As the defendant was found guilty on the first count of the indictment only, the others having been abandoned by the public prosecutor, that count alone is now in question. It is not pretended on behalf of the people that the first count charges any offence at common law, but it is said to be sustainable on the statute as to embezzlement. (2 R. S. 678, § 59.) The first clause of this section of the statute, and which alone can be supposed to have any bearing on the case in hand, is, in terms, limited to clerks and servants, and has nó application to any other class or description of persons. But the first count of this indictment charges that the defendant as the agent of Snyder, collected and received the money alleged to have been embezzled, and not that it was collected and received as his clerk or servant. Nor is the averment that the money was received as agent, at all changed or qualified by the subsequent allegation that it came to the possession of the defendant “ by virtue of his said employment as such servant of the said”-—“ Snyder, and while he was such servant as aforesaid.” This only amounts to an allegation that the money was received by the defendant as such servant, as an agent is or may be, and not that he in fact received it as the servant of Snyder.
The term agent is nomen generalissimum, and although it includes clerics and servants, who are properly agents of their employers and masters, it is by no means restricted to such persons. (Paley on Agency, by Dunlap, p. 1 and note.)
An indictment upon a statute must state all such facts and circumstances as constitute the statute offence, so as to bring the party indicted precisely within the provisions of the statute. (1 Chit. Cr. L. 281, 282, 283, ed. of 1841; Archb. Cr. PL. 50, ed. of 1846.) If the statute is confined to certain classes of persons, or to acts done at some particular time or place, the indictment must show that the party indicted, and the time and place when the alleged criminal i cts were perpetrated,
New trial ordered.