The relief asked in this action is to perpetually enjoin the defendants from using Atlantic avenue, in Brooklyn, for the purposes of a steam railway, and the cause is brought to a hearing upon pleadings and proofs, a part of the evidence having been taken in court and a part before a referee. Such pleadings and proofs are contained in two printed volumes, the one of 902 pages and the other of 637 pages; and if a decision has been somewhat delayed, counsel will remember that the cause was submitted for their accommodation during a recess of court, with the explanation of an accumulation of older cases which would be disposed of before this could be considered.
The Long Island Railroad Company was incorporated April 24,1834 (chapter 178, Laws of 1834); and by virtue of an act of the legislature of this state, passed April 2, 1836 (chapter 94 of Laws of 1836), it, on the 1st day of December, 1836, leased a road belonging to the Brooklyn and Jamaica Bailroad Company, a corporation formed under chapter 256 of the Laws of 1834.
When the act of 1859 was passed the defendant, “ The Long Island Bailroad Company,” reached the East river by a tunnel under the surface of Atlantic avenue. The act of 1859, to which reference has just been made, was entitled (chapter 484, Laws of 1859) “An act to provide for the closing. of the entrances of the tunnel of the Long Island Bailroad Company in the city of Brooklyn, and restoring said street to its proper grade, and for the relinquishment by said company of its right to use steam power within said city.” The method of accomplishing the objects set forth in the title
The provisions of this act were substantially carried out. The Long Island Railroad Company surrendered its lease to the Brooklyn and Jamaica Railroad company, and also all its rights in and to the tunnel, and to the compensation provided for by the law, and the Brooklyn and-Jamaica Railroad Company on its part agreed with the Long Island Railroad that
The agreement of the commissioners appointed under the act of 1859, providing for the closing of the tunnel- and the -surrender of the right to use steam upon the avenue, was ■with the Brooklyn and Jamaica Railroad Company, who are styled therein “the assignees of the Long Island Railroad Company, within the true meaning and intent of both the said acts,” to wit, the said act of 1859, and another relating to the same subject, passed March 23, 1860. The contract required the tunnel to be closed, and the various things done which the law of 1859 enjoined, and the Brooklyn and Jamaica Railroad Company relinquished “its right to use steam within the corporation limits of the city of Brooklyn,” and agreed that “ steam power shall not be used or permitted upon its road, or any part thereof, within the limits of the city of Brooklyn,” after the happening of an event specified in the agreement. The consideration paid to the Brooklyn
On April 5,1855, the Brooklyn and Jamaica Bailroad Company executed to Samuel Willetts, Bobert Bay and Alexander Hamilton, Jr., as trustees, a mortgage to secure its bonds to the amount of $100,000. This mortgage covered all its property, including that leased to the Long Island Bailroad Company. A suit to foreclose this mortgage was instituted in this court, to which the Long Island Bailroad Company was a party, and served an answer, in which was set out the surrender of its lease to the Brooklyn and Jamaica Bailroad, and the various contracts and agreements made under the aforesaid act of 1859, and which have been hereinbefore detailed.
On the 21st day of March, 1872, a decree of sale in the foreclosure action was made, such sale to be “ subject to a certain agreement or release made between the Brooklyn and Jamaica Bailroad and the Long Island company, dated April, 1860 ” (it being the same agreement the provisions of which have been recited in this opinion), “ and subject also to the provisions of an act of the legislature of the state of Hew York, passed April 19, 1859, entitled” (the title is given in full), “ and subject, also, to the provisions of a certain other act of said legislature, passed April 16,1860, entitled cAn act authorizing the Brooklyn Central and the Brooklyn and Jamaica Bailroad Companies to consolidate,’ and continue their roads so far as such provisions of said acts relate to the closing of the tunnel in Atlantic street, in the city of Brooklyn, and the relinquishment of steam power within the limits
Under this decree of foreclosure the property of the Brooklyn and Jamaica Railroad was sold on the 28th day of September, 1872, and at such sale one William Richardson became the purchaser, the property being bought subject to the condition contained in the decree.
On the 29th day of April, 1872, in pursuance of the act entitled “An act to authorize the formation of railroad corporations, and to regulate the same,” passed April 2,1850, a railroad corporation was formed under the name of “ The Atlantic Avenue Railroad Company of Brooklyn.” To this corporation, on the 28th day of February, 1874, William Richardson, the purchaser at the foreclosure sale, conveyed the property bought thereat, and which, in the deed is described as “ all and singular the railroad of the Brooklyn and Jamaica Railroad Company, extending from its commencement at the ferry at the foot of Atlantic street, in the city of Brooklyn, in Kings county, to its termination in the village and town of Jamaica, in the county of Queens, including all its appendages, and the depot lots in the village of Bedford, and the right to construct branches to Flushing or Flatbush, as secured to the said The Brooklyn and Jamaica Railroad Company by their act of incorporation.”
On the 26th of March, 1877, the Atlantic Avenue Railroad Company leased to the Long Island Railroad Company “ its successors and assigns, all the railroad of the party of the first part, extending from its eastern terminus in the village of Jamaica, westward to the city line of the city of Brooklyn, in Atlantic avenue, and thence along said avenue to a point in Atlantic avenue, in the city of Brooklyn, two hundred and fifty feet east of the easterly line of Flatbush avenue, said two hundred and fifty feet to be measured along a line in the centre of Atlantic avenue,” and also sundry other property as is in the lease specially provided.
By chapter 187 of the Laws of 1876, it was declared, “ It
Under this law, and in conformity therewith, and with the regulations of the common council of the city of Brooklyn, the defendants were, when this suit was commenced, adapting and changing the horse railroad track to that of a steam railway, and are now propelling cars thereover by steam. Against this the plaintiffs ask an injunction, because, as they allege, by the acts closing the Atlantic avenue tunnel, and the agreements thereunder, the defendant, The Long Island Railroad Company, has agreed never to run cars propelled by steam over such route, and that the property was purchased at mortgage foreclosure sale, charged with such a prohibition; and also because, as is claimed, the act of 1876 is unconstitutional. These points will now be considered.
As to the alleged agreement by the Long Island Railroad Company not to use steam for moving cars upon Atlantic avenue, I feel constrained to say, though the contrary was strongly asserted upon the argument, that I have failed to find any covenant by it to that effect. It is true that when the act of 1859 became a law, it was drawing cars by steam power upon such avenue, but this was under a lease it held from the Brooklyn and Jamaica Railroad Company. To enable the last named company to avail itself of the provisions of that act, and for other considerations in the agreement between the two companies specified, it surrendered to that
In the statement just made — that the Long Island Bail-road Company has not agreed that it would never use. steam as a motive power for cars upon Atlantic avenue, but that the Brooklyn and Jamaica Bailroad Company has so obligated itself “ for the benefit of the Long Island Bailroad Company ”— will be found the answer to the argument founded upon the fact that the^ Long Island Bailroad Company now holds the property charged with the conditions impressed upon it by the decree of foreclosure against the Brooklyn and Jamaica Bailroad Company, subject to which Mr. Bichardson made his purchase, and under which purchase, by virtue of his deed to the Atlantic Avenue Bailroad Company, and the lease of the latter to it, the Long Island Bailroad Company enjoys its alleged rights. As the decree provided that the sale was subject to the provisions of the agreement between the two companies, and as such agreement only obligated the Brooklyn, and Jamaica Bailroad Company to the Long Island Bailroad Company not to use steam cars upon the avenue, which agreement was for its own benefit, and as it had not bound itself to anyone in the same direction, it follows that when the Long Island Bailroad Company acquired title to the roadway there was no prohibition as to them preventing a legislative license for the use of steam power thereon. Pos
Let us now examine the argument, which seeks to deduce from the act of 1859, an agreement between the. State and the owners of the property assessed, to the effect that the use of steam should be forever prohibited upon the avenue.
There is certainly nothing in the law indicating an agreement on the part of any person. There is no voluntary payment to be made for the surrender of existing rights, nor for an agreement as to future conduct. The act simply provides for the raising of $130,000 upon a district, which is defined, for the purpose, among other things, of procuring “ a contract in writing with the Long Island Bailroad Company, or its assigns, that they shall close the entrances of the tunnel in Atlantic street, in the city of Brooklyn, and restore and pave and regulate the same to its proper grade, and also for the relinquishment by said company and its assigns of the right to use steam power within said city.” Instead of the payment being voluntary by the owners of the property within the district, we know from the history of litigation in this state, as contained in the reports, that payment of the assessments under the law was resisted; and their legality was sustained upon the ground that it was the exercise of the taxing power of the state (Litchfield agt. Vernon, and People ex rel. Crowell agt. Lawrence and others, Commissioners, 41 N. Y., 123; Litchfield agt. McComber, 42 Barbour, 288). The extract above given from the act shows for what purpose the assessment was made, and the money paid. Bo agreement was.
Upon both reason and authority, then, we are constrained to decide that no contract whatever existed by force of the act of 1859, preventing the state in the future from conferring the right to use steam on Atlantic avenue, Brooklyn, upon the defendants, and it will next be considered whether any actual agreement has been made by any one, either with the general public or property holders, or the city of Brooklyn, that steam power should not be thereafter used to propel cars upon Atlantic avenue.
It has been already said that the Long Island Railroad has made no such covenant, but it is proper to refer to it again in this connection. A reference to its contract with the Brooklyn and Jamaica Railroad Company makes the assertion that such company has not so agreed clear. The former corporation was about to change its eastern terminus from the South Ferry to Hunter’s Point, and was desirous, as it surrendered its lease to the latter, to prevent it (the Brooklyn and J amaica Company) from using steam within the city of Brooklyn, not
To the agreement subsequently made between the Brooklyn and Jamaica Railroad Company and the commissioners appointed under the act of 1859, the Long Island Railroad Company was not a party as a covenantor. It (the latter) had surrendered to the former all its rights acquired by the lease, and had obligated it (the Brooklyn and J amaica Railroad Company) to itself (the Long Island Railroad Company) not to use steam within the city limits, and it simply gave its -consent to the Brooklyn and Jamaica company making sudli covenants as it pleased. The contract is expressly declared to be “between the Brooklyn and Jamaica Railroad Company, party of the first part, and the said Theodore F. King, John L. Lawrence and John Winslow, commissioners, * * parties of the second part.” The covenants and obligations are only those of the Brooklyn and Jamaica Railroad Company, to which the Long Island' Railroad Company assented (i. e., that the former might bind itself as it chose), because, to use the language of the agreement, it was “ thought advisable ” that it should “ assent ” thereto, and it therefore did “ so far as it had any right so to do, and so far as it has any interest therein.”
• Before proceeding to consider the agreement which was made between the Brooklyn and Jamaica Railroad Company and the commissioners appointed under the act of 1859, it
There is, as has been previously argued, a wide difference between the surrender of a franchise, with an agreement not to exercise it (that is, the'present right which is surrendered), and a covenant against an acquisition of a new right thereafter. Such a construction of the language of the agreement we are considering is not technical, but the reverse. Corporations are created for the public good, and any contract, which one may have made, abridging its powers, which should ever remain in full force to be exercised for the convenience of the public as it may require, should be construed, if possible, in accordance with the public interests, and not against them. Whether an agreement by a railroad company, which cripples its ability to fill the public needs is valid at all, is a question which will be hereafter discussed. We are now dealing with another, which is, did the Brooklyn and Jamaica Railroad Company, by its agreement with the commissioners, agree' never thereafter to acquire a new right or franchise for the use.of steam within the city? The corporation was simply surrendering property and rights it then possessed, and in speaking of such surrender, the language relied upon by the counsel of the plaintiffs is employed. It obligated itself to perform all things required by the act of 1859, and the act of 1860 (chap. 100 of Laws of 1860), and then, as a time had to be fixed for the termination of the then existing right to use steam within the city, it provided that “ steam power shall not be used, or permitted upon its road, or any part thereof within the city of Brooklyn, at any time or times after the
Having reached the conclusion that no agreement has been made either with the people, the city of Brooklyn or the owners of the property in the district taxed under the act of 1859, which will justify the maintenance of this action, it is proper also to state that whilst the existence of such an obligation has been discussed its validity, if made, is not conceded. Very clearly, as has been shown elsewhere, a legislature cannot, in a matter of public policy, bind its successors, and a similar principle applies to corporations created for the public good. Eailroad companies are formed to promote the general convenience, and to serve the general interests of communities. The convenience and interests ' of the general public are shifting and changing, and as a railroad company is under a moral obligation at least, if not a legal one, to serve the public to the extent of its ability, it cannot so hamper itself by an agreement, as to make impossible the fulfillment by it of one of the most important objects of its creation. It is unnecessary to consider whether, if a corporation agrees not to do in the future something which the law will permit, and the general public convenience may then require to be done, and although it has received a consideration for its agreement, it
The remaining questions in the cause are upon the validity of the law {chap. 187 of Laws of 1876) under which the defendants claim the right to use steam upon the avenue, the language of which has been hereinbefore given. To that act various objections founded upon constitutional provisions are made, which will now be considered :
First. It is contended that such statute is obnoxious to section 1 of article 14 of the Constitution of the United States, declaring, among other things, that no state can “ deprive any person of life, liberty or property without due process of law,” and also to section 6 of ■ article 1 of the Constitution of this state, which likewise provides that “no person
To this objection it may be answered, that assuming it to be true that some “person ” has, under the color of that act, had his “ property ” taken, how does that fact justify this suit by the people ? If any individual is unlawfully deprived of his property by another, the remedy is by an action in his own behalf ; and when the separate property of several different individuals has been taken wrongfully, by either a natural or an artificial being, each one must seek redress for his own wrong by his own suit. There is no rule of law or practice which enables different parties, whose several and separate properties have been taken, to bring one action in the name of the people, in which one suit, their several and distinct rights depending, perhaps, upon evidence and principles which are unlike, may be all settled and adjusted. We are entirely unable then, to discover how the provisions of either the federal or state Constitution can be successfully invoked to aid this action, if the fact was that property of individuals would be taken thereunder without compensation. But the act was neither intended to, nor does it accomplish such a purpose. It was designed to confer a privilege, without which, perhaps, the use of steam might have been unlawful.. The people, having by an express law conferred the right to use steam upon the avenue, cannot, in an action in which they are plaintiffs, claim in their own behalf that what they have authorized is a public nuisance (Harris agt. Thompson, 9 Barbour, 350; see opinion of Hand, J., on pages 363, 364, 365, 366).
It is also urged, however, that the general public has, if the law is valid, lost the right to use the whole of Atlantic avenue as a street, as it existed at the time the act of 1876 was passed, and that such right of use constituted a property in the public, of which it is deprived without compensation, and for that reason such law is unconstitutional. That argument is equally unsound. The constitutional provisions do not reach public
It was also earnestly argued by the counsel of the plaintiffs that, by the action had under the act of 1859 and “the payment of the $130,000, the public acquired the franchise for the public use that the railway companies theretofore had,” and that now the public has an interest therein which the state cannot confer “ upon these private corporations.” Who the “ public ” are, which “ acquire the franchise for the public use,” we are not informed. If the city of Brooklyn was the acquirer, or a number of individuals so great that they can be called “ the public,” are the persons so styled, and are the successors to those rights, then it or they should enforce them. If the whole people are thereby intended, it is reasonably safe to say that the. state can, through its legislature, bestow its property as it deems best for the public good, unless restrained by the fundamental law. The .difficulty with the argument, however, is that there has been no purchase or transfer of a right at all, but simply the extinguishment or surrender of one. There was, as has been hereinbefore shown, no covenant nor agreement as to the future. If that was intended, such intention has never been expressed in a statute, nor embodied in any agreement, of which the plaintiffs or those for whose benefit this action is brought can avail themselves.
Second. But it is urged that the act is unconstitutional under section 18 of article 3 of the Constitution, which prohibits the legislature from passing “a private or local bill * * * granting to any corporation, association or individual the right to lay down railroad tracks;” or “ granting to
To the objection based upon the former of these two prohibitions, it is answered: That the act of 1876 confers no “ right to lay down railroad tracks.” The privilege so to do was one already enjoyed by both defendants as already existing railroad corporations. The act' simply gave legislative permission to use steam as a motive power on railroad tracks already constructed, the right to relay and repair which was an incident to the original grant. Very clearly, such a legislative permission to an existing corporation is not covered by the constitutional provision referred to (Matter of P. P. and C. I. R. R. Co., 67 N. Y., 371). In Hulburt agt. Banks (52 How., 196) I had occasion to consider the same article of the Constitution, which was then invoked to enjoin the improvement of a part of an existing highway as an "entrance or approach to a public park in the city of Albany, upon the ground, among others, that the law under which it was proposed to be done was one “ laying out, opening, altering, working or discontinuing roads, highways or alleys,” and therefore unconstitutional. The objection was overruled, and the conclusions then reached by me were sustained in the court of appeals (People ex rel. Commissioners agt. Banks, 67 N. Y., 568). Undoubtedly the language of that part of the Constitution, taking it in its literal sense, can be so construed as to prevent much useful legislation which it was not designed to reach; but it is, it seems to me, unsound reasoning to hold that the act of 1876 grants “the right to lay down railroad tracks,” because the use of steam power made a firmer and stronger track necessary. That law did not confer any such right. Its existing franchise did not require a roadway upon which steam could not be used. The right to substitute heavy for light rails, a strong and compact road-bed for one of lesser strength, was an incident of its previously acquired rights — a privilege it already had, though perhaps it would never have been exercised unless the act had been passed to
The Matter of Brooklyn, Winfield and Newtown Railroad Company (75 N. Y., 335) has no application. The court held in that case, where a corporation had ceased to exist by lapse •of time, that a statute which gave it new life under the prepense of enlarging the. time for the performance of certain '.things which had been originally required, and by reason of -not doing which it had forfeited its existence, was void, 'because, literally, it was by such act attempted to confer “ the •right to lay down railroad tracks.” But neither that nor any decision to which my attention has been directed holds that some privilege may not, by a special act, be conferred upon a living corporate being, and so narrows legislative action, by a literal interpretation of the words of the Constitution as to make impossible relief which cannot be provided for by general laws, and against which the constitutional prohibition was not aimed.
The “exclusive privilege” or “franchise” which it is alleged the defendants obtain under the law, is not, by me at least, perceivable. The prohibition is to a grant which, in words, is .exclusive. It may be true that conferring upon A. authority to do an act may practically prohibit B. from doing the same thing, because the latter may be unwilling to compete with the former; but so long as B. is left free to act, and nothing ¡has been done which, if valid, would enable A. to
In conclusion it is proper to say, that if every argument used in behalf of the plaintiffs has not been discussed, that I see no principle whatever on which this action can be sustained. The defendants own a railroad franchise which they are enjoying in a way authorized by the public law of the state. If they are trespassers upon private property, they may be prosecuted by those who are injured. A minute and somewhat protracted examination and discussion of every point urged by the plaintiffs (though possibly some one in a printed brief of 100 pages may have been overlooked) leads me to the same conclusion which other judges (Blatchford, Gilbert, ¡Nelson and Osborn) have reached, and that is, that not one is tenable. The defendants are-, therefore, entitled to judgment, with costs.