to keep Applicant and co defendant joined for trial at any cost, could I not help to ha've influenced the jury (tier of fact). Applicant was convicted and his liberty stripped from him by a Judiaical System that he trusted to hear his defense and Acquit him. He was not willing to take a plea dteal for something he did not do. He trusted the judicial system and his Defense Attorney. He relied on •a "jury" that was deceived by the State to Acq_uit him. A jury that had no idea all that had gone on befone he appeared in front of them and plead "Not Guilty". The fraud and violation of Applicant's due process did not stop here, the fraud continued even after Applicant's Conviction . However at the illegal trial various more frauds and violations of Applicant's due process were abused. The following is a list of event's of the proceedings in this fraudulent proceeding. Before the tria] started on 2/9/09 at the Voire Dire proceeding See Ex# 17 Court Reporter Record Volume 4 of 9, page 102 lines 5-25 . Applicant's 1V1other was entering the Court room and was stopped at the door and told that she could not come in for the trial. She went to the District Clerk's Office and asked to see a Judge The clerk asked her why and she told her that she was not being allowed to go inside the court room. Clerk went to announce her to the Judge, when she came back she told her that the Judge told her to go 38 back down there and she would be allowed to go in. She went inside and was told to stand on the back wall because there was no seating for her. At the Voire Dire a potential Juror Ms. Voss kept asking John Gilmore (Applicant's Attorney) about why both Applicant and Co defendant were at the same trial. Gilmore finally gave her an answer. See Ex# 17 Court Reporters Record Volume 4 of 9 Chadrick B. Pate page 102 lines 5-25. He said we are being forced to do it this way okay. We don't want to.Ms.Voss was not picked for the jury trial. After the Voire: Dire Proceedings the Jury Trial_proceeded, and before it did , A_p_plicants Mother was ;tanding outside the Court Room Doors in the Lobby Area when a woman who did not identify herself and who was unknown to his Mother stated loudly. I am invoking "The Rule" Applicant's Mother Asked first Wlho the woman was and she identified herself as Assistant District Attorney and then Applicant's M:o~her asked what rule she was talking about and the woman's response was you cannot come into the court room during the trial unless you are called to testify. See Texas Rules of Evidence Inv1okin_g Rule 614 Under this rule at the reguest of a _party the court shall order witnesses excluded.so that they cannot hear the testimony of other witnesses and it may make the order of it's own motion. This rule does not authorize exclusion of (3) a person whose presence is shown by at party to be ess:ential to the _presentation of the _parcy's cause. The Court violated Applicant's right to be heard and notiice. There is no on the record request from any party to exclude Applicant's Mother . Applicant was not given an o_p_portunity to be heard to challenge the Rule and to _present his case that his Mother should not be excluded under Rule 614 (3). There is no record that Applicant was given and opportunity to be heard or notice. Applicant's Mother was not called to testify. It was the State that subpoena her to testify. Applicant was brought to the trial in Leg Restraints. There is no Court Order ordering him to wear Leg 39 Restraints and no hearing on the matter. Someone in the audience stated out loud.( that person was a witness for the State who obviously was sitting in the court room) He is injail I can see his Leg Restraints. See Ex# 18 Trial Transcript page 259,260 and 261 and Ex# 19 Applicant Affidavit. The court must make independent determination that restraints are justified and must state its reason on 1the record. See Deck ck v. Missouri 544 U.S. 622 {2007). Defense Atton:1ey John Gilmore, Co Defendant's Attorney Stan Turpin, and the State's Attorney stayed silent as to the justification of Leg Restraints on Applicant violating Applicant's Dut:: Process ri.,ghts and committin.,g fraud on the court. Defense Atton:1ey motioned for a severance numerous times at trial, to which Judge Whately simply overruled and held no hearing, and made no on the record factual findings for her reasons to deny the severance. See Ex# 20 Trial Transcript Reporters Record Volume 6 of9 page 22111-25. Judge Whately allowed the State to bring in the statement of a co defendant that was not testifying that Applicant 1could not confront. She simply told the Jurors to disregard the statement. · At the sentenci_ng and _punishment _proceedings John Gilmore did not call one Witness on A_p_plicant's behalf, and he: did not tell Applicant's family that they could testify for him until about an hour before the proceedings. Applicant's Best Friend and Sister had already left the proceedings for the day and Ap_plicant's M1other could not reach them. A_p_plicant would not allow his Mother to testify because she was still in sho1ck and devastated from the Jury having found a Guilty Verdict against her oldest child and only son. APPLICANT'S CLAIM UNDER 2,3. AND 4 Every single event at the 2/9/09 joint trial of Applicant was Fraud upon the Court and a violation of Applicant's Right to Due Process under both the Texas Constitution and the u. s. Constution. 40 THE EVENlfS AFTER THE TRIAL AND CERTIFICATION OF APPLICANT'S JUDGMENT AND CERTIFICATION TO THE 13TH COURT OF APPEALS CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS EA.cr t7. FRAUDULENT RECORDS IN CERTIFICATION OF APPLICANT'S JUDGMENT ROLL TO THE ~3TH C&..PRTOF APPEALS CORPUS CllRlSfl TEXAS, CRliHlNAL COURT OF APPEALS, AUSTIN, TEXAS AND THE U.S. DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS AT HOUSTON TEXAS 6/24/09 Applicant's Claim under 2,3, and 4 6/24/09 ERATJOTlLEl!\TT RECORDS. lN. CERilflCA.TlON Of A.PPLlCANT'S. JUDGMENT ROLL TO THE i3tH COURT OF APPEALS CORPUS CHRISTI TEXAS Judgment Records to the 131h Court of Appeals Corpus Christi, Texas . Judge Whatley certified See EX# 24 Judgfe Whately's Certification the proceedings that were held , instruments and other papers that were filedl in cause A-08-5080-4 CR Cbadrick B Pate.See EX# 14 INDEX CHAD RICK B. PATE A-08-5080-4CR page 1 under last entry on the page showing Order on Motion for Severance. See Ex # 6 • This is the same Order that Judge Wellborn called a Mistake and said that it had not been officiially filed. See Ex# 9. It is also the same Order that the District Clerk Pam Heard ;aid had not been filed and was just a piece of paper in the file. See Ex# 7. Yet Judge Whately says it was a p1roceeding that was held and it was filed into Cause No. A-08-5080-4CR. The District Clerks Office (Pam Heard's Office ) also certified that the Order was a proceeding that was held :and filed in Cause No. A-08-5080-4CR. See Ex# 23 District Clerk Pam Heard's Certification .. By submitting the Order on the Motion for Severance Judge Whately and Pam Heard committed Fraud on the Court. The Index (Judgment Record inA·08•5080 ..4CR) that Judge Whately and Pam Heard submitted to the 41 Court of Appeals is not only fraudulent for listing the Order on the Motion for Severance as a _proceedin_g that was held and filed into Cause No. A-08-5080-4CR Chadrick B. Pate. It is also fraudlulent because the Index does not list all of the Fraudulent Proceedings that the Court entered and mcorded as held and filed in Cause No. A -08-5080-4CR on Applicant's Criminal Docket Sheet See Ex# 4. The ille.p;al Proceedin.,gs that Jud.,ge Whately and Pam Heard did not certifiy to the Court o:f Appeals, are the Proceedings that were used to make it appear that Applicant had been legally rejoine~d to the Co defendant for a joint trial after they refused to hold the Court Ordered Trial for Applicant con 11/3/08. The listed Proceedings had to be Concealed from the Court of A_p_peals otherwise the Fraud committed against the Applicant and The Court of Appeals, Criminal Court of Appeals and the Federal Court would have been revealed and Applicant's conviction would have been Overturned lomg ago. 1. Proceeding 0111 10/30/08 Defendant's Motion for Continuance Reset dates Jury Triall/5/09 An.OlliJD£.eQJ,l\1 t2Ll2lfl8.\. 2. Proceeding 12/22/08 Reset dates Jury Trial2/9/09 Announcement 2/5/09 3. Proceeding 2/5/09 All Ready The Judgment for Chadrick B. Pate Cause No. A·08-5080-4CR does not conform to statutory rules. See: Trap Rule 34.5 (~)states Contents Unless the pa1rties designate the filings in the appellate record by agreement under rule 34.2 the record must imclude copies of the following: Trap Rule 34.5 (a) (2) Indictment or Information. An_y S_pecial Plea or Defense Motion that was _presented to the court and OVERRULED Any Written ''Waiver, any written stipulation and in case in which a plea of guilty or nolo contendre an;y documents entered for the plea. The Motion foJr Severance is a Defense Motion_pursuant to 34.5 (a) (2) however it was not overruled. The Order Granting Applicant's Severance dated 9/25/08 EX#6 is the Order that Judge Wellborn said 42 that he signedl by mistake and the same order that The District Clerk had called just a piece of paper in the Applicant"s file. And the Court Index Judgment does not include all of the Fraudulent Proceedings entered on Applicant's Criminal Docket sheet. Also see: Tx. R. Civ. 301 Judgment of the court shall conform to the Pleadings nature of case proved and the verdict if an_y and shall be so framed as to give pany all relief in which he is entitled eitht;~r in law or equity . Judge Whately- and the District Clerk violated Applicant's Due Process right to a fair and impartial A_p_peals Proce:ss, to be heard and notice and committed fraud on the Court, the 13th Court of A_p_peals, The Court of Criminal Appeals, Austin and the U.S. District Court for the Southern District ofTexas, \ Houston Division where the fraudulent record was entered to conceal the Trial Court's fraud on the court by the court. And to be certain the A_p_peals Process would be denied. ;'Fraud is defined as trickery or deceit, intentional misrepresentation, concealment, or nondisclosure, for the purpos•e of inducing another in reliance upon it to part with some valuable thing belonging to him, or a false: representation of a matter of fact ~y words, conduct or by concealment of what should have been dis;closed that deceives or is intended to deceive another so that he shall act upon it to his legal injury," (emphasis added) In re E.P ., 185 S.W. 3D 908 (Tex. App.-Austin 2006) FACT 18 The District Clerk's Responsibility to report fraudulent documents See Govt Codle Sec. 51.303.Duties of the Clerk (a)The clerk of a district court has custody of and shall carefully maintain and arrange the records relating to or lawfully deposited in the clerk's office. (b) the clerk of a district court shall ((1) record the acts and proceedings of the court (2) enter all j udgr:nents of the court under the direction of the ,iudge. also see Govt.. Code Title 2 Subtitle D. Chap. 51 Section 51.901 Subsection J. showing: It is the duty of the District clerk if the clerk has reasonable basis to believe in good faith that a 43 fraudulent doeument or instrument has been previously filed or recorded or offered or submitted for :filing or for filing and recording is fraudulent, the clerk shall:(l) if the document is a purported judgment or other document purporting to memorialize or evidence an act, an order, a directiive, or process of a purported court, provide written notice of the filing,·recording , or submissiom for filin_g or for filin_g and recordin_g to the stated or last known address of the person agains1t whom the purported judgment, act, order, directive, or process is rendered; Applicant's Claim Under 2 and 3 Fraud on the Trial Court, and Courts of Appeals The District CJlerk did not provide notice to Applicant of Fraudulent Judgment, Criminal Docket Sheet Court Order or Index Sheet that their office certified to the l3 1h Court of Appeals. The District Clerk did not provide notice of the Purported Motions for Continuances, Purported Orders on Continuances, Purported Court Ordered Reset Dates, Purported Announcements (that do not exists in the Court Records,) only on the Applicant's Criminal Docket Sheet. The District Clerk and Court should have had a reasonable basis to believe in good faith thai: the above mentioned documents were fraudulent. 1. Becaus:e the clerk's office is the party that discovered with the court that the Order Granting Applicant's Motion was a mistake but yet allowed it to be certified to the 13th Court of Appeals Corpus Christi, Texas 2. Because the clerk's office has custody of and shall carefully maintain and arrange the records relatimg to or lawfully deposited in he clerk's office. The Clerk reco1rded as filed the above mentioned documents when the clerk's office knew that every proceed:ing/document, order, reset day, announcement motion and order entered onto the A_p_plicant's Criminal Docket Sheet after the 10/23/08 hearing on his Motion to Dismiss were fraudulent entries. The Clerk's office knew that there were no Recorded Proceedings in the Court Record showimg evidence of any of the entries that the Clerks' office made onto the Criminal Docket Sheet after the~ 10/23/08 hearin_g. 44. The District Cterk and Judge Janna Whatley committed fraud and fraud on the court when they submitted a Fraudulent Judgment to the 13th Court of Appeals and failed to Report Fraudulent Records filed and enter,ed into the Trial Court and the 13th Court of Appeals Corpus Christi, Texas. Letter fr())m Judge Wellborn in Response to Letter from Habeas Attorney Carrie Crisp. Ex#9 Without quoting Judge Wellborn, he in essence stated that he was the pre trial judge at a hearing for a Motion for Se:verance by Applicant on 9/25/08 but that the State req_uested a Motion for Continuances that same day and that both parties agreed to continue said matter. He said that while he meant to sign an Order Granting the Motion for Continuances, he instead had signed the Order Granting the Motion for Severance by mistake. He said that there were several orders in the Clerks file and they brought him the wronE~ Order but that they discovered it quickly and that is why the order was never formally filed and did not get a file stamp . He went on to explain that normally all Orders received a file stamp when they we:re filed . He also stated that when someone announced that one or more of the parties :1£.,, were waving there rights to a jury trial that the Motion for Severance became Moot. Judge Wellbo1rn did not explain why the Order Granting the Motion remained in the file or why he did not reversie the action of signing the Order. He also did not say who made the announcement and at what proceedi:ng it was announced, or why there was no record. on an announcement or factual findings on hi:s reasons for determining the Motion was Moot. See EX# 9 Letter from Judge Michael Wellborn to Carrie Crisp. Facts in The Trial Court Record regarding the claims in Judge Wellborn's letter do not comport with the: .cJ.aitr.\,'\ There is no rec:orded proceeding of any Announcement announcing that one or more of the defendant's There is no rec:orded proceeding where Judge Michael Wellborn rendered the Motion Moot and 45. provided a decision with factual findings on the Record There is no Record of notice of any such hearing and there is no notice to Applicant of a decision finding the Mcotion Moot. There are laws and procedures that must be followed at pre trial and trial. Announcemen1ts are Sl!P.POSe to be made on the record and Notice _given. Defense Motioms must be ruled on prior to trial and a hearing had to determine the facts presented in the Motion, a :Decision must be made on the Motion with factually findings that support either the Granting or Dtenial of same and notice _provided. When a Motiom is presented to the judge the maker of the Motion must also prepare a Order for the Judge to sign and provide said order to the judge and they go over the Motion and Order together. It is not the clerk that _prepares or _presents the Order, it is the Maker ofthe Order. John Gilmore 1told the Applicant and his Mother who both inquired numerous times that the Motion for Severance was denied, He told Applicant's Mother this only a few days before trial when she insisted that he find outt what was _goin_g on with the severance. CONCLUSION Because the trial court proceeded to a joint jury trial with the co defendant when Applicant Chadrick B. P'ate and the natter were not properly before the court for adjudication, the trial court had no j1urisdiction to enter a Void Judgment, Sentence and Conviction against him and illegally impri son him in the Texas Department Criminal Justice System. All of the Fact:s Presented Both On The Record of the trial court and Outside the Courts Record and SuQported by the Courts records or sworn affidavit verify the Conclusion that At>t?licant's Judgment is Void. 46. That Conviction was acquired through the Violation of Applicant's Due Process Rights to a fair and impartial trial, opportunity to be heard and Notice, and that Officers of the Court committed Fraud on the Court b:y the Court in order to obtain an illegal Conviction of the Applicant. They each one and all at one time or another made intentional misrepresentations to the Court, were deceitful, usedl trickery concealed facts, were _passively silent, _prevented a decision on a defense motion presentted fraudulent documents, entered fraudulent proceedings and used deception by commission, by omission, by speech, by silence, and by innuendo to obtain the conviction The trial court: _proceeded to trial when they had no jurisdiction over A_p_plicant or the matter and gained an illegal conviction that illegally imprisoned Applicant, Applicant nor the issue were properly before the court for adjudication. The trial court violated A_p_plicant's Due Process Rights to a impartial and fair trial, o_p_portunity to be heard, and notice through their ~violations of Applicant's Due Process, fraud and fraud upon the court that caused the Court to lose j urisdiction to proceed to trial and to enter a Void Judgment, Conviction and Sentence. Johnson v. Ze1rbst 304 U S 458 Sup Ct , Fay v. Noia 372 U S 391 (1963) Mapco Inc. V~ Forrest, 795 S W 2d 700.703 (Tx. 1990) See Armstrong v. Obucino 300 III 140,143 (192l), Bracey v. Warden US Supreme Court No 96-6133 (June 9th 1997) Exparte Youn:g 418 S. W. 2d 214.223(Tx. Crim. App. 1977. Fraud may comsist of both active misrepresentation and passive silence. Vela v. Marywood 17 S. W. 3d 7'50, review denied with per curiam opinion 53 S W 3d 684 rehearing of petition for review deniedl (Tex App. Austin 2000). "Fraud Upon the Court" has been defined as that fraud committed by an officer of the court in any attempt to dec:eive, either by commission, by omission,by speech, by silence, by gesture, by innuendo 47 by look, etc. \Vhenever this fraud is committed by any attorney or judge, it is a "fraud upon the Court" In Eu_gene Le:e Armentrout et. al.,'Ill. 2D 242 75 Ill Dec 703 457 N.E.2d 1262 (198~): Regenold v. Baby Fold, In.c., 68 IU. 2D 419,435 12 Ill Dec. 151.369 N.E. 2D 858 (1977); In re Lamberis, 93 Ill. 2D 222,229,66 Ill. Dec.623, 443 N.E.2d 549 (1982); BuUoch v. United States k 763 F 2d 1115,1121 (1985); Root )Refining Co. v. Universal Oil Products Co., 169 F2d 514 (1948) · Fraud occurs when a party sets into motion a scheme calculated to interfere with the judicial system's ability impartially to adiudicate a matter by improperly influencing the trier of fact or unfairly hampering the: presentation of the opposing party's claim or defense. AOUDE v. Mobil Oil Corp., 892 F.2d. 1115,1118 (1st Cir. 1989). [t is fraud that denies a losing litigant the opportunity to fully litigate at trial his rights or defenses that could have been asserted. Alexander, 266 S W 2d@ 1001: King Ranch, Inc. v. Chapman, 118 S W 3d 742,752 (Tex. 2003). [n Fay v. Noia. the court observed: Criminal proceedings so fundamentally defective as to make imprisonment ]pursuant to them constitutionally intolerable should not be allowed to obscure the basic continuity in the conception of the Writ as remedy for such imprisonment. 48 PRAYER Whereforce Petitioner Prays that the Court grant Chad rick B. Pate releif from which he is entitle«d in this proceeding, that includes an Order for his Immediate Release from Incarceration, OrdJtt Va.:atin~ an.d Diun.is.~ ~ Vnid .lu.d.PJD£nt , Sellf£n£e, a.n.d. Cnn.v.id.inn., an Onrder Removing the Conviction from all Judaical and Government Records, And ·an Ordenr that Sanctions the Trial Court and it's Officers of the Court for the fraud and due ~ tNkAtimM ittllkted IYp'tflT Clndrkk B Pdre. Aad aa,· «ker mid tlttrt l$ ttfwNahk M /rim. &4'\. IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS WRIT NO. EX PARTE FROM THE THE DISTRICT COURT CHADRIC:K B PATE 36TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT TDCJ #015,63340 ARANSAS COUNTY, TEXAS CAUSE NO. A-08-5080-4CR .OATH STATE OF' TEXAS, COUNTY OF TRAVIS I NEMA BARDIN BEING DULY SWORN, UNDER OATH SAYS: I AM THE PETITIONER iN THIS ORI,GINAL HABEAS CORPUS ACTION AND KNOW THE CONTENTS OF THE ABOVE APPJLICATION FOR WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS AND, ACCORDING TO MY BELIEF, Tffi~ FACTS STATED IN THE APPLICATION ARE TRUE. l'l-\-~ SUBSCRilliJED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME MAY Hrf'H 2015 • . . . . . . ~!"k~',,, N. A. CADENA bt.A;~t---.. Notary Public, State of .Texas L.<.. ~) ~ .. My commission Exp1res NOTARY PUBLIC -..,;.;._....~~+? october ac, 20l8 .,,,,,?,~,,......... . .. .. ·-~ sc. IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS WRIT NO. EX PARTE FROM THE THE DISTRICT COURT CHADRIC:K B PATE 36TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT TDCJ #015t63340 ARANSAS COUNTY, TEXAS CAUSE NO. A-08-5080-4CR PETITIONER'S INFORMATION NEMABA.RDIN P. 0. Box 7·72 Austin, Tex:as 78767 512-487-0197 cell CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I do hereby certify that a true original of the above and foregoing Application of Original Habeas Corpus w~ils personally hand delivered on the 191b day of May, 2015 to The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals Clerk's Office at 201 W. 14tb Street Austin, Texas 78701 ~~~ner 51. IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS WRIT NO. EX PARTE FROM THE THE DISTRICT COURT CHADRIC:K B PATE 36TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT TDCJ #015(63340 ARANSAS COUNTY, TEXAS CAUSE NO. A-08-5080-4CR COVER SHEET TABLE OF CONTENTS IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS WRIT NO. EX PARTE FROM THE THE DISTRICT COURT CHAD RICK 18 PATE 36TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT TDCJ #015632~40 ARANSAS COUNTY, TEXAS CAUSE NO. A-08-5080-4CR TABLE OF CONTENTS LETTER TO CLERK COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS COVER SHEET EXHIBIT LIST (2 PAGES) EXHIBITS 1-24 ORIGINAL WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS (51 PAGES) JURISDICTION PAGE 2 PROCEDURAL HISTORY PAGE.3 AND 4 STATEMENT OF THE CASE PAGE 5-8 CLAIMS/GROUNDS FOR RELEIF PAGE 8-10 FACTS SUPPORTING CLAIMS GROUNDS FOR RELEIF PAGE 10-46 CONCLUSION PAGE 46-48 PRAYER PAGE 49 OATH PAGE 50 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE PAGE 51 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE -·....... ' IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS WRIT NO. EX PARTE FROM THE THE DISTRICT COURT CHADRIC:K B PATE 36TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT TDCJ #015163340 ARANSAS COUNTY, TEXAS CAUSE NO. A-08-5080-4CR EXHIBIT LIST Ex# 1 Motiom of Defendant Chadrick Pate for Severance of Defendant's Ex # 2 Indictment Ex # 3 Char~~e of the Court Ex # 4 Crimimal Docket Sheet of Applicant Chadrick B. Pate Ex # 5 9/25/018 Reporters Record Volume 2 of 9 Chadrick Pate Ex # 6 Ordenr on Motion for Severance Chadrick Pate 9/25/08 Ex # 7 Affidavit of Stacy Deville (On statement from Pam Heard on Mistake of Severance Order page ll paragraph 3 Ex # 8 10/23/'08 Reporters Record Volume 4 of 11 Pre trial hearing Christopher Hall A-08-5080- 2CR Ex# 9 Judge! Wellborn's letter to Carrie Crisp Applicant's Habeas Attorney Ex# 10 Carri·e Crisp letter to Judge Wellborn Ex# 1110/23/1~8 Reporter's Record Volume 3 of 9 Chadrick Pate Motion to Dismiss A-08-5080- 4CR Ex# 12 Criminal Docket Sheet Christopher Hall A-08-5080-2CR --. E..x# L" JJ.l2..".1fl8 JUpnrt.u.s Runrrl Vnhun.e .5 nf JJ pr£ ir.ial Ju>.ar.i.og Chr.i~.u Hall _A-.0.8·:SJl8.0- 2CR Ex# 14 2/5/019 Reporters Record Volume SA of 11 pre trial hearing S-08-5080-2 t.:\.¥t -...~ Ytmt~ \Tt&a. C'f.m+~ \WI. <:-mart\\~~ \\u-m-1! 'hko.WA 1m 11 ~ 'l Ex# 16 Indic·tment Christopher Hall A-08-5080-2CR Ex# 17 2/9/09 Reporters Record Volume 4 of 9 page 102 line 9-25 Chadrick Pate A-08-5080· .:rCR Ex# 18 Repo•rters Record Volume of pages 259lines 1-25 Ex# 19 Affid:avit of Applicant Chadrick Pate on Leg Restraints Ex# 20 Reporters Record Volume 6 of9 page 221lines 1-25 Chadrick Pate Ex# 21 Index of Events certified to Court of Appeals Chadrick Pate Ex# 22 JudgDDent Front Page Chadrick Pate A-08-5080-4CR Ex# 23 District Clerk Certification to the Court of Appeals Ex# 24 Judge Whately'S certification to the Court of Appeals of all proceedings. IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS WRIT NO. EX PARTE FROM THE THE DISTRICT COURT CHADRIC:K B PATE 36TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT TDCJ #015~63340 ARANSAS COUNTY, TEXAS CAUSE NO. A-08-5080-4CR COVER SHEET EXHIBIT 1 MOTION OF DEFENDANT CHADRICK PATE FOR SEVERANCE OF DEFENDANT'S Case 4:13-cv-00709 Document 5-13 Filed in TXSD on 05/17/13 Page 37 of 60 CAUSENO. A-08-5058-4CR THE STATE OF TEXAS • IN THE DISTRJCT COURT vs. • 361h JUDICIAL DISTRICT CHADRICK PATE • ARANSAS COUNTY, TEXAS MOTION OF DEFENDANT CHAQRICK PATE FOR SEVERANCE OF DEFENDANTS TO THE HONORABLE JUDGE OF SAID COURT: NOW COMES the Defendant, Chadrick Pate, by and through his attorney John Gilmore, and respectfully moves this Court for an order severing the offenses charged against this Defendant in the indictment herein from the offenses charged the co- defendants and for a separate trial thereon, on the grounds that this Defendant is by the joinder herein and for good cause would respectfully show unto the Court as follows: I. Defendant believes that there are previous admissible against the co-defendants ( ; in this case. II. Further, we believe that there will be conflicts in the defenses of this Defendant and the co..;defendants which will be prejudicial to Defendant if they are tried together. III. A joint trial of Defendant and his co-defendants poses a security risk to Defendant and to trial participants and spectators. WHEREFORE, Defendant respectfully prays that this Honorable Court sever him from the co·defendant indicted herein and order a separate trial of the charges against him from the offenses charged the co-defendants and for such other and further relief as this Honorable Court may deem just and proper. fi~,· · .=: ..,_ rv::;:;. 'cloci(~_M. .· . . . . . . . - . .. :. . ' . -· Case 4:13-cv:oo709 Document 5-13 Filed in TXSD on 05/17/13 Page 38 of 60 Respectfully submitted, 622 S. Tancahua/ P. 0. Box 276 Corpus Christi, Texas 78403 (36ruil'. ~82-4378/phone (361 .882·3635ffax A ORNEYFOR DEFENDANT BARNO. 07958500 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I, John Gilmore, do hereby certifY that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Motion of Defendant Chadrick Pate for Severance of Defendants has been served on Aransas County District Attorney's Office, Nueces County Courthouse, 301 N. Live Oak Street, Rockport, Texas on this the,'?~y of July, 2008. ~ .?J1 IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS WRIT NO. EX PARTE FROM THE THE DISTRICT COURT CHADRIC:K B PATE 36TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT TDCJ #015~63340 ARANSAS COUNTY, TEXAS CAUSE NO. A-08-5080-4CR COVER SHEET EXHIBIT 2 INDICTMENT INDICTMENT THE STATE OF TEXAS va •. MICHAEL JASON UNDERWOOD, CHRISTOPHER JOSEPH HALL, ANTHONY LEE RAY, CHADRICK B. PAT~ AND KEVIN RAY TANTON OFFENSE Murder, Aggravated Assault /Engaging In Organized Criminal Activity TPC Sec. 19.02/ Firat Degree Felony TPC Sec. 22.02/71.02/1 Firat Degree Felony WITNESS·. Michael Brooks, Ruaaell Kirk :~.~:~:~~:.:.~~~=~~. :~:.~~. . . :.::!::. . . :~:.::~~.: IN THE NAME AND BY AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF TEXAS Count One COMES NOW THE GRAND JURORS for the County of Aransas, State aforesaid, duly selected, organized, impaneled and swom as such at the April Term, A.D, 2008, of the 36th Judicial District Court, in and for said County, a quorum thereof being prese.nt, upon their oaths present in and to said Court that MICHAEL JASON UNDERWOOD, CHRISTOPHER JOSEPH HALL, ANTHONY LEE RAY, CHADRICK B. PATE, and KEVIN RAY TANTON, acting alone and together, on or about the 4th day of January, A.D. 2008 and anterior to the presentment of this Indictment, in the County and State aforesaid, did then and there intentionally or knowingly cause the death of an individual, namely, Aaron Watson, by shooting the said Aaron Watson with a firearm; Count Two AND THE GRANO JURORS AFORESAID, upon their oaths aforesaid, do further present in and to said Court that MICHAEL JASON UNDERWOOD, CHRISTOPHER JOSEPH HALL, · ANTHONY LEE RAY, CHADRICK B. PATE, and KEVIN RAY TANTON, acting alone and together, on or about the 4th day of January; A.D: 2008 and anterior to the presentment of this Indictment, in the County and State aforesaid, did then and there intentionally, knowingly or recklessly cause serious bodily injury to Aaron Watson by shooting the said Aaron Watson with a handgun, the same being a firearm; And the defendants did then and there commit said offense with the intent to establish, maintain, or participate in a combination or in the profits of a combination who collabprated in carrying on said criminal activity; against the peace and dignity of the State IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS WRIT NO. EX PARTE FROM THE THE DISTRICT COURT CHADRIC:K B PATE 36TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT TDCJ #015163340 ARANSAS COUNTY, TEXAS CAUSE NO. A-08-5080-4CR COVER SHEET EXHIBIT 3 CHARGE OF THE COURT Charge Jmy p. I Cause No. A-08-5080-4· CR THE STATE OF TEXAS § IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF § ARANSAS COUNTY, TEXAS CHADRICKB.PATE § 36TII JUDICIAL DISTRICT CHARGE OF THE COURT MEMBERS OF THE JURY: The defendant, CHADRICK B. PATE, stands charged by indictment with the offenses of COUNTS 1 MURDER, alleged to have been committed on or about January 4, 2008 in Aransas County, Texas; and COUNT. 2 AGGRAVATED · ASSAULT, alleged to have been committed on or about Janwuy 4, 2008, in Aransas County, Texas. The defendant is also alleged to have committed ~e offense of Aggravated Assault in Count 2 while ENGAGING IN ORGANIZED CRIMINAL ACTIVITY. The defendant has pleaded not guilty to each offense you are instructed that the law applicable to this case is as follows: COUNT ONE 1. Our law provides that a person commits murder if he intentionitlly or knowingly causes the death of an individual. ,. Charge Jury p. 2 2. A person acts intentionally, or with intent, with respect to a result of his conduct when it is his conscious objective or desire to cause the result A person acts knowingly, or with knowledge, with respect to a result of his conduct when he is aware that his conduct is reasonably certain to cause the result. A "deadly weapon" means a firearm •Individual" means a human being. 3. 7. c:,---~ Cet.)C~j Our laws provide that a person is criminally responsible as a party to an offense if the offense is committed by his own conduct, by the conduct of another A person is criminally responsible for an offense committed by the conduct \ \ of another if, acting with intent to promote or assist the commission of the offense, he solicits, encourages, directs, aids, or attempts to aid the other person to commit offense. Mere presence alone will not constitute one f'6Y1A l 0od..tP~-.if..t::J.L N - .. 1--3lrO~JI ~.L\-0~ I b~ !ot D I){__- ~ol (7V) ,.-- I~- I . lJt 'o1 q}J...c;-7~ ?e. 1:3oaH\. On~-" I ' ' M/Fic C1v oo;:bd i I! I! ' j q}J.Of /~ r ~- Qclr•• --;-r-;- 1 I· q ~~Gla?2 5-~ 110dia-n #b (knJ ~~ I I .I ' id~~ ~r.? fkw-Y t-- vr- ~A/- tlJ:. I~ 6?) fJT &c.r. J-3. :Jt;zJJj ~ ~~ I i i ... lo 2::, l1t'O~ ~~ l._ ~C-Dol ~l~~ ~ i L .Q\·I"rtv- . ~\ h \) u ! ' rfu AI-~ \...._,£_~ ~ D "-"' /\~· l .A ~~ i I j I \ L _ \ l \. \L4:. c_.-& 0 . L . s\:. - ... J 1 0 ~-ll ~ o-- iI '· - ~~~ .-.a_~ ~-\h "!. ~ _0 "'""~ "~' l"J"-..~ wl,t;~ : : I I i ; I ' ;~o ~' "_a \ . \-,.k CA..-~ Au.t..:. ~ " .Q. . ~ t..--h.. .LiT"' kD \) '-' i i l I I I l m y.. ' -\¥· ~ ~ ~ j ~-. /.---..... -~ ..----.. STATE OF TEXAS ,1 VS. No. _0 g ::0 g()- I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~====~====~==~~====~====~========~====~====~====~====~E=~~~~==rr=======~~~~-~ II ORDERS OF COURT CONTINUED PROCESS 1\).. .. ·~"~ \~. 'l. ~._. ~ ~),.) ~~ -b.\,.,,_.._ . 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J~ANI c 0! .';n - l 0: l.,n" .... - &uJ,.. - /(J: <(:::,-- Lu.n..ch. bMc.AttY /2... - -v- 7]' . ~ AQ.uitt;.xd (N,nv·rc.J }\; .'liY' 1.0'- c)JJ ~J _,.,7 ~ J. IJ..r c 'lj - .I ~~ 'r· ','- .. y IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS WRIT NO. EX PARTE FROM THE THE DISTRICT COURT CHADRIC:K B PATE 36TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT TDCJ #015j63340 ARANSAS COUNTY, TEXAS CAUSE NO. A-08-5080-4CR COVER SHEET EXHIBIT 5 9/25/08 REPORTERS RECORD VOLUME 2 OF 9 CHADRICK B. PATE 1 ( \ ' 1 R E P 0 R T E R' S R E C 0 R D 2 VOLUME cJ OF q 3 TRIAL COURT CAUSE NO. A-08-5080-4-CR 4 THE STATE OF TEXAS IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF 5 vs. ARANSAS COUNTY, TEXAS 6 CHADRICK PATE 36TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT 7 ********************************************************* 8 ANNOUNCEMENT 9 ********************************************************* A P P E A R A N C E S 10 ATTORNEY FOR THE STATE: 11 MR. MARCELINO RODRIGUEZ 12 Assistant District Attorney ( P.O. Box 1393 13 Sinton, Tx. 78387 (361) 364-6220 14 Fax No. (361) 364-9490 SBN: 00797336 15 16 ATTORNEY FOR THE DEFENDANT: MR. JOHN GILMORE 17 Attorney at Law 622 S. Tancahua 18 Corpus Christi, Tx )8401 (361) 882-4378 19 SBN: 07958500 20 21 22 23 On the 25th day of September, 2008, the following proceedings came on to be heard in the above-entitled and 24 numbered caus~ before the Honorable Michael E. Welborn, Judge .. presiding, in Rockport, Aransas County,. Texas: 25 ~~~, I'-...... Proceedings reported by Shorthand Method. SYLVIA D. TREVINO, CSR (361) 364-6200 2 / I \ 1 THE COURT: Mr. Gilmore, how are you today? 2 MR. GILMORE: I'm doing just fine, Judge. 3 THE COURT: You're here today -- Let's see. 4 You're on State versus Chadrick B. Pate. And what do we got 5 going on, Counsel? What are your announcements in that case? 6 State has filed a motions for continuance, I believe? 7 MS. RODRIGUEZ: That's correct. 8 MR. GILMORE: We don't oppose it, Judge. We're 9 going to -- Mr. Pate -- during the hurricane, Mr. Pate was 10 taking extensive attorney/client notes prior to the hurricane. 11 When they were evacuated, he was instructed to put his notes 12 in plastic garbage bags and when he got back from the ( ~ 13 evacuation, his notes were thrown out. Got that from Ricky 14 McLester, Chief Deputy. 15 THE COURT: Threw all the plastic bags out? 16 MR. GILMORE: No. Just two people. Everybody ,17 got their stuff back except for two people. So all of his 18 discovery is gone and all of'his attorney/client notes are 19 gone. 20 THE COURT: So he's not opposing a continuance 21 because he needs to get back to square one? 22 MR. GILMORE: Yeah. 23 THE COURT: All right. 24 MR. GILMORE: I heard that you reset Ms. ( 25 Cochran-May's case to November the 3td. SYLVIA D. TREVINO, CSR (361) 364-6200 3 ( 1 THE COURT: Yes, sir. 2 MR. GILMORE: Which may be feasible, but I have 3 a federal jury trial set then and those things in Judge Head's 4 court, those things are known t·o fold. And last time I talked 5 to my client, he wanted tog~ to trial. 6 THE COURT: All right. Well then ~hat I'll do 7 is go ahead and set that on November 3rd, making a.note 8 subject to your availability. 9 MR. GILMORE: Probably need -- We also need a 10 decision -- I have a motion to sever, along with Ms. 11 Cochran-May and she's going to need a decision on that, too. 12 There's going to be maybe a new attorney on that case. ( 13 THE COURT: rhat's what I'm waiting to find 14 out. That's why I wanted to know~ because I'm going to have 15 to get a new attorney, going to need to get one pretty quick 16 and that new attorney is going to want a new-- We'll need a 17 pr~-trial to decide. Basically three of these cases are going 18 to be severed out anywa.y. 19 MR. GILMORE: We got a shooter and we got my 20 guy that wasn't there. 21 THE COURT: He wasn't there. 22 MR. GILMORE: He wasn't there. I know what ·,· 23 they're saying, but -- 24 THE COURT: You ~in't going to figure out how. I 25 they're going to get there. That's the reason they call it an l,> . SYLVIA D. TREVINO, CSR (361) 364-6200 4 1 allegation. All right. We are going to give you the same 2 thing. We will have a pre-trial set on that for about the 3rd 3 so we can look at severance at that time if see where we're 4 at. And make a note that that's subject to your federal 5 court. 6 (END OF PROCEEDINGS.) 7 8 9 10 11 12 ( '·· 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 SYLVIA D. TREVINO, CSR (361) 364-6200 IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS WRIT NO. EX PARTE FROM THE THE DISTRICT COURT CHADRIC:K B PATE 36TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT TDCJ #015~63340 ARANSAS COUNTY, TEXAS CAUSE NO. A-08-5080-4CR COVER SHEET EXHIBIT 6 ORDER ON MOTION FOR SEVERANCE 9/25/08 CAUSE NO. A-08-5058-4CR THE STATE OF TEXAS * IN THE DISTRICT COURT vs. * 36th JUDICIAL DISTRICT CHADRICK PATE * ARANSAS COUNTY, TEXAS ORDER~ BE IT REMEMBERED, that on the ;;6 day of ~ . ,2008, came on to be considered and above and foregoing Motion of Defendant Chadrick Pate for Severance of Defendants; After consideration of the same, it is the opinion of the Court that Defendant's Motion be GRANTEDIBI:fliHB. ~ SIGNED this ;1..5 day of ~· ,2008. IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS WRIT NO. EX PARTE FROM THE THE DISTRICT COURT CHADRIC:K B PATE 36TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT TDCJ #015~63340 ARANSAS COUNTY, TEXAS CAUSE NO. A-08-5080-4CR COVER SHEET EXIDBIT 7 AFFIDAVIT STACEY DEVILLE DISTRICT CLERK PAM HEARD'S STATEMENT ABOUT THE MOTION OF SEVERANCE ORDER SIGNED BY JUDGE MICHAEL WELLBORN 9/25/08 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TRAVIS § AFFIDAVIT Before m~ the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Stacey Deville, who, being by me duly sworn, stated: "My name is Stacey Deville. I am over the age of eighteen, of sound mind, capable of making this affidavit, and personally acquainted with the facts herein stated: I was hired by·Nema Bardin to investigate the facts and circumstances associated with Chad Pate's conviction for the death ofAaron Watson. Below is the information I learned during the course of my investigation. I called and spoke with Pam Heard, the district clerk for Aransas County (Ms. Heard was also the district clerk in 2008). While speaking with Ms. Heard she mentioned that there was no severance granted. I did not see or have a copy of the granted severance but had been informed by Attorney Carrie Crisp that a severance was in fact granted. I mentioned to Ms. Heard that there is reportedly paperwork :from Judge Wellborn stating that the severance was granted. She said that she did not know of any severance, but if there wa5 then it was "just a piece of paper" saying that it was granted but was not file stamped with their office, and thus was not granted. I called and spoke with Juror Herlinda Maldonado. Ms. Maldonado repeatedly expressed · that she did not understand why Chad Pate was tried With Christopher Hall, the co- defendant MS. Maldonado told me that she thoUght that it was harmful to Chad's case that the two were tried together. Ms. Maldonado stated that. the jurors had- trouble deciphering which evidence and what witness' testimony applied to which defendant Ms. Maldonado stated that it was hard to hear what one did over the other and keep all of the evidence between them separate. According to Ms. Maldonado the jurors relied on the foreman of the jury to get "everything straightened out." She told me that she and the other jurors depended on the foreman to keep the evidence straight between the two defendants. Ms. Maldonado said that Pate should not have been tried with the co- defendant because it did not help Pate's case and was "guilt by association". She stated that Pate was prejudiced by the joint trial. It was the opinion of Ms. Maldonado that the Applicant's case was hurt by the fact that he was tried with the co-defendant. Juror Herlinda Maldonado also informed me that she (Ms. Maldonado) did observe applicant being brought into the court room in leg restraints. ·~.p (initials) According Ms. Maldonado, the jury was under the·mistaken impression that Pate bad to serve thirty-five years no matter what sentence the jury assessed. Instead of applying the jury charge issued by the court, the jurors decided. that "no matter what he would serve 35 years." According to Ms. Maldonado, the jury came to the conclusion "that no matter what he [Pate] would serve 35 years." Ms. Maldonado also stated that she did not think that Applicant should have been given the ninety-nine (99) year sentence. I asked her if she knew about the state's recommendation for 10 years or the fee, and she stated tha~ she had not heard of either of these. She was under the assumption that both penalties would keep him in prison for thirty-five years regardless if given life or·thirty-five years. I spoke with Tracy Watson on multiple occasions during the course of the investigation. I was able to locate Tracy through her father's phone. She wa$ unable to talk some of the times I caUed, due to using her father's phone. When I was able to talk with Tracy, she infonned me that she doesn~t believe that Chad could have done this to Aaron. She stated that she doesn't believe Chad committed the murder, and that he may have been set up. She stated that she thought it was coincidental that her mother an~ her were both arrested and placed in jail the day that Aaron was killed. She stated that she believed Aaron was an informant for the police. She stated that there were times when Aaron would've been arrested for selling or distributing drugs but was never caught for the offense. She believes that he was working with the police and that is possibly why he was never caught for the drugs. Tracy went on to mention that after the death of Aaron she spoke with a friend of hers, named Keith Kefauver, legal name Brian Keith Kefauver. Kefauver was reportedly speaking with Tracy regarding the death of her husband and mentioned to her that "one of them had to go," referring to Aaron Watson and Chad Pate. Tracy made it sound like this was referring to a set-up of Chad to take the fall for Aaron's death. Tracy mentioned that she asked him why she had not heard of this before and be said that she did not need to know this infonnation. Tracy asked Kefauver whose decision was it that one of them had to go and he did not answer. Nema Bardin emailed me after my conversation with Tracy and asked if I was able to discuss with her the reduced sentence she received. I did not have this question listed and therefore was unable to ask her about this. I called her back and asked to speak with her regardmg this but she was unable to talk and asked that I not call her on this number anymore. I asked ifshe had another number that I could call her on to discuss this and the other questions I had for her, but she stated that she did not have another phone number. I have not heard from Tracy since this day and therefore was unable to ask this and the other pertinent questions in regards to this case. I spoke with Lane DeRaven who was incarce1f11ed in the Aransas County Jail with Christopher Hall. DeRaven was cellmates with Christopher Hall, Chadrick Pate's ~ (initials) co-defendant. Hall reportedly confided in DeRaven about what happened in relation to the death of Aaron Watson. Hall said that he was called and informed by the others, not Pate, of the plans for dealing with the decedent. Hall reportedly stated to DeRaven that he had never met with Pate regarding the decedent and that Pate was not a part of the death of Aaron. Hall stated that Chad Pate was not present for or at any point involved in the planning or the commission of this offense. I received a letter in the mail fiom Brian Brock, Chad Pate's family member. regarding the case. I ~ informed that Brian had inside information relating to the murder of Aaron. Brian wrote that he was willing to speak with me regarding the case, but had to be given a guarantee for his safety and the safety of his family. He mentioned his fear for his life and the life of his family•. and that if I/we could guarantee that all would be safe then he would provide insight into the case. I cannot verifY the legitimacy of Brian's letter due to the fact that two different handwriting styles were used to write the envelope and the letter. With that said,. I can attest to the fact that I did receive a letter from a reported Brian Brock who was in jail, and the postmarked letter came from the area code the jail was located in. As for if this was indeed Brian Brock writing this letter, or if the letter was in fact correct, I cannot say. While reviewing the State's evidence for the case (Via copies provided), I noticed that the evidence collection time is not noted on the packaging. In my experience of working in this field, I have always written the date and time of collection. On most of the chain of custody tags, there is an area for the date and time of collection. In this case, I do not recall seeing the time collected written on the tagging. When I was working in the field, it was our departmental policy to provide this information but this might not be proper departmental policy for this department. While reviewing the evidence, I also noted that there was unknown DNA found underneath the victim's :fingemail(s). I noticed that the evidence was tested to the known suspect(s), but l did not recall seeing the evidence tested against the other potential parties. Unless the evidence has been further. tested, or there is an updated report of the DNA that I have not received, then some of the DNA underneath his fingemail(s) is still unknown. Throughout my investigation, I got in touch with many of the parties involved who were and were not contacted. ·I also contacted the jurors in the case. Most of the people I attempted to contact did not want to get involved or would not return my calls. I was told by Tracy Watson that she was fearful of her safety after Aaron's death, and as well by Brian Brock (in his letter) that he feared for his safety and the safety of his family if he was to disclose infonnation on this case. It appeared that people were afraid to talk due to the nature of the crime, and the parties affiliations with the Aryan Circle. <;:D (initials) To note,~ of this date I have not been n:questecl_-~,provide copies of my case mateJ:ial.or any other:material ,. • '""'~.:t.· to Nema Bardin. 1 bliie . any_&Dd~.copies • . ...,,_.. _ • of reports and biformaiion . readily.a~able but bave not been teqUeSted Jo seild-~ to ~e client. If any material is ~ bj. the.client, and/or the CC)Urt(s), I~ pro"Vid~ these when requested. · ·i I .' 'i j So .(Initial) ·..·. '· I DECLARE UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT TilE FOREGOING IS TRUE AND CORRECT,." SIGNED this ~y of l,).::_c_ .~ .:lo{2. X ~t. c.._---.-~ Affiant, Stacey Deville SUBSCRIBED AND SWOR~TO BEF ME by the said CS4 O..C:tJ \:);N, \ \(D_n this the ;;l \"\'day of~~l5::!!lO~L~o \ (_ IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS WRIT NO. EX PARTE FROM THE THE DISTRICT COURT CHADRIC:K B PATE 36TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT TDCJ #015t63340 ARANSAS COUNTY, TEXAS CAUSE NO. A-08-5080-4CR COVER SHEET EXHIBIT 8 10/23/08 REF•ORTERS RECORD VOLUME 4 OF 11 PRE TRIAL HEARING CHRISTOPHER HALL A-08-5080-2CR ~ e-x t• ,.. ¢~ :2 75-0i ~ Scanned Jan 26, 2012 Pretrial Hearing 10-23-08 1 REPORTER I s RECORD VOLUME LJ OF _11__ VOLUMES 2 TRIAL COURT CAUSE NO. A-08-5080-2CR 3 4 5 THE STATE OF TEXAS ) IN THE DIS~CT COURT ) 6 vs. ) ARANSAS COUNTY, TEXAS ) 7 CHRISTOPHER JOSEPH HALL ) ) 36TH JUDICIAL oi~'MI'Veo IN 8 COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS 9 AUG 1 o 2011 10 11 - louise Pearson, Clerk 12 PRETRIAL HEARING ,~ ··' 13 14 15 16 - Original produced on March 11. 2009 - 17 18 19 20 On the 23rd day of October, 2008, the following 21 proceedings came on to be held in the above-titled and 22 numbered cause before the Honorable Joel B. Johnson, ,Judge 23 Presiding, held in Rockport, Aransas County, Texas. 24 Proceedings reported by computerized stenotype machine. 25 l ~---_j LISA TUCKER RILEY, CSR, RPR II Scanned Jan 26, 2012 ..... L- Pretrial Hearing 10-23-08 _,. 1 APPEARANCES 2 3 MR. MARCELINO RODRIGUEZ SBOT NO. 00797336 4 Assistant District Attorney P.O. Box 1393 5 Sinton, Texas 78387 Telephone: 361-364-6220 6 Attorney for the State 7 8 MR. PATRICK L. FLANIGAN SBOT NO. 07109600 9 District Attorney P.O. Box 1393 10 Sinton, Texas 78387 Telephone: 361-364-6220 11 Attorney for the State 12 13 MR. STANLEY A. TURPEN SBOT NO. 20344300 14 Attorney at Law P.O. Box 1209 15 Portland, Texas 78374 Telephone: 361-643-6422 16 Attorney for the Defendant 17 18 M1\. JOHN s. GILMORE I JR. SBOT NO. 07958500 19 Attorney at Law 622 S. Tancahua 20 Corpus Christi, Texas 78401 Telephone: 361-882-4378 21 Attorney :for the Co-Defendant Pate 22 23 24 25 L _j ----------~-~---~---·-----~-~----------------'---~-- LISA TUCKER RILEY, CSR, RPR Scanned Jan 26, 2012 Pretrial Hearing 10-23-08 ., P R 0 C E E D I N G S .!. 2 (Defendant present) 3 THE COURT: Christopher Hall, Mr. Turpen. Stan, you just got re-appointed as a result of Ms. Cochran-May's employment in the county attorney's office. MR. TURPEN: That's correct, Judge. THE COURT: You need a reset? MR. TURPEN: Big time. THE COURT: Okay. MR. TURPEN: I have talked to him for about an hour-and-a-half and talked to Tamara a little bit; talked to Marcelino a little bit but that is about it. THE COURT: Okay. The next round of jury trials after this -- DEPUTY CLERK: December the 3rd -- or December ~~ the 1st. 1 .l• 7 THE COURT: Will you be ready by December you 18 think, or no? 19 MR. TURPEN: Judge, I'm -- or that week I'm 20 going to tell you that to be honest with you I don't think I 21 could be ready by then. THE COURT: Okay. January the 5th will be the ·~ trial date. 2.4 MR. TURPEN: Thank you, Judge. That was more or less what I had mentioned to Marcelino. I figured January I ------=· -~·=·-·---=~-------·-·-·----·-~~~- ~·~~~-·' Scanned Jan 26, 2012 4 Pretrial Hearing 10-23-08 should be able to be up for it. DEPUTY CLERK: Announcement? THE COURT: At 9:00 o'clock -- hang on. That is going to be tricky. It looks like the announcement docket \-lill be D•::cember the 30th. --~ 6 Now, guys, I am remissed to tell you whether 7 that would be an afternoon or a morning. 8 DEPUTY CLERK: So far our list says 1:30 still. 9 THE COURT: That is what your list says? 10 DEPUTY CLERK: So far. 1.1 THE COURT: Then that is what I'm going to tell 12 you. 13 MR. TURPEN: Judge, can I fax in my announcement 14 on that? 15 THE COURT: On a murder case? 16 MR. TURPEN: I'm off the week after Christmas. 17 THE COURT: You can't be off the week that I 18 have got you. I want to set you for trial the first time and 19 then be off the next week when you 20 MR. TURPEN: Well, I have put my announcement in 21 for vacation. I do it every year. And the week after 22 Thanksgiving I go hunting. The week after Christmas I do what 23 I can do. 24 THE COURT: This is not the week after 25 Christmas -- well the 30th I guess is. W. LISA TUCKER RILEY, CSR, RPR ' . Scanned Jan 26, 2012 P.r·e t r _ia .L Fif::a .r.ing .l 0--2.3 ·-()8 l MR. TURPEN: I think it i:;. 2 THE COURT: Okay. Can you h2ve an annoc.mcemenc: -~ the week before Christmas on December the 22nd? ,? ...... ,- 4 MR. TURPEN: Okay. DEPUTY CLERK: At 1:30? The clerk is going to get the blame. MR. RODRIGUEZ: 9:00 o'clock is good. THE COURT: I mean one announcement docket on -::--=:- ~ -- one case, it should be 9:00 o'clock. That is what I'm --::::::- "'"" -----------... 10 thinking. MR. FLANIGAN: I would say for-- if we'll do ~2 stuff on the 30th, let's do it at 9:00 o'clock as well. THE COURT: Well, you'Ll not do anything on the 14 30th. I'm not doing anything ~n the 30th right now. MR. FLANIGAN: Okay. MR. GILMORE: Judge, I have a codefendant in this case. 18 19 as well. 20 C[:ts THE COURT: November i..,rhen I come over here . I know 1 but we'll try your case in .22 MR. GILMORE: We' ll ·cry me·: 23 THE COURT: You're my numbe:::- one prioritv :i.n 24 life, John. L ' ' Scanned Jan 26, 2012 6 Pretl:JaJ. HeaTing .l 0-·2 3--03 1 MR. RODRIGUEZ: Got to be number one with 2 somebody. 3 THE COURT: Somebody has got to be number one. 4 DEPUTY CLERK: Pretrial? 5 THE COURT: A pretrial. How many pretrials have 6 already been conducted in this case? 7 DEPUTY CLERK: Everyone has been passed. We 8 really haven't addressed anything yet. 9 ~m. FLANIGAN: We have one pretrial, Judge, 10 where, like, the discovery motions and all the non-evidentiary 11 motions were agreed to, but there have been no evidentiary 12 trial. THE COURT: The 25th of November ··- no, that is 14 the week before Thanksgiving. That is when you leave off the week afte.r-. MR. TURPEN: I'm leaving the week after Thanksgiving. This is the week before. THE COURT: All right. The 25th at ~----=~ 9:00 o'clock. ~ 0 MR. TURPEN: THE COURT: At 9:00 o'clock. And what that does is it has you appearing before the trial judge for your pretrial, for your . -- ·:..·..:..: -~-,----~-_...-- announcement and for your jury trial. You stay hooked up with ·---=~. ,.. ..:.----;;;;;:::::::.-==·= " - ' - - - - 24 where the case is set. . -------~---------------~---- 25 All right? L~~---- LISA TUCKER RILEY, CSR, RP~ .. Scanned Jan 26, 2012 7 Pretrial Hearing 10-23-08 1 MR. TURPEN: Sounds good, Judge. THE COURT: Done. 3 (End of proceedings) 5 6 7 9 1.1 12 l3 15 16 L7 19 20 ') 1 :;:. . .J. 23 * * 25 L __ LTSA TUCKSR RILEY, CSR. RPR ' . . ' Scanned Jan 26, 2012 8 1 STATE OF TEXAS 2 COUNTY OF ARANSAS 3 I, LISA TUCKER RILEY, Official Deputy Court Reporter 4 in and for the 156th District Court of Aransas, State of 5 Texas, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing contains 6 a true and correct transcription of all portions of evidence 7 and other proceedings requested in writing by counsel for the 8 parties to be included in this volume of the Reporter's Record 9 in the above-styled and numbered cause, all of which occurred 10 in open court or in chambers and were reported by me. 11. I further certify that this Reporter's Record of the 12 proceedings truly and correctly reflects the exhibits, if any, 13 offered by the respective parties. 14 I further certify that the total cost for the 15 preparation of this Reporter's Record is $44.00 and will be 16 paid in full by Aransas County. 17 WITNESS MY OFFICIP~ HAND on this, the 11th day of March, 18 2009. l. _j) . . .----- 19 20 ~(~)~2) LISA TUCKER lULEY, CSR I R 21 Texas CSR #3895 Official Deputy Court Reporter 22 P.O. Box 700 Sinton, Texas 78387 23 Telephone: 361-364-9320 Expiration: 12-31-2010 24 25 LISA TOCKER RILEY, CSR, RPR IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS WRIT NO. EX PARTE FROM THE THE DISTRICT COURT CHADRIC:K B PATE 36TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT TDCJ #015,63340 ARANSAS COUNTY, TEXAS CAUSE NO. A-08-5080-4CR COVER SHEET EXHIBIT 9 JUDGE WEJLLBORN'S LETTER TO CARRIE CRISP APPLICANT'S HABEAS ATTORNEY '. EJ( ttq '"' * .·~~·~tfi''o;;·li;.. .' ·={Ill~'P' (. ~~ :'10"'' (It' .:. ····.::... ::"......:...... MICHAEL E. WELBORN District Judge 36th Judicial District P.O. Box 700 Sinton, Texas 78387-1303 COUNTIES: Aransas Bee Live Oak McMullen San Patricio 361/364-9310 Fax: (361) 364-9410 October 5, 2012 The Law Office of Carrie Crisp 109 E. Hopkins, Suite 206 San Marcos, Texas 78666 RE: The State of Texas v. Chadrick B. Pate, Cause A-08-5080-4-CR. In the 361h Judicial District Court of Aransas County, Texas. Dear Counsel, First, I apologize for not getting you a response on a more timely basis. I did have to do some research to determine the correct answers to some of your questions. The Judges for the 36'\ 1561h and 343rct District Courts have concurrent jurisdiction in five ditierent counties and the jurisdiction to generally exchange benches. The three Judges rotate from county to county on a set schedule and all criminal matters are set on available days without .regard to which presiding Judge will be setting. In the matter involving Mr. Pate, it was my scheduled date to handle all criminal pre-trial matters in Aransas County. (All criminal cases are scheduled for pre-trial, announcement and jury trial at the docket call of all new indictments according to the published calendar for the three district judges.) Regarding Mr. Pates case, research shows that I did preside over the pretrial matters that involved multiple defendants in the same criminal indictment. The docket reflects that the Court was considering a motion to sever, however the issue became moot when it was announced that it appeared one or more ofthe defendant's were going to waive their right to a jury trial in the pending matter. Counsel for the State, did move tor a continuance on the active trial setting. Both State and Defendant agreed that said matter should be continued. I granted the State's Motion to Continue at the hearing on September 25, 2008. There were multiple orders presented and in the clerk's file at that time. The order presented to me at the hearing on September 25, 2008 was incorrect, as they presented the order on the motion to sever and not the order on the motion to continue. The order on the severance was signed by me in error on that date. The Court and the Clerk's office discovered the error before the order was formally filed (that same day) in the paper's of this cause. This is why the Order in question had not been file stamped. Mr. Gilmore attorney for Mr. Pate filed the Motion for Severance that was scheduled for hearing on September 25, 2008. Normally any order granting a motion is file stamped by the District Clerk's office after it is granted and signed by the Judge. This order was not file stamped because it was quickly determined that the wrong order was handed to the Judge for signing. • "' If you have additional questions, please do not hesitate to call or write. I do respond to appropriate email iftime is ofthe essence. (Email: welbornme@aol.com.) Respectfully, d£~-- Mictlel ~. Welborn. Judge Presiding 361h District Court. -· .;. \.J' IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS WRIT NO. EX PARTE FROM THE THE DISTRICT COURT CHADRIC:K B PATE 36TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT TDCJ #015163340 ARANSAS COUNTY, TEXAS CAUSE NO. A-08-5080-4CR COVER SHEET EXHIBIT 10 CARRIE CRISP LETTER TO JUDGE WELLBORN \.. \ . . ,; . . :".:_·.;:.··. "<. . . . . . . . . .• •• ; •, - .. ·. ' - . .. :-~. . ... ·... · ,: - September 17,2012 The mlonorable Michael Welborn Judg•e 36th District Court P. 0. Box 700 Sinton, TX 78387 Viafiucimilie to 361-364-9410 IN RF:: case The State q{Texas v. Chadrick B. Pate, Cause No. A-08-5080-4-CR (HCl) in the 36th Judicial District Court for Aransas County, Writ no. WR-78, 165-01 in the Courtt of Criminal Appeals. Dear Judge Welborn, My name is Carrie Crisp and I am Chadrick Pate's habeas counsel. In June of 2012,, I filed an application for a writ of habeas corpus on behalf of Mr. Pate, challenging both :his murder conviction and the sentence for that conviction. One of the claims for ~;:eU.ef is the denial of due. ~n:oc.ess. becaJJ.se Me Pate was tried with the co-defendant~ Mr. Christopher Joseph Hall. During my pre-writ imY:stigati th\'2. a oorma~ situation? Did you sign the order granting the motion to sever? If so, why did you grant the severance? Who approached you with the motion for severance? Where did the order I, .' IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS WRIT NO. EX PARTE FROM THE THE DISTRICT COURT CHADRIC:K B PATE 36TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT TDCJ #015t63340 ARANSAS COUNTY, TEXAS CAUSE NO. A-08-5080-4CR COVER SHEET EXHIBIT 11 10/23/08 REPORTERS RECORD VOLUME 3 OF 9 CHADRICK PATE MOTION TO DISMISS A-08-5080-4CR REtORTER Is ~ORD VOLUME ~ OF ~ VOLUMES TRIAL COURT CAUSE NO. A-08-5080-4CR 5 THE STATE OF TEXAS ) IN THE DISTRICT COURT ) 6 ) ARANSAS COUNTY, TEXAS ) ) ) 36TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT Fl L E 0 IN THE 13TH COURT OF APPEALS CORPUS CHRISTl JUN'IO 2009 {) 12 MOTION TO DISMISS9y , . ·. r ' . DORIAN E. RAMIREZ CLERK' ·~ DELIVERED JUN i 0 2009 17 13th COURT OF APPEALS .. 18 19 ORIGINAL 20 On the 23rd day of October, 2008, the following 21 proceedings came on to be held in the above~titled and 22 numbered cause before the Honorable Joel B. Johnson, J~dge 23 Presiding, held in Rockport, Aransas County, Texas. 24 Proceedings reported by computerized stenotype machine .. t J 25 LISA TUCKER RILE~~ 6SR~ RPR Case.4:13-cv-00709 Document 5-17 Filed in TXSD on 05/17/13 Rage 2 of 36 2 Motion to Dismiss lD-23-08 J . •• 1 APPEARANCES 2 3 MR.. MARCELINO RODRIGUEZ SBOT NO. 00797336 4 As~istant Di~trict Attorney P.O. Box 1393 5 Sinton, Texas 783a7 Telephone: 361-364-6220 6 Attorney for the State 7 8 . MR. JOHN S. GILMORE, JR. 9 SBOT NO. 07958500 Attorney at Law 10 622 S. Tancahua Corpus Christi, Texas 78401 11 Telephone: 361-882-4378 Attorney for the Defendant 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ... LISA TUCKER RILEY, CSR, RPR .. Case 4:13-cv-00709. Document 5-17 Filed in TXSD on·OS/17/13 Page 3 of 36 . 3 Motion to Dismiss 10-23-08 1 MOTION TO DISMISS 2 10-23-08 PAGE VOL. 3 4 DEFENDANT' S EVIDENCE 5 Chadrick B. Pate Direct Cross V.D:ire By Mr. Gilmore 5 v1 6 By Mr. Rodriguez 14 v1 7 STATE'S EVIDENCE 8 Bryctnt Ol::son Direct cro::;::; V.Dir:e 9 By Mr. Rodriguez 17 v1 By Mr. Gilmore 24 v1 10 11 Defense's Argument ..... ., ...................•....... 31 1 12 State's Argument ......._·' .....•........... ·...... , ...· ... 32 1 13 Court's Ruling ................. , . . . . . . . . . . , ....... , 33 1 14 Reporter's Certificate , ...•...•...........••...•.• 35 1 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 LISA TUCKER RILEY, CSR, RPR Case 4:13-cv-00709 Document 5-17 Filed in TXSD on 05/17/13 Pag~ 4 of 36 4 Motion to Dismiss 10-23-08 1 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF WITNESSES 2 Direct Cross V.Dire 3 Olson, Bryant 17 vl 24 v1 Pate, Chadrick B~ 5 v1 14 vl 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 LISA TUCKER RILEY, CSR, RPR Case 4:13-cv-00709 Document 5-17 Filed in.TXSD on 05/17/:1,3 Page 33 of 36 33. Motion to Dismiss 10-23-08 1 direct evidence that these documents were intentionally 2 destroyed or taken away from your client there will be # 3 immediate relief for you and immediate bad news for someone q; 4 else. 5 MR. GILMORE: Yes, sir. 6 THE COURT: Your motion is denied at this time. 7 MR. GILMORE: Yes, your Honor. 8 Just for scheduling,~ Judge, I know you're 9 getting ready to take a recess, but I think we're set for 10 THE COURT: November the 3rd. ~-------------------------------~ 11 MR. GILMORE: -- November the 3rd. And I talked ~ 12 to Mr. Rodriguez. I'm not sure that they have got everything 13 ready that they need to have done, Judge. 14 MR. RODRIGUEZ: We're still waiting on some 15 reports by a dive team that collected the weapon, your Honor, 16 and we're getting further evaluation done on the handgun that 17 was collected from the dive team. It's a matter of doing a 18 report. The testing has already been done. 19 MR. GILMORE: Are you going to be the trial 20 Judge or -- 21 THE COURT: Yes. Yes. 22 MR. GILMORE: Are you going to be here for 23 docket call? My only problem going to trial or other than 24 I don't have everything that they have got so far, but I have 25 a federal case that may go to trial in Judge Head's court. My LISA TUCKER RILEY, CSR, RPR Case 4:13-cv-00709. Document 5-17. Filed in TXSD on 05/17/13 Page 34 of 36 34 Motion to Dismiss 10-23-08 1 client is kind of vacillating: He doesn't know what he is 2 going to do yet, so I haven't filed a motion for continuance. 3 I'll know next week what he is going to do, but I just like to 4 inform the Court of that. 5 THE COURT: What are y'all ready to try on 6 November the 3rd? 7 MR. RODRIGUEZ: An attempted capital 8 murder/sexual as~ault/injury to a child. 9 THE COURT: And the lawyers are ready? 10 MR. FLANIGAN: I think the primary case would be 11 the attempted capital murder. Mr. Wimberly, that is 12 Mr. Teague is defending on this case. 13 THE COURT: All right. Mr. Teague, and you 14 understand him to be ready? 15 MR. FLANIGAN: I believe he is going to -be 16 ready. 17 THE COURT: Well, I think I'm going to leave it 18 to the judge who hears the announcement docket. 19 MR. GILMORE: Okay. Judge, that is fine. I 20 jusl wanted Lo let y'all know we may have a problem. 21 THE COURT: I have been trying to get all of 22 Mr. Pate's cases off the docket as quick1y as ~ can, John. I 23 have got one off that nobody wanted to try, and it would be my 24 pleasure to take another one off the docket that nobody wants 25 to try . . ~". LISA TUCKER RILEY, CSR, RPR Case 4:13-cv-00709 Document 5-17 Filed inTXSD on 05/17/13 Page 35 of 36 35 Motion to Dismiss 10-23-08 1 MR. GILMORE: Okay, Judge. 2 (End of proceedings) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 * * * 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ·.. .~ .. LISA TUCKER RILEY, CSR, RPR Case 4:13-cv-00709 Document 5-17 Filed in TXSD on 05/17/13 Page 36.of 36 36 . 1 STATE OF TEXAS .. 2 COUNTY OF ARANSAS 3 I, LISA TUCKER RILEY, Official Deputy.Court Reporter 4 in and for the 156th District Court of Aransas, State of 5 Texas, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing contains 6 a true and correct transcription of all portions of evidence 7 and other proceedings req~ested in writing by counsel for the 8 parties to .be included in this volume of the Reporter's Record 9 in the above-styled and numbered cause, all of which occurred 10 in open court or in chambers and were reported by me. 11 I further certify that this Reporter's Record of the 12 proceedings truly and correctly reflects the exhibits, if any, 13 offered by the ~espective parties. 14 I further certify that the total cost for the 15 preparation of this Reporter's Record is $163.00 and will be 16 paid in full by Aransas County. 17 WITNESS MY OFFICIAL HAND on this, the 11th day of March, 18 2009. ...... 19 20 LISA TUCKER RILEY, CSR, 21 Texas CSR #3895 Official Deputy Court Reporte' 22 P.O. Box 700 Sinton, Texas 78387 23 Telephone: 361-364-9320 Expiration: 12-31-2010 24 25 LISA TUCKER RILEY, CSR, RPR IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS WRIT NO. EX PARTE FROM THE THE DISTRICT COURT CHADRIC:K B PATE 36TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT TDCJ #015163340 ARANSAS COUNTY, TEXAS CAUSE NO. A-08-5080-4CR COVER SHEET EXHIBIT 12 CRIMINAL DOCKET SHEET CHRISTOPHER HALL A-08-5080-2CR ~n I~ EKif(a: ( CRIMINA( DOCKET C:{ ~~ - NUMBER OF CASE~] STYLE OF CASE AT'I'ORNEYS OFFENSE I>AT.E OF FILING Montb - Oay 'v () lll ~/-5o;>~-~~~ ~ ~ c/ ~ *~ STATE OFTEXAS vs. Information, Index or N ~ Indictment ~ ~ N ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~------------~! ~ --- -------- ~~~~~~~~~======~~~~~~~~~tJ~~~~~~I 8 0 D:#.TE OfORDERS ~ Mortth Day Vol 0 0 (') c 3 CD 1 ~ _ _ _ _[ ] l'{ Oi .- k~- ~ 117131 lo& I :;~i !~(b- finn.: q/J. +n-"1 ~ '-t'IL"' 11 P ' q crw d 0 ~c,t.-e-1 on .t-~ ( t )2-k--2. s hc>LY-'- cord B'"'"-l"' ce ..\1'\:<-'~ ( S .,.>0 ~e-l,o ~ ~~- J \\ \/)V-\ \'O {l- <>V \ - - •• 7 ·0-_ -e co { ~ :t-Lt C/) •' v( No. Ul::t 5D3'o- L ( ( (") '!:» ::s DATE Of' ORDERS ORDERS OF COURT CONTINUED MlllnteBook ·- J:S Vol 1---- --1-----H-~::..::..---:.. ,.~l~f/f) -·--- ~ .~("f~ . ,~ F~- ~J fJt;cd <./. ~ - ~ v\ I.IC><-1"-=--H---'-'~~~-~ '. -- ~GiJ ~J t:tJ~~~- OJ.R (l_ ~ lib u.(fR l )J} '¥A Oc--J.tJ.. fa. {jA \J -f'' · r Lfi- !~ ..Ju') !l!'lt!d" sue"' c. 3'3U- .ik-aif.,- ~7 ,B,r..v 1\p,o;v<- - CD a. :r 't t t 11"""'-'~~dla.a--t ~~·~"- ~. .1.5~ -~~ -l t2 ~ ~Oj __ ~mor"J~Mo a-t d C'. q ./). ~J e (0: ~<:) - ,.u.-wfb.e!_____e10 I----H------ X (f) 0 JJ.uN:k· b .l1 c.-lAc ll- e.. 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' l0 ~ \.:: ~- ~ :. \ t:l !' l 1:::: Ill ;:l :z I= :z ~ ~~ M;~- E o - ·~ i <;: ~ ~ ~ ~ -~ ~ Q t.> ~ 1-< AI I ~.. Jl~1~~~ ;:l Q u ] ~ ~' c:; J < ~ ""0rn Ql Ill Q Ql Q 1'.""'- ~:::l, ~~~~ ~~ ~ IIld ·-~ ~~ r I I I ~I ~ ~ . ,. _; ~ " I ~ ~K' ~ I ~~, 1 c: 2l . ~~~ · ~ • ~ ·t'- ~ . ~ I l " ' 1lll i~' ·c ::::tP> ~ 8 .~ !- I I I < .N ~ ~·· V) 0 ~ jt); I - Ill ~ ~ Q .. ~ ~ ~ s ~ ::- " I I I I I IIC ~ ~ ~ { Q ... ~ ,! 3 ...::::=; 0 .~ ~ 1· "') \'\) o- ~ II Q ~ ' I -l~. ·~ ,j "' I ' IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS WRIT NO. EX PARTE FROM THE THE DISTRICT COURT CHADRIC:K B PATE 36TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT TDCJ #015t63340 ARANSASCOUNTY,TEXAS CAUSE NO. A-08-5080-4CR COVER SHEET EXHIBIT 13 11/25/08 REF'ORTERS RECORD VOLUME 5 OF 11 PRE TRIAL HEARING CHRISTOPHER HALL A-08-5080-2CR £'(.. *~ l/4, .21S-o..J ~ Scanned Jan 26, 2012 Pretrial Hearing 11-25-08 1 REPORTER'S RECORD VOLUME 5 OF II VOLUMES 2 TRIAL C~ CADSE NO. A-08-5080-2CR 3 4 5 THE STATE OF TEXAS ) IN TBE DIS'l'lUC'l' COURT ) 6 VS- ) ARANSAS COUNTY, TEXAS ) JOSEPH BALL ) ) 36TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT RECEIVED IN COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS AUG 10 2011 Lowse pearson, Clerk - Or~g~nal produced on March 11, 2009- 18 19 20 On the 25th day of November, 2008, the £allowing 21 proceedings came on to be held in the above-titled and 22 numbered cause before the Honorable Michael Welborn, Judge 23 Presiding, held in Rockport, Aransas County, Texas. 24 Proceedings reported by computerized stenotype machine. 25 ~·.:~\~f' ! Scanned Jan 26, 2012 Pretrial Hearing 11-25-08 1 APPEARANCES 3 MR. MARCELINO RODRIGUEZ SBOT NO. 00797336 4 Assistant District Attorney P.O. Box 1393 5 Sinton, Texas 78387 Telephone: 361-364-6220 6 At:"l:o.rney for t;he St:at:e MR. STANLEY A. TURPEN 9 SBOT NO. 20344300 · Attorney at Law 10 P.O. Box 1209 Portland, Texas 78374 11 Telephone: 361-643-6422 Attorney for t:be De£enc:fant 12 13 14 15 ~ ~~ ~ 16 18 20 ,...,., .:.::.. J.. ~ , "N ~d-'1·" D . 22 23 24 25 L_ J Scanned Jan 26, 2012 PROCEEDINGS (Defendant present) THE COURT: Good morning, Mr. Turpen. MR. RODRIGUEZ: I'll get the file, your Honor, if we can go through it. THE COURT: Which file? MR. RODRIGUEZ: Mr. Hall's. MR. TURPEN: Judge, for the record, I have talked with the State, and I have also talked to Mr. Gilmore. has the Codefendant Pate. I represent Mr. Hall. THE COURT: Okay. MR. TURPEN: And Tamara Cochran-May represented him before I was, and there was a motion to sever that was filed, and they were going to not go forward on that motion. I have talked to my client and he in agreement. ~ I have also checked with Mr. Gilmore, and it's my understanding he is in agreement with that, too, unless his client tells him something different. That was my understanding. THE COURT: Who is the codefendant? MR. TURPEN: Pate is the last name. THE COURT: Pate. MR. RODRIGUEZ: Chadwick. MR. TURPEN: Chad -- L.~ MR. RODRIGUE_z_:_C_h_a_d_r_i_c_k_. -~-~--· ---···------J .;._ ,,, . -~ ''i' ·:: •' . . .···• ·: :.: Scanned Jan 26, 2012 4 E':.:·_--(2.-ti i.a . .{ flea r inq 1.1--25 ---:~8 .,J. THE COURT: When is that one scheduled t:;:ia.l? MR. TURPEN: Right now January the 5th z:::z;:: :;:::::a -:::- THE COf.lRT: Okay. ·-~ Well, ~-- both cases on-~ the same ~ ---------- ~r1ai doc~et at this time? MR. RODRIGUEZ: Yes, your Honor. THE COURT: Okay. Well, it's kind of hard to ::ry the~~~ the same time if it's not on the same docket. MR. TURPEN: I understand, Judge. THE COURT: Minor technicality. - ---- DEPUTY CLERK: supposed to be here on the 5th. the 9th. -= And also Mr. Gilmore is not He will be on vacation till 14 ~ 1WE COURT: Yeah, supposed to be. .MR. RODRIGUEZ: Your Honoi:, may we approach 17 THE COURT: On what, Hall? Did you bring my 18 file back in? I was going to say, no, you can't, because I 19 don't have a file. MR. RODRIGUEZ: We have reached an agreement on ?l r:::cet.ty mu:.:::::-1 all th~ motions, your Honor. 22 MR. TURPEN: That's correct. ..... --~ L •. J MR. RODRIGUEZ: We went ahead and marked the 24 GlSCOVPry reotion. 25 TFl E c:f:Jf)_t-: 'T; ·_;}_]_ liSA TUCKER RILEY, CSR,· R?R Scanned Jan 26, 2012 .~:..,-:_··-:::: t :"":.·.?.a] li£;.a :.::-.1 n~J 3] -··25·-·l!/3 1 that you have filed, Mr. Turpen? MR. TURPEN: They are, Judge. I went ahead and just refiled all the pretrial motions. The only one I was going t'o carry over from Tamara's was the motion to sever. I don't think •l'fe' re going to use them. ..- {; THE COURT: All right. Well, we have got the -- all right. You've got an order on discovery here? Ml~. TURPEN: Yes. T:CJE COURT: It looks like it has got some pen- 10 and-ink changes on it. This particular order, is that the Il one? "': ,..., .1. 1:. ~ffi. TURPEN: Yes, sir. THE COURT: Y' all are agreeing t:hat this order 14 should be entered; is that correct? MR. RODRIGUEZ: Yes, your Honor. "', .i. 0 .. THE COURT: By t.he agreement of counsel then the ! .1 order shall be entered on discovery. .1 8 MR. 1.'URPEN: Thank you, Judge . THE COURT: Motion in limine we • 11 t.ake up I 20 guess at time of hearing. MR. RODRIGUEZ: Yes, Your Honor. 'J2 THE COURT: I'm looking at the different orders ~~ here that are contained. There is a motion for severance, and 24 I believe that has been withdrawn; is that correct? I MR. RODRIGUEZ: ------ That's correct, your Honor. ------ ~------· ---------------------·------------=~~-~ Scanned Jan 26~ 2012 6 Pretrial Hearing 11-25-08 THE COURT: Is that correct? MR. TURPEN: Judge, what I would like to do on that is leave it in the file just in case we need it because I did talk to Gi.lmore. Gilmore says he didn't see any reason to sever unless his client talks otherwise, but I haven't talked back with him to know that, and 1 don't think he has a motion 7 in the file. TliE COURT: All right.. Then no ruling on the :::· motion to sever. ~ MR. TURPEN: Thank you, Judge. THE COURT: Motion to inspect and examine and 12 test physical evidence. MR. RODRIGUEZ: Not a problem, your Honor. THE COURT: Granted. ., ;::.:, MR. RODRIGUEZ: The only stipulation is that is :.6 {j\·~::r~r;; tJy appointment and ""Je have somebody there ·to lay it out 1'1R. TURPEN: At the sheriff's office. THE COURT: You'll just need to make an MR. TURPEN: Okay. THE COURT: Motion to require State to reveal In other words, that is the deal. This is the MR. RODRIGUEZ; The codefendants, and that's ~ ---::::;;:::::: = Scanned Jan 26_, 2012 7 Fr+.:::tr_ial FJ.ea r.ir1~;r 1.1 --·25-().3 basically a public record now since they went ahead and ~ .-------= 2 entered their pleas. ,--------- -~ :1 MR. TURPl}_!!;) I have been told they have -- they 4 5 have it: in each one of their files. me. ,__- - That is sufficient for He said ir:. was the same dea.l for each codefendant; is 6 that correct? MR. RODRIGUEZ: Yes. Each one received the same 8 plea offer. c) THE COURT: So basically no object.ion to it. 10 It's granted, and I would just simply indicate see 11 codefendants' plea bargains. MR. TURPEN: Yes, sir. THB COURT: And they are a public record. 14 MR. RODRIGUEZ: . ====--- Just a 1.Yaiting sentencing at ~ point. r:==- ,5'C ~~u:Rp-;;:p .· ----=.,_.___,=- ~MR. TL """" I understand. 'l'HE COUR1': This is one of the group that I J ~~ accepted the pl·za bargain on? MI?.. RODRIGUEZ: That's correct, your Honor. 20 THE COURT: That we're waiting to get sentenced. :?'I 22 - Okay. lJ co refrain from racial discrimination in the exercise of 24 peremptory s~~ikes? It's kind of like thac LISA T~CKER R1l£Y, CSR, RP? Scanned Jan 26, 2012 8 P.r:et1.-ial iiea:rir:tq .I.I--~?5--08 1 preemptive Batson. 2 THE COURT: I don't think 3 MR. RODRIGUEZ: I -- THE COURT: the Court needs to grant any 5 motion in that regards. That is the law. 6 MR. TURPEN: I understand, Judge. I have talked 7 to the State about it, but this case involves or at least the 8 allegations are that Mr. Hall is involved with a gang that is 9 probably ~~own for racial epithets and things that I just 10 wanted to preclude that from even coming up. 11 THE COURT: That's a Batson. 12 MR. TURPEN: Here in Rockport I don't think it 13 will any w~y. 14 THE COURT: That is a Batson issue at time of 15 trial. 16 MR. TURPEN: Yes, sir. 17 THE COURT: And the State will always be 18 instructed not to do that. I'm going to grant the motion. 19 MR. TURPEN: I understand, Judge. 20 THE COURT: Although I don't think it's 21 necessary, and you'll be ordered not to do that. 22 MR. RODRIGUEZ: Yes, your Honor. 23 THE COURT: And they'll -- 24 ~~- RODRIGUEZ: And I'll refrain from doing 25 _j Scanned Jan 26! 2012 9 1 THE COURT: Motion for inspection of premises. 2 t'l.fR. TURPEN: It's a trailer and a yard in 3 between. 4 MR. RODRIGUEZ: The only problem we have with 5 that, your Honor, is I'm not sure who has the premises now. 6 It was a trailer. I'm not even sure it's still there. At one 7 time it belonged to the mother of the victim. Of course, the 8 victim is now, of course, deceased. The mother that was 9 living there is in custody, and the children are with CPS. So 10 there are basically -- unless someone else moved in. I don't 11 know who controls the premises. I told Mr. Turpen that I'll 12 try to find out who has it and make it available to him if I 13 can. 14 MR. TURPEN: I'm not asking that the defendant 15 be present. l • m just for my personal vie•Npoint. 16 THE COURT: I understand that. l have but one 11 question in that particular matter, and I think the issue will 18 always remain is is the premises under the control of the 19 State, and the answer is, no, it.'s not, is 20 MR. RODRIGUEZ: No. 21 THE COURT: I don't know how the State -- I can 22 order the State to allow you to attend the premises when they 23 don't have control of the premises. 24 P.fR. TURPEN: I understand. I guess we have an 25 agreement I think between us to find out who has control and _j I; Scanned Jan 26, 2012 10 1 try to set something up •.vhere I can go out there and look at 2 it. .3 I'IJR. RODRIGUE'Z; I will make an effort to assist 4 him to get the information. 5 TP..E COURT: That.'s exactly what I'm putt.ing on 6 the order. I'm denying i t but State is to assist in viewing 7 of premises and not. to take any measures that would deprive 8 him of the ability to examine it. 9 MR. RODRIGUEZ; If anything I can get a floor 10 plan for him. 11 MR. TURPEN: That's fine. 12 MR. RODRIGUEZ; Tracy Watson who was living in 13 the residence is still here. I can prob~bly get a diagram 14 MR. TURPEN: Get a diagram of the yard. 15 MR. RODRIGUEZ: or something. That may be of 16 assis·c.ance to defense counsel. 17 THE COURT: All right. Assi.st as best you can 18 in that, and most irnpo:rta.ntly don't take any action that would 19 deprive him of the ability to examine the premises noting that 20 it's not controlled by the State. 21 The only other thing we have is a motion for 22 voir dire of expert witnesses. What is this? 23 .MR. TURPEN: Basically it's a Da1.1bert challenge. 24 I have talked to the State. What I'm going to do is ask the 25 I Court to hold it in abeyance until trial. I think I may be Scanned Jan 26, 2012 11 able to resolve it without having to have that type of hearing. I have been informed by the State, number one, I have got the expert's names. I can call them; review the ~ stuff with them, but also it's my understanding one of these 5 tests, the scent test. ~~- RODRIGUEZ: The scent lineup. MR. TURPEN: They are going to have one of these 9 supposedly in -- Ms. Cable is going to have one in Sinton on ;} the 15th or something like that, so I may be able to come up THE COURT: I have heard about those things. Ivf.R. RODRIGUEZ: And I '11 provide him \vith 14 information, the curriculum vita of the expert that will do that.. THE COURT: Isn't the expert the dog? L ; MR. RODRIGUEZ: Well, the handler. THE COURT: I mean, if you want to voir dire a !0 dog, feel free . .MR. RODRIGUEZ: The dog did have training, so I /l guess there is a certification. THE COURT: I mean, which one is the witness? 23 Which one is the expert witness? MR. TURPEN: The dog or the trainer? THE COURT: The dog or the trainer? I think the ·~~~~~-------- ________I Scanned Jan 26, 2012 12 :?·rst.rial Hear.i.nq _I .l -· ?.!."i -0~? l dcg is the wicness. I would be willing to grant thclt one to 2 see him voir dire a dog. I would like to watch that. .:l ()kay . Yeah . t~el J ~ just ho1c1 t.·h.at off~ I think 4 I know w~ere you're going on that. r.; _, My understanding is cne 6 bloodhound is very truthful. 7 And 1 don't think that the defense 8 Ci voir dire an expert wi~ness. I think they are just putting ]Q .l1 Yr:..Ji.l • ~~-e ... 1 :.?' 13 14 th~:: competency and ask the Court to make such a det.-t~rrn.i na ti()i! MR. 'I'UF'.FEN: u r,de.r stand . 1. =· 16 TF-IE: CO[!.F? T: even at the t1me of hearing. ,7 was going to try to do i~ outside .l l e J9 it . 20 21 an issue that 1s qoinq to be in the t~ial of the case, it 22 would be best to do t~is ahead of time if we know that ic's 23 going to be an issue 24 I will. l-~·~·-- Scanned Jan 26, 2012 .Fr\::: t ::~--i a J .flea r.i ng l THE COURT: Okay. Anything else on your 2 pre·trials? 3 MR. TURPEN: That's all I have. Judge. THE COURT: All right. Well, very good. Those 5 orders will enter as reflected. 6 MR. TURPEN: Thank you, Judge. 7 Also I think all the other -- I have asked that 8 all the other motions that Ms. Tamara Cochran-May be filed, 9 have those be struck at this time, too, so there is no 1 'J confusion. THE COURT: Okay. 1:2 MR. TURPEN: I' rn not sure what she filed. 13 THE COURT: All right. MR. TURPEN: I just think it's cleaner to go • t-' forward Wl._n what I have got. l 6 THE COURT: You're going forward on your motions -'-' only? ---[;7 MR. TURPEN: Right, except for the motion to 19 seV"er in case Mr. Gilmore comes back and says his client wants to sever and needs to sever or something. We'll bring it -------···---·----- back. 4. nr:"'.eG.• l THE COURT: I think it's more than a want. or a think there has to be some purpose behind some ?4 speclr~c reason the case needs to be severed such as prior ?S c:rim.;_nai history or something of that nature. LISA TUCKER RlLEY, CSR, R2R .. ' Scanned Jan 26, 2012 1s 1 fl~. TURPEN: Yes, sir. 2 THE COURT: All right. Very good.. Very good. 3 We'll see everybody on the next setting date, 4 whenever that may be. 5 MR. RODRIGUEZ: ~22nd. 6 THE COURT: Well, we'll see everybody on chat: 7 date. That's me. 8 (End of proceedings) 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 lB 19 20 21 22 * * 23 24 25 -~ -------------~=~--~-_____,__________j S!SA TUCKSR RILEY, CSR, FPR ... Scanned Jan 26, 2012 16 1 STATE OF TEXAS 2 COUNTY OF ARANSAS 3 I, LISA TUCKER RILEY, Official Deputy Court Reporter 4 in and for the 36th District Court of Aransas, State of Texas, 5 do hereby certify that the above and foregoing contains a true 6 and correct transcription of all portions of evidence and 7 ot.her proceedings requested in writing by counsel for the 8 parties to be included in this volume of the Reporter's Record 9 in the above-styled and numbered cause, all of which occurred 10 in open court or in chambers and were reported by me. 11 I further certify that this Reporter's Record of the 12 proceedings truly and correctly reflects the exhibits, if any, 13 offered by the respective parties. 14 I further certify that the total cost for the 15 preparation of this Reporter's Record is $78.00 and will be 16 paid in full by .i\ransas County. 17 WITNESS MY OFFICIAL HAND on this, the llth.day of March, 18 2009. 19 20 LISA TUCKER RILEY, CSR, R R 21 Texas CSR #3895 Official Deputy Court Repo• . ,r 22 P.O. Box 700 Sinton, Texas 78387 23 Telephone: 361-364-9320 Expiration: 12-31-2010 24 25 w LISA TUCKER RILEY, CSR, RPR IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS WRIT NO. EX PARTE: FROM THE THE DISTRICT COURT CHADRIC:K B PATE 36TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT TDCJ #015(63340 ARANSAS COUNTY, TEXAS CAUSE NO. A-08-5080-4CR COVER SHEET EXHIBIT 14 2/5/09 REPORTERS RECORD VOLUME 5-A OF 11 PRE TRIAL HEARING CHRISTOPHER HALL S-08-5080-2 ' , Scanned Jan 26, 2012 Pretrial Hearing 2-5-09 ,._,. .,_.!_ REPORTER I s RECOIU> VOLCME 5-A OF 11 VOLUMES 2 TRIAL ~ CAUSE NO. S-08-5080-2 3 4 5 THE STATE OF TEXAS ) :IN THE DISTRIC"l' COURT ) 6 vs. ) ARANSAS COUNTY, TEXAS ) 7 CHRISTOPHER JOSEPH HALL ) ) 36TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT 8 RECENEDIN 9 COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS 10 AUG 10 2011 11 LOUISe Pearson, Clerk 12 PRETRIAL BEAIUNG 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ORJGJNAL 20 09, the following 21 proceedings came on to be the above-titled and 22 numbered cause before the e Janna ~- Whatley, Judge 23 Presiding, held in as County, Texas. 24 Proceedings stenotype machine. 25 . R RILEY I CSR, RPR .. Scanned Jan26, 2012 Pretrial Hearing 2-5-09 '1t!Jrill' APPEARANCES 1 2 3 MR. PATRICK L. FLANIGAN SBOT NO. 07109600 4 District Attorney P.O. Box 1393 5 Sinton, Texas 78387 Telephone: 361-364-9390 6 A~cor.ney for tbe S~ace 7 8 MR. STANLEY A. TURPEN 9 SBOT NO. 20344300 Attorney at Law 10 P.O. Box 1209 Portland, Texas 78374 11 Telephone: 361-643-6422 A~torney £or t:.he Defendant: 12 13 14 MR. JOHN S. GILMORE, J"R. SBOT NO. 07958500 15 Attorney at Law 622 S. Tancahua 16 Corpus Christi, Texas 78401 Telephone: 361-882-4378 17 At:t:o.rney for t:he De£endant: Pate 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 L____~---· Scanned Jan 26, 2012 ~?.-rf.:~t.r.· J a .l ~:.·§:~a E·1. n~r 2···S-·D9 1 P R 0 C E E D I N G S 2 (Defendant present) 3 MR. FLANIGAN: I'm ready on Hall. I'm not happy 4 with a late-filed motion to suppress that we have in 5 Mr. Hall's case. 6 THE COURT: It's not set for pretrial. 7 What is your motion, Mr. Turpen? 8 14R. TURPEN: Judge, well, fi~st of all, I'm 9 ready for trial subject to I have carried over, with Judge 10 Welborn's permission, the Daubert challenge concerning the dog 11 patch sniff test. I have talked to Mr. Gilmore. We feel it's 12 probably a good idea to go ahead and go forward with that. I 13 have also -- 14 THE COURT: I don't know how Jt1dge Welborn can 15 carry over an evidentiary hearing without checking with 16 everybody. Do yop-all know about that? 17 MR. TURPEN: The State's attorney was present 18 when he did that, Judge, at the last pretrial hearing. That's 19 when we went through it. My understanding at that point the 20 State wasn't ready to go forward with it that day; neither 21 were we. That is why 22 THE COURT: Carried to Lrial. It's not carried 23 to pretrial; carried to trial. 24 MR. TURPEN: Exactly. Carried to trial. 25 THE COURT: Oh, okay. L ___ ----~-~---------~-_j . ' Scanned Jan 26, 2012 4 _P_r--t~t.r j_ aJ I-lea r i11.:;.r 2·-5--·0.9 1 MR. TURPEN: That's what I'm asking for is to 2 carry i t to trial. I don't think it will take that long. I 3 just -- I have talked to David Cano. David Cano told me that 4 you-all had one in Sinton, and evidently it was granted, so ... 5 THE COURT: Are you talking about as far as a_ 6 Daubert challenge? 7 MR. TURPEN: There was another Daubert challenge 8 against the same witness and in Sinton. 9 THE COURT: Don't know r:othing about it. 10 MR. TURPEN: Honth and a half go. ll MR. FLANIGAN: Judge Johnson heard that hearing ~ 12 and denied the defense challenge -- 13 MR. TURPEN: Correct. 14 1'-!R. FLANIGAN: -- to that- evidence by tr1e Court, 15 not that it makes any difference in this trial, but 16 THE COURT: I don't know anything about 17 Okay. 18 MR. TURPEN: Then on this case I was brought in 19 on this case when Tamara Cochran-May 20 THE COURT: I know all of it. That is why we ______...., 21 reset it this far down the road. 22 1~. TURPEN: I have talked with Tamara. What I 23 have got is a motion to suppress on a photographic lineup. In 24 the photographic lineup that I had from Tamara there was only 25 Scanned Jan 26, 2012 s ._, 1 the Daubert challenge and all the stuff in there and went 2 through it. At that point I did.TJ't see any issues with 3 photographic lineups based on what I had seen. 4 Later, and I can't give you the exact date but I 5 believe it was the early part of January, that first week in 6 January, I received some supplemental discovery from 7 Hr. Rodriguez, one of those being a photographic lineup of 8 Mr. Hall where he is identified as No. 5. I checked with 9 Tamara. We did not have -chat in our discovery before. 10 After I went through the first week in 11 January I had a t.rial that lasted most of the week in Kleberg. 12 The second week I was sick. I got sick the first week. So I 13 spent the second week trying to recover. The last 14 two-and-a-half weeks I spent getting ready on this trial. 15 When I sat down with Mr. Hall, Mr. Hall who has 16 been looking at these photographs for a long time before I 17 even -- I got the case, he noticed something t.hat I had not 18 seen and ,,.,hat he has put in here I put in my motion to 19 suppress photographic lineup. He is alleging, and I certainly 20 can't answer his questions on it, that the two photo arrays 21 t.hat deal with him have been tampered with. The reason that 22 he has brought this up is that when you look at the other 23 photo arrays for all the other codefendants the location of 24 the codefendant in the photo array is always the same and the 25 people surrour>ding him have nol changed. 1 Scanned Jan 26, 2012 ?:_-~.:~c:z:·:i.a.i ~f-feari.n.-;· 2--5-09 l In Mr. Hall's photographic lineup, the two 2 lineups, for some reason his location changes from five to three and there is also different people that are surrounding 'i him. So he is alleging that the photograph;ic arrays were S tampered wi t.h and tha.t when the witnesses look at this r tl1a·t 6 there is a substantial likelihood of misidentification of the 7 defendant in trial as a result of this procedure, specifically 8 the tampered photo arrays of the defendant were different than S the photo arrays of the codefendant. 10 The defendant's picture was rotated and L~. submitted with each array having different people around the 12 defendant, both acts -- 13 THE COURT: I don't need you to read your ~~ •j motion, Mr. Turpen .. 1 ') MR. TURPEN: I'm just explaining. THE COURT: Explain in normal terms. You're }7 reaciing. 3. g MR. TURPEN: Okay. Explaining 1'HE COURT: Your client thinks your photo array 20 is messed up. Cool. .?1 So, Mr. Flanigan? MR. TURPEN: And I think it would take probably ,!.·. five or ten minutes, and I would ask that it be carrit?d to 24 trial along with the Daubert challenge. That's why I filed it todayso there wouldn't be more~:_:_ surp~is~~::_t:~ 1 Scanned Jan 26, 2012 r?rer:.r.-ial ii"r-:=:arj_J'Jg 2-5-09 1 is, if there is a surprise, instead of waiting till the day of 2 trial like I filed it today as soon as I found out there was 3 some issue that I have not:. seen. l'-'!R. FLANIGAN:· Well 5 ·THE COURT: Sorry, guys. I haven't touch the 6 cases before. It:.'s all new to me. 1'1.ffi. E'LANIGP.N: Dnfort1.mately the State is stuck. 8 Either we have to deal with late flled motions or we have to deal with ineffective assistance of counsel. Because business l 10 doesn't get taken care of in a timely fashion and according to 1.1 t.he rul.es and according to the Court's schedule, we're going 12 lto object. I 'm not going to be surprised j_ f the Court goes ahead and has a hearing however long it takes anyway, but, you 14 know, we're just at the mercy of the Court or at the pleasure 15 of the Court. Let me put it that way. 16 'l'HE COURT: Who needs to be witnessed? l mean, 17 who is supposed to be the witness on this? You're talking 38 about five minutes. The.re is no way you can do it in one 19 witness in five minutes. 2D MR. TURPEN: Well, you have got Officer Brooks 21 and one of the officers, probably Matt Baird. 22 THE COURT: Is that right? Do you know? 23 MR. FLANIGAN: You know, Judge, I have no idea. :::4 I got this about three minutes before I walked into court to ',.·. f, Scanned Jan 26, 2012 8 £·t.-:::;!: .?..' .l :1} ;{::?.d.:_~ _i_ TiC] 2~--- 5- C} .S 1 THE COURT: Okay. All right. 2 MR. FLANIGAN: So 3 THE COURT: You need co figure out who it is and 4 I want to k.now how much time and when it is going to be done 5 then. Okay? I need to know who the witnesses are so we can 6 get them here to deal with it. 7 l"L'R.. FLANIGAN: I assume that they'll be here any 8 way, Judge. They'll be available. 9 MR. TURPEN: They are on his witness list. 10 THE COURT: Okay. Just make sure they are. 11 Okay. 12 MR. TURPEN: ,Judge, I ·think the Court needs 13 me -- well, I usually try to file these things in a timely 14 manner. This is one of those situations where I have got new 15 information. Granted if I could have gotten on top of it the 16 first week in January when it was handed to me, that would 17 have probably been a better situation, but that's not the way 18 it happened. 19 THE COURT: Okay. What else? 20 MR. TURPEN: Other than that I would ask that 21 the Da be:r-t challenge be taken up. Other than those two 22 issues we're waiting to go to trial. 23 I have checked with my client he has also told 24 me that his mother, who is present today, that they have o=t=::~_t_o__t_h_e- j ~ i_l_.__R_~.ha~ not 25 l_b_r_o_u_a_Jh-t hi m_c_J__ L!5A TUCKER RI~~Y, CSR, RPP been able to J Scanned Jan 26, 2012 9 ..?r·etz-__,ial iie.a.r.ir:(;t 2--5-(7:-} 1 even look at the clothing yet, and I'm sure there is some -- THE COURT: He won't. They'll put it on him. They have got it. I'm sure all -- like all the other jails, 4 t~ey have it. THE OFFICER: They'll dress him out Monday 6 morning. MR. TURPEN: That is my request, Judge, is to ·'-''- 3 least have him try on the clothes before trial, because if S they need to be altered -- 10 THE COURT: I'm not in charge of the jail, .ll Mr. Turpen. I'm sorry. You'll have to talk to somebody else 1..!. about that. Okay? ~'ie're having a meeting at 3 o'clock, but 1:: you're asking things of me to do that I have no control over. 14 MR. TURPEN: I ' l l certainly address that with 1~ the sheriff. THE COURT: What else? MR. TURPEN: That's all I can think of, .Judge. lP THE COURT: Okay. Who is doing punishment? 19 MR. TURPEN: Ma • am? 20 THE COURT: Who is doing punishment? MR. TURPEN: I have to talk to my client. He 22 has still not decided yet. THE COURT: Before 9 o'clock it must be filed. MR. TURPEN; I understand, Judge. ,~~ THE COURT: Mr. Gilmore? L-~-~~~-- ----------- ' . Scanned Jan 26, 2012 P.retr.ial Hearing 2--5·-09 l MH. G.ILNORE; .:.. think 'dB'.re going t.o jury for ~~ punishment. 3 THE COURT: File your election before 9 o'clock. 4 MR. GILMORE: Okay. cj THE COURT: All right. 6 (Another case called for announcement) 7 MR. TURPEN: Yes. Judge, announcement on 8 punishment, I'm pretty sure it will probably be the jury 9 because we did discuss that at the jail yesterday evening, 10 but 11 THE COURT: Okay. If you-all don't tell me now 12 otherwise Jt defaults to me. When I start at 9 o'clock Monday 13 morning i~ goes to the judge. I have to stop it because I 15 can't get anybody moving on this stuff, and I have one person that has done it today. ---.. . ---- ----- .. __ ~- 1 .~ G All right. Number one is Hall and Pate~ 1.7 Number two is Barns, subject to Mr. Roger's 18 availability, three is Ramirez, four is Moreno, five is 19 Satterlee, six is Campos, and I have down seven and eight for 20 Moreno, but I know we won't try both of them. 2.1 M..~. FLANIGil..N: Which Moreno are you speaking 22 about? THE COURT: Ramiro. I'm sorry. I'm looking at 24 Moreno. Instead I wrote them down seven and eight. Then nine 25 and ten, Last two, Chupe and Soliz. "=====~--=~~-----~----~------ ----·--------~ ., Scanned Jan 26, 2012 11 p·xet:.r.i.a 1 .Hear i.ng 2-·5-09 1 MR. FLANIGfl..N: Okay. Thank you, Judge. THE COURT: Okay. 3 (End of proceedings) 4 5 6 8 9 .iO 11 12 1.5 1.7 18 J9 20 2l 22 24 ·•· LISA TUCKER RILEY, CSR. RPR ... Scanned Jan 26, 2012 .:. 2 l STATE OF TEXAS 2 COUNTY OF ~SAS 3 I, LISA TUCKER RILEY, Official Deputy Court Reporter 4 in and for the 36th District Court of Aransas~ State of Texas, :'1 do hereby certify that the above and foregoing contains a true 6 and correct transcription of all portions of evidence and 7 other proceedings .requested in -...;riting by counsel for the 8 parties to be included in this volume of t.he Reporter's Record 9 in the above-styled and numbered cause, all of which occurred JJ) in open court or in chambers and were reported by me. 11 I further certify that this Reporter's Record of the 12 proceedings truly and correctly reflects the exhibits, if any, 13 offered by the respective parties. 14 I further certify that the total cost for the 1 ~~ preparation of this Reporter's Record is $61 . .50 and will be 16 paid in full by Aransas County. 17 ~HTNESS MY OFFICIAL lLZI,ND on this, the 21st day of July, 18 201.1 ~ ~a J. --' 20 LISA TUCKER RILEY 1 21 Texas CSR #3895 • Official Deputy Court Re,"ts..L:_.. P.O. Box 700 Sinton, Texas 78387 23 Telephone: 361-364-9320 Expiration: 12-31-2012 24 25 : I IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS WRIT NO. EX PARTE FROM THE. THE DISTRICT COURT CHADRIC:K B PATE 36TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT TDCJ #015t63340 ARANSAS COUNTY, TEXAS CAUSE NO. A-08-5080-4CR COVER SHEET EXHIBIT 15 MASTER INDEX CHRISTOPER HALL REPORTERS RECORD 1-11 PAGE 2 Case 2:12-cv-00093 Document 11-8 Filed in TXSD on 06/12/12 Page 7 of 66 Scanned Jam 26.. 2012 Correspondence to Defendant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217 Judgment of Conviction by Jury; Sentence by Jury to Institutional Division, TDCJ . . . . . 218 .Receipt tor Ven VacRet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223 . Ncr1tice from Court of Appeals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224 C\am far rclOTt)'flwn:nl\t h'tittrrn:y v-~ .. . .. . . ... .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. . . .. ... .. . . . 'l.'lS Correspondence from Defendant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228 .C£>"'~ Le.tter - - . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . . ..... - . . .. . .. . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . ·.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 Ordler from l31b Court of Appeals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230 Not:ice of Setting ............................................·.. . . . . . . . . . . . 233 Co11respondence from Detendant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234 Ord·er Allowing Withdrawal of Counsel and Appointing New Counsel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236 Affiidavit oflndigence with Order Appointing Counsel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238 Fax Notification of Appointment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243 t:ov'er Letter lrom Court ot A.ppea"ls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~45 Judgment and Opinion from Court of Appeals (Withdrawn) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24E Judtgment and Opinion from Court of Appeals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278 C.Witn. fut Eclna~l.lu.venile Aflm:M.~ Fees. .. . . .. .. . .. . .. .. . . .. . .. .. . . . . . . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . . . . .. .. . . 109 Conrespondence from Defendant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 0 Conrespondence to Defendant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312 Conrespondence from Court of Appeals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313 Mar1date ............................ · ....... 1/ ........................... . 314 Court Docket Sheet ;4.-r,:: , 0./ _!\_._,\:\)[\ ..... ~ .....JL..~ '>- ••• -~~· ••••••••••••••.•••.••••••••••• 315 ·. . . ./ ·- •/,J Certification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319 v Case 2:12-cv-00093 Document 11-8 Filed in TXSD on 06/12/12 Page 6 of 66 Scanned Jan 26,. 2012 Steate's Application for Subpoena ........................................... . ISS Su'bpoena Returned Served Ju.."'liD P.adgett - - - .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 M'\ (..).../ j., . ,,; ··"\ JlC')' !)'l.lt-: ........... ,............. ,......... - ........ - .......................................... ·' .................. . 168 '1.:"\.t ')' \\.) t...l 1 0 •• ·-. /)\.."" /! ;;_, . v-· ,~· Emest So1'IS • • . • . . . • • . . • . . . . . • • • . . • • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 ---·-·-·--·-··-·-·--·-·-Def~~~t·;·Eiection as to Punishment ....................................... . 170 Strike List - State ........................................................ . 172 Strike List- Defense ............................................. ·........ . 174 Jwry Chosen ............................................................ . 176 JwryNote 1 .............................................................. . 178 Chlllfge of the Court ...................................................... . 1/~ Ve:rdict ................................................................ . "191 lutry "J!l.iTotr: l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193 Punishment Charge ...................................................... . 194 'l'~~rJ. ............................................ ·············· ······ ........ - .... ······ .......... l9& Triial Court's Certification of Defendant's Right of Appeal ........................ . 19S Onder to Withhold ............................................. ~ ......... . 20( N-~»tm.P.»t• . f(l£. ~".{.:~~- .. Ox /L. v:~.. ... . . .. .. . .. . . .. . 11 t 7. Receipt for Capias and Precept from Sheriff Department . .(f.{.~ .. . . .. . .. . ... . . .. 19 Cotrre~ondence to Attorney ............................................... . 20 CaJpias Returned Served ... / . ............................................. . 21 Pre:cept Returned Served .. . / . ............................................. . 22 ··w· ...................................... Corrrespondence from Defen~ant{ ... 23 Waiver of Arraignment ... . 1 .7(f. 1 . . . . . i/; /" .· · /i.P/' · ·J · · · · · 25 Mo>rion for Discovery with Order . 1t}...... .1{. P.,. . ~~~ . 7(,J., l ... jZJl: Mo,tion for Authorization to Expend Funds for Investigator ... :1{.~1 .. r.--~ ... 27 39 r.~, MCor~es~ndcence .from Defendanlt .{·,;_..[..(.1 :~ • 1~. ;~ ~ •. ~~ ~;; ~ ~ ·,~;J.' .. ~ .. j ..,i{~· ... 1 41 lY ot10n lOr ontmuance . . . . . . . . -;1) •• ({;)l.l.._...., .. 'y ~~~ .. 'd'~. . . { ... 43 9) Trial Exhibits -ooo- . ·I . I ('·I .·. ... Scanned Jaan 26, 2012 L/-Lf; ,2 7.5- () f 1 ············- ----·l 1 REP 0 R"T"El:c. ., S ··- - -·· -- -- - ------ "k"EiCtJ'k'tl 2 3 ' DF ) ) V.o.uw.B.S 4 Tria1 Court Cause Number ;..___._;;.__._c. A-09-5090-2-CR •... _ _ _ _ · - · - - - - - - - - " - - - - - - - -'-'-'-~--'--:;_;;_..;.: 5 THE STATE OF TEXAS * 6' 'It vs. * 7 * * ~6~a JOD~CrAL DISTRICT 8 MASrER INDJ:X 10 ,J. .,.L 12 ORIGINAL RECEIVED IN COURT OF CRIMtfl!AL .4.P.PE.4.!S 13 AUG 10 2011 14 15 Louise Pearson, Clerk .J .6. 17 18. 20 IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS WRIT NO. EX PARTE FROM THE THE DISTRICT COURT CHADRIC:K B PATE 36TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT TDCJ #015(63340 ARANSASCOUNTY,TEXAS CAUSE NO. A-08-5080-4CR COVER SHEET EXHIBIT 16 INDICTMENT CHRISTOEHER HALLA-08-5080-2CR Scanned· Jan 26, 2012 INDICTMENT THE STATE OF TEXAS vs. MICHAEL JASON UNDERWOOD, CHRISTOPHER JOSEPH HALL, ANTHONY LEE RAY, CHADRICK B. PATE, AND KEViN RAY TANTON OFFENSE Murder, Aggravated Assault /Engaging in Organized Criminal Activity TPC Sec.19.02/ First Degree Felony TPC Sec. 22.02 I 71.p2 II First Degree Felony . WITNESS Michael Brooks, Russell Kirk CAUSE# 1J,4f-,62>/~~-4:&_FILEDON_:_.~~fE/_BAILs_y?~~~~ d~. **",....***H•·•H ·~·. -~ ............... 4 4. AA A·A •. ,,.,. •• AH. 4 • .. ., ....... 4·**" kf<*>*Hkk*=\'~ Ad l •..... , , .,, .·..• 62 Stephanie Abbott ........• , .. , . , ..... , ....•..........•...... , .. ·.... , ........ , ,...· ,....... , 63 Joel Bear ...·, ....... ,,., '··., ..•. ·.•... ··· .............. ·• .................... •.·• ,., ............. . 64 Karl Petzold , .... · ....... ' ... :..... , ·' , ...· . ,. '· . , ·.. '·. ; :.. , .......... ·: ... '· ·, , , .....· ·. , .. ·_, , , ... . 65 Stan Powell .......... , ................... · ... :· ......................... ,_..· ,. , .·.· ... , ... , ..· 66 Willirun Newsom .... , ••·• ..•..• , .. , ·......... ·· .•....·.· .....•... ·..... , .. , ..........· ...•...........•... 67 Nathan Garrett.· .... ,., •.. ,, ......... ,.. ·,., ........•; ,....... , ..... , ............. ·........ ,·., ........ . 68 Gavin Harrison ........•. , . , .............. ·.·· ....... · ..............., , ... ,....·..... , . , ..... , .· .. ,....... 69 Michael Huffinan· ',, , . , •·• • ........................................ , .........................··· 70 Jrunes Beck ......, .• , • , .... :• ,·,, ........ •,. ·'··.' ........ .·:, .. .. , . ·: ... , .. ·.......... . 71 John Gutierrez, ..... , ... ,... , ...... ,.· .......... ,................, ... , ............. ,. .... :.,.·.· .. . 72 MiChael Brooks ...·....•..• , ·.. , ..... ·· ................. ·......................................... . 73 ~ State's Motion for Continuance .....•................... , ... , .. , ...... , .... , ..... . 74 '}--Setting Notice . ·.... ·.................... ·. ·· ..................................... , ............ . 76 Subpoena Returned Served Ranger Oscar Rivera .........•... , ··.:··, .•.... , ........ ,........• ·.. , ........ , .......... . 77 Deputy Keith Pikett ......... .,... , , ; ......... , ·.·, .... <·., .·., ... ,, ..... ,., "' ··:·., 78 Kimberly Wright ..........., ·............. ·, , ..........·...· ...........·., ........... · .... · ... . 79 SuniLee ........... ··:········· ... ,·,. •··•··· .......... •• .... • • ......... •···· • •·• ... • .. ·.. • ... •·· .. 80 Brandy Woolverton .. , .· .....· .. , . , .................. , . ·..........., , ........ ,. , . 81 Todd Garcia .................... ·.......... ·. ·.. ·.... ·... , ..,................ ,.· ........ ·.:· ..•..• :.. , ..... ,., ·. 82 Yvette Garcia ................., .. ·.· ....................•............................... ,...... , •..... 83 JoAnn Budlong ............ ,...·.:.· .. ·· ..... ·•· .......· .....·, .: .. , .. , .. ·, ... , ...... ,, .•....• •· •.. 84 Patricia Arnold ................ , .......•.·............·· ......... ; .. ·, .. , , ..... , ., ............ ·, ·. , .... . 85 Gilbert Cardenas ........ ·:.· ................... , .. , ...................•.... , ·,., .... ,...... ,... , .· 86 WilHam White. ·c.•.,. •.•. , •••••.• · ............ • •••••.• ' •• · . ' . , , ,..•••.• ,. • •• , •••• · •• · ••.••..• 87 Ra)'lllond Smyth .. , ...... , ,.,,, .... ··.: ....... ·....... , .. , . , ,..·. ; ... , ... •·.· .....·..•.... ·. ,.. 88 Nema Bardin .......... · .............................. , ........., .... , .... , .... , .......... 89 Sgt. Chris Baggett •.. ·....· ... · ..•....... , .. , ...... :.. ·...· ·......·....... ,........ ·•...... , ...... . 90 Subpoena Returned Unserved Danielle Molina ................ ,......• ,......................... , ................. . 91 Cover Letter .............. •... , ............ ·· ............... , ........ ·· ..... , , .... . 92 . . to w·tt hdraw as C ounseI Cocittt~J M otton .. · .· ..·.. " ...... f;s .. . . .lo ./.' .....· .........................·.....·.· ...•... 93 . M ott· on· to .W'thd 0 r der on 1 toj.t '7 4-Jh~\ .................. raw as ·c ounse1 .................... . . . .. . . . . . 96 11 IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS WRIT NO. EX PARTE FROM THE THE DISTRICT COURT CHADRICK B PATE 36TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT TDCJ #015l63340 ARANSAS COUNTY, TEXAS CAUSE NO. A-08-5080-4CR COVER SHEET EXHIBIT 17 2/9/09 REPORTERS RECORD VOLUME 4 OF 9 PAGE 102 LINE 9-25 CHADRICK PATE A-08-5080-4CF ~1'1 • 1~ I 1 ..;: 1 R E p 0 R T E R I s R E C 0 R D ' 2 VOLUME OF q- VOLUMES 3 4 Trial Court Cause N_umbe.r. A-na-.snan-4.-c::e. 5 THE STA.T.E O.F .TEXAS * :.r.~ T.l!E !XI S!l'..'QI .CT .C.OJ}RJ!' OFt 6 * VS. * ARANSAS COUNTY, TEXAS 7 * CHADlRICK B. PATE * 36TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT 8 JURY 'l'RIAL Voir Dire Proceedings A P P E A R A N C E S 11 C.OL'll.rSEZ. FOR J!'llE Sf'A-f'E: MR. MARCELINO RODRIGUEZ ~:~·; .- "r! MS. RETHA CABLE \ ~'2..'2.."5.'2..'11~\Vll 103.'2>'11'?<-:i.~"l "h"l"l'V'?<.'I.lJ't..'i 36th Judi.cial District 14 San Patricio County Courthouse l'. 0. BoK i'.3-5'3 Sinton, Texas 78387 Tel: 361-364-6220 Jtc1·A-; 3'01. -·Yo~ -~~ ...,ro SBN: 24046959 17 00785741 COUNrSEL FOR THE DEFENDANT: MR. JOHN S. GILMORE ~'T'l:D"R'l\f'E.;'f A."J.' ~LKW P. 0. Box 2 7 6 20 622 South Tancahua Corpus Cnristi, Texas 78403 21 Tel: 361-882-4378 Fax: 361-882-3635 s-s·N : 07 9 5 8 5 0 0 23 On the 9th day of February, 2009, the following proceedings came on for trial in the above-entitled and i;i 24 numbered cause in said_Court, HONORABLE JANNA K. WHATLEY, i.. Judge Presiding, held in Rockport, Aransas Countyl Texas: 2SL_ Proceedings were reported by machine shorthand. 102 1 Tim Foss, Number Seventy-Two. 2 MR. GILMORE: Yes, sir. 3 VEMIREPERSON FOSS: You said that y'all were 4 not a team. 5 MR. GILMORE: We're not a team. VENIREPERSON FOSS: Okay. I believe the 7 .Judge said these two gentlemen will be tried in t_b..e s.arn.~ 8 case; is that correct? 9 MR. GILMORE: This is going to be one trial. 10 VENIRE PERSON FOSS:. One tr:ial. 11 MR. GILMORE: One tri'al. 12 VENIRE PERSON FOSS: But you're not a team. ( 13 MR. GILMORE: We'r:e D.Q. t-_ a +--~:C.'R,. '· 14 VENIRE PERSON FOSS: Okay, I guess. I 15 MR. GILMORE: In other words, to be 16 completely honest with yn11., 1:.. rir.v~.'t--. ~a':i:oc ·w'r!a't. 'n-crppens ·to 17 Mr. Hal_l. Okay? My interests are for Mr. Pate. Okay? 18 VENIREPERSON FOSS: But you're doing it in 19 the same trial. 20 MR. GILMORE: We're being foroed to do it 21 this: way. Okay? All right? 22 23 MR. GILMORE: We would ra~her not do it this 24 way. Okay? ( 1S~~------------------'f_e_s__, __m_a__~_a_m__ . ______________________________________~ , . ··-""'"· IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS WRIT NO. EX PARTE FROM THE THE DISTRICT COURT CHADRIC:K B PATE 36TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT TDCJ #015~63340 ARANSAS COUNTY, TEXAS CAUSE NO. A-08-5080-4CR COVER SHEET EXHIBIT 18 REPOR'FERS RECORD VOLUME CHADRICK B PATE LEG RESTRAINTS PAGE 259 LINE 1..:25 259 1 Please don't discuss the case with anyone. (The jury exited the courtroom after which there was a 2 discussion off the record.) \ 3 THE COURT: 'Okay. Go ahead. 4 MR. GILMORE: There were some folks sitting 5 out ln the audience over here. I believe i t ' s -- 6 THE COURT: Where? 7 MR. GILMORE: Right over here. I believe it 8 was Mr. Watson's family. 9 THE COURT: Mr. Who? 10 MR. GILMORE: Watson. 11 MS. CABLE: His mother and his grandmother. 12 It's his mother. They're here with the little girls. 13 They're custodians. 14 MR. GILMORE: But anyway, one of the people 15 sitting behind the Watsons, his mother and father, said -- 16 pointed over to my client and said, "He's in jail. I know 17 he's in jail because I can see his leg brace." And it was 18 said where the jury could hear it. And I just want them 19 instructed not to be making statements in front of the 20 jury. 21 THE COURT: I don't want anybody -- anybody 22 that's involved with the witness or whatever does not need 23 to be making any comments whatsoever about the case while 24 they're sitting in the courtroom. 25 And you'll please advise them, 260 1 Mr. Rodriguez 2 MS. CABLE: I don't know who was talking. 3 Who said that? 4 THE BAILIFF: That's the C.P.S. girl. 5 MS. CABLE: Okay, 'cause it wasn't our 6 witnesses. It wasn't anybody I have control over. We'll 7 make the instruction and, for the record, I didn't hear 8 them make any comment. 9 THE COURT: Is that Ms. Abbott? She's on 10 the witness list. 11 THE CLERK: Stephanie? 12 THE COURT: Yeah. She's on the witness 13 list. If that was her; I don't know -- 14 THE CLERK: I think that's her name. 15 THE COURT: Well, y'all's witness ain't 16 going to get to be in the courtroom. 17 MS. CABLE: Not our witness anymore, Your 18 Honor. 19 MR. RODRIGUEZ: She was basically having 20 custody of the children, so that's why she was on the 21 list. They were actually placed with somebody else on a 22 permanent basis. 23 MS. CABLE: I don't think we're planning on 24 calling her. 25 MR. RODRIGUEZ: We weren't planning on 261 1 calling her, Your Honor. 2 THE COURT: You're going to have to check 3 with them, guys, at the door. 4 THE BAILIFF: Yes, ma'am. 5 THE COURT: Would be C.P.S. 6 Off the record, Sharon. 7 (There was a discussion off the record.) 8 THE COURT: Just for the record, gentlemen, 9 I have reviewed -- got to me late -- but Mr. Tanton's 10 criminal history. I've reviewed Mr. Leal's -- no, no. 11 Who is this? 12 MR. RODRIGUEZ: Underwood. 13 THE COURT: I'm sorry; Ray's. There's ... 14 one felony conviction it looks like. Is that what y'all 15 saw? 16 MR. RODRIGUEZ: On? 17 THE COURT: Mr. Ray. It's a conviction for 18 some sort of drugs, Four-Eighty-One-Point-One-One-Five-B. 19 I don't know if that's the cocaine charge or not; I don't 20 know. Less than a gram on him. 21 I'm just now reviewing Underwood's. 22 (Examining document/s). He's got a felony theft, 23 Mr. Underwood does, guys. 24 MR. GILMORE: Who's that? 25 THE COURT: Mr. Underwood has a felony IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS WRIT NO. EX PARTE FROM THE THE DISTRICT COURT CHADRIC:K B PATE 36TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT TDCJ #015j63340 ARANSAS COUNTY, TEXAS CAUSE NO. A-08-5080-4CR COVER SHEET EXHIBIT 19 AFFIDAVIT OF CHADRICK PATE (LEG RESTRAINTS) STATE OF TEXAS §. WICHITA COUNTY § AFFIDAVIT OF CHADRICK B. PATE Before me, the undersigned notary, on this day personally appeared CHADRICK PATE, the affiant, a person whose identity is known by me. After I administered an oath to affiant, affiant testified: "My name is Chadrick B. Pate. I am over the age of 18, of sound mind, and capable of making this affidavit. The facts stated in this affidavit are within my personal knowledge and are true and correct. During my four day trial in Aransas County Texas from February 9, 2009- February 12, 2009 I was in leg restraints that limited my movement. The limitation of my movement was visible to people in the courtroom. I was made to wear the leg restraints in the presense of the Jury." SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED before me, the undersigned authority on this day J.../ of May, _2012. IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS . WRITNO. EX PARTE FgOM THE THE DISTRICT COURT CHADRIC:K B PATE 36TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT TDCJ #015163340 ARANSAS COUNTY, TEXAS CAUSE NO. A-08-5080-4CR COVER SHEET EXHIBIT 21 INDEX OF EVENTS CERTIFIED TO THE OURT OF APPEALS CHADRICK PATE A-08- 5080-4CR ·;. '$tJ-: ole(7u:; /!,ecMd Gt:->/l__ a..C=~d.l .• \~ Case 4:13-cv-00709 Document 5-13 Filed in TXSD on 05/17/13 Page 2 of 60 ·/I'\ . . l-&V ~~ CAUSE NO. A-08-5080-4-CR ~. =< P"--!.e-J :>' ~ ' . l-- ()q.:~- ~\ Q' "a 11 /.. THE STATE OF TEXAS ( IN THE DISTRICT COURT iJ7.ft' j).fi1 vs ) 36TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT ~· CHADRICKB. PATE ( ARANSAS COUNTY INDEX Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Caption................................................................. 3 Indictinent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Capias Returned Served . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Precept Returned Served . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Letter of Representation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Waiver of Arraignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 10 Motion to Reduce Bond ............................. ·. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Defendant's Motion to Reveal the Deal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Request Under Article 37.07 Section 3(g) for Notice from State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Rule 404(b) Request for Notice of Intent to Offer Extraneous Conduct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Motion to Prohibit State from Attempting to Introduce Statements Allegedly , Made by the Defendant without Prior Hearing on Admissibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Motion for Discovery, Production and Inspection of Evidence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Order on Rule 404(b) Request ................. ·.......'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Order on Motion for Discovery ........................ ; : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Order on Motion to Reveal the Deal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 ~:::: ::::~~~ck P~e f~r Seve~ce of~fendan~. r/~~1: ;: :::::.::::: Order on Motion for Continuance ......................... .7./ ~.?. ... ........ 42 State's Motion for Continuance ................... , ....... q /.:t:S ............ 43 ?-~~on Motion for ~cv~~~~e .......................... C?J ./. ~ S. ........... -~ . ~~-~;(· Td ({[1--- I / Case 4:13-cv-00709 Document 5-13 Filed in TXSD on 05/17/13 Page 3 of 60 Motion to Dismiss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Defendant's Motion to Elect the Jury to Assess Punishment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Defendant's Motion in Limine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 State's Strike List ......................... ·. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ." . . . . 53 Defendant's Strike List . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Jury Chosen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 __!ury Note. . . . . . . . . . . , : .... ~- .... i l\~,·,A.;.yj)_x, ....................... 59 ~ har e of the Court .•. ,.,.... j.__v) .... 1.'1. ,U.f' ~ .· . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 zrdi~~_(Guiltllnnocence) ........ ; ·,·...... . . . . . . . . . . . ---~~,:. .. ................. 72 ----, Jury Note ..................................... , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 ~shmentCharge ............................· .· .......................... 75 zi~o:~=:~.~~~ ~~-~~;.;.,~~~ ~i~~ ~f·~~~~- : : : : : ... : : : : : : : .. : : . : : : : : : :~ /"groer to Withhold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 ~otice of Appeal ... ~ \ ~~ .\.V. -~. .................................... 82 Affidavit of Indigence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Order Appointing Counsel .............. ·. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Notice of Appeal to Court of Appeals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 jfudgme~of Conviction by Jun'; Sentence by Jury t~nstitu~nal ~ivision, 1DCJ . . . . . 89 CourtDoc~ .?-:\\~.\~---~-'-~----~-·\·~-~-~-············ 94 cerub·~~~~c; -~ .'-\ \ \"(\ \ 0 ."C ........................... 97 ---·---------- 2 . ~~(/ ~ . [6 )6 . 46 f\) c) (Yic 0 fJZ.. Defendant's Motion to Elect the Jury to Assess Punishment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Defendant's Motion in Limine r.t L-e ~. C.dl. 0 .C:t.l P. 9. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 J State's Strike List .......... ~. ?. /U ., ., l 2 Jz../2..1- z_/5 . I IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS WRIT NO. EX PARTE FROM THE THE DISTRICT COURT CHADRIC:K B PATE 36TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT TDCJ #015~63340 ARANSAS COUNTY, TEXAS CAUSE NO. A-08-5080-4CR COVER SHEET EXffiBIT 22 JUDGMENT FRONT PAGE CHADRICK PATE A-08-5080-4CR .... . ·..::. ... I / ;' Cause No. A-08-5080-4-CR (Count One)TRN 914 665 6553 THE STATE OF TEXAS § IN THE 36TH JUDICIAL v. § DISTRICT COURT OF CHADRICKB. PATE, § ARANSAS COUNTY, TEXAS DEFENDANT SID: TX05581316 JUDGMENT OF CONVICTION BY JURY; SENTENCE BY JURY TO Institutional Division, TDCJ DATE OF JUDGMENT: February 13, 2009 JUDGE PRESIDING: · Janna K. Whatley ATTORNEY FOR THE STATE: Patrick L. Flanigan ATTORNEY FOR THE DEFENDANT: John Gilmore OFFENSE: Murder STATUTE FOR OFFENSE: Section 19.02, Penal Code DEGREE OF OFFENSE: First Degree Felony APPLICABLE PUNISHMENT RANGE (including enhancements. if any): First Degree 5-99 yrs or life/max $10,000 fine DATE OF OFFENSE: January 4, 2008 CHARGING INSTRUMENT: Indictment PLEA TO OFFENSE: Not Guilty PLEA TO ENHANCEMENT Not Applicable PARAGRAPH(S): VERDICT FOR OFFENSE: Guilty FINDING ON ENHANCEMENT: Not Applicable AFFIRMATIVE FINDING ON Yes-firearm used or exhibited DEADLY WEAPON: OTHER AFFIRMATIVE Applicable, See Below SPECIAL FINDINGS: ·DATE SENTENCE IMPOSED: February 13,2009 PUNISHMENT AND PLACE OF Ninety Nine (99) years in the CONFINEMENT: Institutional Division-TDCJ, and ~ $ 10,000.00 fine TIME CREDITED TO SENTENCE: Two Hundred Eighty Five (285) days COURT COSTS: $265.00 TOTAL AMOUNT OF RESTITUTION: $-0- NAME AND ADDRESS FOR ' RESTITUTION: The Sex Offender Registration Requirements under Chapter 62, CCP, do not apply to the Defendant. The age of the victim at the time of the offense was not applicable. This sentence shall run concurrently unless otherwise specified. FILED q a, ___..~.~~v-=-- 't~~ - da!i9b ~ 20~ ---~=o'clock .# M , Pam Heard, District Clerk D~pu ,AransasCo.,Texas By JV. Deputy \ .\ . I n~Ll· Tnr!a,.,nt nfrnnvirtinn hv rrmrt: SP.ntP.nr.P. Rv .Tnrv_ Cause No. A-08-5080-4.-CR: Pa2e 1 of 4 Pa2es I IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS WRIT NO. EX PARTE FROM THE THE DISTRICT COURT CHADRIC:K B PATE 36TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT TDCJ #015t63340 ARANSAS COUNTY, TEXAS CAUSE NO. A-08-5080-4CR COVER SHEET EXHIBIT 23 DISTRICT CLERK CERTIFICATION TO THE COURT OF APPEALS CHADRICK PATE A-08-5080-4CR •· Case 4:13-cv-00709 Document 5-14 Filed in TXSD on 05/17/13 Page 38 of 38 # a3 The State of Texas ) County of Aransas ( I, PAM HEARD, Clerk of the District Court of Aransas County, Texas do hereby certify that the documents contained in this record to which this certification is attached are all of the documents specified by Texas Rule of Appellate Procedure 34.5(a) and all other documents timely requested by a party to this proceeding under Texas Rule of Appellate Procedure 34.5(b) GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL at my office in Aransas County, Texas this /If:! day oL . ·~ ... ·.· , 2009. PAM HEARD DISTRICT CLERK BY:~ ,Deputy Filed on the ~I' day of -----7'~'f--------, 20 e::J / z; ____ PA_M_H_EA_R_D_ _ Clerk of the District Court -----"~--"----· _____ County, Texas By --.c....:dj~~~----- Deputy THE STATE OF TEXAS County of - - - - - - - - , . . - - - - - PAM HEARD I, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - • Clerk of the ( District Court of - - - - - - - - County, Texas, do hereby certify that the within and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Original Bill of Indictment, filed in said C'ourt on the _ _ _ day o f - - - - - - , - - - - - A.D. 20 in Cause No. _ _ _ _ _ , styled The State of Texas vs ..... . Given under my hand and the seal of said Court at office in - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - , T e x a s , this. _ _ _ _ _ day of -----------~· A.D. 20. - - - - PAM HEARD Clerk by - - - - - - - D e p u t y 36th D.A. Form 850 - General Indictment 6/90 (12/99} ·----·-- ···-···----·· ···-----···· -- .. -· ······--- IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS WRIT NO. EX PARTE FROM THE THE DISTRICT COURT CHADRICK B PATE 36TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT TDCJ #015t63340 ARANSASCOUNTY,TEXAS CAUSE NO. A-08-5080-4CR COVER SHEET EXIDBIT 24 JUDGE: WHATELY'S CERTIFICATION TO THE COURT OF APPEALS OF ALL PROCEEDINGS I I I I The State of Texas ( County of Aransas ) In the 36TH Judicial District Court of Aransas County, Texas, the Honorable JANNA WHATLEY, Judge Presiding, the following proceedings were held and the following instruments and other papers were filed in this cause, to wit: Trial Court Cause No. A-08-5080-4-CR THE STATE OF TEXAS, Plaintiff ( IN THE DISTRJ:.~T COURT vs ) 36TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT CHAD RICK B. PATE, Defendant ( ARANSAS COUNTY, TEXAS (
Pate, Chadrick B
Combined Opinion